Chapter 99
To be honest, it’s a bit embarrassing. I haven’t decided on my writing method until now. Although I try to choose novels with good writing to study, time is still a big problem.

Even though it is on the shelves now, there is not enough time.

I originally planned to write about it after I finished my work in November, and I updated two chapters every day, but I didn't expect it to be put on the shelves so soon.

Now it can only continue to be updated.

In the next chapters, I think there should still be some progress. You can also take a look, and you can ask questions if you have any questions. I will not delete comments.Whatever you want to say, just say it directly. I will try my best to take the time to read it.

It has been 3 months since I started writing, and I also want to see when I can't hold on, don't scold, smile.

(End of this chapter)

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