Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 567 Early Strategy

Chapter 567 Early Strategy
They counted the corpses and supplies near the camp, counted the number of people who disappeared, and concluded that at least four aliens had broken out, eight hunters and tourists were captured, but there were also four hunters' corpses Killed, either gouged out of the head by the alien's inner fangs, or pierced through the chest by the alien's tail.

According to the statistics, counting the queen, there should be at least thirteen aliens.But generally speaking, when the alien force is born, there will be one or two guards around the queen, so it is more reasonable to estimate based on fifteen.

"Fifteen on the first night..." Li Tianyu pondered.

In fact, this thing is like the spread map of the epidemic. Although it rises very slowly in the early stage, as the sources of infection continue to increase, the speed of infection will also increase explosively, so it must be controlled in the early stage.The aliens take about 24 hours to hatch and grow into mature bodies, which means that tomorrow night, they will face attacks from about ten aliens.

"It's hard to do. Find a way to gather the residents of the town." Li Tianyu thought to himself.

The good news is that the aliens only took the hunters and left the prey behind, so they can take back these prey as food; in addition, this attack is enough to make the residents of the town alert and gather together as they ordered .

"In short, take these prey back." Li Tianyu pointed to the deer and wild boars hunted by the hunters nearby and said, "It would be a waste to rot in the wild, but Zihao, scan the inside of these prey before bringing them back. Make sure it is not parasitized by aliens. If there is no problem, take it back and freeze it."

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu waved to everyone: "Everyone grab me and prepare to go back."

After everyone packed up the corpses, prey and supplies, Li Tianyu led everyone back to the town in a flash.

For his "super power", the residents of the town did not show surprise, as if they were a group of American soldiers.After returning, the sheriff called all the residents of the town and informed them of the hunter's attack.

"I have...very sad news to inform everyone." Karina took off her hat and said sadly, "The hunters we sent to hunt, and the six accompanying tourists, received the kind of names we saw during the day. An attack by a monster called 'alien', eight of them were confirmed dead, and the other eight are missing, we suspect they have been parasitized by the alien..."

The residents of the town suddenly started whispering, and some of them let out a heart-piercing wail, obviously the family members of those hunters.Karina continued: "It can be confirmed now that creatures like aliens have indeed come to our town and are waiting for an opportunity. So now I ask everyone to stay together as much as possible to act as our guests said. "

"No, I won't believe your lies." At this time, a bearded man with a beard said drunkenly, "You must have received money from the US government to drive us out of here, right?"

"That's right, I know!" Another young woman with a quirky ambiguity echoed, "I heard that the sheriff here has an agreement with the officials from California, as long as she can drive us all away, she can get A lot of money."

The townspeople discussed in low voices, seeming to have some doubts about the truth.

Karina was trembling with anger at the time, she strode to a corpse behind her, grabbed the cloth covering the corpse, and asked angrily: "Really? After seeing this, do you still Can you say this is just my lie?" After she finished speaking, she lifted the shroud, allowing the residents of the town to see the bloody corpse underneath.

The residents of this small town all hunted for a living, and they were very familiar with wild beast attacks, so they knew very well that the marks on the corpse could not be caused by wild beasts.Because there is no attack by any wild beast that can pierce a human skull and leave a big hole.Immediately afterwards, Karina lifted the shrouds of several other corpses.

This time it was even more obvious. Judging from the scars on his chest, it was clear that a creature broke out of its shell.

"Ask the families of these hunters, did they die because of the government's lies, or because of these monsters?" Karina asked the two angrily, "Come on! Take a look! Then, tell me what you just said Say it again!"

Now, the residents of the town had nothing to say. The bloody corpse made many people cover their mouths and want to vomit.

"Listen up." Li Tianyu also stepped forward to echo at this time, "This kind of monster will not necessarily kill you, they will capture you and bring you back to the lair, trap you so that you cannot move, and then put them down in front of you." An egg. When the time is right, the egg will open like a germinating seed, and an octopus-like thing will crawl out of it."

"Then, the octopus will pounce on your face, force its way into your mouth with its reproductive tube, and insert the alien eggs into your body. You will be temporarily stunned by suffocation, but it will not kill you. .”

"This egg sucks your flesh and blood and grows slowly in your body. At this time, you can't feel anything, but after four to five hours, you will start to feel chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Slowly as time goes on, You start to lose your sanity, your thinking is confused, and your chest hurts. Eight hours later, the monster inside you will be strong enough to break through your breastbone and come out."

"Until this time, you will die, and although the monster was only [-] centimeters in size when it was born, it will grow to the height of the two meters you saw before in just a dozen hours and a few times of shedding." monster."

After a pause, Li Tianyu looked around at the residents in front of him, and asked: "So, do you understand now? You are responsible for other people's lives. If you want to die, I suggest that you can kill yourself now." .But if you are captured by aliens, it will not only kill you, but also increase the number of aliens, making them a threat to the rest of the town."

After saying this, the public opinion in the town suddenly became one-sided. Although those people were unwilling to live with other people, others were also unwilling to let these people increase the number of aliens and threaten their own safety.

At that time, the residents were angry: "How can you be so selfish!? Think about your family!" "That's right! I think we should kill those who disagree to stay together, lest they become breeding tools for aliens!"

Although it was just angry words spoken on impulse, it also deterred those who opposed living together.What's more, the situation Li Tianyu described was so specific and detailed that it made people shudder, and many people were frightened.

However, through this vivid description, the residents of the town finally agreed to live together.

More than 400 people in the town will gather and live in two areas. The first one is a motel for tourists in the town. Because it is the off-season, there are no guests living here. There are about [-] rooms, which can provide [-] to [-] people. Residence quota.

The second is the chapel in the town. Residents come to worship every Sunday. Cleaning up the inside can provide a living place for about 80 to [-] people. At the same time, there is also a certain amount of food in the chapel, which is used to do good deeds in the chapel. And the ones prepared can probably provide rations for [-] people for two or three days.

As for the remaining residents, Li Tianyu asked everyone to gather together in units of about thirty people and live in some larger public facilities in the town.In this way, more than 400 people in the town were finally resettled.

Then there is the defense, because aliens are good at sneak attacks, and humans have a chance to hit aliens as long as they fight in the front, just beware of the acidic blood of aliens, so lighting is very important.

"Listen well, everyone can move around the town freely during the day, but you can't be alone. Each operation is based on at least ten people, and you must be equipped with weapons. Shotguns, bows, and axes are all fine." Li Tianyu explained to everyone. "At night, you must never leave the room. Whether you are going to the toilet or on duty, you must go together, at least ten people. In addition, you are not allowed to go to any place that is not bright. If you are attacked, you should call for help first, and then think again. Ways to protect yourself."

"However, if we continue like this, we will be killed by those creatures sooner or later..." Karina said in embarrassment.

"So we have to ask the military for help, and try our best to defend against the attacks of these monsters before the military arrives." Li Tianyu replied solemnly, "These creatures are intelligent, and they will definitely destroy our hydroelectric power station in the future And signal towers, so we have to organize a group of people to repair and maintain during the day, otherwise we will be stuck here."

"In addition, when sleeping at night, ten people must be on duty in shifts until dawn. The aliens are only the most terrifying when they sneak attack. Once they are forced to fight head-on, our weapons can easily hurt them, but the combat Keep a distance at all times, their blood is highly acidic, and even their bones will be corroded if touched."

Orders and countermeasures have been issued, and the next step is to adapt to the actual situation.

Of course, these players will also take turns to patrol near the gathering place of the residents at night, so as to prevent players of different forces from taking action.It's just that Li Tianyu doesn't like such a passive defense.

In his opinion, the biggest advantage of humans is that they can win as long as they kill the alien queen, but the problem is how to do this.First, Li Tianyu's heart network can't perceive the location of the alien, so there is no way to know where the queen will be hidden; and the second is also the key point, the players of human forces are very fragile, and the damage will increase by [-]%.

This means that it is impossible for players of human forces to confront players of alien forces head-on.

Therefore, how to win is the key to this team game.There is no time limit for the victory condition of this team competition. In other words, if the winner is not determined quickly, this team competition will continue forever, which is extremely detrimental to human beings.

After all, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and the aliens have taken the initiative. They can drag it on if they don't want to fight, until the human side loses patience and becomes exhausted.Therefore, Li Tianyu wants to force the aliens to start a decisive battle with them.

Then, the key to forcing the aliens to fight with them lies in the assistance of the "military".

Human weapons will cause "percentage real damage". In other words, the military can also pose a great threat to players of alien forces, so the arrival of the military is equivalent to the human forces being able to "actively attack".Players of human forces, plus the "percentage real damage" of the army, players of alien forces are simply impossible to be opponents.

If the alien forces have been delaying time, they can rely on this, wait for the military rescue to arrive, and then launch a counterattack to find the alien's lair and kill the alien queen.

Even if he couldn't find the alien queen, Li Tianyu could find players with alien forces and wipe them out with the help of the army.

The player is eliminated, and there is no point in remaining aliens, so the opponent is bound to fight to the death before the arrival of the army.

"Under what circumstances would the military agree to send troops to support?" Li Tianyu asked at this time.

"I don't think 'alien attacks' should be included." Karina said awkwardly, "However, judging from the laws of our state, when foreign enemies invade or riot, Washington will send troops to suppress it... ..."

"Then tell them about the riot." Li Tianyu clapped his hands and said, "Let's say that prisoners from a certain prison next door escaped on a large scale, and then came here to launch an armed raid on the town. No matter what the reason, just make up what you think It’s credible, as long as you can deceive the army. If you need any help, you can tell my companions, and they can help you fake it.”

"Army, can you really save us?" Karina asked hesitantly.

"As long as we can control their number." Li Tianyu nodded firmly, "That's why we must protect the residents of the town and prevent them from being captured by aliens. If they are captured, it will not only be as simple as death, but every time they are captured One person, the rest of the town will be more dangerous. Do you know what I mean? Maybe you think there may be 100 people less and 300 people, it is not very scary, but in fact it means that those monsters from more than ten Only turned into more than 100, if they come out in full force..."

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu narrowed his eyes: "At that time, everyone would be killed in just one night."

Karina swallowed nervously: "I, I understand, I will explain to my subordinates what everyone should pay attention to."

After explaining various details and precautions to the residents of the small town, the sun began to set.Li Tianyu and the other players had dinner with the residents of the town, and then Karina also started to contact the military.

But it was bad news: both signal towers were destroyed, so the military could not be contacted.

(End of this chapter)

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