Super Plane Mall

Chapter 389 Wei Na's Pride

Chapter 389 Wei Na's Pride

Just as she walked to the dining room, the biological brain of the spaceship informed him that the location of the spaceship had been determined.

"Open the star map to show the location of the spaceship." After receiving the notification from Zhinao, he immediately ordered Zhinao to open the star map.

Just after he finished speaking, on a small sapling directly in front of him, a three-dimensional star map was gathered from scratch, and what appeared in the star map was the third spiral arm of the Milky Way, the Orion spiral arm .

"Grandma, where we are now is on the Orion spiral arm, the third spiral arm of the Milky Way. According to the information of our civilization 5 years ago, this is a desert of civilization.

Within 200 light-years around, there is no level 200 or above civilization. According to the data, the nearest level 5 civilization should be the black bear civilization [-] light-years away, because the black bear civilization was already [-] years ago. Level [-] civilization, and if there are no accidents, the black bear civilization should have been promoted to level [-] civilization by this time. "

In the star map above the small tree, the third spiral arm of the Milky Way is displayed above the small tree, and there are dots of various colors on the third spiral arm, red, yellow, and blue Wait, in fact, these different colors represent different civilizations, and these civilizations are all civilizations of level five or above.

Moreover, the depth of the color above represents the relationship between these civilizations and him, and the darker the color, the worse the relationship with him.

The Orion spiral arm of the third spiral arm of the Milky Way did not expect to escape to the famous desert of civilization in the Milky Way. However, the warp drive of the spaceship is still charging, and the appearance of the spaceship is seriously damaged. The protective cover has also lost most of its functions, so it must wait for the spacecraft to be repaired before it can travel at warp speed.

In other words, he must stay here for ten months before he can start a new warp speed voyage.

But since he will stay here for ten months, hey, he can only look around, maybe he can encounter civilizations of level five or above, although the place he is now is a famous civilization in the Milky Way. Desert, but from time to time in the Milky Way, a civilization of level [-] or above will pop up.

Maybe there is a civilization above level [-] in this desert of civilization. If there is no civilization of level [-] or above, then although this is a desert of civilization, there must be a civilization of level [-]. Let's see when the time comes It might be possible to find some valuable things from the fourth-level civilization. If there is any fourth-level civilization that is not open, he certainly doesn't mind directly destroying the other party and directly robbing their wealth.

Wei Na thought while looking at the star map, but she actually didn't have much hope in her heart about whether she could encounter a civilization of level five or above. It has not been updated for 5 years, but it is impossible for a civilization to upgrade to the fifth-level civilization without tens of thousands of years under normal circumstances, so he does not expect that there will be new ones in this area for 5 years. The fifth-level civilization appeared. After all, the reason why the civilization desert is a desert is because the resources in the civilization desert are poor, and the development of civilization is very difficult, so it is very difficult to ask a fifth-level civilization in tens of thousands of years.

Although Wei Na is just an interstellar businessman, he is very clear about the difficulty of civilization advancement. After all, the most important thing for an interstellar businessman is to sell goods among various civilizations in the universe to earn wealth, so the civilizations he has seen are very There are many, but most civilizations can only end at the fourth-level civilization stage, and some civilizations may not be able to upgrade to the fifth-level civilization even after 10,000+ years.

So so far, there are only one or two thousand known fifth-level civilizations in the entire galaxy.

And although Wei Na is an interstellar merchant, he is different from ordinary low-level interstellar merchants. After all, he is an interstellar merchant from a sixth-level civilization, so he has his own dignity and pride. After all, all sixth-level civilizations in the entire galaxy plus It seems that there are less than a hundred of them. It can be said that the civilization they are in is already at the top of the Milky Way, and there is no need to hug the thigh of a sixth-level civilization like other interstellar traders.

Moreover, Wei Na is also eligible to trade with him on an equal footing in the entire galaxy, and only civilizations with a civilization level of five or above have this qualification.

Civilizations of level [-] or below are not qualified to bargain with him at all. He is very respectful of them for being able to trade with civilizations of level [-] or below. After all, the combat power of his spaceship has surpassed all civilizations of level [-]. The sum of the combat power is too high, so he thinks that civilizations at level [-] or below are not qualified to bargain with him at all.

Moreover, ever since he worked as an interstellar merchant for him, until now, he has even personally wiped out many low-level civilizations. After all, the fourth-level civilizations are everywhere in the Milky Way, and no one cares about killing one or two casually. , Even if it is an affiliated civilization of the fifth-level civilization, generally speaking, the fifth-level civilization will not offend the sixth-level civilization for a fourth-level civilization.

After all, several fourth-level civilizations disappear into the universe every day in the Milky Way. Even the spaceship he is on now has many slaves who originally belonged to the fourth-level civilization, just because their civilization was annexed or eliminated by other civilizations. These civilized people treated him like a slave.

Of course, in addition to these efforts, there are also a small number of slaves among them, those who are left behind by the blind fourth-level civilization who wanted to get his idea and the entire civilization was wiped out by him.

After all, the idea of ​​an interstellar businessman with a level-[-] civilized spaceship deserves to be exterminated. Who told them to be blinded by greed and not consider their own strength at all.

You must know that most of the fifth-level civilizations dare not take her idea, let alone the fourth-level civilization.

What's more, every interstellar businessman in the universe is not a simple person, and has his own unique skills to save his life. In addition, every interstellar businessman has his own huge profit network. Even if a fifth-level civilization does not eliminate it at once, then They will face revenge that they cannot bear.

What's more, Wei Na is a citizen of a sixth-level civilization, and behind him stands the top biological civilization in the galaxy.

"Smart brain, scan the situation within five light-years with the spacecraft as the center, and see if there is any civilization within five light-years. If there is no civilization, then I am unlucky. After all, the warp drive on the spacecraft cannot work now. Therefore, the spaceship cannot fly faster than the speed of light at warp speed, and it is impossible to leave here within ten months.

If there is a civilization, then calculate the civilization level of this civilization to see if this civilization is eligible to trade with us. If not, then we will go to other places directly after the spacecraft is fully repaired. If it is eligible to trade with us If so, then we will start contacting them. "

(End of this chapter)

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