Chapter 572
Xiao Xiaomo poked his hand out, returned the stylus, stared at Byzhan Kedo coldly, and burst out a sentence from his teeth: "Tonight is the day of your death, the devil, I want to use the dog head of you as a memorial to these beasts because of you. And infants who died young!"

After seeing Xiao Xiaomo's killing ability, Byzhan Keduo had to pay his own death, but he was so fierce that he was not afraid, but raised his head and shouted to the sky: "Long live the Mongolian Kingdom!"

Then holding the crescent scimitar with both hands, he rushed towards Xiao Xiaomo screaming wildly, and wanted to die with Xiao Xiaomo together with the style of fighting that would hurt both sides.

In fact, it is too extravagant for him to perish together, he only wants to hurt Xiao Xiaomo before he dies.

But what made him strange and surprised was that his crescent scimitar actually slashed on Xiao Xiaomo's left palm!

My own crescent scimitar is a rare sword that can cut through gold, cut jade, and cut iron like clay.

Even though Xiao Xiaomo has great martial arts skills, he is still made of flesh and blood. No matter how hard his body is, it cannot be as strong as gold and iron, right?So, wouldn't it be difficult to save Xiao Xiaomo's left hand?
But things in the world are often unexpected. When the sword meets the hand, the hand is not damaged, but the extremely sharp crescent scimitar melts away like ice and snow—it disappears like dewdrops meeting the sun...

This is nothing, what frightened Byzhan Kedo the most was that he saw an even more terrifying fact——

He saw the hand holding the knife disappear suddenly, followed by his chest, legs, feet, hands, and finally a flash of white light—because his head and even his whole body disappeared completely.

Of course, Byzhan Kedo didn't know that Xiao Xiaomo's powerful chivalrous devouring system was at work.

Xiao Xiaomo thus obtained 30000000 points of the Power of Three Heroes.

Under Xiao Xiaomo's escort, Wang Guigu returned to her husband Long Shaogang's home safely.

After Xiao Xiaomo prepared to reveal the past, the Long family were all grateful to Xiao Xiaomo!

They are poor people, and the way of gratitude is also the most direct—that is, cook a large table of delicacies from mountains and seas, preserved meat, etc. that have been preserved for a year, and then pair them with old wine brewed by themselves, so that they can set up a table of banquets, although the scale cannot be compared with that of a large restaurant. In comparison, its delicacy is higher than that of big restaurants.

Because of the host's enthusiasm, Xiao Xiaomo and San Niangzi drank happily, but after three cups, Xiao Xiaomo became obsessed with Long's old wine.

Can't help but blurt out: "The old wine brewed by the old man's family seems to me to be no less than famous wines such as Zhuangyuanhong. It can be seen that the secret recipe for making this old wine is unique. I think my ancestors must have been proud of this wine... But how come now? And penniless?"

Old Zhang Long sighed: "This is related to the Byzantine family again!"

Xiao Xiaomo stopped drinking and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

The old man Long then told a history of the rise and sorrow of his ancestor Long's old wine.

It turns out that Mr. Long's family is the descendant of the Long surname, one of the four major Han surnames in Huozhou that Xiao Xiaomo was looking for.

The Long family in Huozhou has only one skill, that is, wine making, but they can become the richest man in Huozhou City by virtue of this skill. People call the wine brewed by their Long family the old wine of the Long family.

In order to prevent the secret brewing recipe of Long's old wine from leaking out, the wine recipe is passed down from generation to generation only by the patriarch of the Long family, and Long Lao is the patriarch of this generation of the Long family.

However, looking at history, the most glorious period of the four major Han surnames was undoubtedly the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Since the Battle of Yashan led to the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Mongols have poisoned the Central Plains. Although Huozhou is located in the Western Regions, it is still not immune to disaster.

The history of humiliation of the four major Han surnames began, and the four major Han surnames were gradually squeezed out and persecuted by Mongolian businessmen.

Later, the holy emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in poverty, rebelled. Within a few years, he destroyed Yuan to rule the world and drove the Mongols back to the desert—the general name of Moxi, Mobei, and Monan. The split was formed, and Moxi Mongolia was called Wacha by the Han people!
A Mongolian tribe was willing to belong to the Shun Ming Dynasty, so the Emperor Ming ordered it to be in charge of Hamiwei, that is, the Hami Kingdom, and named its leader King Zhongshun, subordinate to Ming Dynasty, and Huozhou was included in the territory of Hamiwei.

Because of the strong backing of Ming Dynasty, the Zhongshun kings of all dynasties did not dare to be too demanding on the four major Han surnames in Huozhou.

The four major Chinese surnames once again ushered in vigorous development...

But the good times didn’t last long. In the later years of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, Mansoer, the monarch of the TLF Khanate, occupied Huozhou first, and then destroyed Hami Kingdom. Since then, the HMD area fell into the hands of the Mongols that

The four major Han surnames once again lived a life of humiliation. According to the Mongolian custom, Mansuer began to promulgate inhumane provisions such as night power and brick tombs in Huozhou.

Later, the Yarkand Khanate defeated Mansoor, the TLF Khanate was destroyed, and Hami and other places fell into the hands of the Yarkand Khanate.

Later, Ali Dureyimu took advantage of the internal discord in the Yarkand Khanate, took the opportunity to revolt in the TLF, and established a political power, still called the TLF Khanate, and took Huozhou, Hami and other places into his hands.

Because Suli Bugu had made great efforts, in order to thank him, Ali Dureyimu gave Hami and Huozhou to Su Libugu, and made Suli Bugu King of Hami...

Su Libugu was extremely extravagant, and he was cruel to the Han people under his rule. Of course, the four major Han surnames in Huozhou City could not avoid being reduced to meat on Su Libugu's chopping board, allowing him to slaughter him.

The Byzant family was originally the in-laws of the Sulibugu family. Once Sulibugu gained power, how could they give up the opportunity to climb the ranks?

So the patriarch of the Byzant family, Grandpa Byzhan Kedo, tried his best to please Su Libugu, and was appointed as the envoy of Huozhou City to take charge of Huozhou City.

The Byzant family is an evil family, disregarding the worldly rules, not only seeking pleasure among themselves, but also extending the devil's hand to the four great Han surnames in Huozhou.

Although Zukedo's great-grandfather was not in charge of Huozhou, he was rich and powerful, and had already bribed the mayor of Huozhou with money... Therefore, the death of the first thousand infants in the Wanying Cemetery is the evidence of the person's crimes...

When it came to the grandfather of Byzhan Kedo, he went to Su Libugu and became the envoy of Huozhou City...

Until now, Byzhan Kedo has committed all sorts of crimes, extravagance and extravagance...

This man knew that Long's old wine was a world-class wine, so he used various means to force Long Lao to reveal the secret recipe of wine making... In less than three years, Long Lao's family was persecuted by him, but Long Lao did not dare to forget the will of his ancestors. The secret recipe for brewing wine was revealed, thanks to the fact that Byzhan Kedo had not obtained the secret recipe for brewing Long’s old wine, otherwise the Longlao family would have been persecuted to death by Byzhan Kedo...

He was full of evil, and finally retribution came. He met the hero Xiao Xiaomo, and finally turned into ashes in an instant.

After listening to Long Lao's narration of Long's old wine, Xiao Xiaomo sighed: "It's also fortunate that your ancestors of the Long family passed down this wine-making secret recipe, and Long Lao was tight-lipped and never revealed a word... It can be seen that everything is hidden. There is God's will!"

Mr. Long nodded in agreement, and then turned to the black and thin sweaty man standing beside his grand master's chair with his hands down...

(End of this chapter)

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