Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 574 Odd Woman

Chapter 574 Odd Woman

I saw a [-]-year-old girl who was not sleeping, but was facing an incense table, burning incense and praying. She bowed to the sky three times and said very sincerely: "The emperor, father and brother have done a lot of evil. As a result, I only have to admit these two close relatives in my heart...

"In order to alleviate my sins, I wear coarse linen clothes, live in a shabby house, eat brown rice, and do the work of a servant...I am ashamed of my surname by changing my clothes, and I changed my name to Magu, which means the most ominous woman in the world...

"I burn incense three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, so that the heavens will take them away as soon as possible, because only when they die can many Han people enjoy life... begging the heavens to show their spirits?"

"The heavens really showed their spirits, they are already dead, you can beg for death with peace of mind!"

Xiao Xiaomo walked into her bedroom and said to her coldly.

Byzant Magu said: "You killed them? Are you an angel of justice sent by heaven?"

Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: Yes, it's me!But I am not some angel of justice sent from heaven, I am the man Long Shaogang, a Han citizen in Huozhou City, invited to kill your whole family!

Magu Byzhan said in shock, "What? Shaogang wants to kill me? He... is he so cruel?"

It seems that Byzant Magu and Long Shaogang still have a story!
Xiao Xiaomo said coldly: "It's not that Long Shaogang wants to kill you, but that you, as the daughter of Byzantine, have committed a serious crime and must die to atone for it!"

Byzhan Magu said: "Death is nothing to fear, but death can't wash away my sins, it only makes me regret for the rest of my life! From now on, I am willing to use all my strength to do good deeds for the people of Huozhou. Therefore, I ask the heroes Save my life?"

Xiao Xiaomo has already used the system's detection function to detect that Magu Byzantine's kindness value has reached [-], which proves that she is a kind person!
But even though he knew it, it didn't mean that Magu Byzantine understood the functions of his system. In order to prevent Magu Byzante from thinking that he was a pervert, he had to add a sentence: "It is true that there are bad things in the world. Good things don’t exclude good descendants from the crowd of villains, that’s called getting out of the mud and not being stained! If you can find a way to prove that you are a kind person, I can naturally spare your life! Otherwise, Xiao Mouwei There are hot hands to destroy flowers!"

Magu Byzhan said: "As long as you take me to see Long Shaogang and the others, I can prove that I am a kind-hearted people with my own worth."

Xiao Xiaomo was secretly amazed, and wanted to see how she would prove her kindness to herself in front of Long Shaogang and others.

So he agreed to Byzant Magu's request, and took her to Long Shaogang's house.

Long Lao and others were lighting up the lamp in the living room, waiting for Xiao Xiaomo's triumphant return.

But when they saw Xiao Xiaomo brought back Magu Byzantine with him.

Can't help but suddenly change color.

Among them, Long Lao and his son Long Shaogang were the two who responded the most.

Elder Long said indignantly: "Since Daxia Xiao has broken his promise to us, then I will not tell him where Li Ku and the others are going, because you are an ordinary person who forgets righteousness and acts on emotions after all. I cannot entrust my wealth and life to your hands!"

Long Shaogang said with excitement on his face: "Xia Daxia, I knew you wouldn't kill people randomly, ho ho! Sure enough, Da Xia Xiao spared Magu's life! Magu, are you okay? Don't worry, no matter what, , I will be your relative in the future, and you will depend on me from now on, right?"

Old Long said angrily: "Beast! How dare you associate with a foreign race and ignore your fiancée? Beast, are you going to piss me off?"

It seems that Long Shaogang and Magu Byzantine are indeed related.

Although Long Shaogang saw that his father was furious, he had a heart to protect Magu Byzantine, which made him not afraid of his always strict father at all, as if he had never heard of his father's questioning.

Old Long was so angry that his beard was shaking, and he cursed: "Ahem... It's the other way around! As long as I'm here, I will never let this Mongolian woman into my Long's house... Never!"

Of course, everyone understands that the words of "entering my dragon's family" are not simply spending two days in another dragon's house, but marrying into the dragon's family as a daughter-in-law.

Even though Long Shaogang has a deep affection for Magu Byzantine, Magu Byzantine doesn't seem to appreciate it.

Magu Byzhan said coldly: "Master Long, please rest your anger for a while. The purpose of my family's visit today is to prove to Daxia Xiao that I am a kind person through the mouth of your Long family, but before that, please allow me to set aside Ask Long Shaogang one thing, I hope the old man will give my family a chance, right?"

Aunt Wang Gui stepped closer to Elder Long, and said sincerely: "Father, don't worry about getting pregnant, just agree to her request?"

Long Shaogang glanced gratefully at Byzhan Magu, but she didn't even look at Long Shaogang.

Long Shaogang felt very strange, but felt vaguely ominous!

Elder Long felt sorry for Wang Guigu, his daughter-in-law, so he followed her words and asked Byzhan Magu to ask questions.

Byzant Magu charged at Long Shaogang and said sharply: "Long Shaogang, do you know that not long ago, I was almost unjustly killed by Hero Xiao? If I had no history of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, I would definitely die at the hands of Hero Xiao. You didn't know about my danger, and you watched me die at the hands of others... It can be seen that in your mind, I, Magu Byzhan, is not there. Therefore, after today, the relationship between you and me will be wiped out. You are like a stranger, so you should feel pity for the person in front of you!"

Long Shaogang said: "I—"

Long Shao just wanted to explain the reason, but seeing his wife Wang Guigu cast him a resentful look, his heart trembled, he stopped immediately, and said to himself: "Guigu has paid so much for our family, why do I still think about those fundamental things in the past?" impossible things?"

Elder Long's expression softened a little, and he said, "Beast, what he said is clear enough, but you still haven't repented? Miss Byzant, as for what you said, you want to use our Long family's mouth to prove that you are a kind-hearted man. I don't think it's necessary to propose this person. Because we don't know you well, and there's no need to help you, a Mongolian!"

Magu Byzhan said coldly: "Really? Then you should know that during the ten years when Byzhan Kedo was in charge of Huozhou, Byzhan Kedo carried out a crazy and unprecedented shameless plunder against you Han people!
"Then do you know that when your Long family is in the most difficult time, there are mysterious people who secretly help... If I remember correctly, in the past ten years, your Long family has suffered a total of ten disasters. ...But they were all resolved by a mysterious man who called himself the Redeemer, and the Redeemer was me!"


The crowd exclaimed in unison.

Such a result was obviously beyond their expectation and was simply unbelievable to them!

Xiao Xiaomo also never thought that Magu Byzantine would be such a righteous person.

But that's just her side of the story...

(End of this chapter)

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