Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 156 Mysterious Mode

Chapter 156 Mysterious Mode
Zheng Nanxing's words really reminded Li Tianyu that he seemed to be taking the mysterious mode too seriously.

From the time point of view, the mystery mode will start at [-] o'clock tomorrow night, but there is no other information, similar to the main mission, no number of participants, no mission requirements, no rewards.

Therefore, this mysterious mode actually made Li Tianyu a little uneasy.But after thinking about it, now is probably the most powerful period of his ability matching, and even Xia Ning's ability may be inferior to his, so there is no need to worry about any tasks.

"No matter what the task is, I am very confident now." Li Tianyu said with a smile.

"What? What happened after you came back from my house last night, that made you so confident?" Shen Yan smiled while holding her chin beside him, Liu Zihao suddenly trembled in shock: "What!? You went yesterday Shen Yan's house? You really..." Speaking of this, Liu Zihao covered his face and began to choke, "You heartbroken man! You've let me down so much, how could you do this to me!?"

"??? It's none of your business..." Li Tianyu rolled his eyes and couldn't help muttering.

"We agreed to be single together!? We agreed to wait until my Rem remains a virgin!" Liu Zihao roared.

"Hey! Keep your voice down, people around are watching!" Li Tianyu said angrily, "Besides, who told you to be single together!? Also, I just went to her house to sit for a while, because the bone fragment It’s just that the cooldown isn’t working! I’m still single, okay! Also, get out, Rem is mine! Don’t even try to touch her!”

"There are so many bad things that I don't know how to vomit." Shen Yan smiled wryly while resting her chin on the side.

"Hmph..." Shi Chao crossed his arms and sneered, "You guys want to touch Rem too? Let's go through my level first!"

"Even if I step on your body, I will chase Rem!" Chang Jingwen snorted and said excitedly, "I have been waiting for the mission to go to the RE0 world to be refreshed! Then, after entering, I can... ...Hehe, my lovely Rem..."

"You bastard, were you using my Rem to think about something nasty just now!?" Liu Zihao pointed at Chang Jingwen and growled, "Kill you, believe it or not!?"

"Oh, man." Lin Muxue sneered with her chin on the side, "The beauties in reality are left alone, and they are arguing about a two-dimensional woman... No wonder people have a bad impression of you .”

"Really, it's so childish, even a high school student like me thinks so." Zheng Nanxing also said disdainfully.

"Then, you don't look like Rem's true fan?" Shen Yan looked at Xia Ning with interest and asked.

"I already have a girlfriend." Xia Ning replied lightly while pressing the phone, but there was a hint of pride in her tone that couldn't be concealed.And then Lin Muxue added in a low voice: "It's just online dating, the two of them have never met."

"There is a video, okay!" Xia Ning became angry immediately, completely different from his usual calm appearance.

"We've met each other in the video? Have you ever held hands? Have you ever kissed? Papa..." Lin Muxue asked with a narrow smile.However, Xia Ning's face turned purple before she finished speaking, and she stood up abruptly and said, "I, I'm going to the toilet!"

"Hey, I didn't expect Xia Ning's unexpected innocence, it's so cute." Shen Yanlue couldn't help laughing.

Generally speaking, the gathering of eight people is actually quite enjoyable. After all, everyone is a nerd. Although the hobbies of otaku culture may be slightly different, they must generally overlap. Even the three girls Same.

Therefore, they can always find a topic that they can chat with. Even if it is not a topic that eight people can participate in, they can form several small groups to chat. Li Tianyu is really in a very happy mood.

He doesn't need to worry about what to say next at all, he doesn't need to think carefully about what to say to make everyone like him, he can just follow the topic naturally, which makes him feel extra relaxed.

Kind of like a real-life house party.Li Tianyu couldn't help but thought to himself with a smile, it was completely different from the blind dates he had participated in before, as well as the company's entertainment and gatherings, this kind of relaxed and joyful mood was unprecedented.

They didn't even intend to go out for a stroll, they just chatted in the restaurant, had lunch at noon, ordered an afternoon tea after lunch and continued chatting until dinner at night, and then they were ready to go home.

"Okay, let's stop here today." Li Tianyu looked at the time and said, "Don't hang out tomorrow. The mystery mode will be available tomorrow night. We need to keep our spirits up and wait for the specific content of the mission to be released."

"Well, then I'll go back." Xia Ning replied flatly, raising her hand before leaving, "I'm quite happy today."

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then grinned: "Hey, let's do this again next time, eight of us come out to play."

"Occasionally we can come out to play together." Lin Muxue muttered a little unconvinced, and then waved her cute little hand to Li Tianyu, "We can talk when we have time?"

"Well, I'm sorry today, there are so many people." Li Tianyu said with a wry smile.

"Really, you owe me a date." Lin Muxue smiled mischievously and left.

"Brother Tianyu, then I'll go back too." Zheng Nanxing said cheerfully, "Will you take me with you for future missions?"

"Well, don't worry." Li Tianyu patted her little head and said, Zheng Nanxing seemed to be enjoying it, so he smiled.

Then, Shi Chao and Chang Jingwen also left one after another. At this time, Liu Zihao pulled him mysteriously and whispered: "Brother Tianyu, listen to me, we must beware of that bastard Chang Jingwen. That dirty bastard, once he goes to RE0 In the mission world, we will definitely find a way to do nasty things to Rem, we must stop him..."

Li Tianyu was stunned, and then said with a solemn expression: "In the future, we must send someone to watch him at all times, and arrange someone we can trust to follow him when he is on mission. Once he has evil thoughts, we will immediately..."

As he spoke, Li Tianyu raised his thumb and swept across his neck, then nodded vigorously.

Liu Zihao narrowed his eyes, made eye contact, nodded, and left with the teleportation bone fragment.At this time, Shen Yan pinched Li Tianyu's ear and asked, "What are you guys discussing there? You look malicious."

"No, no, just in case you encounter certain tasks in the future, please tell me in advance." Li Tianyu said quickly.

"Hmph..." Shen Yan gave him a sideways look, then pursed her lips and smiled: "After you get back, let's rest early."

"Well, you too." Li Tianyu responded, and then yawned: he was a little sleepy after eating.

Just before he was about to leave, Shen Yan added another sentence: "Good night, Tianyu."

"Huh?" Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows, feeling as if something was different from usual, but this kind of thing was really difficult for him, so he could only reply: "Good night."

After everyone went back, Li Tianyu took a shower at home, and when he was brushing his hair, he remembered what was different. The first was that Shen Yan called him by his first name without surname, and the second was that she said goodnight to him. .

Although it is actually nothing to say, these two incidents seem to be the first time. It is possible to call him by name before, but this is the first time to say good night. Is this a sign of some kind of relationship improvement?

"Ah, it's too difficult..." Li Tianyu rubbed his head and sighed, and decided to give up thinking about it, because it would only make him have unnecessary expectations and unfounded hopes, so he was used to letting nature take its course.

After resting at home for a day, Li Tianyu's mood also became tense, because the mysterious mode was about to start.

He knew that other people were the same as him, so no one in the group spoke at the moment, and everyone was waiting for the answer to be revealed.

Finally, the countdown was over, and it was time to announce the task content of the mysterious mode. Li Tianyu grabbed his phone to check it.

"Start to choose the mysterious mode, the countdown is 5, 4, 3..." As the countdown begins, each mode begins to rotate on the screen of the phone, and Li Tianyu can vaguely see some "disaster coming", "monster invasion", and "seal release". Kind of, the rotation was too fast and he didn't see all of them clearly, but there are more than six modes at least, and the names seem to be subtle.

Finally, the countdown ended, and the option stayed on the task of "Removing the Seal".

What follows are the requirements and rewards of the task.

"Mystery mode: Two-dimensional invasion. There will be different numbers of seals in the world. Defeat monsters within the specified time to obtain seal information and unseal props. If the seal is successfully lifted, the influence of the Two-dimensional invasion will be cancelled. The city is affected by random disasters (earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, hail and other natural disasters), and the degree of disaster is determined by the progress of lifting the seal." Li Tianyu frowned as he looked at the description and detailed requirements of this mission.

Task reward: Calculated according to the progress of unsealing the seal. If the progress of unsealing the seal exceeds 70%, the value of "Two-dimensional Invasion" will decrease; if the progress of unsealing the seal is between 50% and 70%, the value of "Two-dimensional Invasion" will remain the same ; If the seal lifting progress is below 50%, the value of "Two-dimensional Invasion" will increase. When the Two-dimensional invasion value reaches a higher value, different Two-dimensional invasion phenomena will be triggered in the real world.The task will start in tens of seconds, 10, 9, 8...

"Hello!? What is this!" Li Tianyu was completely stunned for a moment: "What the hell is a two-dimensional invasion!"

However, he didn't have much time to think. As the countdown ended, the mission officially began. A line of mission instructions appeared on his mobile phone, very short and direct: find the seal of your city and remove it.

"That's it!?" Li Tianyu was stunned, and complained, "Is there no clearer instruction? At least give the monster refresh point or something!"

Instead of answering him, there was a roar from afar, and the ground seemed to be shaking slightly.

Li Tianyu secretly screamed that something was wrong, opened his heart net, and then rushed towards the direction where the roar came from.

(End of this chapter)

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