Chapter 81 Crack
Just like what Zhang Yan thought, he was not the only one trapped in the illusion, but also the five members of the investigation team.

They were chased by the hornets in a panic, and ran into another area from which door they didn't know. This area looked like a star hotel with elegant decoration, upstairs and downstairs, lights and telephones, but they were different from Zhang Yan What's more, before they had time to see the outside environment clearly, they rushed into the room crowded together.

Then they all fell asleep in no time.

Then the door was pushed open, and five women in white came in a file from outside.
Most of the people in the investigation team are much stronger than Zhang Yan, except for Niu Meng and Chen Shuang, the other three are people who can calmly think about problems in adversity.

But their calmness was quickly broken by two other people who were not calm.

Because there were not many back and forth, Niu Meng collapsed one by one.

Collapsing in the environment, in reality, it is a deep coma, but in the illusion, he can no longer tell who is the enemy and who is the comrade-in-arms, what about Ye Feibai and Chen Shuang, in his eyes, they are all trying to tear out his heart woman in white.

So, in the illusion of the investigation team, there was a chaotic group.

Ye Feibai and the others, whose minds were disturbed, also involuntarily developed a panic that was not easy to appear in the past, which made the monster illusion that grew by absorbing negative emotions more powerful.

It's not that the people in the investigation team haven't seen monsters attacking humans relying on illusions before, but compared with this encounter, the previous ones are nothing.

But fortunately, there is another kind of existence in the investigation team - Makino.

Due to visual impairment, he is the only one who has not been disturbed by illusions. In the visual world he built through perception, Ye Feibai and others are lying quietly everywhere in the room, but their brain nerves are all The abnormal excitement is not the way it should appear when sleeping.

Makino, who has experienced many battles, understands that this is a manifestation of the spirit being confused.

Manipulating such a large-scale illusion requires a large and stable energy support, and Makino can clearly see that this energy source is right under their feet.

That is the energy source I saw in the library just now.

Sure enough, it is very difficult to maintain such a huge illusion if it relies on a single monster, especially if it traps a demon hunter with extremely strong mental power like Ye Feibai, even if it can be done temporarily, it cannot be maintained for too long time.

And Makino is very sure that even if this illusion can continue, it is probably just to torture the spirit of the trapped person, and cannot achieve the effect of direct damage.

If he could kill someone directly, that would be really amazing.

For the present plan, I have to find a way to get out of the room, find that energy source and find a way to destroy it, and fundamentally destroy this illusion.

I don't know how long Ye Feibai and the others can hold on
Makino opened the door and walked out of the room dominated by the illusion.

Because of physical defects, Makino would not usually perform tasks alone, and would have at least one entourage by his side, but today, he was going to fight alone.

He estimated that besides himself, no one else in the enchantment could move freely in this illusion area, let alone destroy the energy source.

Standing at the door, Makino tapped the ground three times with his recurve bow. After a few seconds, the echoed sound waves created a picture in his mind.

Corridors, lobbies, and elevators are like the sonar system of bats, and Makino can "see" them clearly.

His destination is downstairs, and now he has to find a way to get down.
After countless repetitions, Zhang Yan became a little numb.

Not only him, but even Qixin, who is a purgatory-level monster god, is a little pessimistic and world-weary.

Seven Faith has already gone on strike, even though Zhang Yan has been beaten again and again, he will not come out to do futile things.

Zhang Yan is still trying to find a flaw in his numbness. All along, he has come to the present by relying on an unyielding spirit.

And at this moment, he heard the sound of pushing the door again.

But the vigilant Zhang Yan immediately noticed something was wrong.

The sound of pushing the door this time was different from the previous ones, not the artificially elongated way of pushing the door.

Nima, you've had enough, haven't you?
"Get up!" came a loud shout from the door.

Zhang Yan, who had been pestered by the woman in white all this time, was not used to hearing such a voice at this moment. After two and a half days, he didn't react.

Have a new game?
Wan's face was dumbfounded.
Immediately afterwards, he was surprised to find that the surrounding scenery had completely changed. The superior room and the floor-to-ceiling windows had completely disappeared. The place where he was lying was not a comfortable big bed, but a very narrow and crowded small space.

The next moment, he saw a person with his eyes closed sticking his head out from above, and asked, "Is it comfortable to lie in the coffin?"

Makino!Zhang Yan recognized it immediately, but what is this guy talking about, what kind of coffin.

Seeing Zhang Yan in a dazed state, Muye continued, "Come out, I've been looking for you for a long time."

Zhang Yan: "."

This guy was suddenly so friendly, Zhang Yan felt uncomfortable all over his body, and even his hairs stood on end.

Turning over and jumping out, Zhang Yan looked back and realized that the place where he was lying just now was nothing but a big red leather coffin on two chairs.

Zhang Yan couldn't help shivering, and said in his heart that he didn't expect such a thing that would appear in horror movies, but today he experienced it personally.

I hope there won't be a second time, it's too much torture.

Makino has always been friendly, and he didn't hold Zhang Yan with a bow and arrow, but made it clear that he wanted Zhang Yan to go up with him to find other members of the investigation team.

"Why are you okay?" Zhang Yan asked.

"Because of this." Mu Ye pointed to his eyes, and Zhang Yan instantly understood.

"This room of yours is the energy source of the entire illusion, right under the coffin where you sleep."

What!Zhang Yan almost dropped his eyeballs.

Did fate treat him a little too viciously, letting him sleep directly in the center of the illusion, no wonder even Qixin couldn't bear it.

This is too much cheating.

"I'm going back to find my teammates now, do you want to come together?"

"No, I'm going to find Team Leader Ye Xiao, why don't we separate here."

"it is good."

Makino didn't show any resistance, and he didn't try to force Zhang Yan from the beginning to the end, even with a smile on his face.

Makino was originally a gentle-looking person, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but Zhang Yan remembered very clearly that he shot and killed Kuangya's two partners neatly in the desert.

"You go first, I will rest for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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