Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 590 Official Level

Chapter 590 Official Level
The number of zombies that came to attack is extremely large. Although a certain amount of ammunition was provided in front, it was not enough for them to clean up so many zombies. Therefore, from this point of view, it is speculated that this battle should not be a compulsory battle. avoided.But based on Li Tianyu's understanding of the game, there is a subtle difference in the purpose of the system here.

If the system encourages them to avoid the battle and feel that "avoiding the battle" is the correct way to play this plot, then there will be no ammunition supply ahead.However, the fact is that there are indeed ammunition supplies ahead, but the quantity is not enough. In Li Tianyu's view, this battle is a "hidden reward" battle.

The reason why the system gave this small amount of ammunition supply is to tell them that this battle will cause a lot of consumption. Even if the difficulty of this battle is not high, consuming a lot of mana will affect their subsequent battles and increase the difficulty in disguise.But it shows that this battle can be fought, if they are willing to pay this relatively high price.

Therefore, Li Tianyu is almost sure that there should be some good things in this scene, and it depends on whether it is worth the "ticket price".

After cleaning up the zombies on this floor, Li Tianyu and Lin Muxue searched on this floor.

There are actually a lot of rooms on this floor, and almost every room is open, but all the zombies were cleaned up in the wave of attack just now, so this floor is in an absolutely safe state, and there is no enemy to take a good look at. search.

In the end, after searching in a circle, two red herbs, a bottle of first aid spray and a little ammunition, these are all normal supplies, but these things are not critical, after all, it is enough to save some consumables.

The only key gain is a "virus vaccine".There are only 36 virus vaccines hidden in this area on the entire map, which also gave Li Tianyu a key message: every vaccine is not so easy to get.

The key to this map scene is indeed the "vaccine". Originally, Li Tianyu thought that the most difficult part of this map was how to find vaccines from hostile players, but now it seems that the key is how to find all these vaccines.

Because there are only 36 vaccines in total, only enough for [-] players to survive, and it is still in such a critical place, if one of them is accidentally skipped, it will lead to another reduction in the number of places.

The vaccine itself is already difficult to find, and after that, you have to bear the risk of other players coming to snatch the vaccine.

"It's so dangerous, it's actually hiding in such a place..." Lin Muxue couldn't help but sighed as she looked at the vaccine test tube in her hand, obviously realizing the seriousness of the matter: "If the battle just now was skipped, it wouldn't be over." Alright? There are only 36 vaccines in total, and missing one is equivalent to losing one surviving quota at the end... Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible."

"So we must be more careful in the subsequent searches, and we must not miss any..." Li Tianyu replied, "If there is no accident, the players on both sides should have [-] vaccines on each side. We have to calculate it at the end. Counting means you missed it."

"Let's continue now." Zhang Wenxin replied, "Don't forget, in addition to finding the vaccine ourselves, we also need to ensure that the vaccine will not be snatched away by those European and American players..."

"Well..." Li Tianyu nodded, and then followed the previous path downwards.

They have now arrived at the institute building successfully, but this is just the beginning.The research building is the main body of the entire map, and the office building in front is at best a "teaching level" for the game.Judging from his mental network, in addition to the twelve floors above, the research building also has four floors underground.

The area of ​​the four underground floors is much larger than that on the ground, almost occupying the entire institute.

Li Tianyu estimated that the combined area of ​​the twelve floors above the ground should not be as large as the area of ​​the four floors below.

But they don't need to search all the space, because some areas are inaccessible from where they are, and the road is blocked by certain obstacles, and Li Tianyu is not sure whether he can get through by flashing.

But he still plans to give it a try later. Although he thinks there may be a lot of risk in doing so, the risk is worth taking. After all, vaccines are so important in this scene.

After they came downstairs, they continued to search, but there were not as many searchable areas as expected, and many doors were closed.There were no zombies behind the door, so Li Tianyu tried to flash in to see if there were any hidden items inside, but it turned out that these sealed rooms were also empty, without any useful things.

Soon, they encountered the second "main prop" and found a "research material" in the dean's office.This research material is not infection data, but a plot prop that introduces information about a certain "*** virus".The name of this "*** virus" has been changed, and no specific information can be seen, but from the description...

"Is this the T virus?" Li Tianyu turned to Zhang Wenxin and asked, "It says that this virus will target the host's spine and brainstem, and the purpose of the research is to cure paralysis-like diseases related to the movement mechanism of the spine. Isn't that Is it the T virus? That doctor in Resident Evil 2 is here, and the purpose of the research is to make his daughter stand up."

"It should be, so do you want us to find this thing?" Zhang Wenxin leaned over to look at the information, and then flipped through the back, "It shows that the virus sample is stored in the 'codename CODX23' virus database. The virus library is located on the third underground floor of the research building, and different samples sent from the 'head office' are stored below..."

"It should be the T virus and the G virus, right?" Lin Muxue said curiously, "But we knew from the beginning that we were going downstairs. The key is how to get there?"

"It's said here." At this time, Nana pointed to a stack of documents on the dean's desk from the side, "It said that the key card of the dean or the deputy dean is needed, and the IDs of six employees are also required. The card can open the door leading to the secret research institute below."

"It sounds so dangerous." Lin Muxue said with a little worry, "Look, the confidential documents of this research institute say that the lower part of this research institute is specially responsible for some biological experiments on viruses, and there are many laboratories for experiments. animal……"

"But we can only bite the bullet." Li Tianyu sighed and said, "Let's go to the dean or the deputy dean first, the employee's ID card should also come from the zombies in this building. To put it bluntly, this is a The task of clearing monsters."

So, the two sides began to split up. Although Li Tianyu and Nana matched perfectly, he still brought Lin Muxue with him in order to balance the strength of the two sides. Nana and Zhang Wenxin could also cooperate.

"I found that the detonating talisman is quite useful in this place." Lin Muxue pursed her lips and said, "But I can't replenish it."

"Where's the ninjutsu that summons the detonating talisman?" Li Tianyu asked, hitting the head of a zombie in front of him with an enhanced thunder gun.

"That... I haven't mastered it, because I think that technique is a bit useless, even though it is a second-generation technique." Lin Muxue pouted and replied, "Besides, you know my ability, I usually don't learn it A rather noisy skill..."

"That's true..." Li Tianyu said, another thunder dragon shot, blowing away the two zombies in front of him, while Lin Muxue threw two wind blades to blow the heads of the two lying zombies up.

The zombie on the left rolled around on the ground, and an ID card rolled out of his arms.

"Okay, I got the first ID card." Li Tianyu picked up the ID card and sighed.

"But this place is so big, how long will it take to find it?" Lin Muxue frowned and muttered, Li Tianyu opened his heart network and sensed it. Judging from the area they can explore, there are a total of 36 zombies in the area, of which there are six An ID card will be issued, and one is the dean or vice dean.But at this time, they are actually closer to the hostile players.

Geographically speaking, the four enemy players should be in the corridor next to them, two rooms apart.There is no way to pass directly by the road here, but you can pass by using flash.

But Li Tianyu didn't intend to go head-on. Who the enemy is is still uncertain, not to mention that two of the three girls he brought with him are non-combat types, so it's better to avoid the enemy.His advantage is that he has the initiative and can jump in space regardless of vision. At present, he is the only player who can do it.

Even "Shenwei" cannot jump in space at will regardless of obstacles and distances.Li Tianyu estimated that the combined area of ​​the twelve floors above the ground should not be as large as the area of ​​the four floors below.

Kamui's space jump rules are "the visible range of vision" or "the area marked with chakra in advance".Of course, Li Tianyu's flashing is actually limited, but this restriction is relatively loose.

"What's the matter Tianyu?" Lin Muxue asked suddenly at this time, Li Tianyu shook his head: "It's nothing, keep looking."

However, they continued to search for a while. When Li Tianyu came to a conference room, he suddenly noticed outside the window. Through the window in front, he could see four hostile players!If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it. You can only see the four people passing by the window of the room over there through the window a few rooms away.

But Li Tianyu deliberately looked over there because his heart network sensed the enemy's position, and he only noticed it now.

The four players were Carl, Adele, Spike and Chen Shuang. It was still daytime, and it was impossible for the four of them to win when they met these four guys.

Therefore, Li Tianyu opened his heart network and continued to perceive. Judging from the route of the four of Karna and their locations, it is completely opposite to their route, and there is no possibility of meeting them at all.

While searching and cleaning up the little zombies, they soon came to the first floor. At present, Li Tianyu and Lin Muxue found three ID cards, but the location of the dean has not been determined yet.On the first floor, they also found the door leading to the secret research institute. The door was located in a special room and was locked by a combination lock. At first glance, they thought it was a bank vault.

Soon, Zhang Wenxin and Nana also met them here, and they also found three key cards.In this way, the six key cards are all together, but the ID card of the dean or the deputy dean is still missing.

"Let's try to see if we can dismantle this thing first?" Zhang Wenxin looked at the big iron gate in front of her waist and said, "If you can't dismantle it, you can also try Tianyu's flash. Counting the judgment of Flash, it shouldn’t attract monsters. Anyway, aren’t we going to pass through here? It shouldn’t matter if Flash moves forward a little.”

"Well, let's try it." Li Tianyu nodded, "But I think that even if I can go there, I have to search carefully. There should be other props here. It is very likely that the two deans will have vaccines by their side."

"That's true..." Zhang Wenxin pondered, then put her hands together and shouted, "Wu Shuang donuts, strange rice cakes!"

Nian Gao was covered with armed domineering, formed two huge fists, and hammered towards the metal door in front of him.

"Boom!" The sound of the bell rang, and Li Tianyu felt a "hum" in his ears, which made him frown uncontrollably, and the strong impact made his facial muscles twitch slightly.But even though the blow was so powerful, the door didn't move at all, not to mention the metal door, there wasn't even a crack in the wall.

"It seems that forcing it won't work." Zhang Wenxin frowned slightly and muttered with her little mouth pouted.

So Li Tianyu tried flashing next, the scenery in front of him flashed, but he still stood in place the next moment.

"There should be an anti-cheating mechanism..." Lin Muxue folded her arms and muttered, "Let's just find props honestly."

However, the dean and deputy dean couldn't find it, but they came to the monitoring room first.From the monitoring room, they can see a part of the research building through the monitor screen. At this time, Li Tianyu saw the four people in Karl on one of the screens. The bad water suddenly started churning.

He lowered his head and checked on the operating instruments in front of him. Some rooms are locked for Karl and the others, but from the control room on Li Tianyu’s side, these doors can be opened through the console. At the same time, they can Trigger an alarm somewhere.As for the must be to make trouble for the other player.

For example, they can open the door shutting a dozen zombies and release the zombies inside, or turn on the alarm in a certain area to attract the surrounding zombies, causing a little trouble for Karl and the others to delay their steps.

However, judging from the options in this control room, players on both sides may have certain props that need to be competed for in certain places in this research building. When one of the parties is faster, they can get these props first, or A safer and easier way to reach the destination.

(End of this chapter)

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