Chapter 81 Rescue 3
When the figures dispersed, the smile on Fan Dianyuan's face slowly subsided.

"Father, why did you send them so much food, and they have no shortage of food."

A beautiful figure came to him and asked incomprehensibly.

"Xingxing, it's not the lack of food. They are the most prestigious and prestigious people among the people around them. If you want to manage these villagers well, you can't do without the help of them."

Fan Dianyuan said earnestly, teaching Xing Xing the principles of life.

"You are still young, and you don't understand the importance of understanding the world. Thousands of hungry villagers are waiting for food. If there are no these prestigious people to suppress them, something will happen."

This world is not simply black and white, let alone if I treat you well, the other party will be grateful.

What's more, with so many people, Fan Dianyuan is beyond his reach, and he can't manage it alone.

Huang Hongsheng slowly returned to his residence, which was surrounded by tents.

In the middle of the tent, through the light of the candles on the small table, one could see a middle-aged man eating hungrily, picking up a few pickles from time to time.

"Erhu, you are back, tell me how the situation in the provincial capital is."

Huang Hongsheng's eyes lit up, he sat aside, and hurriedly asked.

"Father, please don't." Swallowing the rice in his mouth, he continued: "Stop talking, the gates of the provincial capital are now sealed, and no one is allowed to enter or exit."

Huang Hongsheng frowned,
"What about your cousin in the provincial capital? Didn't you ask him for help?"

As soon as he said that, he got angry, Huang Erhu complained and said: "I looked for my cousin, and he said that it is not impossible to enter, just take out a hundred catties of grain."

with a snap.

Hearing this, Huang Hongsheng slapped the table suddenly, and said with a gloomy face: "Bastard, this white-eyed wolf, has he forgotten how he himself became the team leader?"

Having been a landlord for so many years, he also has a lot of momentum. This sudden explosion shocked Huang Erhu and the few female relatives in the tent.

However, Huang Hongsheng quickly calmed down again, and asked, "How is the situation in the provincial capital now?"

"The situation in the provincial capital is not very good, but the normal order is still maintained, but the price of food is a bit high." Huang Erhu replied in a huff.

"That's good, at least you can buy food. It's like outside, there is nothing, and money is a pile of waste paper in your hands."

Huang Hongsheng took a sip from his teacup and said slowly.

"Father, what should we do? We can't get a hundred catties of grain." Huang Erhu said.

"Who said we don't have any." He said, pointing to a bag of food outside the tent.

"Father, the food you got there!"

Dragging the grain in, he opened his mouth, looking at the white grain inside, Huang Erhu had a look of surprise on his face.

Huang Hongsheng recounted what happened in the last two days.

"Since the other party is willing to distribute food, shall we still go to the provincial capital?" Huang Erhu asked hesitantly.

"Of course I want to go." Huang Hongsheng said without the slightest hesitation: "The food looks like a lot, but if it is given to everyone, it will last for a few days."

In Huang Hongsheng's eyes, this act of distributing food for disaster relief was just an impulsive decision made by Huang Kou'er because he couldn't see the suffering in the world for a while.

You must know that the victims of the disaster are not limited to this point, and there is no safe way to go to the provincial capital.

"If you do this, go to the provincial capital again and tell your cousin the news here, and use this bag of grain in exchange for us to enter the provincial capital." Huang Hongsheng's heart moved, and he quickly made a decision.

Time flies, and it has already arrived ten days later.

On the originally quiet loess land, now it is a scene full of excitement.

Thousands of people came and went, some set up stoves and fired mud bricks; some came from afar carrying wood; women were weaving clothes.

Each performs its own duties and conducts its own work.

On the land that was originally dead and heavy, there was a faint vitality and vitality.

Every time someone looks at a courtyard built with yellow bricks not far away, they will be filled with unparalleled gratitude.

All of this is naturally because there is a person living there, a person who brings them hope.

"Boss, it's not good, the big thing is not good."

"Look at you, you look in a hurry." Fan Dianyuan looked at the blind deer that was crawling over in a hurry, and after he took a few breaths, he asked, "What's the matter, what happened?" Something happened."

"Boss, something is wrong, the provincial police station has sent someone over."

"What, someone from the provincial capital police station is here." Fan Dianyuan looked surprised, as if he realized something, and quickly said: "Well, blind deer, you hold them back first, and I will come later."

in the courtyard,
Huhu fist wind exploded.

Gong Ruomei is concentrating on practicing boxing. She has a very high talent and is strict with herself. She spends a few hours every day practicing boxing.

The slender hands contain amazing power, all kinds of strength can be changed from firm to soft, and the fist moves are all skilled in the heart and can be sent and received freely.

Under Chen Yuan's supervision, he has made rapid progress, and his grasp of the dark energy has reached an extremely deep level, and every move is accompanied by energy.

If it continues at this speed, it won't be long before you can touch a trace of the mystery of Huajin.

Chen Yuan sat on the stone bench, showing a hint of satisfaction, and then his mind sank into his body, his blood was condensed like mercury and lead, almost stagnant.

In the dantian, there is a bright red inner alchemy the size of a pigeon egg, with streaks of light golden lines, this is the so-called state of holding alchemy.

After receiving Gong Ruoyu's undisguised professor, Chen Yuan finally achieved the state of Baodan a few days ago.

This is a unique feeling, different from the improvement of mental power, different from the increase in pure strength, it is like the sublimation of the scale of life.

But it was a little bit worse, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The sound of knocking on the door brought Chen Yuan back to his mind, his eyes moved slightly, and he saw Fan Dianyuan standing outside the door with an anxious expression on his face.

Gong Ruomei also stopped practicing boxing, her pores opened, her body was steaming, and a circle of white mist rose.

The body trembled slightly, wiped off the sweat, and came behind Chen Yuan.

"come in!"

Following Chen Yuan's voice, Fan Dianyuan, who was wearing a black coat, walked in quickly

"What's the matter, what happened again?"

Lifting his eyelids, Chen Yuan asked lightly,
Before, every two or three days, the other party would come over to ask for help, either because of this or that; however, today he seemed much more anxious than usual.

"Chen Xianren, it's like this. The police station in the provincial capital sent someone over just now."

(End of this chapter)

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