Super template lottery system

Chapter 409 This piece of paper.......

Chapter 409 This piece of paper.
After Lu Fang focused his attention on that thing, Na Yue'an also followed Lu Fang's gaze and saw what Lu Fang was looking at.

"A blank sheet of paper?"

Na Yue'an said with some uncertainty, and then, she took her own steps and walked slowly towards the blank paper. Of course, Na Yue'an was careful to hide herself on the way to the blank paper. stature.

But Lu Fang was very simple, he just walked over generously, even if he walked in front of the orc guards guarding the gate, the orc guards subconsciously ignored Lu Fang.

He obviously ignored it subconsciously because Lu Fang minimized his own sense of existence. Among the pedestrians coming and going on the street, the position Lu Fang was going to was the wall of their prison, and his colleagues were also wearing clothes. A black robe.

If it was normal, these orc guards would definitely look at Lu Fang with vigilant eyes, and when Lu Fang came to the prison wall, holding a long knife in his hand, they would angrily shout at Lu Fang, making Lu Fang leave, but , Now, as if they didn't see Lu Fang, they let Lu Fang come to the wall.

And it wasn't until he got closer that Lu Fang realized that what fell on the ground was indeed a blank piece of paper, but he had something special about him.

Especially in those places, that's because he is not just a piece of white paper, but a "somewhat" dirty white paper, in fact, it is dirty, it is better to say it is a little disgusting.

On this piece of paper, a distribution map of the interior terrain of the prison was drawn. In one place, a small circle was drawn, and the position of this circle was on the rock wall behind the entire prison.

And why do you say that this piece of paper is a bit disgusting, because the picture on this piece of paper is, unexpectedly, drawn with feces
Drilled into the nostrils, there is a trace of dilute powder (I really dare not type this word, because, just describing it, I feel nauseated.), this taste, without a doubt, is definitely drinking water Drank too much.

And what is the most insane thing?That is the back of the paper, and the content, which is written on the paper, and Lu Fang needs to turn the paper over to see the content behind it.

To be honest, Lu Fang already had the idea of ​​turning his head and leaving at this time, but when he saw the word dog and mouse written on the paper, he fell silent again.

what to do?Should I turn this paper over.

In Lu Fang's mind, at this time, he had already made up such a picture. The dog girl was locked in the prison, and she used that to draw this drawing, and then threw the paper from the window above the prison. (Please rest assured, I am not so serious, this piece of paper was not drawn by Miss Dog Mouse)

"Do you want to turn Na Yuean over?" Lu Fang turned his gaze to Na Yuean, but at this moment, Na Yuean also turned his head and shifted his gaze to Lu Fang body.


Lu Fang turned his head away and silently dismissed the idea.

After pondering for two seconds, Lu slowed down and slowly pulled out the long knife in his hand. Looking at the sharp and glorious blade of the long knife in his hand, Lu Fang gently stroked the blade with his hand, and murmured in a low voice:

"Don't worry, my knife is very fast and very accurate. I will definitely let you fly the paper without touching it."


Just as Lu Fang finished speaking, the long knife in his hand vibrated rapidly, almost falling out of Lu Fang's palm.

Lu Fang was not surprised by this. There is a sword spirit inside this long knife, and Lu Fang knows it. Moreover, Lu Fang feels that the origin of this knife spirit is definitely not simple. Several times before, the reason why Lu Fang was able to Defeating the enemy is all because of the special changes in this long knife that made Lu Fang's strength break through.

Although it seems that every breakthrough is related to him, but the specific reason is not clear to Lu Fang.

The hand holding the knife was strong, holding the knife in both hands, and Lu Fang stood the knife in front of him.Feeling the rapidly vibrating blade in his hand and the vibration from his hand, Lu Fang said with a straight face:

"Don't worry, I will never touch it. If you touch it, you can hack me to death."

After hearing Lu Fang's words, the long knife in his hand couldn't help shaking more intensely, and it quickly turned into a fluid, as if he was going to change his shape to change the ending of flying paper.

"If you continue like this, maybe I will really let you touch the paper." Looking at the long knife in his hand, Lu Fang said truthfully.

The fluid in his hand paused for a moment, then slowly changed into the shape of a long knife, returned to his hand and returned to his hand, this time, the blade did not tremble at all.

Looking at the long knife in his hand, Lu Fang smiled and said:

"Don't worry, how could I let my weapon touch that kind of thing? Even if the weapon is willing, I can't possibly be willing."

After Lu Fang finished speaking, he waved the long knife in his hand, and after waving the long knife, there was a gust of prestige, and he gently turned the paper over.

Why would Lu Fang make such a joke?Is Lu Fang really boring?That's impossible. The reason why Lu Fang made that kind of joke was actually just to test the long knife. After all, Lu Fang couldn't guarantee whether the long knife was with him.

There are too many doubts about this long knife, and Lu Fang doesn't even bother to ask.

For example, where did this long knife come from, why did it appear on the protagonist he created, and was the long knife written by his sister Lu Yuean?

who knows.
Lu Fang suddenly thought of something. At this moment, he suddenly heard that this book was written by his sister, that is to say, his sister must know about this long knife!
Of course, the premise is to let my sister continue to write this book.

Of course, Lu Fang's younger sister, Lu Yue'an is already dead at this time, her soul is in Na Yue'an's body, but!

Don't forget, the golden disc in Lu Fang's brain, according to the system, can travel back to modern times, but after the energy is used up, it seems to have to come back once, and then wait until the next time the energy is full again.

However, relying on this, Lu Fang may be able to solve many troubles in the world of "Huan Dao", not only in these two months, but after Lu Fang completes the system tasks, he can permanently unlock "Huan Dao" "international.

A flash of excitement flashed in Lu Fang's eyes, because he was finally able to meet his sister again.

To be honest, Lu Fang couldn't wait at this time, and hoped that the energy of the golden disc in the dark space could recover soon.

"However, it's better to settle the business first at this time."

Lu Fang looked at the flipped paper, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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