Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 350 Village Defense Battle

Chapter 350 Village Defense Battle

Li Tianyu knew in his heart that after they left Gandalf, the next plot would be completely unknown. They might encounter Sauron or Saruman's subordinates, which would trigger unnecessary battles.And with Gandalf, who can help them in battle.

But Li Tianyu felt that if he couldn't beat a map of this level after two weeks, it would be a waste of time to upgrade.

Li Tianyu is still testing the strengthening effect and consumption of his ability little by little, but Shen Yan has already flown far above his head, but he is not worried, because now the precise perception range of his heart network is already two kilometers away, and the normal perception range is already two kilometers away. It was twenty kilometers, and it was impossible for Shen Yan to fly away from the range of his heart network perception.

Basically, the consumption of enhanced skills depends on the strength of the skill itself. For example, Thunderbird consumes very little domineering, while Lei Ying consumes a lot of domineering, which is similar to the previous consumption of armed domineering.

However, in addition to the real damage of the previous "Thunder of Chaos", the current enhanced skills also make his skills more functional, so he has to re-adapt to his playing style.

But among other things, Blink is still very cool to use.The biggest difference from the previous Shave and Thunder Move is that the surrounding scenery no longer has that kind of fast flashing process, but the surrounding environment changes in the blink of an eye.

The previous flickering landscape would actually make Li Tianyu feel motion sickness if used too much, and it would also consume a lot of energy, but the flickering is different now.The short-distance flashing consumes less energy, and doesn't require him to waste his physical strength, and he doesn't even need to make any movements. As soon as he moves his mind, the person moves accordingly, flying wherever he points, how cool it is.

And the use of flash does not need to open the heart network, as long as it is in a place where it can be seen, only the ultra-long-distance flash needs to open the heart network.But ultra-long-distance flashing requires a lot of domineering energy, so Li Tianyu would rather use Thunder Shift.

Li Tianyu kept using flash to move forward, and he was a little addicted to using it, but soon he found a group of troops within the perception range of Xinwang. Because it was not within the precise perception range, he was not sure who these enemies were.Shen Yan should have also noticed this group of people and stopped in time, so Li Tianyu immediately took the opportunity to chase after them with Lei Yi.

"Swallow." After Li Tianyu saw the surrounding environment clearly, he found the slender figure in front of him.

"Hush..." Shen Yan raised her index finger to him at this time and put it on her mouth to signal him to keep silent. Li Tianyu came to her side and leaned over her head to look. They are marching in neat formation.

"Are these orcs?" Li Tianyu asked curiously.

"Probably." Shen Yan said, pressing her little face close to hers. Her pink and tender skin felt particularly comfortable next to her. "Where do you think they will go? It feels like they are going in the same direction as us. "

"Going to Rohan, right?" Li Tianyu replied, "Do you still remember that in the early days of Lord of the Rings 2, it wasn't that a village in Rohan was attacked by orcs, and then the youngest prince in Rohan was injured and rushed to Rohan's village?" Call for help in the main city."

"But these plots should be fixed. Even if we go, we can't change them. Otherwise, the main plot of the movie will change and we won't be able to continue acting." Shen Yan asked curiously.

"Yes, we don't need to stop this group of strong orcs in advance." Li Tianyu lowered his voice and said, "If nothing else, it should be a branch plot or a main plot, so follow their direction and go there first. alright."

"En." Shen Yan nodded, and then flew forward with Li Tianyu after the team of orcs left.

Strong orcs are slightly different from half-orcs. They are orc soldiers bred by the white-robed mage Saruman in a new way. They are more fierce and stronger than half-orcs. The most important thing is that they are more loyal than half-orcs and absolutely obey Saruman's orders.

"Tianyu, is this your new way of moving?" Seeing Li Tianyu flashing behind her, Shen Yan asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's quite cool to use, although it's not as convenient as your flying as a way of moving." Li Tianyu kept flashing and said to Shen Yan, and Shen Yan raised her eyebrows: "You feel like it's a different way skills."

"Don't be surprised too early, each of the skills I've strengthened has different effects, just watch my performance later." Li Tianyu smiled triumphantly, and Shen Yanlue couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll watch your performance later."

Soon, a small village appeared in front of them, so Li Tianyu and Shen Yan landed early and came to this village.Shen Yan took Li Tianyu's hand and walked forward, while Li Tianyu looked at the village.

This is a very ordinary Lord of the Rings-style village. The villagers are busy everywhere, and some soldiers are patrolling around the village. There are less than 100 people in the whole village, and there are only about [-] people who are capable of fighting.

Moreover, the weapons and armor of these people are very simple, that is, some leather armor and wooden shields.But the orc team just now had at least nearly a hundred people and was well equipped. Once they approached this village, it would be a massacre.

"It seems that this is where the battle is about to take place." Li Tianyu reminded Shen Yan, "The fight will start later, you escort the villagers away, and I will deal with the pursuing enemies, understand?"

"But those orcs are still far away, right?" Shen Yan asked curiously, "Shall I find a place to eat? I'm hungry."

Li Tianyu opened his heart network and felt it. It is true that the orc soldiers are still more than ten kilometers away from them. Given the advancing speed of those orcs, it may take two or three hours to reach here.So they came to the tavern in this village, ordered a few dishes, and planned to try the "special dishes" of the world of Lord of the Rings.

A roast chicken, a roast pork knuckle, a few slices of buttered white bread, some fresh fruit and a glass of wine are considered the menu of this tavern.

"Don't tell me, although it's rough, it's really delicious." Shen Yan gnawed on the chicken leg and smiled.

"Indeed..." Li Tianyu sighed secretly.

It seems that the workmanship is so rough, it is simply roasted and brushed with some sauce, but the taste is surprisingly delicious.The same goes for the bread, which tastes raw and delicious, without any additives.

"I think the rhythm of the game is really good now." Shen Yan put the chicken bones on the side plate, then grabbed the wine glass and said with a smile, "We can experience the local culture of the Two-dimensional world like this , taste food from different planes, fight monsters and pretend to be heroes together, this is the fun of this game."

"Yes..." Li Tianyu replied with a smile, then took a sip of the wine, and immediately pushed the glass away with a bitter face.

Sure enough, he still couldn't taste this kind of alcoholic drink. Seeing this, a strong man next to him immediately teased: "What's wrong? Are you just weaned and still not used to adults' drinks? Hahaha!"

There was also laughter in the tavern at that time, Shen Yan looked at Li Tianyu with a smile and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry? It's just a bunch of NPCs, right?" Li Tianyu asked a little puzzled, and took a bite of the apple.

"But they have artificial AI." Shen Yan looked at the fat man next to him with interest and smiled.

"What's the matter, little girl?" The fat man patted his greasy belly and teased, "Want to taste a real man?"

There was another burst of laughter in the tavern, Shen Yan hooked her index finger at him with a smile, the fat man stood up and approached, while the others whistled and booed.Then Shen Yan raised her hand to the fat man, flicked her index finger lightly...

The next moment, the door of the tavern was smashed, the fat man crashed through the door of the tavern, and fell on a pile of straw outside the door.

It was only now that the tavern became quiet, and Shen Yan nodded in satisfaction.

"Why do you..." Li Tianyu said with a helpless dry smile, "I will protect them later."

"I can't help it, let them bully my man." Shen Yan sat down beside him with a smile, and put her arms around his arm.

"This development, why..." Li Tianyu frowned, feeling a little weird.Then he asked curiously: "Is your bloodline a bit different? It's an exaggeration to have such a great power with just a snap of your fingers."

"Yeah, my bloodline chose another one." Shen Yan nodded, "Amazon Lily."

Li Tianyu pondered for a moment, then tentatively asked: "You mean, the daughter country in One Piece?"

"That's right." Shen Yan smiled sweetly, "Only women can choose this bloodline, and its attributes are average, but its passive is very powerful, and it can have a domineering effect."

"Bring your own domineering?" Li Tianyu asked in surprise, although in the original work, all the warriors in Daughter Kingdom can use domineering, but this description of self-contained domineering is really very subtle, so he asked: "Be more specific. "

"It's just that the bloodline has its own arrogance, and the LV1 bloodline provides the domineering effect of LV1." Shen Yan said, resting her chin.

"Damn, isn't that invincible?" Li Tianyu asked incredulously, "Have your attributes exploded now?"

"I can't talk about it, but it is true that the battle was much easier." Shen Yan replied with a smile.

With Shen Yan's current ability, although she can use Hailoushi weapons when dealing with fruit-capable users, the additional attributes of Hailoushi weapons are not as many as matching weapons, but now the domineering effect provided by Amazon Lily completely makes up for all of her. Shortcomings.Even with the matching weapon in the dressup, she can attack the capable person, and there are additional attribute bonuses.

In this way, after Shen Yan's bloodline reaches the full level, it can provide her with 35 points of strength and constitution correction. This domineering effect comes from the bloodline, so it is not consumed and can always exist. This is really powerful.

"It's great to be a woman." Li Tianyu couldn't help sighing.

"What's the matter, the growth rate of the characters in Daughter Kingdom is very low." Shen Yan pinched his face and reprimanded him, then inserted a piece of pork and fed it to his mouth, "Ah javascript:——"

Li Tianyu opened his mouth to eat the piece of barbecue, and fell into deep thought: The abilities of the players in the second week have been greatly improved and improved, and everyone has begun to specialize in one aspect of ability, and it seems that it is not enough to focus on omnipotence. reason.For example, Shen Yan, now her attributes are more than ten points higher than Li Tianyu's, and she will occupy an absolute attribute advantage in close combat.

Li Tianyu has chosen long-distance now, it is better to avoid melee entanglement.

After enjoying this local set meal from the world of the Lord of the Rings with Shen Yan, Li Tianyu was eating fruit, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside, followed by a heart-piercing wail: "The strong orc—— !"

"Oh?! Are you here so soon?" Li Tianyu asked a little surprised, and put down the apple in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the outside began to fall into chaos, with screams, footsteps, and the wailing of animals, mixed with the roar of the orcs and the sound of cutting meat with sharp weapons.When Li Tianyu and Shen Yan came outside, a group of strong orcs had already broken into the gate of the village. At this moment, the strong orc in the lead held a human head in his hand and roared to the sky.

Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan to wink, Shen Yan nodded, picked up an orc, and then pressed it hard on the ground, the ground shook, and a crater with a diameter of two meters appeared.

"Everyone, follow me!" Shen Yan waved her hand and said, the villagers who were running away like headless chickens immediately followed as if they saw a straw, and the strong orcs chased after them.At this moment, Li Tianyu stepped in and stood in front of the orc soldiers, licking his lips excitedly: "It's just a matter of practicing with you..."

Immediately, Li Tianyu threw a Chain Lightning of Chaos. After being strengthened by the Electric Shocker, the bounce target of the Chain Lightning of Chaos changed from five people to ten people, and every time it bounced between the targets, the power would increase instead of weakening. .

This chain of lightning strikes out and quickly jumps between the orcs. The upper limit of [-] million volts plus the real damage of Chaos Thunder and the passive effect of electric charge detonation directly turn the orcs on the scene into scorched corpses.

"Hey! This power... is [-] million volts!" Li Tianyu couldn't help sighing, and then used the Thunder Dragon of Chaos.The strengthened Thunder Dragon of Chaos will split into two Thunder Dragons, one black and one white, and attack the target from two directions. If the two Thunder Dragons collide...

There was a sound of "crack!", the black and white thunder dragons collided together, and a circle of electromagnetic waves spread outward. The orcs within a diameter of ten meters did not even appear to be shocked by the electric shock, but directly turned into a pile of skeletons. The black charcoal scattered into a field of ashes.

"Again...a finger of death!" Li Tianyu raised his index finger, and a black lightning bolt pointed directly at a strong orc soldier, turning more than a dozen strong orc soldiers along the way into scorched corpses.After being strengthened, the finger of death becomes a straight line emitting similar to laser light. At the same time, all enemies within the attack range receive equal damage, and the scattered attacks are hit on one point.

With these three skills, most of the orcs on the scene were already dead.

(End of this chapter)

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