Chapter 118 Nightmare
Thanks to the power blast, Li Tianyu eliminated all the zombies surrounding him in one go, but more and more zombies were surrounding him.In fact, he himself is not worried about these zombies, he can leave whenever he wants, the key is not to let these zombies go to the survivors.Currently, most of the zombies on his side are attracted to him.

The remaining small part is still pushing towards the restaurant of the gas station, but Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing can easily deal with them.So, the problem now is Liu Zihao's side.

"Attention, the charging blast will cause the suit to overheat and it will take 1 minute to cool down the equipment before continuing to use the next charging blast." Liu Zihao reminded.

"I see. You find a way to lure those zombies away and let those survivors get in the car." Li Tianyu contacted Liu Zihao through the battle armor, and Liu Zihao hurriedly replied: "I'm already doing it, you take care of your side Just fine!"

"Okay!" Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows, then turned to the zombie in front of him, cut off its neck with a knife, then lifted his foot to kick the rushing zombie away, raised his hand and released a shock of electric energy, and Sweeping away like waving a whip, knocked a large number of zombies into the air, but it was just knocked into the air.The strength of the electric shock is not enough to kill the zombies.

Especially in the case of this kind of group attack, it is impossible for every zombie to hit the deadly part of the head and neck.

But Li Tianyu also noticed an obvious thing, that is, there are more and more zombies around him, and he has to frequently use group skills to knock them into the air or knock them down.

Fortunately, lightning also has a paralyzing effect. Even for zombies, lightning can make them unable to move for a while.And Li Tianyu has another advantage, that is, this heavy rain, rainwater can become a good conductor.

"Discharge, 5000 million volts!" Li Tianyu raised his hand and pressed it to the ground. The electric snake spread in all directions along the stagnant water on the ground, and all the zombies around him trembled violently due to the electric shock.Although the skill of discharge is a basic skill, it also has its advantages, that is, it can continue to discharge until the target dies.Unless the enemy's physique is too strong, there is enough ability to break free in the state of discharge.

Li Tianyu doesn't need to think about anything else, as long as the discharge continues.He couldn't see how many zombies there were in the dark, and he didn't know from which angle the zombies were approaching. Anyway, the rain would spread the lightning 360 degrees away. As long as he approached him, the zombies would be paralyzed by the electricity.

The surrounding zombies kept trembling. From time to time, a few zombies burst into flames because they couldn't bear the strong electric shock, and finally turned into charred corpses and fell to the ground. Li Tianyu continued to maintain the electric shock. Devil fruit does not consume mana, but it still consumes physical strength , Keeping this action for too long made Li Tianyu's back ache and his arms cramped. He knew he couldn't hold on for much longer.

"Tianyu, come here quickly, everyone is getting in the car!" At this time, Shen Yan replied through his earphones.

"Received." Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and raised his hands, and the zombies around him fell to the ground one after another.He looked around and counted roughly, at least hundreds of zombies were trapped in this place by him with lightning and paralyzed.However, only a dozen of them were actually electrocuted to death by him. I have to say that these guys are really resistant to beating.

Although these zombies still can't threaten them players, it is still very troublesome to be strong.

Li Tianyu disarmed his Thunder God armor, then activated the heart network, and used Thunder Shift to teleport back to the car.

"I've caught you!" Shen Yan grabbed his arm and dragged him into the car, and the bus started to move forward immediately.

"Huh... this heavy rain is really terrible." Li Tianyu wiped the rain from his face and exclaimed. He just took off the rain when he took off the Thor armor, and his whole body was almost soaked.

And he was fine, everyone in the car was almost wet.But right now, he can't take care of so much, because his heart network can sense that a large number of zombies are encircling them.

The driver drove the bus forward, knocked seven or eight of the surrounding zombies into the air, and then wobbled onto the road, barely moving forward on the muddy road.But the situation is not very optimistic, because of the heavy rain and bad road conditions, the speed of the car is too slow.

The zombies were chasing after him, and they seemed to be catching up.Seeing this, Li Tianyu sighed helplessly, then opened the car window, leaned out half of his body, raised his hand and aimed at the zombie behind, Thunder Dragon roared and rushed out, the thunder light walked on the zombie and at the same time illuminated the darkness That night, everyone in the car couldn't help but gasped.

Those zombies were crowded on the road, like a dense swarm of rats, and people with trypophobia might faint on the spot.It can be seen that the road behind those zombies is also crowded with other zombies, it is impossible to count how many there are.

The thunder dragon temporarily stopped their progress, but after the thunder dragon dissipated, the scene became dark again, and the bottomless darkness made people feel even more palpitating.

At this time, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, illuminating the scene, and the zombies in the darkness were squirming. Although the scene soon fell into darkness again, those zombies' red eyes flashing fiercely, and their blue veins The ferocious face that rose up was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind and could not be lingered.

"Oh my god... is this hell?" several people murmured, and a few others just burst into tears.

In fact, Li Tianyu also felt that this scene was terrible in his heart, especially the moment when thunder rang out and illuminated the scene. His heart seemed to beat violently, and when the scene went dark again, the ferocious faces of the zombies It was constantly magnifying in his field of vision.He swallowed nervously and said to himself: "Someone is going to have nightmares at night..."

However, they managed to get rid of the zombies, and the car moved forward steadily on the road, temporarily getting out of the predicament.Only now did Li Tianyu have time to tidy himself up, took the towel from Shen Yan and wiped his face.Then he found out that this towel was used by Shen Yan, and it also had the special scent of grass mixed with strawberries on her body.

"It's so annoying..." Li Tianyu couldn't help sighing, and Liu Zihao echoed: "Who said it wasn't... You know, what I can't bear the most is being woken up after not sleeping enough for eight hours. Makes me very irritable."

The people at the scene gave him a blank look, but no one said anything.In fact, everyone didn't have a good rest. Coupled with being so frightened and drenched, everyone's condition was not particularly good.Many people were trembling and looked weak. Li Tianyu knew that they couldn't move forward in this state. These NPCs couldn't hold on. If someone got sick or something, they would become a burden and slow down the entire team.

"Let's find a place to shelter from the rain and change clothes." Li Tianyu stood up and said, grabbing Liu Zihao's tablet, "Jarvis, can you point us to the nearest town or community?"

"Sorry, sir. The nearest hotel has already entered the city, and it is currently occupied by zombies. Finding a safe house there is not an option. Do you still want to enter the city?" Jarvis asked .

"In this case..." Li Tianyu thought for a while, then closed his eyes and opened his mind, after searching for a while, he came to the driver's side, pointed to the southeast direction and said, "Two kilometers ahead, there is a small restaurant on the roadside, it's not big. We can light a fire over there, dry our bodies, take a short rest to recover our spirits, and move forward, and now, those NPCs... you people can't hold on."

The driver nodded, and drove the car to the side road pointed by Li Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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