Start from the old nine gates

Chapter 100 Insect Valley 5

Chapter 100 Insect Valley 5
This was the first time Chen Yuan saw a ghost.

The strongest feature of this female ghost is that it is invisible and will not suffer any physical damage.

But it just so happens that this is indeed what Chen Yuan is best at.

It has to be said that the red-clothed female ghost in front of her is quite pretty, with a delicate face, and a black flame line is beautifully carved between her eyebrows.

However, the action did not slow down in the slightest.

This female ghost has consciousness and can't think, which was confirmed by Chen Yuan just now.

The mental power condensed into needles and penetrated into the body of the female ghost in red, carefully observing every inch of its structure and every composition, like the texture in the palm of your hand.

Inside that beautiful ketone body is a vast empty land.

Soon, Chen Yuan found the core of the female ghost.

In the brain of this red-clothed female ghost, there is a ray of black ink-like special existence hovering in the middle, and as soon as the spirit gets closer, it feels hatred, pain, and resentment.

Chen Yuan listened carefully, the wailing sound of thousands of people kept ringing in his ears, and countless negative emotions came along with the sound.

The originally vague feeling suddenly became clear.

Chen Yuan's mental barrier, like a thin film, was directly penetrated.

Countless feelings of torture poured in like a tide through mental power.

Chen Yuan snorted.

"not good."

Chen Yuan hastily withdrew his mental power, and a trace of fear arose in his heart, that feeling really made people not want to experience it again.

All kinds of torture, all kinds of criminal laws

"Is it refined based on the endless resentment of strangers?"

At this time, Chen Yuan seemed to have a clear understanding of the existence of this red-clothed female ghost.

This is somewhat similar to the power of faith. The power of faith is formed by people's prayers, but the red-clothed female ghost in front of him is formed by endless hatred.

The strength of the power of resentment is definitely beyond the reach of one person.

It is not so much a female ghost as it is a monster formed by the condensed power of resentment from countless people.

outside world,

Gong Ruomei came to Chen Yuan's side, watched the black air flow in Chen Yuan's palm constantly rushing around, and asked with a little confusion in her words:
"Master, is there any monster?"

Even though he had tried his best to observe everything around him, there was still nothing abnormal.

Only when he sees that black air current, he can't help but feel inexplicable heart palpitations.

"No." Chen Yuan was awakened by Gong Ruomei's voice, and said gently, "That's just a poor and pathetic guy."

As he spoke, Chen Yuan continued to press down with five fingers on his palm, turning it into an amber-shaped bead.

Although Chen Yuan still wants to continue to study, but now is not the time, here, there is a more important thing.

"Apprentice, it's us." Chen Yuan glanced at Gong Ruomei, and said softly, "It's time to meet the real master here."

"Is the real master Xian Wang?"

Gong Ruomei was shocked when she heard the words. She has seen too many unbelievable things that broke the world view. The most important thing is that the owner of the tomb here, namely King Xian, wants to Become a fairy.

Xian, what a sacred and revered word.

Has the other party really become a fairy?

My heart is filled with a feeling of curiosity, exploring the unknown, and witnessing the indescribable feeling of history. At this moment, it seems that the blood in my body is speeding up and boiling.

on the stone bridge.

"Come on, reach out."

Chen Yuan turned his head, and stretched out a palm as white as jade in front of Gong Ruomei.

Gong Ruomei unconsciously showed a blush on her face, she silently stretched out her little hands, put them on them, and put them together, with different body temperatures intertwined, which made people feel a touch of warmth.

"Are you ready?"

Gong Ruomei didn't speak, but nodded silently.

Chen Yuan withdrew his gaze and lowered his eyes. Those eyes that could penetrate everything seemed to attract some attention, and a pair of eyes that had been sleeping for thousands of years slowly opened.

Binocular gaze.

Immediately afterwards, an icy, piercing piercing cold force stirred up the entire lake, went upstream, and swept towards it with an aura that would destroy everything.

"Don't you welcome me as a guest?" Chen Yuan murmured softly, and then calmly said to himself: "But that's not for you."

"Let's go."

Chen Yuan said to his apprentice, pulled him, and jumped towards the endless clouds below, and then put a spiritual barrier around the two of them.

Accelerating, accelerating, accelerating, the calm air has now become the most terrifying killing weapon, constantly hitting the mental barrier, causing thousands of degrees of heat to rise due to friction.

Chen Yuan and Gong Ruomei.

Like a meteorite falling from the sky to the earth, there were sonic booms in the air.

Rotating at a certain angle, pulling the surrounding air, forming a black storm that connects the sky and the earth, just like the demon king who destroyed the world came to the world.


This force has far exceeded the limit that Chen Yuan's mental power can achieve.

Rather than saying that this is Chen Yuan's power, it is not that Chen Yuan's introduction successfully used the laws of physics to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

One is piercingly cold, rolling upwards, like a death scythe that destroys everything against the sky; the other is scorching hot, with endless black clouds swirling around it, like a world-destroying demon coming to the world.

At the moment when the two forces collided, time and space seemed to stand still.

Suddenly, a ray of incomparably dazzling light appeared.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes subconsciously.

Immeasurable light and heat followed, like a volcano that had been accumulating for tens of millions of years, shrinking slightly, and then erupting with a bang, the invisible shock wave spread in all directions.

The mountain rocks cracked, setting off tens of thousands of catties of lake water.

Hundreds of millions of hectares of smoke and dust turned into real air waves and rolled crazily, and all tangible and intangible substances were pushed away by a huge force that filled the sky and the earth.

"Father, what's the matter?"

"Ada, hurry up, it's too late, quickly find a place to hide."

On top of the panic on the old patriarch's face, he saw an invisible air wave in the distance, like a white line, spreading at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

Before the words were finished, the air wave had already swept over, like a typhoon of magnitude six or seven rushing towards him.

Xue Laodao, standing on the top of the mountain facing the endless gust of wind, his clothes were blown apart, but nothing remained.

Look far away, toward the source.

"This power is really incredible."

A frightening force rose slowly from the mountains in the distance, and the smoke and dust all over the sky made it unreal.

"Could it be the previous senior, but, is this something human can achieve?"

No wonder, no wonder, that senior didn't even bother to snatch the method of prolonging his own life. I'm afraid that any senior didn't know the old monsters that survived from that era.

That's right, he can find a way to prolong his life, let alone that senior.

(End of this chapter)

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