Chapter 231 Tall Tank
"Is this thing a meteorite?"

Xie Yannan took out the meteorite's hand this time, and didn't carry Shiliu on his back, Shiliu saw it clearly.

"It's a meteorite. I found it on Fanshan Mountain before. I don't think it's a big deal, so I have been keeping it."

He smiled humbly, after all, he was guarded against Shiliu at the beginning, so he naturally felt a little guilty after lying.

"So I recognized it for the first time. The wavelength of this stone is unusual..."

As Shiliu said, his voice was a little choked, which made Xie Yannan a little at a loss.

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose. You know, after all, we didn't know each other well before, and the last days are... chaotic."

Xie Yannan thought that Shiliu's intrusive emotions were due to his own deception.

Unexpectedly, he burst out crying, "It's okay, this stone just reminds me of many things in the past."

Shiliu seemed unwilling to say anything more, waved his hands again and again, and then went back to the cave alone to rest.

When he was about to disappear from Xie Yannan's sight, he couldn't help but turned around and said, "The energy of this stone is the same as the energy ring, and it's bigger than you imagined. If you don't know how to use it, I can assist you."

auxiliary? !
Xie Yannan frowned. Is this stone an alien meteorite?How can he help?Could it be that Sixteen is not from Earth? !

"Sixteen, if you have any secrets, you can tell me with confidence, and I will keep them for you."

There are no intelligent creatures like Shiliu on Earth, not even robots can reach this level.Because before the appointment with the gentleman of Shiliu, he only asked about his personal affairs, now that he mentioned it and he was on the same boat, Xie Yannan was naturally interested to know.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Shiliu waved his hand again, telling Xie Yannan not to follow.

"It's fine."

Although Xie Yannan said that it was fine as long as he was fine, he was already certain in his heart that Shiliu and the meteorite should have a great connection.

After all, Shiliu has always been calm, and his emotions just broke down.

However, Shiliu didn't want to say that Xie Yannan would definitely not force him, but he still planned to find out if there were any clues he had missed.

After all, he met Shiliu nearby, but he has not met his other companions for so long, which is a bit illogical in itself.

He slowed down, thinking that he was almost busy with things today, so he planned to take a rest, and suddenly remembered the task issued by the system.

Couldn't help but sighed, and opened it cautiously.

Every time the system releases a task, although it is a bit harsh, the result of the task is basically helpful for Xie Yannan to take the next step, so he still thinks that although he has a little conflict in his heart, he still has to complete this task in the end.

[The system releases new tasks]

【Collect stones】

【Target: [-] grains】

[Schematic diagram of stone: presented in the form of projection]

【Target Location: Yunxia Mountain】

[Task completion reward: you can complete a project for free with surface materials]

Xie Yannan was shocked. Just now he was thinking about how to build a bullet tunnel and connect his shelter with the weapons base. The system immediately pushed a task.

The reward for completing the task is to build a project.

Xie Yannan smiled, it seems that this matter must be done.

Looking for rocks? !

This task sounds like it should be much easier than finding shells or something, but when I look at the map projected by the system, I can't help but be shocked. This is a meteorite.

Although the system cannot recognize the meteorite, the appearance on it is exactly the same as the meteorite, without any difference.

The system also gave the search range by the way, Yunxia Mountain, the location of Yunxia Mountain is just next to Fanshan Mountain, two adjacent mountains, but the altitude of Yunxia Mountain seems to be higher.

Xie Yannan didn't want to bother today and planned to go and have a look tomorrow.

Of course, before going there, I still have to go to the weapon base to take a look, otherwise Ma Wu would not know what happened there by himself.

Xie Yannan stretched and returned to the bedroom.

It's still early today, Wei Xiaofei didn't sleep, she didn't review her homework for a long time, just happened to try various postures today.


Early in the morning, before dawn, Xie Yannan pulled his arm away from Wei Xiaofei's neck, and hurriedly summoned Xiaoxiao and Shiliu to go to the weapon base first, and then go to Yunxia Mountain to look for meteorites.

As soon as he entered the weapon base, he saw a pile of papers densely packed on the ground.

All above are all kinds of data and graphic design.

"I have made preliminary plans for the transformation of all the weapons currently available."

Ma Wu stretched and stood up from the ground.

Although the current tank is the most common tracked tank, it can be transformed into a tall tank.

Inspired by bouncing cars.

General tanks rely on tracks to roll and slide on the ground, but bouncing tanks rely on wheels.

Four legs are supported, each leg is about two meters long, and the strongest metal is used to support the entire body of the tank.

There is a single caster under each foot.

Tanks that originally glide on tracks are limited by the inflexibility of track direction changes, so the universal wheels are fully mentioned for improvement.

Moreover, the body of the tank is raised, the range of the tank has become farther, and the accuracy has been greatly improved.

Of course, the defect is also very obvious, because the body is elevated, and things in close range can no longer attack.

And because of the fake tank's feet and wheels, it is limited to use on flat bottoms.

Even ordinary hillsides are not good. Unlike tracked tanks, shorter hillsides can still be climbed up.

But on the whole, it is much better than ordinary tanks, mainly in the flexibility and precision of attacks.

In addition, Ma Wu then took out another blueprint.

This is a variant of the Tall Tank, an upgraded version.But the appearance does not look any different from tall tanks.

Ma Wu pointed at the drawings and explained to Xie Yannan.

For heat-sensitive tanks, a layer of special material will be painted on the outside of the tank's body. This material can control the invisibility according to the temperature difference between day and night.

During the day, the entire tank is invisible, but at night, it will be automatically displayed for everyone to repair and maintain.

Another advantage of being invisible is that it creates the illusion that the shelter has no defense, making it easier for the opponent to relax their vigilance, which makes it easier to win the battle.

"I plan to design and modify a total of six stealth tanks, which will be placed in six locations outside the shelter."

Set to automatic mode, if there is an enemy approaching, it will automatically attack.

(End of this chapter)

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