Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 576 The Turning Point

Chapter 576 The Turning Point

Angel, Edward, Dean, and Dorian didn't dare to underestimate this hellscream attack. After all, it was a super powerful attack that combined the strength of Li Tianyu and the four of them. In terms of power alone, it was far greater than the four of them. The sum of the attack power, so it is absolutely impossible for one person to block this attack.

At this time, Edward and Angel also used a combo technique. Angel first created a hurricane, and then Edward released the "Great Flame Ring, Emperor Yan". up.The flame storm and the red energy shock collided, and there was a fierce conflict.

The strong impact caused the players to retreat, but it had no effect on the scene and the NPCs in the scene.

However, in the end, Hellscream was still slightly better, so he blew away the flame storm, and then continued to attack the four people.At this time, Dorian stepped forward again, brandishing Tieshayafang and hitting a blast.

Yaoqi pushed back the remaining Hellscream, turned into a mad dragon and flew towards Li Tianyu and the others.

At this time, Zheng Nanxing stepped forward and used his vector control ability to prevent the impact.

"Oh? This girl can actually block an attack of this level..." Li Tianyu was a little surprised, but immediately started to fight back. He raised his hand and started to gather Lei Ying.

The impact of the explosion seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, so the blade in Dorian's hand turned red, and he rushed forward and slashed at Zheng Nanxing.This is another state of Iron Broken Fang, which is specially used to attack barriers and can break any barriers.But this knife did not break through Zheng Nanxing's defense smoothly, but was also blocked.

Because Zheng Nanxing's defense is actually not an enchantment, but a calculation formula formed by the "subconscious mind".

In other words, this calculation formula only filters certain factors and prevents them from passing through, not some kind of enchantment.And during this brief confrontation, Li Tianyu's Lei Ying had also completed charging and threw him towards the opponent.

At this moment, Dean sent a blackened Sparrow Bee Thunder Whip towards him, and collided with Li Tianyu's Lei Ying, causing a strong explosion again.All of a sudden, the four members of the two teams came and went, fighting inseparably.

Although the human side has a passive effect of increasing the damage received by [-]%, it does not mean that the human player's attributes will be reduced, but that the damage will be doubled when the damage is successfully calculated after the formula is calculated.

But if the enemy's attack is not enough to cause damage to humans, then this passive is meaningless.

For example, Xia Ning's physique is as high as 160 in the extreme state, and few players can cause damage to him in this state, so the passive effect of human power is meaningless to Xia Ning.But there are exceptions, that is, like Edward and Li Tianyu, the combination of domineering and ability causes real damage, and the attack cannot be defended.

However, even if they cannot be defended, both parties can dodge, as long as they are not reached, no damage will be caused.

It is precisely because of this that even if there is a passive effect in the battle between players, it will not be able to achieve a result in a short while.Although Liu Zihao had the high attributes provided by the Hell Armor, he had to beware of Edward's flames, and he didn't dare to step forward rashly for a while, and it was not the players from both sides that finally brought the battle to an end.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and Dean, who was attacking Shen Yan, suddenly let out a wail, and a blood spurted from his shoulder and fell to the ground.On the other hand, Karina stood not far behind Li Tianyu and the others, holding a shotgun in her hand and aiming at them, with a look of astonishment and panic, because in her eyes, Dean and the others looked like aliens. appearance.

"Are you all right?" Karina stepped forward to raise her gun and shot again, but the shot missed, and a cloud of smoke and dust floated up on the ground beside Angel. At this moment, several other police officers followed. Come to support.

"How is the situation in the town?" Li Tianyu immediately asked her, and Karina looked at Dean and the four in front of her in horror and replied: "The town and the residents in the town are in good condition at present, everyone gather together We are fighting against the attack of the alien. The chapel is safe, the alien has escaped, and everyone has closed the door of the chapel."

Li Tianyu was overjoyed immediately, and then turned to the four alien players in front of him: "Then find a way to kill these four as well. These things have the ability to heal, no matter how badly they are injured, as long as they are let go, they will recover in the end." .”

"I, I know!" Karina replied, then raised the gun and fired again at Dean who was lying on the ground.

But the player is still the player after all, Dean disappeared from the spot with one Shunpo, and then appeared not far away.But after all, he was injured and his actions were hindered, at least he couldn't fight back.And Li Tianyu was sure of this.

"Quick, the four of us attack him together, we must kill one!" Li Tianyu gritted his teeth, and then threw a thunder gun over. Liu Zihao and Shen Yan also launched attacks on Dean.In Li Tianyu's view, this might be a difficult battle, but he was already mentally prepared to kill Dean.

However, this is not the case. These European and American players are really ruthless. After seeing their companions injured, they immediately gave up decisively. Edward, Angel and Dorian left Dean at that time and went in the opposite direction to him. run away.

Although this kind of behavior is very rational, it is also somewhat cold-blooded.However, Dean knew what was going to happen to him, so he immediately stood up and made the last desperate struggle, aiming at Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan to shoot out the last two missiles.

The missiles of the Sparrow Bee Thunder Whip flew over surrounded by black spiritual pressure, but this time it was Liu Zihao who stepped forward. He shook his cloak, and the black cloak immediately formed a shield in front of him.

At that time, Li Tianyu was actually a little worried. After all, the Thunder Whip of the Bird and Bee is a powerful move that kills in one hit. Is it really okay for Liu Zihao to defend against these two bombardments with only the power of his battle suit?

But he didn't have time to look behind him, because he shouldered the task of killing Dean.After Dean was hit by one of his thunder guns, Li Tianyu then blasted the thunder dragon on Dean, and Dean's death was declared at this time.

Next, Li Tianyu directly used a relatively basic set of infinite connections, first started to charge Lei Ying, then used electric sparks to detonate the passive on Dean's body to make him go straight, and then blasted Lei Ying on Dean, adding Added a layer of passive.

During Lei Ying's second burst of damage, Li Tianyu threw another thunder gun. At this time, Dean had two passive layers, and then threw a thunder dragon during the third burst of damage, detonating Dean's body The two layers of passive, and then fired a thunder gun when Lei Ying's last damage burst.

At this time, Lei Ying was over, and Dean had a passive layer, but he was still in a stiff state. Li Tianyu shot Thunder Dragon again, refreshing Dean's passive to two layers.In fact, Dean was on the verge of death at this time, because he was not a player with high physical fitness, and Li Tianyu's injuries were all real injuries, so he had only his last breath left.

"Hmph, don't you still have resurrection coins? If you want to blame, blame your teammates for being too cold-blooded." Li Tianyu sneered, and finally snapped his fingers, detonating the two passive layers on Dean's body, and Dean's body directly melted. The dots of light disappeared.

In this way, it is the lead of the two resurrection coins.Li Tianyu thought to himself.

In the first round of the group arena, Xia Ning played John's resurrection coin. With the current one, they have already led the American server players by two resurrection coins.But in this round, it is not easy for European and American server players to play their resurrection coins, because human players will not consume resurrection coins until the population of human forces dies.

In the long run, Li Tianyu feels that even if they lose the game this round, it would be a good choice if they can consume a considerable portion of the resurrection coins of the US server players in the end.

In the end, it is enough to choose to abstain when the power of human beings is exhausted.However, Li Tianyu is very greedy. He not only wants to win this game, but also consumes the enemy's resurrection coins to accumulate as many advantages as possible.

After the four of Angel retreated, the alien offensive ended, and the town became quiet again.So Li Tianyu gathered everyone at the gate of the city hall, ready to count the losses tonight.

It was only after three o'clock in the morning, and it was still dark, but everyone looked very tired and frightened, resulting in a very bad complexion.

However, the actual situation is actually much better than imagined.Tonight, 36 people were injured and attacked, but only eight of them were captured by the alien, and the remaining 28 people, 18 of them died in the battle with the alien, and the other ten were killed because Xia Ning was attacked by the alien. The resurrection caused by death consumes, but the number of aliens eliminated tonight is six.

Including the four aliens lost at Mr. Arnold's side, the number of aliens killed today reached ten, but the aliens only captured eight people, which means that the attack of the aliens tonight was actually a reverse development. Instead, two were missing.

However, counting the ten people during the day, the total is 18. In other words, the number of aliens has only increased by eight.

The reason why this can be done is entirely because the traps they prepared have done a great job.The function of the trap is not to kill the aliens, but to give the residents of the town an early warning, which reduces the sneak attack rate of the aliens a lot.In addition, the preparations were done well, and the number of people who died from the blood splashed by the alien was greatly reduced, so today's casualties are so low.

If it wasn't for Xia Ning's mistake that led to the reduction of ten people, tonight can be said to be a complete victory for them.

Although the alien did prepare for several days to develop and prepare for the attack, the human side was not idle, and prepared a lot of materials and time to make traps and simple armor.That's why this victory was achieved. In Li Tianyu's view, it was worth celebrating, but it was not the case for the residents of the town.

For the townspeople, they still have 28 casualties, which means more will die tomorrow night.The wave of aliens during the day captured ten people, so the number of aliens will increase to 36 tomorrow.

Li Tianyu roughly estimated that there are still six days before the arrival of the military, and they still have more than 200 people left.

Judging from the development speed of the aliens, it is conservatively estimated that a dozen people will be captured tomorrow night and cause about 50 casualties. Then tomorrow there will be less than 200 people left on the human side and the number of aliens will increase to fifty. Around; the day after tomorrow it is estimated that more than 20 people will be taken away and cause 80 casualties...

Based on this calculation, the human forces may not be able to last for four days, six days?It's just a dream.

If the military can receive their news two days in advance if the two signal towers are kept intact at the beginning, then if the humans perform well, they should be able to survive until the military arrives, but now...

Although today's result is very good, Li Tianyu still knows that it is not good.

But he didn't say anything. After all, everyone was tired and depressed. It's best for everyone to take a rest now.But it cannot be ruled out that these invisible aliens will attack again, so it is still necessary to arrange people on duty.

"Ah." Li Tianyu lay down on the bed again, secretly having some doubts.

"Why, sighing... Shall I come to make you happy?" Shen Yan smiled while lying on his chest.

"I'm afraid I won't be happy." Li Tianyu shook his head and sighed. "The current situation is really not optimistic. If there is no obvious turning point and the status quo continues, the worst case scenario will be that all humans will be killed in three days."

"Three days?" Shen Yan bit her lower lip and pondered, Li Tianyu was very tired at the moment, so she rubbed her forehead: "Anyway, let's see if we can make anything tomorrow after sending today's alien to the old man." Let’s talk about new traps.”

After that, Shen Yan said something, but Li Tianyu was too sleepy so he didn't hear clearly, and fell asleep in a daze.

After waking up the next morning, he realized the last few words Shen Yan said to him last night.

"The alien in the trap is still alive, what should we do with it?" Karina looked at Li Tianyu and asked.

"A living alien!" Li Tianyu was startled, this harvest was really great.

Give the living alien to Mr. Arnold to study, maybe there will be some unexpected discoveries.In addition, they killed more than a dozen aliens last night. These corpses and remnants of the aliens can be used to research and make new traps for Mr. Arnold. I believe it will help them spend a few nights more safely. attack.

"Let us deal with this matter, that kind of creature is too dangerous, you should not get close to it." Li Tianyu replied, "You find a way to appease the emotions of the people in the town, don't let them get too depressed, or The military will arrive in five days. If we all work together, we will be able to hold out until the military arrives!"

"It doesn't matter anymore, everyone has cheered up after the rest." Karina replied, "In addition, in the battles of the past few days, there are a few relatively good hunters, and they have mastered the fighting skills against aliens. , They performed very well last night. I was wondering whether to let them lead a group of people to deal with the aliens to reduce casualties."

Here comes the turning point!Li Tianyu's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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