Super template lottery system

Chapter 408 Barnock Prison

Chapter 408 Barnock Prison

The next day came in a blink of an eye. On the night of this day, Luan Fang and Na Yue'an managed to find the most famous building in Battle Lion City based on the information they obtained.

Barnock Prison.

The name of this prison is named after Barnock. Why is this happening?
Because this prison was proposed and built by Barnock. Of course, the most used car seat prisons are still human craftsmen.

For people, the human race is a very familiar race. They are weak and not proficient in anything, but they are familiar with most of everything.

Of course, there are also some masters who are proficient in certain things, but the orcs can't see such masters at all, because these masters are either hidden in the human empire, or they are doing things for the human empire. Came to work in their orc empire.

Why is it said that Barnock Prison is the most notable building in War Lion City, because, before this prison was built, War Lion City was actually a veritable city of crime.

In the Battle Lion City at that time, the streets were covered with garbage, dust, wreckage, and even excrement. On the streets, there were a group of poor orcs in ragged clothes, or slaves from other races. At that time, you were It is impossible to see wealthy foreign businessmen walking on the streets.

Because no one was willing to come to this city at all. In the Battle Lion City at that time, businessmen came here and earned less than a penny!
Sin, poverty, and chaos, these three words were used to describe the Battle Lion City at that time.

And all these changes came from the arrival of Barnock.

Barnock was born in War Lion City and lived in it for ten years. No one knows the specific details, but being able to live in such a chaotic city for ten years is enough to show Barnock's strength, and that is, in the tenth In [-], the Orc Empire sent a consul of the Elephant Human Race to be in charge of everything in War Lion City.

And that is, in No. 11, Barnock hacked to death an assassin from the half-orc organization on the street, and rescued a captain under the elephant-human consul.

From then on, Anok officially began his life. No, no, it should be said that he was a beast.

Barnock, starting from a small team leader at the bottom of the Lion City, walked step by step to a higher position. First, he alone wiped out a human-made drug manufacturer hiding in the city's underground. Afterwards, he led a team of orc guards to wipe out the largest casino in Lion City at that time, which brought huge funds for the start of Lion City.

Afterwards, he began to inspect every corner of the city. As long as he walked, any, remember, any incidents that violated the clockwork laws of the Orc Empire would disappear without a trace. .

Later, Barnock became the deputy city lord of War Lion City and organized the construction of this huge prison.

At the end of the same year, the underground forces hidden under the Lion City of War started the largest operation of dark forces in the history of the Lion City of War on the day the prison was built.

Almost all the underground forces took action, launching a war of resistance against the elephant-human city lord and Barnock.

In the end, the city lord of the Elephant Human Race died in battle, but all the underground forces that attacked that day were completely wiped out.

Most of the people were imprisoned forever in the prison that had just been built that day, and because of this incident, the prison was named Barnock Prison, and Barnock himself was also because of the clean-up of the entire city. Thanks to his credit, he became the city lord of the Lion Warrior City.

This happened 20 years ago. Lu Fang also inquired about it from some intelligence organizations. As for why there are such things as intelligence organizations in the Lion City, it is of course because intelligence organizations are legal in the whole world. yes.

However, if you want to enter an intelligence organization to obtain information, you need certain qualifications. Lu Fang doesn't have the so-called qualifications, so...he entered by himself.

As for whether the intelligence organization will retaliate against Lu Fang in the future, it is hard to say. Compared with a small stronghold and a human swordsman whose combat power is equivalent to breaking through the bottleneck eight times, which one is more important?
No one will give Lu Fang an answer, and Lu Fang doesn't need such an answer.

When night came, Lu Fang and Na Yue'an came to this huge prison.

The prison was built in a huge rock wall. It seems that the inside of the rock wall was hollowed out and the prison was built in it. The advantage of this is obvious, that is, if someone wants to escape from prison, he can You can only come out from the front, unless that person has the ability to dig through the rock wall.

Another advantage is that if someone robs the prison, those who rob the prison can only attack through the front, and it will become extremely difficult to break through the prison.

Does Lu Fang need to break through this prison?Obviously, that is unnecessary. Lu Fang just came to check if the dog girl and the two reincarnations are here. If they are, Lu Fang will find a way to rescue the dog girl. Lu Fang will find a way to kill the two reincarnations first. If they can't be killed, then they might as well put them in prison.

"By the way, I can definitely arrest these two people, so that the main god space will not be able to dispatch more reincarnations, maybe."

[Host, please don’t dream. This is a stupid mistake that even a three-year-old child would not make. The main god space has a very strict mechanism, and it is impossible for such loopholes to occur. 】

[If the host really does this, I think the greater chance should be that the main god space will directly kill the two reincarnations, or continue to expand the cracks in the plane and release more powerful reincarnations. 】

[Until the world barrier is fully repaired, the love host should not think about such unreliable things. 】

"Well, you are the system and you are right."

Lu Fang nodded helplessly, although he didn't think this method might work, but the system just exposed him and said it, it feels a bit.
"never mind."

Looking at the prison gate in front of him, Lu Fang and Na Yue'an looked at each other, and then quietly touched it.

The exposed part of the prison looks like a huge half-egg. The egg is made of solid granite. The surface looks smooth, and there is no place to climb.

Colleagues, Lu Fang also noticed that the entire prison seemed to be able to isolate all elements from the outside world, resulting in no elements to be added inside the prison. In other words, the prisoners in the prison had no means to use things like fighting spirit. , a means of fighting spirit.

As for why no prisoner escaped with physical strength, Lu Fang still needs to investigate carefully.

"Wait, what is this?"

Lu Fang suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in a shadow of the prison wall.

(End of this chapter)

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