Chapter 591 Blind Spot
"Hey, this looks like..." Lin Muxue looked at the picture on the monitor in front of her, and smiled eagerly.

"Wait a minute." Li Tianyu raised his hand to stop her, "These guys haven't arrived yet, so we can also see their fighting situation through these pictures."

After saying that, Li Tianyu continued to open his heart network and inspect the terrain below.

After careful perception, he discovered why he couldn't flash in some places, because Xinwang couldn't perceive the space behind, so some places were a black area under his Xinwang's perception.

He thought these rooms were empty before, but now he realizes that it is actually because the electric waves of the heart network cannot pass through, so he cannot perceive the internal structure, and the areas that the heart network cannot perceive naturally cannot flash through.But thinking about it the other way around, any areas that his heart network can't perceive must be areas that need to solve puzzles or have important props inside.

Taking advantage of this, they might be able to avoid missing some important props.

"Here, this room is sealed, but there should be props in it. Also, the office at the back of the corridor is the same, there should be some puzzle-solving props in it. Let's lead the zombies to the door of these two rooms. Li Tianyu pointed to several rooms on the surveillance screen, and then instructed Lin Muxue, "Release the zombies in these two rooms first."

"Oh! I know what you mean, and then turn on the alarm here to attract the zombies, right?" Lin Muxue suddenly said, Li Tianyu nodded, "After the zombies here gather, we will send the other Release the zombies from the other side of the room, and then trigger the alarm over there to lure the zombies over, which should hinder them for a long time."

After Lin Muxue did so, they attracted the zombies to those two rooms as planned.

The four of Karl seemed a little puzzled, as if they didn't understand why Li Tianyu distributed the zombies at the door of these two rooms, but they all chose to avoid them at present, probably because they wanted to see if there was another way to go.

Li Tianyu didn't have the patience to continue watching, but urged Lin Muxue and the others: "Okay, don't watch. Let's go too. Since there is a delay mechanism here, it means that the players on both sides must be We have to race against each other. We also have to hurry up, and there may be the same punishment mechanism waiting for us later."

"Well, it makes sense, let's go." Zhang Wenxin nodded and said.

So, Li Tianyu and Lin Muxue continued to search in the room, but this time he chose an opportunistic way, and only went to search with Lin Muxue for the room in this area that he couldn't perceive with the heart network, that is, the black area.

Sure enough, the room he couldn't sense was locked and they couldn't enter.Li Tianyu looked up at this room. Judging from the structure diagram of the building in front, this place should be a tool room, used to store some cleaning utensils and the like.But now the door to the place is locked, and the key might be with two people.

The first is the health director who runs the place, and the second is the security guard who manages the keys.

In this scene, the costumes on the zombies are very clear, and their identities can be known at a glance.Based on this, they can selectively kill the zombies in the scene instead of cleaning up all the zombies in the scene.

Because zombies will not drop supply items other than mission items, killing zombies is just a waste of mana.At present, there are only some scattered zombies left in this scene. Just avoid them. There is no need to deliberately kill them.

"Tianyu, there's a security guard here." Lin Muxue waved her hand and threw a shuriken towards the security guard's forehead.The security guard was knocked to the ground, but his head was not shot, so Li Tianyu stepped forward to make up for it.

"That's not it..." Li Tianyu shook his head and said, "Let's go on to the next one."

"Hey, Tianyu!" Lin Muxue suddenly pulled him happily and pointed behind him, "Look at that!"

Li Tianyu looked at her pointing, and there was a dead body sitting in front of the office door in front. From his clothes, he should be a cleaner, but he could clearly see a bunch of keys around his waist.

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu turned to Lin Muxue and smiled, and Lin Muxue smiled sympathetically with him.

Li Tianyu stepped forward and threw a lightning gun at the dead corpse as usual, but the zombie lay motionless on the ground.So Li Tianyu stretched out his hand to grab the key chain around his waist, but he still couldn't stop breathing: Will this guy suddenly come alive and grab him at the last moment?

Li Tianyu tensed his nerves and carefully guarded. The moment his hand lightly touched the keychain, the coldness of his fingertips made him shrink back subconsciously, but the zombie didn't move, and sat on the ground obediently.

The zombie didn't move until he took off the keychain.Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at the key in his hand.However, at this moment, the window of the office in front of him suddenly shattered, and a zombie rushed out from behind.Because the shutters in this office were closed, Li Tianyu didn't expect this at all.

At that time, he was thrown to the ground by the zombie, and the zombie desperately rushed over and bit it frantically, Li Tianyu didn't dare to wave his hand to push it away, otherwise even if a little finger was bitten, it would be infected.

"Damn...this guy, why is he so powerful!?" Li Tianyu couldn't help cursing.

He knew that this should be the same as in the alien scene before. In order not to make NPCs and monsters a decoration, there was an independent attribute calculation formula when the player and the monster were fighting, which led to him not having an advantage in strength.

"Tianyu!" At this time, Lin Muxue hurried forward and kicked the zombie's face forcefully.

But Lin Muxue's attributes were already terribly low, and under the influence of this independent attribute calculation formula, she was more like a girl with no strength to restrain her hands, so this kick made the zombie not even shake, and it was still alive. Desperately biting Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu put one hand on the opponent's neck, and the other hand tried to find a way to shoot a thunder gun at its head, but in this posture, he was suppressed by the zombies, and it was difficult to use his strength. The zombie opened its mouth and bit it. He could only push his left hand on the zombie's chin to prevent him from approaching, but his finger was almost bitten, so he had to take his hand back.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu blocked the zombie's neck with both hands, and finally succeeded in making the zombie stop swinging around, so that Lin Muxue could take aim at the zombie's head.

"Wind Escape, Fengya!" Lin Muxue raised her hand and aimed a wind blade at the zombie's head, finally blowing the zombie's head off.

"Huh!" Li Tianyu also heaved a sigh of relief, sat up and said cursingly: "It's really a bad idea..."

Fortunately, the key was finally obtained, and Li Tianyu took the key and Lin Muxue back to the tool room.The door just opened, and there was a fat naked zombie and a blond big-breasted zombie standing inside, turning their heads to look at them with blank expressions.At that time, Lin Muxue covered her eyes, and complained secretly: "It's really indiscreet..."

"It looks like something a dean-level person would do." Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows and said, stepping forward to deal with the two zombies.

On the dean, they found the ID card, but what was strange was that they found a sample of "G virus" from the secretary.Anyway, that way they had two samples of the virus.

So they turned around and went back to the previous gate, and inserted the six ID cards and the dean's key card into the keyhole of the gate. With a "click", the door slowly opened, and Li Tianyu's heart network also covered this dark area.

After going down the stairs to the B1 floor, Li Tianyu's place is actually not big, and there are not many zombies, but he shuddered a little as soon as he entered.Whether it was the pitch-black research building or the smell of blood, they were all telling them that this place was dangerous.Li Tianyu still remembers that this is the place where the "biological experiments" are carried out in the research building.

In other words, there are a lot of animal samples used for experiments here, and now these creatures are lurking in the dark...

As Li Tianyu's heart network spread, the locations of these creatures gradually became clear.But many "objects" Li Tianyu is not sure what they are, because the shape is very vague, and the body shape is really outrageous, which makes his mental network become very confused here, and it will confuse his perception ability on the contrary, so he Heartnet is temporarily closed.

"I'm so scared..." Nana hid behind Lin Muxue and whispered, Lin Muxue said angrily, "It's useless for you to hide behind me! I'm more scared than you! Does any of you have a flashlight? Turn it on quickly !"

"Tianyu and I will go ahead." Zhang Wenxin turned on the flashlight and said, then walked forward cautiously.

In fact, Li Tianyu is also very disturbed in his heart. The heart network is the key to his ability to keep calm. With the heart network, he can always ensure that he has the upper hand, but now that the heart network is no longer working, he is naturally a little uneasy.

The circuit in this place is separated from the front, so there are lights in the front, but it is dark here, only a red emergency light at a certain distance barely illuminates the way ahead, but those strange red lights just make the scene It's just more terrifying.Although Li Tianyu couldn't perceive all the enemies, he could still perceive some of them.

"Be careful! There are a few... insect-like enemies ahead." When they came to a corner, Li Tianyu quickly grabbed Zhang Wenxin and said.Zhang Wenxin nodded, then raised her hand and said in a low voice, "The glutinous rice clone."

The glutinous rice dumplings condensed and took shape in front of her, turning into another Zhang Wenxin, and then walked forward.

As soon as he walked out of the corner, a spider more than one meter long rushed up like lightning, knocked down the clone of the glutinous rice, and then dragged it into the darkness, scaring Lin Muxue and Nana behind him to death. Death grabbed him and screamed.

Li Tianyu was frightened by the spider at first, but before he could react to being frightened by the spider, the screams of Lin Muxue and Nana made him tremble with fright.First, he blasted the thunder dragon at the spider, and the giant spider was instantly knocked over by the electric shock, exposing its fat belly and twitching on the ground.

However, before Li Tianyu continued to attack, a huge snake-like creature suddenly drilled out of the ventilation duct, threw itself on the spider, dragged it into the ventilation duct, and disappeared from the scene in an instant.Now the few people at the scene couldn't even react in fear, Lin Muxue uttered a frightened sob behind Li Tianyu.

"I feel like I peed my pants..." Nana whispered in a thin voice.

"Oh? Is this the purpose of your wearing a skirt? So you won't get wet too much?" Li Tianyu said angrily, "This scene is the only way we go downstairs. Search here carefully, there may be Lots of props."

But through this "giant snake", Li Tianyu also figured out some rules.He didn't perceive this giant snake before because it was hidden in the ventilation duct and merged with the ventilation duct, so it was naturally difficult for Li Tianyu to distinguish it.From this point of view, those grotesque creatures in the heart net are probably also monsters.

The most urgent task now is to restore the lighting here.

Insect-like creatures are very sensitive to light, and most insects hunt at night, so the darkness of this place just activates the predatory characteristics of these insects.After turning on the light, because of their sensitivity to light, most insects will hide in the dark, giving them a chance to search the area, so "turn on the light" first.

And for Li Tianyu, he can use a little means, which is the "blind spot" of Xinwang.Because it is known that the waves of the heart network cannot penetrate the rooms that need to be decrypted. In other words, his blind area must be the place to solve the puzzle.

Through this, Li Tianyu can directly lead the four of Lin Muxue to the puzzle room.

"This way!" Li Tianyu waved his hand and led Lin Muxue to the puzzle-solving room closest to them.

Along the way, some shadows could be seen flying past them in the dark, but most of them were not aggressive, and only those monsters over a certain size would actively attack them.

But the moment they came to the door of the puzzle-solving room, there was another roar from the ventilation duct above the head, and the "giant snake" swooped down from above, and fell headlong in front of Li Tianyu, almost brushing against him. And pass.

But this pounce missed, and the giant snake quickly ran past Li Tianyu and rushed to the other end of the corridor. Li Tianyu also took this opportunity to see clearly that this was not a giant snake at all, but a giant carnivorous snake. Centipede!
Looking at those legs and limbs crawling quickly in front of him, Li Tianyu felt goosebumps on the back of his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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