Chapter 155 Monopoly SP
"Sister Yanzi, the two of them were caught by us!" Zheng Nanxing immediately raised his hand to complain.

"What does it mean to be caught upright, just sitting and chatting..." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, dumbfounded, and Shen Yan came to his side and said calmly, "Sit over."

"No, I..." Li Tianyu didn't know what to say, but Shen Yan just interrupted him coldly, "Sit, pass, go."

"Oh." Li Tianyu swallowed, moved to the side, and Shen Yan sat down beside him.

"Can you stop pestering our team members all the time." Shen Yan asked with a polite smile, "Aren't there three people in your team? You can play with them."

And Lin Muxue took a sip of lemon tea with her cheek in one hand, and replied: "We are all on the same team, what does it matter? Why are you so alien. Besides, Brother Tianyu and I are just After discussing the cooperation, because my ability matches well with Brother Tianyu, don’t you think so?”

Shen Yan looked at her with a smile, and calmly replied: "I don't think so."

"But her and I's abilities are indeed..." Li Tianyu wanted to explain from the side, but Shen Yan looked at him with a smile, and then repeated: "No, this, what, I think."

"Okay..." Li Tianyu had no choice but to remain silent, scratching his head and feeling a little at a loss.Lin Duixue pouted slightly: "You are so stingy. Why are you so hostile? We are also teammates. We were going through life and death together a few days ago."

"There is no hostility, I just made it clear in advance." Shen Yan said with a smile.Lin Muxue leaned forward and asked tit for tat: "Oh? Really? But why do I think you are declaring sovereignty?"

"No way." Although Shen Yan smiled kindly on her face, her tone and posture clearly said: Yes, I am.

And Liu Zihao was determined to ruin this solo date, grabbed his phone and said with a smirk: "Ah, it's rare that everyone came so together, why don't we just have a two-team exchange meeting? Eight people are sure." It will be very lively, and it would be good for everyone to discuss the matching of abilities and what needs to be paid attention to in the next round of games, what do you think?"

"Oh, that's a great idea." Zheng Nanxing patted his little hands and said with a smile, "Let's do it like this!"

Thus, the date of two people turned into a date of eight people, and it was really thanks to Xia Ning and the three of them that they were willing to come.

Eight people changed to a big table, and then ordered some snacks, planning to pass the time here, stay up until noon and eat directly in the store, and then consider doing other things in the afternoon.

"By the way, how are your jobs going?" Li Tianyu asked while eating French fries. Xia Ning pressed her phone and said absent-mindedly, "My family runs a supermarket by itself. I help out in the supermarket during the day. Today is a working day, nothing to worry about." Guest, you are free."

"I quit my job. Although I don't have enough game points, I can exchange 10 with 60 GP points. I don't need to worry about money." Chang Jingwen disagrees, "Anyway, my GP is not very useful."

"I'm still at work." Shi Chao replied lightly, "Although it's a bit hard, it can avoid other people's suspicion. So I'm basically on the night shift now, and I have time to rest and complete tasks during the day, anyway. time to rest."

"I'm also going to resign." Shen Yan said angrily next to Li Tianyu, but Li Tianyu didn't notice this, but thought about another thing: "That's it... Now that we are all here, it just so happens I also have something serious to tell you."

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu's expression became serious: "Then, I think you should have known from the second round of the game that some people's abilities have tended to take shape, and the situation will be very troublesome after they take shape, so we have to Try to prevent them from getting the next round of SP rewards at the beginning of the next round of the game. To put it bluntly, it is to monopolize the SP rewards of the first round of the third round."

"In short, it is to prevent them from receiving SP rewards before the start of the third round of main missions, so that their abilities cannot be formed? In this way, we can establish the advantages of the previous round in the third round of main missions..." Xia Ningtuo He pouted his chin in thought, "Well, it's indeed a good idea... But, there are two problems. First, what if those people are on the same side as us?"

Li Tianyu immediately replied: "It doesn't matter if we are on the same side. I am very confident in my current ability and the members of our two teams. Even if neither player has the ability to form a player, we can still win."

"Hmm..." Xia Ning thought for a while, then asked again: "Then, the second type, we only have two teams, no matter what we can do to prevent all players from getting rewards, right? There will always be players who can grab SP , and those few who are quick to take shape are probably guys with some strength or some scheming, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"So, my suggestion is to break up the two teams into more teams at the beginning of the third round, such as three to four teams to participate in the game, so that there is a great chance to prevent them from getting the key A little SP." Li Tianyu replied, "Of course, I'm mainly referring to Zhang Yun, that guy's SP points should be enough for him to fully upgrade his special abilities immediately."

If Li Tianyu's guess is correct, it is very likely that Zhang Yun is short of the last point of SP to raise his dark fruit to LV5, and the level of ability absorbed by the dark fruit is the same as the level of the dark fruit. The fruit of darkness is LV5, and Renzhuli can also be raised to LV5, and the two abilities can reach LV5 at the same time, which is a great improvement for him.

The dark fruit is a special kind of natural fruit, which cannot be elementalized, so it may not have the awakening effect, but jinzhuli LV5 is already very strong.

Therefore, Li Tianyu must try his best to ensure that he does not get the rewards of the first round of the game after the third round of the game.

"But, will it be dangerous for two or three people to participate in the mission?" Chang Jingwen bit his thumb with some anxiety and said, "I'm not very confident in myself..."

"It doesn't matter. In ordinary missions, a team can only participate in a maximum of four people. If you bring a relatively strong player, two people should be able to handle a mission." Li Tianyu explained, "At present, Xia Ning, I, and Liu Zihao three Our personal abilities are all at a strong stage, and all three of us can complete the task with only one person.”

"It also makes sense..." Xia Ning thought for a while and replied, "Then let's form a 3+3+2 lineup."

"Then of course I'm on the same team as Brother Tianyu!" Zheng Nanxing immediately raised his hand and laughed, "Because they can only boost Brother Tianyu's lightning, so of course I am..."

"You are on the same team as Liu Zihao." Li Tianyu pointed to Liu Zihao and said, "You can also increase his charged shooting, right? His battle uniform is also convenient to take care of you in battle. If it were me, it would be difficult to take care of you To deal with other situations."

"Why is this..." Zheng Nanxing poked his fingers aggrievedly and muttered softly.

"Swallow, you..." Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan and said, but Shen Yan looked at him with a smile: "Huh?"

In fact, Li Tianyu originally wanted to put her and Chang Jingwen in a team, because their two abilities could match each other, and Chang Jingwen would provide her with weapons as an arsenal, while Shen Yan would attack.

"Just be on my team..." After seeing Shen Yan's expression, Li Tianyu suddenly changed his words.Shen Yan nodded in satisfaction: "Yes!"

"What about him?" Lin Muxue asked resentfully, "You also know that I am not good at melee combat, only Brother Tianyu can support me with your ability, and I can provide vision for your heart network, no one is better than me It is more suitable to form a team with you."

"Actually, my teleportation..." Xia Ning seemed to want to intervene at this moment, but Lin Muxue seemed to have stepped on him under the table, so Xia Ning shivered for a moment, and changed his words: "Now the level It's not enough to cooperate with you effectively, so you are indeed the most suitable to cooperate with Li Tianyu now."

Li Tianyu thought for a while, then made up his mind, and said with a smile: "Then wait until later, there is still a chance. After all, you are also a ruthless person. It would be too wasteful for three powerful people to gather in one team."

Lin Muxue's expression looked deeply shocked, while Shen Yan turned her face to the other side, not knowing what she was thinking.

"That's how it is. Shen Yan and I are on the same team. Liu Zihao, you and the little girl, and Xia Ning, take Mu Xuemei with you. The rest, Shi Chao and Chang Jingwen, I don't think the two of you can handle one task." Question, right?" Li Tianyu replied, "Of course the reward for forming four teams and occupying four missions is the best."

"Huh, who are you looking down on?" Shi Chao frowned and snorted coldly, "I don't need this guy, I..."

"Isn't this too dangerous?" Shen Yan said abruptly, but she still looked out of the window, "Four teams are still too much, three teams are fine. Let Lin Muxue come to our team, Xia Ning and Shi Chao There are also three people in the team, Chang Jingwen."

"Then..." Li Tianyu originally wanted Lin Muxue to join Liu Zihao and Zheng Nanxing's team, but when he thought about it carefully, Liu Zihao already had Zheng Nanxing to take care of him, and it would be a bit reluctant to have more Lin Muxue, so Shen Yan turned her head and looked at him He smiled and said, "The three of us form a team, right? Everyone should get along well, and don't be dragged down in the task."

"Chang Jingwen and I are just fine." Shi Chao frowned and said impatiently, then waved his hand at Xia Ning to drive him away: "Don't get in the way, Xia Ning, go and be with that muscular man and the brat Team, they're not very strong."

Li Tianyu was stunned: Shi Chao, doesn't he want to return Chang Jingwen's favor?Last time in the main mission, Shi Chao said that Chang Jingwen was eliminated because he saved him, and Shi Chao is a guy who doesn't like to owe others favors, so...

"I don't care." Xia Ning muttered, holding his chin, but he looked a little upset, as if he was hit by being kicked here and there.At this time, Zheng Nanxing said angrily: "Don't plan so well in advance, isn't there a mysterious mode? If this mode rewards SP, it will be in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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