Chapter 80 Rescue 2
Fan Dianyuan, who was entrusted, returned to his tent and the first thing he did was to gather acquaintances from his hometown.

Soon, a dozen or so men gathered.

Whispering, looking at Fan Dianyuan standing with a look of anticipation in their eyes, most of them had heard some news more or less before they came.

"Seeing that the world is in such a catastrophe, the immortals deliberately descended to save the world."

Such ignorant remarks are naturally scoffed at by those who have seen some of the world, but they are deeply believed by ordinary people who have been farmers for generations and have never been out of a county.

Believe it or not, the pile of grain standing like a hill stands straight there, and the fact that it is like iron proves it all.

Fan Dianyuan looked at the villagers in front of him. Now, there were only such a few people left, and the joy in his heart disappeared instantly.

Sort out the language and express your thoughts one by one.

Fan Dianyuan, who received Chen Yuan's attention, was actually extremely terrified in his heart. It was a kind of trust and a kind of pressure to entrust such a heavy burden to himself.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, I really regard the other party as a fairy.

How can such a person not be called a "immortal" to save all the people from the fire and water.

The reason why these folks from the countryside were called here was that they planned to first set up a guard team to protect the food.

They are all from the same country, they know the basics, and they are safe to use.

Finally, the issue that everyone is most concerned about, that is, everyone's salary, is tentatively set at 1 catty of grain per person per day.

Although it is divided equally among several members of the family, this amount of food is not too much.

But at this point in time, it would be great to have a stable way to get food.

After the talk was over, each person was given a catty of grain to take back to fill their stomachs, so that they would have the strength to guard the grain.

Fan Dianyuan also heaved a sigh of relief seeing everyone leave with a smile after receiving the food.

"Come on, let me see the baby."

Back in the tent, he took the newborn baby from his wife, looked at the shiny black eyes, and said cheerfully:

"This kid looks so energetic!"

"Yeah, since being hugged by that Immortal Chen, the child's complexion has improved a lot."

His wife was leaning on the pillow, with a smile on her pale face that she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Boss, please give the child a name."

Fan Dianyuan looked at the child, and then thought about it. When it was born, there would be a fairy carrier who hoped to come. Looking at the child who was ignorant in his hands, he seemed to say with emotion:
"As soon as you were born, you met an immortal. Since you are destined to be an immortal, let's call you Fan Qiuxian."

in the afternoon,

Fan Dianyuan led a group of young and middle-aged men, and walked towards the grain pile under the gaze of everyone.

"Miss Gong, I am here to take over the food at the order of Immortal Chen."

Fan Dianyuan looked at the girl in front of him and said in a low voice.


Gong Ruomei, who had received Chen Yuan's instructions a long time ago, responded indifferently, and left directly.

"You guys must show me the food and collect it well, so that you don't make any mistakes."

Fan Dianyuan turned around and gave instructions to the group of people behind him.

"Don't worry, boss. I promise that without your order, there will be no shortage of these grains."

A man with a scarred face patted himself on the chest and said, and then other people also made noises. They had a full meal and regained some strength, and they would never allow anyone to destroy it.

"This Fan Dong's family has really been appreciated by the immortals."

Some disaster victims who were watching from the side, thought of this scene with envy and jealousy.

Time went round and round, and night came in the blink of an eye.

A circle of people surrounded a bonfire.

Fan Dianyuan, who was sitting in the middle, was the first to speak:

"Everyone, I called everyone this time, and I have guessed something compared to everyone's mind."

Fan Dianyuan glanced at the seven people in front of him. Except for two middle-aged people, the others were all highly respected people in various villages.

He continued: "I am not hiding anything. This time I am lucky enough to be appreciated by the immortal and take charge of the food distribution work this time."

"The reason why everyone is called this time is to discuss how to distribute the food. At the same time, I also hope that everyone will not have any small thoughts."

"You know, the immortal is not far away."

Fan Dianyuan pointed at one place, pulled Chen Yuan's tiger skin, and showed both kindness and power, which also set the tone for this exchange.

Everyone didn't make a sound, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

It's hard to say whether it's a fairy or not, but everyone has seen the strength of that fairy Gong before.

Stick, stick twice,

An old man sitting on the right side of Fan Dianyuan tapped his bong, attracting everyone's attention.

"Fan Dong's family is right, it's already at this time, survival is the most important thing." The old man said with a hoarse throat:
"cough, cough, cough"

Then he coughed a few times and continued: "Then let me say a few words first. Although this batch of food is a lot, if there is no limit, it will not last for a few months."

"I'm thinking, let's establish a rule first, control the food in our hands, and then distribute it slowly."

"Old man Huang is right, but his thoughts are a little shallow."

The old man sitting opposite saw the old man Huang speak, and immediately confronted him: "Do you know how many months it is now?"

"Let me tell you, it's October, and it will be winter in a month or two. At that time, even if there is food, many people will freeze to death."

"I see that it is better to directly let the villagers exchange their labor for food, and build a house that can keep out the cold in the past two months."

Fan Dianyuan, who was at the side, couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words.

Although these old people don't know the big truth, they still have a strong sensitivity in some things, such as the issue of winter, which I don't think much about.

With the beginning of the two old men, others also put forward their own suggestions.

Fan Dianyuan nodded again and again, and recorded the good suggestions one by one, and kept them for now if there were any problems.

The discussion didn't end until midnight.

Before leaving, Fan Dianyuan stood up, waved his hand, and asked someone to bring over seven bags of rice: "Tonight, I am grateful for your suggestions. This is my heart, and please help me."

After some courtesies, the seven returned to their residences with smiles all over their faces.

Obviously very satisfied with Fan Dianyuan's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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