Chapter 566 Layout
I don't know why, this old man reminded Li Tianyu of his deceased grandfather, and he felt a sense of intimacy.

"Old man, we have no malicious intentions." Li Tianyu raised his hand and said, "I just heard that there is a very powerful hunter here, so I want to come and see, and just ask for hunting skills by the way."

"Don't move!" At this time, the old man yelled fiercely, then came forward, put down the gun and swept away the leaves on the ground in front of Li Tianyu, revealing a trap underneath, "This thing will break your legs Yes." Then, the old man waved his hand: "Come here, walk from where I walked, don't run around, there are traps everywhere."

Li Tianyu and others followed the old man to the backyard of the wooden house, where the old man sat down.

"My name is Arnold Stallone, you can call me Arnold." The old man said with a straight face, and Li Tianyu smiled dryly: Schwarzenegger's last name and Stallone's first name... This tribute is really direct.

"Grandpa, is it dangerous for you to stay here alone? I heard that some terrible monsters have appeared near here recently, not like creatures on the earth." Shen Yan persuaded at this time, "Why don't you go back to the town to live?" Right? Be safe."

"Impossible." Arnold shook his head resolutely, "I would rather die than go back to the town of those liars."

Li Tianyu looked at Shen Yan and shook his head, guessing that there was no way to bring the old man back to town.

So, Li Tianyu chatted with the old man for a while, basically as Lin Muxue said, the other party told him some tricks about making traps, which were of no use to them at all.

"We can only let Ye Tiancheng and Kai stay here to protect his safety." Li Tianyu whispered.

In terms of geographical location, this place is actually very remote, bordering on the mountains outside the town, so this old man is also a burden to them.

Although the old man does have a way to deal with the alien attack, he is not invincible. He should be killed after receiving a certain attack, so it is necessary to keep some players here.As long as an early warning can be issued, Li Tianyu can lead others to the scene for rescue.Although this old man is troublesome, he is indeed very important.

The traps and some cold weapons specially set for the aliens can help them better defend against the alien attacks.

Someday, when the townspeople alone can defend themselves against alien attacks, they can start looking for the alien queen.In fact, in comparison, the task of humans is much easier, as long as you kill the alien queen, you will be victorious.

The alien needs to kill all humans. First, it needs to develop slowly, capture humans for parasitic reproduction, exaggerate the population, and start hunting after there are enough numbers.In addition, NPC can cause a lot of damage to the player or even kill the player, so this scene task is more inclined to strategy, rather than pure force.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the town.The town is not big, and if there is a riot, the whole town will notice.

Li Tianyu led the crowd outside. At this time, the residents of the small town had gathered, about [-] or [-] people. One of the middle-aged men was pointing to his hand and saying something to the crowd, with a frightened expression on his face.

"That's right! It's a monster more than two meters tall!" The middle-aged man said, showing the hideous claw marks on his hand, "It's completely black! It has the shape of a human, with a long head and a sharp barb on its tail. , is particularly terrifying. And there is a miniature head in the monster's mouth, which seems to be its inner molars, it looks like a devil from hell..."

Li Tianyu knew that it was Lin Muxue who started to act, so he turned to Liu Zihao and nodded: "Action."

"I know that kind of creature." Liu Zihao raised his mobile phone at this time and explained to the residents in front of him: "When we lived in the city, we saw this kind of creature on TV. What are you talking about? Not this thing?"

As he spoke, Liu Zihao showed the pictures on his mobile phone to the local residents. Of course, the news was fake news made by Jarvis.

"That's right, it's this thing! It's terrible!" The victim said in horror after checking Liu Zihao's mobile phone, and other residents also sighed: "God, it's really terrible." "Devil, this It's the devil!"

"Everyone must be careful." At this time, Zhang Wenxin also stepped forward to fan the flames, "This kind of creature is an alien creature. Archaeologists have found their eggs in a certain ancient tomb before. These creatures can parasitize Human body and then burst out, if you are not careful, it may even cause the entire town to be wiped out by them!"

"What should we do?" "How can we fight such terrifying creatures?" The residents whispered in horror, while Xia Ning comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone. Although these creatures are terrifying, they are not invincible." Yes. I will tell everyone what we know, and when we find the evidence, we will try to contact the military for help."

"That's right, these monsters can be killed." Li Tianyu said calmly, "Their frontal combat capabilities are not strong, and they are better at sneak attacks at night or in dark corners. So remember not to act alone after the sun goes down. Certain large buildings such as factories should also be kept brightly lit."

"Hey!?" The faces of many residents at the scene suddenly changed, "But, the men in the town have gone hunting a few days ago, and they are responsible for collecting meat for the town residents and taking tourists with them. This is why we It's a sightseeing project in the town, and they won't be back until tomorrow! So, aren't those people outside dangerous?"

"Do you have portable communication equipment?" Mira asked, and an old man nodded: "They have portable radios, but they should be hunting at the moment. In order to avoid disturbing the prey, the walkie-talkie should be placed in the tent and will not be available until night." Reachable. They'd be resting by the campfire after dark, and that's when they'd notice the voice on the walkie-talkie."

"Tsk, then it's too late." Li Tianyu frowned and thought a little irritably.

"They must be rescued!" At this time, the sheriff of the town said nervously, "The food they brought back is very important. If we are really trapped by those monsters, that food will be our main source of food for the next week!"

"That's the case..." Li Tianyu pondered, and Fujikawa Xiuichi suggested: "We can separate out a few people and go to the rescue with the residents of the town. As long as there are enough people, I believe those monsters will not find a chance. After all, they Now the number is very small. But at the same time, the residents of the town must also be vigilant and not to be left alone."

"Everyone try to stay together as much as possible, and use a shift system when resting at night. Some people rest while others keep vigil, so as to avoid being attacked by these monsters alone?" Nana waved her hand and smiled at the residents of the town.

With Lin Muxue and Liu Zihao around, they can do whatever they want, and the so-called facts can be completely fabricated.

And based on this fact, they can keep residents on alert in advance.The beginning of the alien is very important. Once all the residents remain vigilant and the number of people they catch back on the first day is limited, the development speed of the alien will be greatly reduced, because the more vigilant people are in the future.

Now, even though Li Tianyu and the others have announced the information about the alien, some people in the town still don't believe it, but these people are only a minority. For these people, Li Tianyu thinks they can be sacrificed. On the one hand, it is to make other residents believe what they said. On the other hand, it is also to leave obedient people.

But the group of men who went out to hunt must keep it, not only to reduce losses and the number of people parasitized by aliens, but the most important thing is the food they have on hand.So Li Tianyu planned to take Xia Ning and others to the forest with the residents of the town to look for hunters and bring them back from the forest.It's still daytime, so there should be nothing to worry about in the town.

"Well, actually, I was thinking, maybe we should set an ability similar to Liu Ying, which can cause a percentage of real damage to the enemy." On the way, Shen Yan suggested to Li Tianyu, "Tianyu, what do you think of this proposal? "

"I don't think it's realistic." Li Tianyu shook his head, "The expected value of the skill is too low, you have to know that Liu Ying's conditions are very harsh, and you need to reach LV5 to use it, so its real damage can reach 5.00%. If it is designed solely by skills, the percentage of real damage may be only [-]% or even lower, then it is meaningless."

"That's right." Shen Yan pursed her lips and muttered, "If you want to attack him twenty times with the same skill, then you might as well change it to another skill, not to mention the risk is too great, and it will affect your own style. "

"Then, what if all the skills are changed to percentage real damage?" Nana asked coldly at this time.

"If that's the case, how do you fight against other normal players?" Li Tianyu asked angrily.

"That's true, those players with weak skin are still more effective with general skills." Nana also lost interest immediately, "Oh, to put it bluntly, if a player has more blood, he's awesome? High attribute means he's amazing... Tsk."

"Don't worry, there is a chance." Fujikawa Shuichi comforted, "Give me some time to get familiar with that guy's defensive timing, and sooner or later I will be able to delay him alone. At that time, you can do other things."

Fujikawa Shuuichi's ability mechanism is indeed more suitable for fighting Karl, as long as the perfect defense can completely reduce the damage received.So even if Karl is in the state of "I am the only one in the sky and the world", Fujikawa Shuichi can guard against it.

However, personal ability is not so important in this scene, the key is strategy.

"Let's not talk about that first, let's bring back the men who were hunting outside." Li Tianyu replied.

However, the plot was not as perfect as they had imagined. After all, it was in the forest. In such a complex environment, even during the daytime, the aliens had the opportunity to attack humans.

"It's blood..." At this time, a policeman found a black mark on the tree trunk, and his expression suddenly became tense.

"It's the direction of the camp... No, Joe! Joe—!" Seeing this, a middle-aged woman called out nervously, pulled out her pistol and ran forward.Li Tianyu immediately opened his heart network to sense it. His heart network is quite wide, but...

"Tsk, the alien should have a hidden effect, but I can't find it." Li Tianyu frowned and spat.

However, he did find the locations of the twelve players in Europe and America. They are scattered in two places at the moment, and they should be setting up alien lairs.This is both good news and bad news for him.

The bad news is that he can't perceive the location of the alien, which means that this thing has a secret maneuver, probably because the body structure is different so it can't be sensed by radio waves.But the good news is that Li Tianyu can't perceive the aliens, but he can perceive the players with alien forces. This can be regarded as a plan to discover the lairs of aliens and alien forces in disguise.

After a while, a heart-piercing scream came, and everyone rushed to hear the news.

The hunter camp ahead was a mess, with scattered debris and some unknown pieces of meat everywhere, but what made the middle-aged woman scream was a corpse sitting under a tree with its chest broken open. A gap the size of a watermelon was made.

"Joe, no—!" The middle-aged woman covered her mouth and knelt down in front of her son and began to cry bitterly.

"This is the case of being parasitized." Li Tianyu reminded the town's security officer in a low voice: "If there is no accident, the others should have been taken away, which shows that the number of aliens may be much more than we thought. .We must go back to the town to inform other people as soon as possible, let them be more careful, and we can't further increase the number of these monsters."

"You mean..." The sheriff is a blond woman in her 40s with a hot figure named Karina, she swallowed nervously, "The people here, they all... Did Joe end up like that?"

"If you are taken away... yes." Li Tianyu nodded, "Once you are parasitized, you will definitely die."

Of course, this is not the truth. With sufficient medical equipment, it is possible to remove the alien larvae before they break.But it must be within eight hours, otherwise the abnormal-shaped embryos will not be taken out once they are formed.

So basically it can be seen that in this small town, once parasitized, you will definitely die.

"I see..." Karina closed her eyes and nodded, but her expression was struggling, "However, we must bring the remains of these people back, and we cannot let them expose their corpses to the wilderness like this."

"If possible, it's best to take their prey back." Li Tianyu looked at the tent on the scene, "Under this situation, it is difficult for us to break through, and we must persist until the military arrives. Therefore, all available supplies Very important."

(End of this chapter)

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