Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 349 Strengthening the Electric Shocker

Chapter 349 Strengthening the Electric Shocker
In The Lord of the Rings II, the protagonist is theoretically divided into four routes.Gandalf, the white-robed mage, was in one team, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were in the other team. Frodo and Sam went to Mordor to destroy the Lord of the Rings. Pippin and Merry were the fourth team.

Li Tianyu reckoned that everyone should be assigned to a team to perform tasks from multiple routes.

"It's a pity that we are not on the same team as Frodo." Shen Yan pouted and muttered.

"Really? But I'm very lucky, I hate spiders...spider silk can make me allergic." Li Tianyu laughed dryly.

"So, what should we do now? Wait here?" Shen Yan looked around and asked.

Li Tianyu thought about it. In fact, the road they took with Gandalf should not be a regular route. There is no such way as Gandalf in the normal route.He guessed it was because he and Shen Yan opened the hidden route of Iluvita's blessing in the main mission last time, so when they started the mission this time, they were with Gandalf.

This should save them a lot of time and encounter far fewer enemies along the way.

If it is the two roads of Aragorn and Frodona, there may be several encounters in the middle.

At this moment, Gandalf was examining the marks on the ground, walking all the way forward.

Li Tianyu followed behind Gandalf, waving for Shen Yan to follow.Gandalf inspected the traces on the ground and said, "It's the blood of the orcs. There was a battle here. I can feel the memory...and anger here." Then, Gandalf waved to them both: " Follow, over here."

Li Tianyu nodded to Shen Yan, and while opening his heart, a completely different feeling came over him.This time, it was no longer a 3D picture that appeared in front of his eyes, but the information was directly instilled into his mind.

This is different from before, because the previous heart network meant that he needed a period of time, about two seconds, to receive the information perceived by the heart network, but now he does not need these two seconds, and the information exists directly In his mind, he can know the terrain, people and animals perceived by the heart network, and even the outlines of the people he sees are much clearer, and he can distinguish the appearance.

This is the enhancement of the ability of the Electric Shock User to the Thunder Fruit, and it is not just the Electric Shock User. Because of the Thunder Emperor's "electromagnetic wave scanning" ability, he can not only see the detailed appearance of the scanned people and objects, but also their attributes. perceived.

"It's the two hobbits and the dryad." Li Tianyu whispered.

"Hey, did you perceive it in Xinwang?" Shen Yan asked in surprise, "Can you perceive it in such detail?"

Li Tianyu nodded, and not only could he see the appearance, but he could even tell which one was an ordinary tree and which one was a treant in this forest.The next moment, a tall tree man grabbed two hobbits and threw them in front of Gandalf.

The two hobbits looked up at Gandalf from the ground, and then looked surprised: "Gandalf?"

"Come on, young man." Gandalf held out his hand to them both: "We still have a task."

Then, Gandalf pulled the two of them aside and chattered, it should be to let them stay here to persuade the dryad to help them.Li Tianyu and Shen Yan had nothing to do, he suspected that they were just going through the motions.

Because Gandalf does not have any battles in the next episode, after explaining to the two hobbits, Gandalf will go back and wait for the meeting with Aragorn. During this period, encounters are impossible fighting.

Maybe this is the advantage of choosing to hide the plot, but unfortunately, this advantage was not put in the knockout round, but was used by them in the local area network.While Gandalf was talking, Li Tianyu chatted with Shen Yan.

"Yan'er, I reckon there won't be any plot in the next period of time." Li Tianyu frowned.

"Yeah, do you think we followed Gandalf because we unlocked the hidden plot in the first round of main missions? This road seems to be very safe." Shen Yan replied in a low voice, leaning over to hold him His arm, "If it's the same way as Frodo or Aragorn, I think I've already had a few encounters."

"I think so too." Li Tianyu frowned, "And it's still a while before we meet Aragorn. It's night now, and it's daytime when we meet Aragorn. That means we have to wait until tomorrow. Wasting time here ..."

"Why don't we go there first?" Shen Yan asked tentatively, "After that, Gandalf and Aragorn meet, won't they go to Rohan? The country of hussars. Then we can leave Gandalf and go first. Don't waste your time."

"Well, good idea. It just so happens that we can also try our new abilities on the road." Li Tianyu raised his brows and said happily, "That's it, anyway, let's go say hello to Gandalf."

Shen Yan nodded, and the two came to Gandalf's side together. Li Tianyu said, "Gandalf, is there anything else I can do to help you? If not..."

"We will go to Rohan first," Gandalf replied, "I still need your help, warriors. There will be a war in Rohan, the country of hussars. We need your strength to help us win this battle. Go straight to the east, across the plains, and you will see the land of Rohan, go warriors."

"His tasks were given smoothly, and I didn't even have room to interrupt." Li Tianyu complained in a low voice.

"It's like someone's sales call, let's finish talking quickly, and I won't give you a chance to interrupt." Shen Yan replied in a low voice, and then said to Gandalf with a smile: "Then we will go to Rohan first. Rohan see you?"

"There will be a tough battle ahead, please stick to me." Gandalf said solemnly.

But in fact, Li Tianyu and Shen Yan came here with the intention of going on an outing.

On the one hand, the strength of this plane is not strong, and on the other hand, there are no restrictions on their abilities. I believe there should be no difficulty.Li Tianyu reckoned that the task of this first round was for them to practice.

"Are we going to fly there?" Shen Yan asked, then cast a wink at Li Tianyu and teased: "I know it's not convenient for you to fly, so I can hug you with the princess?"

Li Tianyu glared at Shen Yan and smiled dryly, and Shen Yan blew him a kiss.

"I have a better idea." Li Tianyu replied, "How about walking?"

"Walking?" Shen Yan asked in surprise, and Li Tianyu nodded: "This work was written by Tolkien based on the British territory, and Britain is only such a big place. If you fly there now, you will arrive soon. of."

"So?" Shen Yan stared at him with winking eyes and smiled, Li Tianyu said seriously: "So, I suggest that we walk to avoid triggering some unnecessary plots. Afterwards, Gandalf and Aragorn will come together When we arrive in Rohan, we can wait for them to catch up before going there together. Have you forgotten that the king of Rohan is now controlled by that hermaphrodite?"

"It is Saruman who controls him, and that hermaphrodite is just Saruman's puppet." Shen Yan corrected.

At this moment, the king of Rohan is still under the control of Saruman, just a puppet, so now Li Tianyu and Shen Yan can't change the situation in Rohan, it's just a waste of time.

After that, when Gandalf brings Aragorn and the others to Rohan himself, he will naturally undo the magic that Saruman cast on the king of Rohan, and only then can the plot get on the right track.Therefore, Li Tianyu and Shen Yan would not be able to help if they went there early, and they might encounter unnecessary battles to waste their energy.

When Gandalf and the others caught up on horseback, it would be too late for Li Tianyu and Shen Yan to go with them.

"Just as long as you know what I mean." Li Tianyu sighed, put his arms around Shen Yan and raised his eyebrows and asked, "How about it? Do you want to have a date in another world in a way unique to us 'players'? This But outsiders can’t understand it.”

"Well, this suggestion sounds really good." Shen Yan covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "You are a person who is stupid outside, but you are very clever in the game world. The analysis is also very organized. Seeing I'm relieved that you're still so calm."

"Have you been worrying about this?" Li Tianyu asked in surprise.

"Yes, although you are my boyfriend now, you are still the leader of the team." Shen Yan nodded and said, "I don't want you to influence the judgment because of me, you have to know that you are actually the backbone of our team. Not to mention Whether you can make critical decisions, everyone is used to following your orders now, so as long as you can judge calmly, everyone will feel at ease."

"I see." Li Tianyu nodded, "Let's go then, I can try my new ability just now, so you can try your new skills casually too? Don't worry, I can keep up with you."

"En!" Shen Yan nodded cheerfully, then got up and flew forward.

Because Li Tianyu had a little extra SP, he upgraded his special ability "Electric Shocker" to two levels.The ability of the two-level electric shocker has not changed in terms of strengthening skills, but the magic value required to strengthen skills has been reduced, which is domineering. In addition, the voltage has increased from [-] million volts to [-] million volts. Li Tianyu is very satisfied with this growth curve.

Calculated in this way, the voltage should be as high as 20 billion when he reaches full level.

The ability improvement provided by the extra SP is still very high, so I believe he can occupy a big advantage in the first round of competition.Because before the start of the first knockout match, they can still get a little SP from the mission, which means that he can upgrade his special ability to LV3, and the voltage has 12 billion volts, which is a full six times the power of Zhoumu!
In this way, the weakness of Li Tianyu's electric shock ability was completely made up for.

In addition, because of the effect of Li Tianyu's "Thunder Awakening", all his skills can be optimized in form through thunder and lightning, which allows the strengthening of the electric shocker to also have an effect on the sixth form.

However, Liuying and Liuwangqiang are still independent skills and are not strengthened by the electric shocker.Of course, Li Tianyu didn't need the electric shocker to strengthen these two skills.Liuying and Liuwanglance are more like functional skills. Liuying is used to destroy props such as Hailoushi, while Liuwanglance is used to attack the enemy when his thunder and lightning cannot take effect.

Li Tianyu first tried to use "shave" once. After being strengthened by the electric shock, his "shave" no longer has a moving track, but directly teleports between two points, becoming a "flash".And it's not just "shaving", all displacement abilities, including moon steps and lightning moves, have become flashes, but the difference lies in distance, direction, and prelude actions.

Because Lei Yi moves too far, there will be a prelude action of about one second, which is actually weakened.

The previous Thunder Shift was released directly without waiting, but correspondingly, his shave basically did not consume physical energy, so it could keep flashing until the weapon's domineering energy was exhausted.However, the key point is also here: any strengthening skills require the consumption of haki. In other words, without haki skills, it cannot be strengthened, but the spirit of the pirate blood is not particularly high.

"Well, do you need to plan carefully when using it?" Li Tianyu pondered.

At this time, Li Tianyu suddenly noticed that his blue bar had changed from black and white to a silver-white blue bar. In the past, the black blue bar represented the domineering color of the armed forces, while the white color represented the domineering color of knowledge. one.

But although there is only one blue bar left, the total value of domineering has also doubled.After thinking about it, Li Tianyu felt that this should be regarded as a good thing: at least there would be no embarrassing situation where one of the armed arrogance or knowledge-based arrogance would be exhausted.

As for melee skills such as "Land Foot" and "Finger Gun", they are simply enhanced in power and have no special effects. Unlike skills such as Thunderbird and Thunder Dragon, each item except for the voltage increase There are additional effects.

For now, what Li Tianyu is most satisfied with is the skill "Flash". Canceling the movement trajectory allows him to move more freely without being predicted by the enemy in advance, and there is no longer a distinction between shaved and moon steps up.

Moreover, the short-distance flash consumes very little domineering, and can be used almost all the time.But Li Tianyu also knows that since the strengthening of each skill requires the use of domineering, with his current mana value, he must not be able to strengthen without thinking.

"Isn't this too cool?" Li Tianyu couldn't help sighing as he kept moving forward with flashes.

Compared with Shave and Thunder Shift, the best thing about Flash is that it can penetrate obstacles. With the help of Xinwang, it can reach even places that he can't see with the naked eye. It's more like a space jump.For example, there is a building in front of him. He can't see what it looks like inside the building, but the heart network can perceive the internal terrain, so he can move there.

Practicality aside, this way of moving is fun.

(End of this chapter)

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