Opening Awakening Weapon Box

Chapter 105 Being beaten is a rookie Lesson 1

Chapter 105 Getting beaten is the first lesson for newcomers

If it can vibrate the air, that's a crime.
She really didn't know how to vibrate the air, or could this red light be released at any time as long as she thought about it?

Guilt tried it.

The nunchakus were placed in front of him, and his arms were lifted up suddenly, making a flying movement.


Red light suddenly appeared on her body, becoming the third color in this dark and dark space.

"Good guy, it can really vibrate the air!"

Sin is shocking.

Before she came and sighed something anxiously, she saw 'Wu Chen' walking towards her with a nunchaku.

It was as if the red light that appeared just now due to the vibration of the knife was the sign of the beginning of the battle.

It is worth mentioning that guilt feels a sense of restraint, which does not come from clothing or the feeling brought by the outside of the body.

It's a feeling that comes from inside the body, from the heart
——She can no longer use any abilities other than the vibrating knife!
The inability to use extraordinary power is undoubtedly fatal to a person with extraordinary power, as if something that can be done all day and is used to doing, suddenly one day cannot be done.

The discomfort was like ants crawling all over my body.

Sin tried it, but he really couldn't use any ability. In the past, the power that could be used freely like breathing and drinking water was locked up now.

'You have really worked hard to develop this ability.'

Sin thought so, and used the vibrating knife again.

Waving the stick upwards in her hand, a bright red light flashed on her body, like a bright morning star in the night.

Why is the knife vibrating suddenly?

Because 'Wuchen' had already walked up to her face, seeing the blue light, Zui subconsciously used the vibrator, trying to directly vibrate the opponent's weapon to prevent himself from being hit.

Judging from the movements of 'Wu Chen', it should be to store up the Panlong stick. A sinner who has been beaten once knows how painful it is on his body, so he vibrated the knife directly.

But vibrating the knife is not as simple as she thought.

It looks like a simple action, but it only needs to use another stick on Yang's arm to pick up other people's weapons.

But when it is really done, sin knows how difficult it is.

If the vibration knife is set early, it will stand there like a fool, waiting for someone to come to the typewriter.

but if it's not too late
At best, the light is bright, and the faint red is like saying to others, 'You hit me, I was hurt by you! 'Same.

I don’t know what impact it will have on others, but it will definitely have an extremely bad negative effect on myself. It was so negative that I once thought I was a waste, and I also thought I was a fool. I knew it would be unbearable, and I was still stupid. Xi's vibrating knife was released at that time, but he was beaten.

In the process of being knocked into the air again and again, sin has recognized its own essence.

— Fear of being beaten.

In other words, this is human nature.

No one is born to shake M, like to be beaten.

Sin is tired of hearing the sounds of "Ding——" and "Ding!", but he really can't do it. At the same time, he releases the vibrating knife,

Is red really the strongest?

There is doubt in the heart of sin.

She was at a loss.

Got hit again and again, flew again and again.

If it wasn't for being uncivilized and unladylike, it didn't match her personality at all.

Sin really wanted to say that she even got her * shot out.

It is indisputable that the Coiling Dragon Cudgels look very handsome.

But the person who was beaten was really miserable.

One stick after another, hit the body, not to mention how painful it was.



Another intersection of red light and blue light, no doubt, Sin was knocked into the air again.

While flying in the air, sin began to think about life.

Are celestial beings really the strongest?
Wuchen's performance in the God Realm Committee did not seem to be that dazzling.

Didn't the evil god king use the scale of judgment again and again to avoid it?
One knife after another, although it looks very strange, but in the end there are still traces to follow, as long as you are familiar with it, you can still find a way to deal with it.

But the ability of the monk is not, no one knows what kind of strange ability the monk has, just like those soul masters in the world.

The strange martial spirits and the blooming soul skills are the charm of Douluo Dalu.

Dealing with all kinds of emergencies is the longest thing monks do.

It shouldn't be about facing this kind of immutability, knowing what kind of attack the other party will launch next, and how painful it will be if you get hit.

From this point of view, so are the heavenly beings.
That's not right, when he was in the God Realm Committee, Wuchen used an unknown move, the black and white formation, sin tried to substitute himself.

I found that if it was her, she still couldn't avoid that kind of teleportation, and she didn't even know how the formation was formed. She only felt one... No, it should be two wonderful forces.

Those two forces give the feeling of sin, as if those two things together can express everything in the world!
Is this just Wuchen's power, or is it possible for a celestial being to control such a terrifying power? !
Sin didn't dare to think about it, she didn't even dare to put herself into the perspective of the evil god king in that battle.

After all, she doesn't have such a magic weapon as Judgment Scale, she can't escape from being beaten at any time, she can only be beaten passively, like a puppet, controlled by Wuchen, constantly experiencing the feeling of flying.

He wouldn't even let himself have the chance to touch the ground like the 'Wuchen' in front of him, and would just keep flying in the sky.

Think about it in another way.
Forget it, it won't pass the trial like that.

Thinking about it, sin has become afraid from the ground.

Seeing 'Wuchen' who had already leaned over, the nunchucks spinning in his hands could be stored in almost an instant, and then he would unleash the Coiling Dragon Stick.

Thinking of this, 'Wuchen' has already swung his stick.

The action of vibrating the knife has been engraved into the bone marrow, anyway, it is a routine, vibrate, light up, and then take off, nothing more.

But this time, it seemed that because Sin was already ready to take off, it was no longer her who flew up, but 'Wuchen'.

The nunchaku in his hand was blown away by sin's dancing nunchaku.

And 'Wuchen' himself, because of the excessive force just now, was taken away by the force of his rebound.

Zui stood there in a daze, she couldn't believe it.

"Is this fake?"

She was stunned and didn't even go to counterattack with the saber, and the 'Wuchen' who was not attacked naturally did not disappear.

Unlike before, it seemed that it was because he didn't expect that someone would not take the finishing move after the vibrator was successful, 'Wu Chen''s movements were very stiff, and it took a long time to get up from the ground.

At this time, Sin was still in a stupid state, and he couldn't believe it at all. Just now, he really knocked down the opponent's knife.

Vibrating knife is not just a noun, the power-generating skills needed to use it are much more difficult than the normal power-storing skills.

It was a skillful force, through his own force, the opponent's strength was transmitted back, so that the huge force could not attack himself, so it was the enemy who would be bounced away, not himself.

But if this ingenuity is not used well, then it will fall into a short period of sluggishness due to the extra force.

Even this kind of sluggishness lasted a little longer than the world where someone touched it with a weapon.

After all, the stiffness caused by the attack of the weapon can be forcibly offset by using the attack technique or something, but the vibrating knife cannot.

Vibrating Knife can't, really can't.

But, this is a part of the teaching of heaven and man. If you can't pass it, you won't be able to enter the next step, and you don't know what you will face in the end.

In the case of not being able to use other abilities, even if you run, you will be quickly caught up by 'Wuchen', and then you will be beaten again.

So instead of running, it's a routine, try to vibrate, and after vibrating, you may be beaten, and you may be wrong, and become the scene in front of you.

'Wuchen' took two steps forward.

Because it was the sin of attack just now, the weapon was shaken and fell not far in front of the sin.

If you want to take it now, it is somewhat inconvenient.

Seeing that Sin hadn't moved, 'Wuchen' hit him directly and knocked Sin back with an elbow. Then he picked up his own stick, squatted down slightly, and started to raise the Coiling Dragon Stick again.

Xu was the reason for being beaten, and Sin finally accepted the reality.

When the spinning stick was about to reach 'Wuchen', Sin resolutely shook his sword!

"Ding——" and "Ding!" sounded at the same time.

The nunchaku in the hands of 'Wuchen' fell to the ground again, and even the person with him took off and landed again, falling to the ground.

This time, Zui didn't stay in a daze, with the help of that ingenuity, her body jumped forward, covering her body with golden light.

After jumping twice in a row, when he got close to the 'Wu Chen' on the ground, Zui suddenly lifted his leg and kicked it out!
The 'Wuchen' who was lying on the ground and had just woken up was kicked out immediately.

Flying in the air, the blue dots of light continued to dissipate, and those light particles passed quickly in front of Sin, as if they were celebrating for her.

Celebration finally solved the problem of vibrating the knife.

"Weapon inspection, dragons and tigers dancing wildly."

With the reappearance of that voice, 'Dustless' is now manifested.

Sin is very familiar with him now. After suffering so much, she already knows exactly what kind of movements Wuchen makes, how much strength and pain they will have. As the person involved, she already knows very well.

It is even clear what kind of posture to use so that it will not hurt.

After all, since you can't resist, try to enjoy it.

If you can't become Shaking M, then let yourself suffer less.

Flesh pain is the lowest kind of pain. The human body will gradually adapt to the pain of flesh and blood. Over time, those pains will be reduced.

Although it still exists, it will no longer hinder daily actions, and even thinking will not be delayed.

Just like every time sin flies in the air, it can diverge thinking.

The more you get beaten, the more you get used to it.

Sin looked at 'Wuchen', still with the blue body and blue weapon.

He was tall, and he was supposed to have a gentle temperament, but when he hit someone, it hurt like hell, and he didn't know how gentle was written.

In the previous demonstration, it was performed in the order of the Panlong stick, the vibrating knife, the horizontal bar and the last move, but it seems that in actual combat, the accumulated energy is enough to perform the horizontal bar after being hit by a Panlong stick.

I have already learned the first three tricks. From this point of view, the last one, which is the most dazzling and also the most difficult one, is the flurry of dragons and tigers?

Sin clearly remembered that that move was the same as the horizontal bar, it needed to consume the energy in the body before it could be used.

So, what's the name of that yellow thing?
It is similar to the power generated by kung fu. It is used to display some special abilities, such as combat skills. Speaking of which, the moves used by this weapon are also like combat skills.
However, since it is used to perform the Dragon and Tiger Flurry Dance, it is better to call it Dragon and Tiger Kung Fu.

In fact, Sin didn't know that the name she had randomly chosen was actually right.

Dragon Tiger Kungfu is a special ability exclusive to nunchakus. This weapon was born after thousands of years of research by the Wuji Empire.

It is special, especially on top of the dragon and tiger skills. As long as it is used well, the dragon and tiger skills will bring all kinds of wonderful effects.

For example, the flurry of dragons and tigers, or the horizontal fence.

The horizontal bar is a very remarkable skill. Although it needs to consume some dragon and tiger kung fu to perform the horizontal bar, as long as the dragon and tiger kung fu is enough, it can be directly connected to the dragon and tiger flurry of dance, and no longer needs so long energy storage in the world .

Although it is not as powerful as Vibrating Knife, it is more stable than Vibrating Knife. You only need to use a special attack when the opponent uses a special move while storing the Panlong Stick, and you can directly trigger the horizontal bar with the Dragon Tiger Skill.

This is far better than betting or guessing the other party's savings.

In the same way, if you enter the mana, others may guess that you are shaking the knife, but the horizontal bar is like this, you can keep storing it until you don't need it, or it reaches the extreme.

And as long as the opponent uses moves on this way, he will definitely be barred, but if he doesn't use .
I was saving money from the beginning, it was my love that you were bullied by me, and it was my duty not to be bullied, no matter how you calculate it, it is not a loss.

After all, Dragon and Tiger Kung Fu is a powerful and practical skill that can only be obtained after being beaten for so long, and it is acceptable to have a perverted effect of a hundred million points.

After all, they are all counting on this "I can fight back" mentality, accepting the beating, praying that they will come down from the sky, or the opponent will make a mistake and use the dragon and tiger skills to directly torture the opponent to death.

What sin thinks, only she will know.

Anyway, after the saber-vibrating link is over, all the bans on power are over, and she can use various abilities at this time.

She tried to use those abilities that did not belong to the power of heaven and man, but belonged to Rakshasa gods-sinful manipulation.

It is essentially a mental attack, manipulating the guilt in the other person's heart to control a person.

But when this attack hit Wuchen's body, it didn't even raise a wave. The color of his body gradually deepened, which proved to sin that only the ability of a celestial being can fight against a celestial being.

Inexplicably, she began to have some sympathy for those people who were destined by fate.

They think they can defeat the heaven and man as long as they unite, but in fact, even the gods may not be the combined enemy of heaven and man.

For example, she, a little first-level god, hasn't left the novice tutorial yet.

In other words, is being beaten the first lesson for newcomers?

(End of this chapter)

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