Chapter 575 Evil Night
"What?! The old man was attacked?" Li Tianyu asked in surprise, and then immediately flashed to the hunter's cabin, not caring about bringing anyone else with him.You must know that Arnold is a "tool man" that humans need to upgrade. He is very critical to the human forces, but he cannot be lost. His safety is even more important than the players.

However, after arriving at the scene, Li Tianyu found that his worries were unnecessary.

"Tsk, a bunch of dirty ugly monsters." Arnold wrapped a bandage around his injured arm, cursing.

Li Tianyu inspected the scene. There were four alien corpses left on the scene, with scars caused by various traps on their bodies. Two of the aliens died before they could pass through the yard smoothly.

But in the end, two of them passed through the yard to the hunter's cabin and attacked Arnold inside.It's just that the experienced Arnold set up a bait in the house, solved one of the aliens, and was injured while fighting the other alien, but he still killed it.

Li Tianyu was a little surprised by this fact. You must know that Arnold was already over 60 years old, and he was struggling to walk and killed four aliens by himself.And only suffered a little flesh injury, which is unbelievable...

"Old man, it's too unsafe for you to be alone here." Li Tianyu frowned, "Let's go to town and be with everyone."

"Hmph, what a joke." Arnold cast a sideways glance at Li Tianyu and said angrily, "There is no place in the whole town that is safer than mine. In my opinion, those so-called settlements are ridiculous, just like those monsters. The canteen is average.”

Li Tianyu thought about it, and felt that what the old man said was not completely unreasonable.

He brought the residents together not to protect their lives, but to prevent them from being captured alive by aliens and parasitizing them.To put it bluntly, he didn't want to prevent the death of the townspeople, but to stop the alien breeding.

In contrast, Arnold is obviously safer here. He is the only one here, and any foreign creature can be regarded as an enemy and attack indiscriminately.But the problem is that four aliens can already hurt Arnold, so if there are more than four aliens, can they kill Arnold?
Li Tianyu decided that Ye Tiancheng and Kai should stay here permanently, no matter what happened in the town, the two of them would stay here to protect Arnold's safety.The life of this old man is more important than a hundred people.

"Then, what did you find out from these four aliens?" Li Tianyu asked.

"This kind of creature is very interesting." Arnold bandaged the wound on his arm, and then grinned: "It's very smart, very cunning, and a typical hunter character. When they attacked me, two flanked me from the front to attract my attention , and the other two approached from the back of the yard to launch a sneak attack. But compared to me, they are still a little tender... Bah!"

As he spoke, Arnold spat fiercely: "But I discovered a weakness of this creature."

Speaking of this, Arnold pointed to his forehead: "This creature will take a deep breath before ejecting the inner teeth. At this time, its body is completely closed, like a stretched balloon. At this time, you Just shoot it in the head... 'boom' and it pops like a balloon. Even the slightest wound can do that."

Li Tianyu nodded and kept this information in his heart.Now he has figured out a little bit about it. In fact, all the skills Arnold taught them are for ordinary people to use, so this task should let them improve the abilities of ordinary people below, so that the residents of the town have the ability to fight aliens. ability.

The old man always refused to go back to the town, and said that he would rather die in this hut in the forest than go back to live with the residents of the town, so in the end Li Tianyu kept him here, but told Ye Tiancheng and Kai to protect him .

After that, Li Tianyu returned to the town, ready to have dinner with everyone, waiting for the night to come.

As night fell, the atmosphere in the town became dignified.Although the military's imminent arrival gives the townspeople hope, the premise is that they can live to the day when the military arrives.So the coming of night is like the coming of judgment for the residents of the town.Especially when they learned that aliens can be invisible in the future...

Li Tianyu also knows the reason why the alien forces did not attack last night. Only the newly hatched aliens can obtain new traits. Human beings carry out parasitism, so that the aliens born have new invisibility capabilities.

And in this way, the time of parasitism is a bit later than the time of abduction, so the time for the alien to mature is delayed.

It should be daytime for the new batch of aliens to mature, but this batch of newly mature aliens has the ability to camouflage, which can change the color of their bodies to hide in the environment, and they can also act during the day.This ability is actually not very useful at night. The alien itself is black, so it can be easily hidden in the dark, but it still puts huge psychological pressure on Li Tianyu and the players.

For now they can only hope that the trap works.After dark, it's the same as usual, people take turns patrolling and eating.Everyone at the scene looked very unhappy, because they knew that the alien would definitely come, and someone would definitely die.

Everyone was trying to behave as usual, but it was so hard that they couldn't sleep, whispering about whether or not the trap would come in handy.Li Tianyu didn't bother to comfort everyone, and fell asleep on the bed.

The most unfavorable part of the situation for human beings is the rest time. Players with alien forces can sleep peacefully during the day, but players will be attacked by aliens when they sleep at night.

Therefore, before the alien came, Li Tianyu had to keep his spirits up and sleep well while he was able to sleep.

What finally woke him up was a loud noise. Li Tianyu sat up from the bed in an instant, and Shen Yan who was beside him immediately woke up and adjusted his state.The first thing Li Tianyu did was to check the time, which is currently 01:30 in the evening.

The direction of the voice was the chapel, so Li Tianyu immediately led Shen Yan to the front of the chapel.

At this moment, there are seven or eight aliens surrounding the chapel, and the ground has sunken in a large area. It seems that some alien has triggered a trap and fell into the pit.Li Tianyu glanced under the trap. One of the aliens was pierced by a wooden stake and was wounded in many places but was still alive. The other seven aliens looked at each other, then retreated one after another, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The townspeople in the chapel also heard the sound at this moment, and came out of the chapel one after another grabbing torches and weapons, but the alien had retreated into the darkness at this moment, and Li Tianyu didn't chase it either, only he and Shen Yan chased it too Dangerous.

"Oh, my God!" At this time, the people who drove out saw the twisting alien under the trap, and immediately let out a scream. Although the alien was still struggling in the trap, it couldn't stand up. He got up and resumed his actions, but he couldn't die for a while.Li Tianyu decided to leave the alien behind and go to other areas to see.

If the aliens came, then the players with alien forces should also arrive.This task should be handled by the player, and the human should handle the alien.Li Tianyu opened his heart network to sense it, and sure enough, the number of alien players present today reached eight, and the remaining four, except for Azera, who is not a combat type, should have stayed at the scene to guard the queen.

But Li Tianyu couldn't perceive the positions of those four people. It should be the same situation as during the day. They have the passive effect of stealth maneuvering in the alien's lair and will not be perceived by any method.The eight aliens that appeared in the chapel were not led by the players. Four of the eight opponents were in the motel, and the other four were attacking the residents of the housing area.

It seems that those eight players should want to use the old routine of "sounding east and hitting west" again, but the location of these eight aliens is the real "striking west", and the eight players went to "sound east" instead.

However, he didn't expect the existence of the trap, so the alien force also stumbled.

But the attacks in the three places started at the same time, so the town soon became chaotic, and human screams came from the other two settlements.Li Tianyu pressed the headset and said: "Zihao, Nan Xing, follow me to the residential area; Xia Ning, you go to the motel with Zhang Wenxin, Mira, and Fujikawa Hideichi. Mu Xue, you and Nana hide well, don't die."

"Don't worry, I will act according to my own circumstances." Lin Muxue replied over there, "I'll go find the Alien Queen first."

"Okay, then take care of yourself." Li Tianyu replied, and then came to the residential area with Shen Yan.

This residential area is where the townspeople live together. In order to facilitate mutual care, Li Tianyu let 70 to [-] people here live in four large houses.

These mansions are either the houses of the rich in the town, or they are vacation villas rented out to guests in the town, and they are also the third settlement in the town.But this settlement is the most scattered, consisting of four dwellings in total, with more than 20 people living in each dwelling, but the surrounding streets are already full of traps.

When Li Tianyu and Shen Yan rushed to the scene, the scene was already a mess.An alien was suspended in mid-air by a trap net. The net was woven from tough rattan instead of metal, so the blood of the alien could not corrode it.

But this is the only alien that was caught, and some of the aliens were injured by other traps. There are also eight aliens that appear here, and the alien players here are Angel, Edward, Dean and Dorian. .

In the residential area, one can vaguely see the flames flickering, and there are bursts of gunshots from time to time. It should be that the residents of the town are fighting the aliens.Li Tianyu also didn't care about worrying about the residents of the town. The task of their players was to stop players of alien forces.Of course, because of passive reasons, they can't win when they fight against alien players with the same number of players.

But the number of aliens is limited, and the eight aliens will take eight people at most and leave.Then the townspeople will come out and help them deal with the alien players and push them back, that's how the game works.

To put it bluntly, the real confrontation between the two forces is actually a confrontation between the alien and the residents of the town.

If the townspeople can stop the aliens from taking their people, at least prevent each alien from taking one person back to parasitize, and even kill one or two aliens, that is their victory.The traps they prepared today are very sufficient, allowing everyone to have an early warning before being attacked. I believe this will allow them to win tonight.

But the premise is that their players are not killed by alien players, otherwise one death will reduce the population by ten.

"Go all out, there is nothing to hide." Li Tianyu frowned, then activated the thunder armor, and threw a thunder gun at Edward.Seeing this, Liu Zihao put on the Hell Armor without hesitation.

"Zihao, is it okay? The hell armor will suck you dry, right?" Shen Yan asked worriedly, and also put on the star armor.Liu Zihao stretched his arms and smiled, "When is it time to take care of these things? Let's make it through tonight first. The aliens have already expanded to more than 20. If we let them capture [-] people tonight, we will be finished." .”

That's right, based on this number, there will be fifty aliens coming tomorrow, and they will have more characteristics than the aliens coming today.As for the fifty aliens, there are only more than 200 human beings who can fight against them, and the battle will become more and more difficult.So on the fourth day, fifty aliens fought against two hundred people, and on the fifth day, one hundred aliens fought against less than 200 people.

One hundred aliens confronted two hundred humans. This was a battle without any suspense. At that time, the aliens would not even need to sneak attack, and they would kill the remaining humans by attacking directly from the front.Therefore, today they must reduce the number of aliens while preventing them from capturing too many people.

"It's coming?" Edward threw a fireball to neutralize Li Tianyu's thunder gun and said with a smile, "Should we decide the outcome?"

"Of course, that's why I came here." Li Tianyu gritted his teeth and replied, but he didn't rush forward, instead he took a step back and came behind Shen Yan and Liu Zihao, "But it's not 1V1, but 4V4. "

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu fired a lightning gun at Shen Yan.And Shen Yan caught it with the guardian silver bracelet, and launched an impact on Liu Zihao, and Zheng Nanxing was responsible for strengthening and amplifying these impacts, Liu Zihao directly absorbed the impact with the hell armor, his battle suit shone with dazzling light, and then Liu Zihao pointed at Edward and the others in front of him and raised his hand: "Hell growls!"

The red impact rushed towards the four of Edward. Liu Zihao's Hell Armor is relatively strong, so he can use the ultimate energy impact without "overload operation", which means that in this state, he can use the ultimate energy indefinitely. energy shock.

This is the advantage of the bondage skills of the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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