Chapter 366 Reckless
This time Li Tianyu was sure that the target was them, but before Li Tianyu could act, Xia Ning waved his hand and sent out a mini qigong wave, blowing away the ice gun.But in the next blink of an eye, the golden-haired man named Kai came in front of them.Li Tianyu had foreseen the opponent's attack line, and stretched out his hand to push Xia Ning's chest.

The two retreated to both sides, dodging Kai's attack, while Li Tianyu raised his index finger and lightly rested on Kai's chest, a flash of lightning passed through, Kai's expression was a bit surprised, but then he was shocked by the shock. Convulsively, he fell from mid-air, but managed a somersault before landing on the ground.

"This guy..." Li Tianyu was also slightly surprised, "He has such a high physique."

Although he didn't use the Thunder of Chaos, after all, he already had a voltage of 12 billion volts. Even ordinary lightning could definitely not withstand it so easily. The other party's bloodline must have given him an extremely high physique.

"Come down!" Fujikawa threw his fist abruptly, as if hitting a transparent glass, cracks spread from the glass, and the shock also spread from in front of him, and the building where Li Tianyu and Xia Ning were located also followed crumbling and collapsing.

Li Tianyu and Xia Ning jumped together from the collapsed building and landed on the ground, but they were also surrounded by these four people.Li Tianyu was not particularly worried. Although the situation was not good, it was absolutely no problem to escape.

"Oh? A guy I haven't seen before." Fujikawa knocked Cong Yunqie on the ground, looked at Li Tianyu and Xia Ning in front of him, and said, "Should be a foreign player, right? This looks...Korean, or Chinese? Well, it’s all good. But I didn’t expect to meet guys from foreign servers here.”

"Oh, it's cute, isn't it?" The girl named Nana covered her mouth and smiled, but her expression suddenly became gloomy, and her eyes shone with pink light: "I really want to love them a lot."

"Hmph." Li Tianyu sneered, and replied, "Don't think it's great that you have a rich local two-dimensional culture."

"But it's true, isn't it?" the girl in black dress named Yuxi asked lightly, "When it comes to Two-dimensional culture, the more mainstream ones today are nothing more than European and American DC, Marvel, and various Japanese animations. It is South Korea and India that have their own local Two-dimensional culture, but in terms of perfection, there is no doubt that these two animation systems are more complete.”

Although Li Tianyu didn't want to admit it, in his heart he felt that what the girl said was not wrong.

In fact, every country has its own local two-dimensional culture, but in terms of perfection, the two-dimensional culture of DC, Marvel and Japan is more systematic and more complete in terms of ability, so when it comes to actual combat, it is still these two The capability combination of a large system is more advantageous.Maybe South Korea, Thailand, and India have their own unique two-dimensional culture, but because they don’t have the complete skills and settings as in Japanese and American comics, they don’t have an advantage in actual combat, and at most it’s just a surprise attack Effect.

Once the settings and effects of those rare abilities are known, these rare abilities will not have an advantage.

However, when talking about this, the girl named Yuxi suddenly changed the topic: "You should be the same, right? Although you are from another country, your abilities are still set in Japanese and American comics. "

Originally, Li Tianyu didn't pay much attention to it, but this sentence added by the girl immediately aroused his vigilance.

This sentence is undoubtedly trying to catch him, trying to figure out whether their abilities are derived from the well-known Japanese and American comics or some unpopular local Two-dimensional culture.This shows that she should still be a little wary of those unpopular abilities. After all, regardless of whether the ability system is perfect, the surprise effect of unpopular abilities when they first meet happens to be the most threatening.

"Oh? That's not sure." Li Tianyu said with a sneer, "Have you ever heard of Xianxia culture? Five thunders strike the top, huh?"

In fact, from his expression, Li Tianyu knew that Youxi didn't believe it, but it didn't matter, he just wanted to confuse it, after all, the two sides would soon find out each other's details after the official fight.

Li Tianyu wanted to get some information out of this conversation, but at this moment the golden-haired man "Kai" suddenly rushed towards Li Tianyu.Li Tianyu was taken aback. If it wasn't for the knowledgeable domineering that helped him foresee this, he would have been thrown to the ground by the opponent, but he dodged it with a flash, and then immediately added a thunder armor to himself.

Li Tianyu intends to use custom skills as much as possible, so that the enemy cannot observe his ability choices.Just like Yuxi, although Li Tianyu knows that she has the ice ability, but there are too many routes to choose from. Almost every anime has a character who can use the ice ability, not to mention that it is already the second week, and it is the first week ability. No one knows whether it is still passive for the second week.

But Kai's behavior of directly attacking him surprised him a bit, because this kind of behavior was too reckless, this guy didn't seem to consider whether there were only two of them, or whether there was an ambush behind them, and launched an attack directly.

After missing a hit, Kai let out an interesting "Oh?", and was about to continue attacking, but at this moment Nana spoke up suddenly, she frowned and said coquettishly: "Oh, don't be like this. Just fight and kill when you come up." How bad is it? Maybe we can solve the problem peacefully? Let me try first?"

"Who cares about you!" Kai gritted his teeth and said with a smile, and was about to continue attacking, but Yuxi stopped him: "Wait a minute, Kai, I think what she said makes sense. We don't know the details of the other party yet. If you don't have a companion, why not let her..."

Saying that, Youxi winked at Kai, and Li Tianyu felt that wink meant "Let her be cannon fodder first".

Seeing this, Kai's eyes turned cold, and he stopped and retreated.So this girl named Nana came forward, looked at Li Tianyu and Xia Ning and said with a smile, "Hey, handsome guy, do you know that there is a culture of compensated dating in Japan?"

Speaking of this, the girl's eyes flickered with the pink light from before: "Let's communicate and promote the development of cross-strait culture, what do you think? It also saves fighting on both sides. People hate violence to solve problems the most. It's..."

As she spoke, Nana lowered her collar and smiled charmingly at the two of them.

Her voice is just right, sweet but not greasy, giving people a very cute and sweet feeling, plus her appearance and facial features are indeed beautiful, such a show is really attractive.But... Li Tianyu already has a girlfriend, on the one hand, and on the other hand, he doesn't like this kind of deliberately pretending, her cuteness is very artificial and... cheap.

Compared with Li Tianyu, he still prefers Shen Yan's usual coldness, but occasionally she shows a cute or gentle sweetness, so this girl's coquettish and cuteness not only did not move his heart, but made him feel a little disgusted.

However, the actions of the other party made him confirm one thing. The girl's ability should be a sweet fruit. The ability of this fruit is quite special. It can petrify the person who is attracted to him, but it will not work if the person is not attracted to him.

But this ability is not only that, there are also some other combat abilities, such as the materialization of blown kisses into arrows, the person who is shot will be petrified, or the petrification effect will be added to physical attacks.

Li Tianyu then glanced at Xia Ning to see if he had been tricked, and Xia Ning just took a look at him right now, with a blank expression on his face, obviously not moved.So the two looked at Nana in front of them blankly.

"Hahaha!" Fujikawa covered his forehead and laughed wildly, "It seems that your charm doesn't work for foreign nerds! Nana!"

"Hmm..." Nana bit her thumb and muttered unwillingly, "Damn it, guys who can survive to this stage are indeed more determined... Or are Japanese otakus more wretched?" At this point , Nana continued: "Hey, please, for the sake of being so cute, let's join forces first, shall we? What if there are players from other countries?"

Li Tianyu and Xia Ning were still unmoved, but Li Tianyu did not break the deadlock in front of him, because his mind was spinning rapidly: of the four enemies in front of him, apart from this one named Nana, in fact, only two of them were stronger in fighting ability.

Although Li Tianyu and Xia Ning are only two, their ability and style of play can completely restrain these three people.

Xia Ning is of Saiyan blood, with high physique and high attack, and the abilities of Kai and Fujikawa are both melee styles, and Xia Ning's abilities will definitely not be inferior to these two melee abilities.Xia Ning's ability combination is afraid of the fast-moving long-range type, while Yuxi uses the ice-type ability, no matter which ice-type ability has a particularly fast movement ability.

Therefore, among the four people in front of them, as long as Xia Ning does not fall in love with Nana, no one can restrain his ability.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu became more confident.

"Forget it! Idiot woman, do you think any man can't help it when he sees you spreading your legs?" Kai spat, and stared at Li Tianyu and Xia Ning: "These two guys are fighters. I can feel... the smell of blood on them."

This person is so good at the second grade... Li Tianyu thought to himself, then turned to Xia Ning and said, "It's time for you to perform, these four people's abilities can't restrain you. You hold them back in melee, and I will fight them from a distance Consumption, maybe we can 2 vs 4."

But Xia Ning's reaction was completely beyond his expectation. He whispered expressionlessly: "I suggest retreating first..."

Li Tianyu frowned at that time: "Why? Didn't you say you wanted to solve a couple before you came out?"

"I'm outnumbered...I'm not ready yet, let's retreat first." Xia Ning tried his best to keep his face.

"Don't say anything, we can win." Li Tianyu said dissatisfiedly, "Hurry up, become a Saiyan, go up and fuck them!"

"It can't be changed..." Xia Ning frowned slightly, and Li Tianyu asked in surprise, "What? Why can't it be changed?"

"You need to store energy..." Xia Ning explained in a low voice, "There must be a process of accumulating energy, which can be increased when being attacked or attacking an enemy, but I just entered the map now, so I don't have time to store energy. No Saiyan's attribute bonus, fighting with so many enemies, it is not safe...he is also in the second week."

"What!? To save energy?" Li Tianyu looked at Xia Ning in disbelief, "You just told me such an important setting?"

Although there are skill settings for companions in the fetter system, this hidden passive effect will not be displayed, just like the effect of Li Tianyu's Liuying will not be directly described, and the specific value of his heart net is the same hide.

Li Tianyu reckoned that this should have been deliberately set up like this from the beginning, after all, the fetters might only be temporary.

"You have to keep one hand..." Xia Ning frowned, "I thought at the beginning that I would definitely compete with you for the championship reward in the future. Who would have thought that the second week would be with foreign players..."

"Damn..." Li Tianyu immediately rolled his eyes, but in this situation...

"Get out of the way, woman." At this time, Fujikawa took off his cloak, and then stepped forward, "This is the end of your women's mission, and the next battle is our men's work." After finishing speaking, Fujikawa knocked Cong Yunqiri on the ground, took a deep breath, and roared loudly: "Whitebeard is the man who will become the One Piece—!"

It's still night in this world, and the collapse of the building just now has attracted the attention of people around. After all, there are still many local residents in the building. Although they are just NPCs, they also have their own mobile AI. At this moment, police cars and ambulances are approaching Come here.And Fujikawa's voice made everyone around them focus on them.

In fact, Li Tianyu wanted to retreat at that time. After all, they had just entered this world, and they might stay for a long time after that. If something happened now, the local NPCs here would notice them and take action, and there might even appear Multiple other masters joined forces to deal with their situation.

In addition, their daily actions must be secretive, causing many inconveniences.So Li Tianyu didn't really want to fight in front of so many people. Although he was not afraid, even if Xia Ning couldn't transform, he was still very confident in his ability.

But Fujikawa and Kai didn't think so. At that time, Kai teleported in front of Li Tianyu and hit his face with his knee.Li Tianyu dodged from a short distance, and then stabbed Kai's ribs with a finger gun.

The effect of the thunder armor caused thunder and lightning to spread to Kai's body. The opponent groaned and staggered two steps, but immediately launched another pursuit.On the other side, Fujikawa and Xia Ning were entangled, wrestling with each other.

Li Tianyu didn't bother to observe Xia Ning's side now. The advantage of Thunder Armor is that it can add lightning damage. Every time he attacks Kai, it can make him pause for a while and prevent his attacks from continuing. It is quite restrained.

"It's possible to fight... there is hope." Li Tianyu nodded and thought to himself, clenched his fists: As long as there is a little more delay, the moment Xia Ning's energy is fully charged and he transforms into a Super Saiyan, the battle will be reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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