Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 367 World Class Level

Chapter 367 World Class Level

Right now Li Tianyu can't care less about watching Xia Ning's battle. He is also very clear about Xia Ning's strength. intelligence.Due to the two-dimensional culture, Japanese players and American players should represent the top level in the world.

Li Tianyu found that his thunder armor had a great advantage when dealing with enemies like Kai who fought in close combat. It could prevent the opponent's continuous attacks. Each attack could put the opponent into a brief state of paralysis. Although this time was not enough to launch an attack on the opponent. A fatal combo, but enough for him to keep himself safe.

However, when fighting with Kai, Li Tianyu also paid attention to the two women, Nana and Youxi.

Both women just watched from the sidelines and did not participate in the battle.Li Tianyu speculates that Nana, a woman, should not be a fighting type. Although she chose "Sweet Fruit", it seems that her bloodline is not suitable for fighting. Considering the pink light from her eyes, it may be similar to a succubus or a succubus. The bloodline of Cupid can increase her charm to men.

It's a pity that she is really not Li Tianyu's type.Maybe many people like girls with wheat-colored skin, but Li Tianyu thinks that fair and clean girls like Shen Yan are cuter.What's more, this girl named Nana has long breasts and thighs, but the curves of her legs are not particularly perfect. Compared with Shen Yan's curves of legs, just looking at them will make his heart move.

Therefore, it is really a good thing that Nana's ability does not work against him.Nana's ability is actually very troublesome. It's a bit like a double-edged sword. Those who can be effective are almost instant kills, and those who can't are basically helpless.

Of course, her set of ability combinations must be fighting ability, but it's not that strong, and she can only protect herself.

As for the other girl named Youxi who was dressed in black, she must be a fighting type, but she didn't intervene in the fight at the moment. She should be collecting information on him and Xia Ning just like them.

"Ability is troublesome..." At this time, Kai finally stopped his mindless pursuit. After all, his attacks on Li Tianyu were basically in vain. He only had physical attacks with fists and feet, and his blood was not like that of Pirate World. It was some kind of fighter bloodline similar to Shi Chao's swordsman bloodline.

However, Li Tianyu was not complacent either. He also knew that the opponent hadn't used his real strength, and now he must be serious when he opened his mouth, so he took this opportunity to widen the distance and come to a distance of about 15 meters.

This distance is the safest for him, there is enough distance for him to release long-range skills and dodge with dodge, but not so far that the enemy has enough reaction time to dodge his skills.

"Then just use some real skills a little bit." Kai gritted his teeth and smiled, his body suddenly swelled, and then began to swell continuously. Golden hair appeared on his body, and the messy yellow hair turned into a mane. When his figure stopped, a golden human-shaped lion appeared in front of Li Tianyu. Its figure was not bloated, but slender and strong.

The hair on this lion exudes a golden light, giving it a sacred and majestic feeling.

"The fruit of transformation, the rare phantom beast species 'Golden Lion'..." Kai grinned, and took a step towards Li Tianyu. In the next second, that huge figure came in front of Li Tianyu, with sharp claws in his hands. rise.

"It's too fast! It's too late to flash!" Li Tianyu secretly exclaimed, the flash had a very brief moment of stiffness, so he hurriedly leaned back to dodge, he could barely avoid the opponent's attack because of his knowledge and arrogance, but even so, he still felt His chest was cold, and the next moment, there was a burning pain in his whole chest, and five bloodstains stained his clothes.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep enough to affect his actions.

After avoiding the opponent's attack, Li Tianyu immediately opened the distance with a flash, and then tried to figure out what happened: from the visual effect, he did avoid the opponent's attack on the physical level, but the claw still hurt he.

Li Tianyu guessed that the "Golden Lion" fruit must have some special ability, or it must be a hidden effect provided by the opponent's bloodline.People who choose domineering because of their magic value will generally continue to choose to upgrade domineering in the second week. After all, domineering is a magic value that can operate independently without the support of special abilities, but exceptions are not ruled out...

"Is it Nianqi?" Li Tianyu thought to himself, and there are only a few possibilities. When domineering and transformation fruits are combined, the upgrade of the second week goal is either domineering or Nianqi, because only these two abilities can be compared with transformation. The body is fruity.

At this stage, the matching of abilities has become very important. If the matching of abilities is neither fish nor fowl, it is usually difficult to survive a week unless one is very lucky.But Li Tianyu was still thinking, and the other party had already caught up with him again.

However, Li Tianyu's flash is currently ignoring the distance, and can directly flash past within the field of vision, so even though Kai narrowed the distance again, Li Tianyu did not panic and released the lightning nova.A circle of black lightning spread out and passed over Kai's body, causing him to stand on the spot trembling and temporarily unable to move.

At the same time, Lightning Nova also left a charge detonation passive on him. Li Tianyu took this opportunity to strengthen Thunder Dragon and threw it at Kai. At this time, Kai's charge detonation passive had reached two levels.

But because Lightning Nova's damage is very low, even if the two layers of passives are detonated, the damage will not be high, so Li Tianyu plans to choose a higher damage skill in the "detonation" skill to increase the instantaneous damage burst.

However, in Li Tianyu's hands, Strengthening Thunder Dragon was already considered a very high-damage skill. After the black and white twin dragons collided together, a strong electric current exploded, but the electric current had just erupted, and Kai flew out of it and continued to chase.

"Can't you hit straight!?" Li Tianyu was a little surprised inwardly, and his plan to use a big skill to hit this guy had to be cancelled.He didn't know the specific effect and magic value of Kai's "Golden Lion" fruit, but what he knew was that there seemed to be an invisible magic blade on the opponent's claws that could hurt his body.

So Li Tianyu didn't intend to take any risks. He snapped his fingers the moment the other party approached, and an electric spark erupted from Kai's body, detonating the two layers of charge on Kai's body. Although the detonation did not do enough damage this time, it also made Kai scream Falling into a stiff, Li Tianyu then clasped his hands together and blasted out with a thunderbolt.

The black lightning pillar formed a spiral shape and impacted on Kai's chest. The lightning scattered like a torrent, and Kai was also pushed to the ground by the lightning. The black lightning left a hideous scar on the ground like a sharp blade. scratches.

But Li Tianyu felt that something was wrong with his hand, and there was a reverse impact coming from his arm, this was the first time he felt this kind of feeling.Then he understood how this feeling came from: Kai forced himself to face Thunder Flash and rushed towards him.

There is no mistake! ?Li Tianyu thought to himself in disbelief, you must know that he used the enhanced Chaos Lightning Flash, which can not only cause real damage, but also a 12 billion volt Lightning Flash, he has never seen such a reckless person, forcefully greeted With his Thunder Flash approaching him.However, the fact is that his Thunder Flash was bounced off by the opponent's strong body.

"Oh?" Li Tianyu narrowed his eyes immediately, and had a guess in his mind.But Kai's constant approach still made him feel a strong thrust from his hands, and he was forced to slide backwards on the ground.

No, I can't take it anymore!Li Tianyu felt that his arm was about to break. The most important thing was to continue like this. His armed domineering energy was exhausted and he couldn't last until the end, so he simply canceled Lei Shan.As soon as Lei Shan canceled it, Kai came in front of him, his lion's mane stretched out like an umbrella, and he embraced Li Tianyu with both hands.

"Don't fucking look down on people..." Li Tianyu said coldly, Thunder Flash helped him delay enough time, he activated Lightning Response when he dismissed Thunder Flash, and then cooperated with knowledgeable domineering and his Lightning Transformation, shortened in advance squat down.

Because the combination of thunder and lightning reaction, the effect is basically the same as time slowing down, and coupled with the knowledgeable domineering ability to predict the opponent's movements in advance, it can be said that Li Tianyu squatted down to dodge before the opponent's attack moves.

It is precisely because of this that no matter what is wrong with Kai's claws, Li Tianyu has avoided his attack before it comes, and it is absolutely impossible for him to hit him.

After avoiding the opponent's attack, Li Tianyu raised his fists and landed on Kai's chest: "The biggest round... the Six Kings Spear!"

An invisible impact penetrated Kai's chest, and this time Li Tianyu finally saw clearly.

The Six Kings Spear is actually a domineering use technique of armed colors. It seems to be transparent, but actually there is air flow, just like the visual effect when it is heated, so the attack flow of the Six Kings Gun can be vaguely seen.

And Li Tianyu hit Kai with the six-king gun just now, and it immediately spread out in all directions at irregular angles, which also confirmed Li Tianyu's guess: this guy's lion's mane is strange, and it should be able to disperse the attack .

Because his Chaos Thunder is real damage, it is an attack that cannot be defended and ignores physical fitness, but it will be reduced by Captain America's passive damage reduction, and the fruit of the transformation system itself has a tough effect, which can withstand More damage than ordinary people, and every time he recovers from injury, he will be stronger. Only in this way can Kai rush forward with his Thunder Flash.

After knowing this, Li Tianyu can think of a countermeasure, in short, put a distance first.

But I have to say that this guy's ability is really annoying, with special effects in both attack and defense.In the final analysis, it should be a world-class level, and everyone's abilities are not simple.

But even with the damage reduction effect, Li Tianyu's largest six-king gun still caused a significant impact on the opponent, making Kai temporarily frozen and unable to move.And before Kai arrogantly took a shower from his Thunderbolt and rushed up forcefully, superimposing a layer of passive detonation with extremely harmful charges on him, this is a key foreshadowing.

The Six Kings Spear is a pure domineering attack, and is not affected by the passive charge detonation. Next, as long as Li Tianyu can find a way to give him a charge detonation passive with huge damage, he will be able to detonate these two passives and deal an extremely considerable blow to Kai. of high damage.So next, Li Tianyu has to take advantage of the straightness shot by the Six Kings Spear this time to act well.

At this time, Lei Ying is the only skill that can add a high charge to detonate the passive, but Lei Ying needs a period of time to charge, so Li Tianyu first raised his hand to start Lei Ying's charge, and then pushed his left hand on Kai's chest, using The skill of "Liu Ying" knocked Kai backwards, and then threw two enhanced brontosaurs in the same posture.

The black and white twin dragons pushed Kai back. Although his lion mane made him stiff for a short period of time, the enhanced brontosaurus was enough to knock him back.At this time, Lei Ying's energy storage has also been completed, Li Tianyu raised his right hand and pointed at Kai, ready to blast Lei Ying on him, as long as he hits this shot, two high-value passives plus Lei Ying's terrible damage...

"This battle is over..." Li Tianyu thought to himself, but at this time several ice spears flew from afar, Li Tianyu was startled, and Lei Ying's movements were interrupted because of this, he spat unwillingly, once Flash backed away.

"Smelly woman... who asked you to meddle in Lao Tzu's battle!?" Kai growled angrily.

"Don't make trouble." Youxi said flatly, "If the blow just now hit, even you might die."

"Ah!? I'm going to die? Do you know who you're talking to!" Kai stepped forward and grabbed Youxi by the neckline and growled.

Youxi gently pushed on Kai's chest, a blue light came, and then half of Kai's body was frozen, he took a step back and broke the ice on his body.Youxi replied indifferently: "Pay attention to your tone of voice, you are like a mad dog now. Foreign enemies are in front, are you still going to fight with me? I won't be afraid of you if we really fight, but you have to think clearly .”

Li Tianyu originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack, but he knew that since Youxi intervened, the fight would not be 1V1, so he rationally chose to stop and distance himself, and looked at the other side of the battlefield.

Compared with the battle on their side, the fight between Xia Ning and Fujikawa was really earth-shattering. It was a bit like Dragon Ball. Several blocks were razed to the ground by them. At this moment, Xia Ning is still fighting against Fujikawa fights.

The fighting style of these two people is a bit similar, they don't dodge, but forcefully eat the opponent's attack and then counterattack, although Li Tianyu can't understand, this is probably the battle of real men.However, with this, he confirmed Fujikawa's ability. Although the bloodline is unknown, the mana value is domineering, and the special ability is the shaking fruit. These two points are for sure.

Li Tianyu looked at the passivity of Kai's charge detonation, and was a little hesitant: Although they can decide the winner, if the other two intervene in the fight, the battle will be troublesome, so today's goal has been achieved, it is better to retreat here.

(End of this chapter)

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