Chapter 573
He shouted: "Shaogang, why don't you come forward to thank Mrs. Xiao Engong and Mrs. Zhongshun? Without the two benefactors who rescued them righteously, how could Gu Gui come back safely?"

Long Shaogang rushed to the seat of Xiao Xiaomo and the third lady, and said gratefully: "You two benefactors, please give me a bow!"

After saying that, he knelt down, but was stopped by Xiao Xiaomo, who told him not to do so, and even said a touching sentence: "Xiao, as a member of the Han people, has nothing to do with himself, and has always pretended to be a substitute for the sky. A chivalrous man who does justice and pleads for the people has only come to Huozhou to rescue everyone until today...

"If Xiao had come here sooner, Mr. Long and you Huozhou Han people wouldn't have suffered so much humiliation! When Xiao saw the tens of thousands of tombstones in the Wanying Cemetery under Wanying Cliff, his heart would bleed. It's not that he has a heavy responsibility, Xiao should die to atone for the sins of the Han people in Huozhou!"

With a look of pain on his face, he finished speaking with tears in his eyes.

This is his self-blame from the heart, obviously not just talking, let alone to buy people's hearts!

When he said that he would not be banned, more than ten members of Mr. Long's family, ranging in size, knelt down to him and refused to be stopped by Xiao Xiaomo.

Mr. Long even sighed: "There are not even ten thousand but eight thousand people who claim to be heroes and chivalrous people in the world. However, the only one who has really come to rescue us and regard us as fellow Han people is Xiao Daxia." That’s all!

"Xiao Daxia's righteousness covers the sky, rescued my daughter-in-law Wang Guigu, and removed Byzhan Kedo for our Han people in Huozhou. Well! How can the common people be so unreasonable and blame heroes Xiao?"

Seeing Mr. Long and the others like this, Xiao Xiaomo was relieved a lot, and hurriedly asked them to get up.

The third lady smiled and said, "I'm just a spectator, Brother Xiao has always been the one who contributes!"

Mr. Long and the others stood up, and Mr. Long said solemnly: "Madam is too modest! Madam is Xiao Daxia's righteous sister, and this time we went to Wanyingya together. If we objected to Xiao Daxia beheading Byzhan Kedo at that time, then we will still have to do it in the future." Poisoned by Byzhan Kedo!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone nodded straightly, deeply agreeing!
Xiao Xiaomo suddenly said: "Mr. Long's words are wrong! You must know that if a Byzhan Kedo died in Huozhou City, there will still be tens of thousands of evil Mongols like Byzhan Kedo who will appear to exploit everyone...Xiao Xiaomo A certain person can kill a Byzhan Kedo, but he doesn't have the energy to kill thousands of evil Mongols!

"If you want to break free forever from the shackles that the Mongols have imposed on your bodies and hearts, and if you don't want to be poisoned by evil Mongols like Byzantine, you must stand up and behave with a straight back. Only we Han people can do this." With the true master of Huozhou, everyone can live a stable life!"

Elder Long and the others had expressions of hope on their faces.

San Niangzi added: "My foster brother's intention is actually very simple. He hopes that everyone will work together to drive away the Mongolian dogs in Huozhou!"

Long Shaogang suddenly said: "The villain is willing to follow Xiao Daxia to kill all the Mongolian dogs in Huozhou!"

Elder Long also said: "Shaogang is right. We Huozhou Long Clan are willing to follow Hero Xiao to eradicate evil and never back down! Are you willing?"


Long Lao's descendants, male and female, old and young, said in unison.

The tone is extremely decisive.

Xiao Xiaomo nodded at them, and praised: "It's really rare for everyone to have such ambitions! However, a single thread cannot form a thread, and a single tree cannot form a forest. Although everyone's ambitions are united, but after all, we are weak and difficult to accomplish anything!

"It is said that there have been descendants of the four Han surnames Long, Li, Yang, and Zhao in Huozhou for generations... But when I went to Huozhou City to conduct an open and unannounced investigation, I only found the existence of your lineage of Long, but I never found any descendants of the other three surnames. The appearance of human beings, could it be... Could it be that the descendants of the three major Han surnames Li, Yang, and Zhao have been persecuted to death by Byzhan Kedo?"

When he talked about the latter, because he was worried about the safety of the descendants of the three Han surnames Li, Yang, and Zhao, his face was full of anxiety.

Elder Long said forcefully, "They all still exist!"

Xiao Xiaomo was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "That's great! Take me to see them soon?"

He thought to himself: as long as there are contacts from the four major Han surnames, plus the immigrants from Gushanbao, they will be able to monopolize Huozhou's economy, and as long as they hold Huozhou's economic lifeline in their hands, Gaochang Kingdom can be rebuilt at any time.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Long said: "Young old man can take Xiao Daxia to meet the descendants of the other three surnames, but before meeting, Xiao Daxia needs to promise me to wait for a condition?"

Xiao Xiaomo was stunned for a moment before saying, "What conditions do you want me to agree to?"

Elder Long said indifferently: "Helping the Han people of Huozhou to kill the Byzant family of Huozhou, there must be no one less! If the hero can do this, the little old man will take the hero to meet the other three surnames. people."

Xiao Xiaomo said: "Okay! I promise you! I'm going to kill everyone in the Byzant family. Old man, just wait for my good news!"

Seeing Xiao Xiaomo's full promise, Mr. Long led his family to send Xiao Xiaomo to kill the Byzant family.

The third lady stayed in Long's hometown to wait for good news.

With a heart of righteous indignation, Xiao Xiaomo, under the guidance of the whole-process monitoring function of the Chivalry Cultivation System, found the residence of Byzan Kedo, the residence of the governor of Huo, and just paid three drums.

Xiao Xiaomo found the bedroom on the side of Byzhan, the father of Byzhan Kedo, and saw a huge bed full of flesh and blood, eight young women and a sixty-year-old man lying on it in a haphazard manner... just doing that mediocre thing...

Xiao Xiaomo was still worried about killing the wrong good person, so he used the investigation function of the Xia Dao Cultivation System to check the identities and good and evil values ​​of the eight women and one man.

It turned out that these eight young women were all the wives and concubines of Byzhan Kedo, and the daughter-in-law of Byzhan Kedo.

Xiao Xiaomo appeared in front of the couch and said coldly: "Byzhan, your son has already been killed, why are you so happy?"

When Byzhan heard of his son's death, he showed no sorrow, and said indifferently: "The animal was full of evil and did a lot of evil. When the time came, he finally died. But he is my son, who killed him?"

Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: "Me!"

The eight women were so frightened that they became incontinent and drowned the couch, and the bedroom immediately stinks.

Byzhan said coldly: "You can take whatever you want, I will never stop it, and I will not report it to the officials!"

Xiao Xiaomo grinned and said, "I want your life!"

As soon as the words fell, Byzhan was grabbed into the palm and turned into ashes, and then eight young women were turned into husbands, all of whom gained a lot of chivalry, chivalry merit and chivalry points.

Xiao Xiaomo used the chivalrous devouring small system to 'eat' the rest of the people, and finally got a simple bedroom. The situation inside surprised Xiao Xiaomo——

(End of this chapter)

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