Chapter 119 Priorities

According to what Li Tianyu said, the driver drove for about two kilometers, and then saw a small restaurant on the side of the road.This restaurant is somewhat similar to those temporary dormitories on construction sites. It is built with temporary materials. It is only fifty or sixty square meters in total. After clearing all the tables and chairs inside, it can barely accommodate all twenty of them. .

Everyone looked very depressed. The morale that Shen Yan managed to muster last night disappeared in front of the zombies this morning. In addition, he didn't sleep well. Everyone, including the driver, was very tired. This state is not suitable for moving forward .

In fact, Li Tianyu himself didn't wake up, and now he has a severe headache due to the rain.

The second floor of this restaurant is the room where the couple who runs the restaurant live. Although it is not big, it is enough for them to take turns bathing and drying themselves.But originally they just grabbed their luggage and didn't bring enough. After getting wet last night, they had basically changed it. Now they had to borrow the clothes of the couple in this store, so that everyone looked very ugly. funny.

Funny clothes are better than none, though, and there aren't many options at this juncture.

"Oh, now I finally realize that the most troublesome thing is not the zombies, but the heavy rain." Li Tianyu looked at the dark clouds outside the window and muttered to himself. Stop the momentum.

Although it is summer in the outside world, the season in the background of this world should be autumn, which is still a little cool.

Their players have the ability to adapt, no matter what they wear, they will not feel cold or hot in the mission scene, but they will feel a little cold after the clothes are wet.Not to mention those NPCs. They were already weak, but after getting wet, they became much weaker. Several girls and old people were coughing now.

These people are simply cumbersome, but the mission requirement is to take this group of cumbersome to Busan, Li Tianyu can't help it.Although I don't know the reason yet, it should come in handy later.

"According to the weather forecast, it will continue to rain heavily for the next two or three days." Liu Zihao flipped through his tablet and said, and then turned to Li Tianyu, "Can you use Thunder to search for supplies and bring them back?"

"If it's something that can be put in the bag, it's fine, such as medicine and some food. But it's not good for things that need to be carried on the body." Li Tianyu shook his head, "When Lei moves, the body will become elemental, only my own clothes It will move with the contents of the bag."

"Hmm... After saying that, I seem to remember that there is a prop..." Liu Zihao rested his chin and pondered, as if he had thought of something, but he didn't say it now.

"Tianyu, we should find a place to hide and wait for this heavy rain to pass." Shen Yan said seriously, "This rain is too troublesome, and we don't have much to change clothes, and getting wet will affect our state. You can’t hold an umbrella while you’re chasing. Why don’t you just find a place and wait for the rain to lighten up before moving forward?”

"I'd like to..." Li Tianyu rubbed his forehead in annoyance and said, "It's okay if there are only four of us, but you have to bring these NPCs... Once we enter the city, we will attract all the zombies. Although I don't know the reason, but These zombies can find us when they are within 50 meters of us, this should be their system setting."

With that said, Li Tianyu turned to those NPCs: "If we take them with us, after being found by the zombies, they will soon attract all the zombies in the whole city."

"We can enter the building and get rid of those zombies." Liu Zihao suggested.

"But there are too many people, so it's hard to do it? Besides, there may be hidden zombies in the building. Even if you want to go, you have to clean up all the zombies in that building first." Zheng Nanxing asked back.

Indeed, if there are only four of them, there are actually many ways, but if you want to bring NPC with you, then few methods will work.At least, it's impossible to succeed with zero loss.Because moving forward with NPCs, it is definitely impossible to take care of everyone. Zombies are surrounding you from all directions, and sacrifices are inevitable.But that's the only option right now.

"Okay, here's the next plan." Li Tianyu said to those NPCs, "This rain is really too troublesome. If you continue to be trapped here, the zombies behind will catch up. So we have to do this."

With that said, Li Tianyu showed the map on the tablet to the NPC: "This is the nearest hotel to us. We are going to this place, and everyone will work together to clean up the zombies inside, and then wait inside for the heavy rain to pass."

"Oh, wait!" At this time, an uncle in his 40s stood up. This uncle is a veteran. After retiring from the army, he opened a moving company by himself. ...

"You mean, are we going to fight those zombies!? This is different from what we said at the beginning!" The veteran said dissatisfiedly, "We will be surrounded by zombies as soon as we pass? I can't let me The adventure of my wife and daughter!”

"So, what is the situation in your imagination?" Li Tianyu asked back, "Sit in the car and listen to music and watch movies, wait for us to kill all the zombies, and then you will happily drive into At the station, sitting on the high-speed rail and waking up to the military quarantine area? Wake up! Are we going on a spring outing?"

"But..." The veteran was still a little unwilling, and Li Tianyu said impatiently: "You are really worried, so protect your family! We will definitely try our best to protect you, but the current situation requires everyone to Only by working together can we deal with it. Only the four of us? The end result is that everyone dies here, so you should figure it out for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu opened his heart network to perceive, and now the zombies were gathering towards them again.

He guessed it was a mechanism of the scene, that once they stayed in a certain place for too long, the zombies would gather and attack them.Judging from the advancing speed of those zombies, they still have half an hour at most.

"Clean up, get ready for the road." Li Tianyu reminded, then opened the door and returned to the car.

He is actually not very good at communicating with these NPCs, the reason is very simple, because they are "NPCs" in his eyes, it is difficult for him to communicate with these people as real human beings, and he does not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan persuaded them inside for a while, and had to say that the condition of the survivors was still not very good, but they had no choice, so everyone could only get in the car.

Li Tianyu exhorted: "I am the only one who can perceive the enemy outside the field of vision, so I have to be with the survivors. Shen Yan, you and I will stay with the survivors to protect them and advance in the building. Little girl Together with the muscular man, you are responsible for opening the way and cleaning up the zombies that are chasing up from behind."

"It's clearly agreed to call someone Yan'er..." Shen Yan pouted and muttered in a low voice.

"Then remember the priority of protection. The first important thing is the translator, then the driver, and the third is the little nurse. The other people have similar priorities. If it doesn't work, just give up." Li Tianyu continued to warn.

Shen Yan and the others nodded, and Li Tianyu said with satisfaction: "Everyone, please sleep in the bus... Besides, is there anyone else who knows how to drive this kind of bus? Our driver also needs time to rest. He has been driving for a long time. car."

This kind of bus has an A3 driver's license, and ordinary private cars have an A1 driver's license, so the driving method is different.

A chubby man raised his hand, and Li Tianyu remembered that he was the owner of a supermarket, so he asked, "You will?"

"I...I have an A3 driver's license. I drove a bus when I was young." The boss raised his hand and said timidly.

"Raise his priority by one level." Li Tianyu added in a low voice.

"Wait," at this time, the veteran stood up with a serious expression, "If you want to fight, you have to arm yourself first, we can't just fight those zombies with bare hands like this."

Li Tianyu was silent for a while, then turned to Liu Zihao: "You, arm them."

(End of this chapter)

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