Super Plane Mall

Chapter 388 Interstellar Merchant

Chapter 388 Interstellar Merchant
"The spacecraft power system is intact"

"The energy supply system is intact"

. . .

"The energy loss of the spaceship shield is 50.00% five.

Ten percent damage to the spaceship's armor. "

It can be seen that although the appearance of this spaceship looks very miserable, in fact the loss of the spacecraft is not very large, and it is worthy of being a sixth-level civilization spacecraft.

However, although the loss of the spaceship was not large, as the owner of the spaceship, this creature very similar to humans still felt distressed when he heard the return of the biological brain of the spaceship.

This alien, which is similar to a human being, has the same appearance as a human being, of course, he has to get rid of his rabbit-like ears.

The name of the alien is Wiener, and it comes from the only level [-] biological civilization in the galaxy, which can be seen from his spaceship.

Although the sixth-level civilization is the highest level of civilization in the galaxy, if this is a fleet of a sixth-level civilization, no one will mess with her, because it is an act of courting death.

However, although he belongs to the sixth-level civilization, he is also an interstellar trader. Unlike other interstellar traders, ordinary interstellar traders form gangs and rarely act alone like him. Trades between allied civilizations will never appear in strange star fields and trade with strange civilizations.

But Wei Na is different, he is a real interstellar trader, no matter where he is, no matter what civilization, he will go as long as he can earn enough money, and besides normal trade, he is also an arms dealer , and an arms dealer's favorite place to stay is the most chaotic place, because there are also the most civilizations buying arms in those places.

However, the civilizations in these places are also the most courageous. They don't care whether Wei Na is a level [-] civilization person, and even if they know what to do for a person who is a level [-] civilization, they will still do something, such as This time, Wei Na went to the most chaotic area in the galaxy to carry out arms transactions according to his usual habits, but when he was about to reach that star field, he encountered space pirates, and the space pirates who ambushed him this time were not a group of space pirates.

Because of an ordinary too-fast pirate group, he doesn't have to escape at all. As a spaceship produced by a sixth-level civilization, although it is only a civilian spaceship, his combat effectiveness must not be underestimated, let alone the spaceship he is on. , or after a large-scale refit, its combat effectiveness is definitely not much weaker than that of ordinary military spaceships.

But there were too many space pirates attacking him this time, 12 space pirate groups, nearly 200 million spaceships attacked him, and even among these pirate groups, there were nearly [-] spaceships of the fifth-level civilization.

This is also what surprised him the most. You must know that this is a civilized spaceship with 10 ships. Although his spaceship is very powerful, it is powerless to face so many fifth-level civilized warships. After time, he can only choose to use warp drive to escape.

Although there are nearly 200 million spaceships among the many pirate groups on the opposite side, including more than 10 spaceships of the fifth-level civilization, as a spaceship of the sixth-level civilization, especially those specially modified like him Spaceship, if you want to escape, no matter how many level five spaceships you have, it will be useless.

Although the spacecraft of the fifth-level civilization can also fly at warp speed, the fastest speed can only reach 15 times the speed of light, and his spacecraft can reach 50 times the speed of light after modification , so the spacecraft of the fifth-level civilization can't catch up with him at all.

Of course, 50 times the speed of light is already the most powerful warp engine that their civilization can produce, and as an interstellar trader, escape is an essential skill, so he chose the most advanced warp engine of their civilization when modifying this spaceship. Many people laughed at him saying that it was superfluous, because as one of the most powerful civilizations in the Milky Way, there would be people who would dare to invade the sixth-level civilization without opening their eyes.

But it was such a decision that saved him many times in future interstellar trades. If it is an ordinary level-30 civil spaceship, even a level-[-] civilian spaceship can only travel at a warp speed of [-] times the speed of light. .

And the maximum speed of a general sixth-level military spacecraft can only reach about 40 to 45 times the speed of light, and few ships that want to reach 50 times the speed of light can achieve it even in their own civilization.

As for the other sixth-level civilizations in the Milky Way, their fastest spaceships are basically around 40 to 43 times the speed of light, because their civilization does have a great advantage in terms of warp drive compared to other sixth-level civilizations.

So in the later universe trade, she met the universe trade merchants of other sixth-level civilizations many times and tried her ideas, but he still ran away.

"How long will it take to repair the spaceship." He asked the biological brain on the spaceship.

"It takes ten cosmic units to repair the spacecraft." The intelligent brain of the spacecraft replied.

The time of ten cosmic units is roughly equivalent to ten months for human beings. Of course, for a huge spaceship, it only takes ten months to repair it, which is very fast, so he didn’t say anything else, just Directly order the intelligence brain of the spaceship to repair the spaceship.

As a biological civilization, as long as there are enough resources and nutrient solution in the spaceship, the spaceship can repair itself without any other auxiliary equipment for repair. Just like living things, after being injured, as long as they are not fatally All injuries can be self-healed, which is the biggest difference between biological civilization and mechanical civilization.

"By the way, where is our current location in the Milky Way? And whether there are any advanced civilizations around, this is a civilization of level five or above to mark it out for me." For an interstellar businessman, the main concern Civilization is a civilization above level five.

For him, civilizations of level five or above are his main source of goods, as well as sources of war materials such as arms.

The fourth-level civilization in the Milky Way is its main shipping target. The fourth-level civilization can be found in most places in the galaxy, but the fifth-level civilization is not necessarily the case.

"Good mistress! Please wait a moment." Generally speaking, most biological civilizations are matrilineal civilizations. After all, only female creatures can reproduce, and only after female creatures have evolved, will the next generation be better than the previous generation. Even more outstanding, and as the representative of the highest level of biological civilization in the Milky Way, the civilization he belongs to is also a matrilineal civilization.

"Okay, go to the restaurant first, and let me know after confirming the location of the spaceship." After finishing speaking, he turned to the Jingzhou District next to the commander.

(End of this chapter)

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