Super Plane Mall

Chapter 410 Ocean of Light

Chapter 410 Ocean of Light
And in the middle of this star field, according to the detection of various instruments on the spacecraft, all the scientists in the spacecraft are very sure that there must be a black hole in the middle.

Otherwise, the stars in this star field would not be so dense.

At this time, all the people on the three spaceships were basically looking at the starry area in the distance, which was the destination of their travel, the Ocean of Light Starfield.

Because of the scene in front of them, the impact on them was too great.

No wonder in Wei Na's eyes, the solar system is just a desert of civilization in the Milky Way.

Only those who have been to the bustling areas in the universe can know how barren the solar system is.

According to the star map information that the Ming Empire bought from the sixth-level civilization Wei Na, the Ocean of Light star field is very large, and the entire Ocean of Light star field has a diameter of more than 50 light-years.

At the outermost edge of the entire Ocean of Light, which is where Zhu Lei and the others are now, the distance between the stars will not exceed one light-year, and the closer to the central area, the more stars there are. No wonder this This star field can be called an ocean of light, and the number of stars here is really too much, they are simply clustered together.It really looks like an ocean of light, with bright stars everywhere.

At this time, all the people on the three spaceships in Zhu Lei's fleet were very emotional, this is one of the bustling areas in the Milky Way.

And according to the information purchased from Vina, there are still many places like this kind of Ocean of Light in the Milky Way. The star field is incomparable, just like the solar system has come to the ocean of light.

"Attention everyone, preparations for the last warp flight, all spacecraft open their shields, all weapon systems start to recharge, and the spacecraft enters the countdown to warp flight Ten, nine, eight,..., two, one, zero The spacecraft enters warp Space." With the end of the countdown, the three giant ships led by Zhu Lei entered the warp space in a ripple, and then flew towards the target area.

When the spaceship reappeared in the normal space, the trade fleet of the Ming Empire was already in the Ocean of Light Starfield, but they are now only at the outermost edge of the Ocean of Light Starfield, and the stars and other celestial bodies are not very dense, but here The distance between the stars is basically already within a light-year.

"The fleet parked in place, and other departments of the fleet began to cooperate with the fleet's information center to collect all the information we could, analyze the civilization of the highest level of civilization in this Ocean of Light region, and then report the most important forces here, as well as species and resources, etc. Information about the situation." As soon as the spaceship appeared in the Ocean of Light, Zhu Lei immediately ordered.

After all, the information purchased by the Ming Empire from Wei Na was tens of thousands of years ago. Who knows how this star field is developing now, so Zhu Lei must know something about this place after he comes here. Whether it is ancient times or the current interstellar era, no matter where you go, you must first understand some local data, and these data are related to the future plans of the Ming Empire here.

The trade fleet of the Ming Empire is now less than one light-year away from the nearest star system, and according to the neutrino radar detection on the spacecraft, this galaxy has five planets, one of which is very large and even exceeds the size of the Ming Empire. Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.

And according to past experience, there are two planets in this galaxy at a suitable distance from the stars in this galaxy, which is very conducive to the existence of life.

More importantly, Zhu Lei found that there is no activity of intelligent civilization in this galaxy, which means that this galaxy is an unowned galaxy. Although the specific situation in this galaxy needs to be further investigated, this does not hinder the development of this galaxy. It has successfully aroused Zhu Lei's interest.

As a human cultivator, Zhu Lei will definitely act immediately if he is moved. After all, the guidance of the soul is a very important intuition for a cultivator.

Then Zhu Lei began to order the fleet to head towards this galaxy, but this time because the distance was less than one light-year, Zhu Lei did not order the fleet to carry out a warp speed spacecraft, but to head towards this galaxy in a conventional flight method.

After all, there is only such a small distance. Even if you use a conventional flight method, it only takes about a year to reach this galaxy. What's more, since the Ming Empire has just arrived in the Ocean of Light star field, it is not familiar with everything about the Ocean of Light. This kind of data also takes time to collect.

If you fly at warp speed, you can’t collect data at all during the flight. After all, the spaceship is no longer in the normal space when flying at warp speed, so the spaceship can’t capture all kinds of information at all, so if you rent it, order the spaceship to fly in a regular flight mode .

"My lord, after collecting data during this period of time, the highest level of civilization in the entire Ocean of Light belongs to a quasi-level five civilization called Light and Dark Civilization. The area where this civilization is located is in the center of the Ocean of Light. Its The territory is about five light-years away, accounting for about 1/10 of the territory of the entire Ocean of Light, and it is one of the most powerful civilizations in the entire Ocean of Light.

The second is a civilization called Totem, which is a very special civilization. This civilization neither develops technology nor biology, but the individuals of this civilization are very powerful, and some of them can even travel into space physically. Therefore, it is comprehensively judged that this is a civilization of cultivation, and this civilization is also very famous in this ocean of light. After all, races that can physically travel into space are rare in the entire galaxy, but according to our Judgment, although this practice civilization can already reach the level of physically traveling into space, it cannot cross space in the universe and exceed the speed of light, so this civilization is now only a fourth-level civilization.

However, due to the particularity of the cultivation civilization, this civilization has become one of the most powerful civilizations in the Ocean of Light. Although it is not as good as the light and dark civilization, it is much stronger than other civilizations. This civilization is in the Ocean of Light. There are about a dozen galaxies in China, and these galaxies are all living stars.

In addition to these two overlords in the Ocean of Light, there are countless civilizations in the entire Ocean of Light star field. According to the common civilization division method in the Milky Way, although these two civilizations have not crossed over to the fourth-level civilization and become the fifth-level civilization, Level [-] civilization, but their combat effectiveness is not much weaker than that of ordinary Level [-] civilizations. Even if the Black Bear Civilization comes, it is very likely that they will not be able to take advantage. However, although these two civilizations are already quasi-Level [-] civilizations , but due to the large number of civilizations in the Ocean of Light, many civilizations have even formed alliances one after another to fight against them. Therefore, although they are the overlords of the Ocean of Light, they cannot unify the entire Ocean of Light. "

(End of this chapter)

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