Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 54 "Philanthropist" Li Ze?

Chapter 54 "Philanthropist" Li Ze?
"After STAM goes on sale, not only will I not charge a license fee for developing games on the STAM platform, nor will I charge a penny for listing on the STAM store, nor will I charge any sales share."

"I will hand over to them every penny of the games of other companies sold in the STAM built-in store."

As soon as Li Ze's words came out, everyone was shocked. There is no licensing fee for developing games, there is no listing fee for putting games in stores, and there is no profit sharing after sales...

Well, how does STAM's built-in store make money.

Is the boss going to do charity?

Seeing everyone looking at him like a philanthropist, Li Ze smiled and patiently explained to everyone: "Don't worry, I'm not here to do charity."

"Please think about it, what is the biggest advantage of STAM's built-in store? The biggest advantage of STAM's built-in store is that you can easily buy all kinds of games, big games, small games, action games, word games, 3A masterpieces, independent games, etc. .”

"As long as the products in the built-in store are rich enough, I can build a STAM ecosystem. Whether it's our own games or games from other companies, around the STAM built-in store, around the STAM community, around the STAM platform, constantly evolving and growing.”

"The reason why I open source code and do not charge development license fees is to attract more companies and individuals, especially those small game studios that cannot afford to pay development license fees, to attract them to develop STAM on the STAM platform. Exclusive games for the platform.”

"Just imagine, if a small company like the reborn field found out that they can develop the most sophisticated games on the most advanced STAM platform without any additional costs, wouldn't that be attractive to them?"

"Perhaps the popularity of games made by such small companies is sluggish, but as long as we attract enough small companies and studios, our STAM built-in store game library will be supplemented with great features."

"If players want to play the games of so many small companies, they must buy our STAM game console."

The clever Yue Na nodded and said, "That's right, our STAM is the most advanced console in the industry, allowing programmers from various companies to show off their skills and make the most ideal games in their minds."

"In the past, major new game consoles would charge extremely high licensing fees. Ordinary small companies either couldn't afford it, or they would spend all their money to buy the license. If they didn't succeed, they would go bankrupt."

"Our most advanced STAM host does not charge licensing fees, which is very attractive to independent individuals and small companies."

Li Ze took over the topic: "That's right, I don't charge licensing fees, which will attract some companies to develop games on the STAM platform. In the same way, I don't charge store listing fees for the games of other companies to enter the STAM store. "

"Moreover, as long as our STAM console sells well enough and the sales in the STAM store are hot enough, not to mention small companies, even the big companies on the front line will have to consider entering our STAM store."

Yue Na, who was still smart, nodded and expanded her analysis: "If our STAM host can capture 30% of the market share in one fell swoop, and the sales of the built-in store are also good, then the sales volume of our STAM store will be no less than For any first-line sales agent, it’s even higher!”

"It would be a pity for big companies to abandon the market of our STAM built-in store. But as long as they enter our STAM store, it is equivalent to promoting our STAM and contributing to our dominance of the industry. "

"Hehehe!" Li Ze smiled slyly, "Entering STAM, they will make the field bigger, but if they don't enter STAM, they will make a lot of less money. This dilemma will be decided by our STAM sales at that time. .”

"Also, remember, Yue Na, my expectation for the STAM host is not 30%, my expectation is... 90%, maybe? 100%?"

Li Ze revealed his ambition.

In Li Ze's blueprint, there will only be one game console in the world from now on, and that is the STAM console.

The STAM console has the most advanced performance, can play most games, and can buy most games.

In this case, why do you need other game consoles!
Li Ze continued: "Popularity, drainage, and popularity are the most important! I don't charge licensing fees, I don't charge listing fees, and I attract games from other companies, and the players of these games will follow to STAM, and finally let us The number of STAM hosts will expand infinitely."

Tie Xiaohu still didn't understand, and asked: "That attracts other companies' games, and we sell their games without charging money, so we can't make any money?"

Li Ze gave Tie Xiaohu a look of contempt: "I said that after the game is sold in STAM's built-in store, no sales revenue will be charged. Obviously it is only temporary."

"First use various discounts to lure other companies, especially small companies, and let them fill our game library. This is also the early stage of burning money, but as long as our operations are on the right track, we will be lying down at that time." Made money!"

Tie Xiaohu suddenly realized, and he shouted excitedly: "When we have enough STAM users and games, we will have the final say on how much sales we will collect."

After Li Ze finished talking about his plan, even though it was just a plan, a blueprint, everyone was still overwhelmed by the majesty of the plan.

If everything goes well, the field will become: own the most advanced game console in the world, have the largest user population in the world, be able to produce the best games in the world, and at the same time control the game sales all over the world!
From production to sales to use, no matter what link, we are No. 1 in all fields!

The future is bright, but Yue Na is not overwhelmed. She pointed out a weak link: "If everything goes well, that's great, but if big companies are willing to give up part of their sales, they firmly refuse to enter the STAM platform, or even form a Alliance confrontation, game-blocking of our STAM."

"If that's the case, our STAM game console will fall into the dilemma of lacking enough masterpieces."

"And I think that's very likely to happen."

Li Ze said with a smile: "What you said is indeed a problem. If I were a big company, I would not be willing to work for the field like this. And with other large game companies, they refused to settle in STAM, so that STAM, which lacks game content, slowed down. Die slowly, this is the simplest and most effective way."

"To get rid of this crisis in our field, we must rely on our own strength in addition to first attracting the entry of small companies' games."

"If our STAM hosts are sold enough and the market share is high enough, the huge market will force all major companies to bow their heads and choose to join STAM to cooperate with us."

"As for how to force big companies to bow their heads?"

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(End of this chapter)

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