Chapter 49 The Realm of Zombies

"Uncle Jiu has returned to Yizhuang, and where should I go?!" After watching Uncle Jiu go away, Huang Tian also began to think about his future.


【Name: Huang Tian】

【Age: 0 years old】

[Perception: 1 (enlightened elm)]

[Physique: 215 (Battle Scum)]

[Appearance: 0 (rare in the world)]

【Luck: 100000 (peerless in the world)】

[Taoism: 100 years (stiffness: the body is extremely hard, ordinary mahogany swords and other magic weapons cannot break through your defenses, you are not afraid of ordinary fire, and you are not afraid of the sun!)]

[Talent: Invulnerability to guns and guns (unremarkable), more courageous as you fight (after battle, your strength will not decline due to the decline in physical strength)]

After Huang Tian couldn't think of where he should go for a while, he looked at his attributes. He hadn't looked carefully when he broke through just now, but now he realized just how powerful body stiffness is after looking closely!

After a hundred years of practice, he has already ignored ordinary flames and the sun, and even the mahogany sword, which has the greatest restraint on him, has no effect.

This means that even if he encounters a Taoist or something in the future, the damage bonus of the mahogany sword to him will be gone, and he will only be able to receive real damage from mana and spells. Although this is still restrained by him, it is still better. A lot!
Now ordinary Taoist priests may not even be able to break through his defenses. Of course, Taoist priests who have practiced offensive spells can still hurt him.

"I don't know what the state above the body stiffness is, so I always don't know the state in the future, and I don't know what the corresponding state is. Regarding this, I really have a headache." Huang Tian, ​​who was deceived by this thing, couldn't help but made a complaint.

If it wasn't because he couldn't know the various abilities brought about by his body stiffness in advance, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation.

If he had known earlier, he would have the cheek to ask Uncle Jiu for some blood essence for him to break through his cultivation!

[The level span of body zombies is too large. There are copper armored corpses, iron armored corpses, silver armored corpses, and golden armored corpses. After 200 years of practice, you can break through to copper armored corpses. The defense of copper armored corpses has increased significantly, so It is known as the bronze armored corpse.A person who has practiced Taoism for 500 years can break through to the Iron Armored Corpse. After a thousand years of Taoist cultivation, he can break through to the Silver Armored Corpse. After 2000 years of cultivation, he can break through to the Gold Armored Corpse. 】

As Huang Tian complained, a large line of words automatically appeared behind the body stiffness. Huang Tian looked at it confidently, and finally understood some descriptions of the realm. The most specific description was the bronze armored corpse, and the descriptions later on The more blurry it becomes, the more the Golden Armored Corpse explains in just one sentence what level of cultivation it takes to achieve a breakthrough.

"It seems that this realm is gradually ascending, and there are several small realms! From a hundred years of Taoism to 2000 years of Taoism, this span is really huge! But having said that, these realms are basically considered to be the next realm! I just don’t know why they are forcibly classified into the same realm!” Looking at the realms described by the system, these are basically different realms, but I don’t know why they are still classified into such a large category as body stiffness.

Every time a level is raised, the increase in combat power is indescribable, and it is extremely powerful. Bronze armored corpses can basically hang and beat stiff zombies, while iron armored corpses are even more excessive. It is almost as strong as copper armored corpses Level up!

Not only is he good at spells, but he is also in good health!How powerful this body is!The most important thing is that the armored corpse can still fly!This is also commonly known as flying stiffness!
If the zombies can really fly, then the last loophole has been filled. If you encounter a ghost of the same level, then don't even think about running away, because the zombies can also fly at this time!
This kind of zombie can no longer improve its cultivation by sucking blood, but by relying on its soul!To put it simply, he is almost like a land god!

But the silver-armored corpse is no different from ordinary people in one sentence, which means that as long as he breaks through to the silver-armored corpse, he can basically return to a human form!Of course, it doesn't really become a human being, but it can be disguised as a human being.

After digesting all these in an instant, Huang Tian began to think about where he should go next, whether to go away directly, or go back and tell Master Ren, after all, he is still good to him.

"Huh?! Let's go back to Ren's Mansion first!" After thinking about it, Huang Tian decided to go back to Ren's Mansion first. After all, he had to tell Master Ren before leaving. At least he wouldn't have to look for the gloomy wood coffin.

In addition, the house in the woods does not need to be built, because he is about to start a wandering career.

Before the sky really got bright, he quickly jumped towards Renjia Town. Fortunately, this place was not far from Renjia Town, and with his current cultivation level, he could jump like flying.

With a random jump, it was as if he was flying, and he could jump to a distance of more than ten meters or even more than 20 meters, and this was only the distance he jumped lightly.

Although he can't fly yet, in fact he is not much slower than flying. After all, he just needs to stop halfway to recharge his energy.


Renjia Town, Renfu.

Ren Fa also woke up at this time. Although he slept very late due to business reasons, he woke up much earlier than before. He also clearly knew that because he was getting older, he slept more and more. Come less and less.

The reason why people sleep less and less is because they are getting closer and closer to death. If you don’t do something you want to do now, you will never be able to do it after death. Can't wake up, this is his view of people.

Newborns sleep the longest, and the older they are, the less time they can fall asleep, because they are getting closer to long sleep, so there is no need to worry about being so sleepy anymore.

After he clearly felt that his body was getting worse day by day, he became more and more eager to see his daughter Ren Tingting get married and see their family have children.

Of course, the best thing is to recruit a son-in-law to come back. If that doesn't work, then the Ren family's property will be given to others, as long as he treats Tingting well for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't because of his health, he would even marry Tingting and raise his grandson's surname to inherit the family property himself!
It's a pity that I was ignorant when I was young, and I am not in good health when I am old.

After urging Ren Tingting several times, she didn't see any interest in this aspect. Instead, after hearing Huang Tian's speech last time, she became more interested in Taoism.

These days, I bought a lot of Taoist books in the room to read, and Ren Fa gave me a headache after reading them.

This headache made him sick, and this sickness was like a mountain falling, he couldn't breathe under the pressure, and now he can only lie on the bed, recalling the time when he was young.

At that time, his father was extremely strict, but he loved him as the only son in the family. After enjoying a lifetime of glory and wealth, he even left no heirs when he was old.

This made him feel a little regretful. When he was young, he was useless and only gave birth to a daughter, but then he couldn't have another one. When he was old, he couldn't see his daughter getting married.

(End of this chapter)

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