Chapter 80 Infinite Loop
When the woman in white came in through the door for the third time, Zhang Yan already realized that she should be caught in a never-ending cycle of repetition.

How to break?
His mind was spinning rapidly.

This illusion will not cause harm to him for the time being, so Zhang Yan's fear of the woman in white is not very strong, but who can guarantee that there will be no harm in the first two times, and there will be no third time.After all, everything in this enchantment is definitely harmful to him.

The woman in white had already walked in front of Zhang Yan, and Zhang Yan saw a somewhat pale face between her scattered hair.

Wearing a white robe with hair covering the face is really uncreative.

Raise your arm, show your nails, and dig.

Zhang Yan woke up again, still lying on the bed, at the same time.

Then, the door rang again.

Nima, this is not over yet!
Zhang Yan found that as soon as he met the woman in white, he would lose the ability to move.

How can I stop her?

In other words, this is the first time Zhang Yan has encountered this kind of attack. There is no real damage, just an infinite loop. What is the purpose of doing this?
Is it just simply wanting to experience the refreshing feeling of digging me?

mmp, here we go again
With a scream, Zhang Yan woke up again.

This time he didn't hesitate, he jumped out of his clothes as soon as he woke up, and ran frantically towards the door.

The doorknob has been turned, and the door has been gently pushed open.

"Die to me!" Zhang Yan kicked up, trying to kick the door, but the movement was still slow, and he felt stiff in the middle of the flight.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yan fell to the ground and was clawed to death by the woman in white.

Waking up again, Zhang Yan decided to wait and see.

The door opened again.

The door was pushed open very slowly this time, and the sound of opening the door was also very long. It sounded like the artificial door opening sound that often appears in ghost movies.

Nima, you've started playing tricks, haven't you?

Zhang Yan watched the woman with disheveled hair reappear from the aisle at the door, and quietly walked to his bedside.

But this time, Zhang Yan suddenly jumped up from the bed, slapped round, and slapped the woman's face covered by her hair.

"It's fun to play, isn't it!" Zhang Yan said viciously.

Many totem-like tattoos appeared on his body, and Qixin, who hadn't appeared for a long time, stared at the woman excitedly and said.

The solution Zhang Yan came up with in a hurry is that the environment traps the spirit, so let Qixin, who is the spirit body, come out to play with you.

Sure enough, it worked wonders.

Thinking back then, Qixin slapped Chensi all the way away, but the woman in white just tilted her body after being slapped. I don't know if it was Qixin's fault or her strength was higher than Chensi.

Qixin has been suppressed by Zhang Yan and the people around him in various ways for a while. It's not that he doesn't want to come out, but he has already felt that with his current strength, Zhang Yan's own cultivation is almost stronger than him. Well, for things like practice, mental strength and physical strength grow together, so gradually, even without the help of people around him to suppress it, Qixin dare not come out to do things casually.

After suppressing it for so long, Qi Xin only felt that this slap was taken out today——it was so cool!

It seems that every day can be so refreshing.

After mobilizing the spiritual power in her body, she slapped her again, causing the woman in white to tilt her body from one side to the other.

However, it still didn't fly out.

However, the surrounding scenery began to disintegrate.

The walls were peeling off, and the tables, chairs and beds, including the floor and the tall French windows, were rapidly disintegrating.

Soon, the whole room dissipated, and Zhang Yan woke up from the bed again.

Same as the sleeping position just now, Qi Xin's consciousness also disappeared automatically, Zhang Yan shook his head, feeling a little drowsy.

"Xiang, I can't cure you yet!" Zhang Yan sneered.

He looked at the electronic clock on the cabinet.

A very unlucky number there.

Zhang Yan frowned, and heard the sound of the door being opened again.

It was that artificial door pushing sound again, and everything was still repeating.

"Fuck me!" Zhang Yan yelled angrily, thinking that this environment is terrible, not only can he trap himself, but even switch seven letters can be forcibly closed.

No matter, Zhang Yan called Qixin out cursing again.

Qi Xin didn't know why, just now when he was having a good time, he felt his eyes go dark, and then he heard Zhang Yan's call again.

It's not easy to make him confused.

Qixin jumped up, slapped his hands, and slapped again, this time he couldn't let go of his hatred, and he kicked the woman's stomach again, kicking her back several steps.

The surrounding landscape began to disintegrate again, and I was back in the hotel room.

It's over, when Zhang Yan woke up this time, he didn't even have the thought of resisting, and just lay quietly on the bed, like a salted fish that had completely given up resistance, with a look of lovelessness.

Qixin was also a little dazed, shouting frantically in Zhang Yan's mind.

"It's over, I'm over now, even a little Illusion Breaker can bully me."

Zhang Yan didn't pay attention to Qixin's cry. Although he looked unlovable on the surface, his mind was still spinning crazily, thinking about how to deal with it.

If this illusion can only be repeated infinitely like this, I believe he will collapse in a short time. In that case, there is no need to break through any barriers, and he can just use it as a venting toy for the woman in white here.

The woman walked to the bed and called Qixin out again.Qixin didn't slap this time, but made a killer move, dismembering the woman into pieces, and the broken body was scattered all over the ground, but there was no trace of blood.

The scenery began to disintegrate, Zhang Yan woke up again, and everything continued to repeat.

Zhang Yan thought, I don't know if there are other illusions like this in this area. If that's the case, can Ye Xiao break this endless loop?Can Ye Feibai do it?
If it doesn't work, they may be trapped here forever.

During the period of thinking, Qixin used various methods to ravage the woman in white, but unfortunately, he still failed to break through the illusion cycle.

During this time, Zhang Yan was responsible for finding breakthroughs.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be a problem somewhere, but he couldn't seem to find it for a while.

Zhang Yan has always been a person who is not very good at using his brain, so after more than a dozen laps, he still can't figure it out.

In the end, even Qixin was a little bit depressed.

"This is the most fucking experience I have ever encountered in my life, not one of them." Qixin complained.

Day, it would be great if the team leader Ye Xiao was there. Generally, at such a critical moment when they don't know the situation, a person with a particularly big brain like Ye Xiao can always win by surprise and come up with a way to break the situation.

I'm so worried, what can I do!
(End of this chapter)

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