Super Plane Mall

Chapter 411 Imperial Ambition 1

Chapter 411 Imperial Ambition I
Although these two civilizations are quasi-level five civilizations, in any case, these two civilizations are only quasi-level five civilizations and not real fifth-level civilizations. They cannot unify the entire light of this race of countless civilizations. of the ocean.

Since the distance to the nearest star system is less than one light-year, Zhu Lei ordered the fleet to fly to this star system. After all, it takes only one year for the spacecraft to reach such a short distance. If the spacecraft flies at a faster speed, the information collection of the Ocean of Light by the spacecraft will be terminated. After all, the spacecraft is no longer in the normal space when flying at a warp speed, so the spacecraft cannot collect all information in the normal space at all when flying at a warp speed.

What's more, in addition to collecting all useful information on this Ocean of Light, the fleet must make a detailed list of all cargo in the spaceship. The languages ​​of several well-known civilizations were formulated, compared to the languages ​​on Earth that these civilizations do not know at all.

After nearly a year of voyage, the trading fleet of the Ming Empire finally arrived at this galaxy. There are a total of five planets in this galaxy, two of which are located in the circle suitable for pure life in this galaxy, and the other three planets are due to Because of the environment and the planet itself, these three planets are not suitable for the development of life at all.

After detection by fleet detectors, one of the two planets in the area where life may be born has been proven to have life, and the life that has developed is relatively advanced. Although intelligent life has not yet developed, if there are no outsiders, Without interruption, it is only a matter of time before this planet develops intelligent life.

However, life did not appear on the other planet. This is a very strange thing, because the other planet obtained a message according to the speculation of the scientists in the fleet for several months until the fleet reached this galaxy. , that is more data, this planet should have produced life long ago, after all, according to the detection of the probe, there are liquid water resources necessary for life on this planet.

Moreover, the temperature on the planet is also very suitable for the existence of life, and there is even a strong magnetic field on this planet. It stands to reason that this planet should have life like another living planet in this galaxy, but However, there has been no life on this planet until now, which makes the scientists of the Ming Empire in the fleet very puzzled.

Then Zhu Lei discussed with the scientists of the Ming Empire whether the Ming Empire would establish a stronghold in this galaxy. After all, according to Wei Na's information, the Ocean of Light star field is very rich, and the entire star field is more than 50 light-years in diameter. One hundred thousand stars, this is very shocking to everyone in the trade fleet of the Ming Empire. If you have never been to the Ocean of Light, you absolutely cannot understand the feelings of the people in the trade fleet of the Ming Empire at this time. What is richness and what is civilization? , Compared with this place, the solar system where the Ming Empire is located is really too barren.

If it wasn't for Wei Na's accidental intrusion into the territory of the Ming Empire, maybe the Ming Empire is still sitting in the solar system watching the sky at this time, and many people think that the universe is like this.

Although this galaxy is now different from the information that the Ming Empire purchased from Vina, this is only a difference in the civilizations of this star field, such as the two civilizations of the current overlord, the light and dark civilization and the totem civilization.

Judging from the information purchased by the Ming Empire from Wei Na, these two civilizations had just broken through the fourth-level civilization at that time. In the entire Ocean of Light star field, they were just ordinary civilizations. There are hundreds of thousands of civilizations in the domain, and the fourth-level civilizations account for the vast majority.

Just like this, two ordinary fourth-level civilizations have passed tens of thousands of years, and are now the most powerful overlords in the entire Ocean of Light star field, and from the Ocean of Light acquired by the fleet for more than a year Judging from the information available, it turns out that the glorious civilization, the overlord of the ocean star field after the light, has no trace of this civilization in the entire ocean of light, and even the relatively powerful civilization in the ocean of light has disappeared by now. .

It can be said that this is really a vicissitudes of life!If the development of civilization accidentally takes the wrong direction, or clicks the wrong technology tree, then it is basically impossible for civilization to go to a higher level, and it may even lead to the demise of the entire civilization.

In particular, the higher the level of civilization, the less likely it is to go wrong in the direction of civilization development. Once it goes in the wrong direction, the civilization is basically over. After all, low-level civilizations are still in the initial stage due to technological tremors, so once they develop wrongly, then You can immediately correct your mistakes, but advanced civilizations are different. When civilizations develop to advanced levels, there is no room for turning back.

Therefore, even if the advanced civilizations in the universe know that their development direction is wrong, they still have to bite the bullet and continue to go on, just for a chance of life. After all, if they continue to go on the current path, there is still a breakthrough. Hope, but once they come back again, there will be ten deaths and no life waiting for them.

Zhu Lei didn't know how the original overlord of this ocean of light disappeared in this ocean of light, and he didn't know what happened to the original powerful civilizations, but he knew that this ocean of light was definitely not what he imagined. It's so simple.

So Zhu Lei and the others plan to observe for a while and continue to learn about the entire Ocean of Light before sitting down to decide, although the main purpose of the trade fleet led by Zhu Lei to this Ocean of Light star field is to communicate with other civilizations in this star field. It was a trade, but when Zhu Lei and the others really came to this star field, things changed, especially Zhu Lei, who is the commander of this fleet.

If the Ming Empire really only trades with other civilizations in this star field, then he can directly enter the inner circle of the Ocean of Light, and there are many civilizations that want to trade with them. It is an authentic fifth-level civilization, and its technological strength is still relatively strong in the fifth-level civilization.

So as long as the spaceship of the Ming Empire reaches the inner circle, there will definitely be countless civilizations who want to trade with the Ming Empire, so Zhu Lei is not in a hurry now, because his current purpose is different from what he just started, after all If there is a rich star field, and there is no civilization of level [-] or above, this is a godsend opportunity for the Ming Empire, so Zhu Lei immediately decided that the next goal of the Ming Empire is to be in this ocean of light first. Starfield establishes a foothold.

(End of this chapter)

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