Treasure Master

Chapter 139 Slaughterhouse

Chapter 139 Slaughterhouse

The so-called secret outpost is just a broken asteroid.

Although they were prepared, Hao Qiang and others were still deeply surprised after arriving here.But I saw corpses everywhere, blood everywhere, and many smaller scavenging beasts walking through it.

What kind of outpost is this? It’s simply an interstellar slaughterhouse!According to legend, these inhuman berserkers not only like to kill and plunder, but also like to eat human flesh raw and drink human blood!From this point of view, the legend is indeed true.

At this moment, on the dilapidated and dirty tarmac, there happened to be a dark gray spaceship parked there.The bloodstains on the spaceship made it look chilling.

Connected to the apron, there is a low metal bungalow. At this moment, there are lights flashing in the bungalow, and a figure can be vaguely seen shaking inside.

Xingjue carefully parked the spacecraft behind a round mountain. Although it didn't look like there was any atmosphere here, they said that the environmental indicators here were all normal, and they didn't need to wear a space suit.

Because Rocket Raccoon is weak, the big guy didn't want him to join the battle, but the little guy was very stubborn, saying that without him, everyone would become headless flies.

However, what the Rockets said is not a lie.After a few people sneaked into the outpost, he quickly detected with a special instrument that there were no enemies on the spaceship, but there were 6 berserkers in the central house.

After pointing out the precise locations of these six people, the rocket warned everyone that they must be killed as quickly as possible.If they send out a distress call before they die, the whole plan will be ruined!
After speaking, Rocket Raccoon took out his rocket gun with four holes from his back.The others are also ready.

A few minutes later, everyone rushed into the Berserker's outpost as fast as they could, and the house was immediately ablaze with lightning flashing.

The next second, there was the beast-like roar of the berserkers. These berserkers were indeed extraordinary. Although they were suddenly attacked, two guys still broke out from the window of the house.

"Quick, stop them!"

Rocket was in a hurry, but the berserkers in the room didn't seem to be able to deal with it quickly, and immediately started fighting again.

The two berserkers who escaped naturally headed towards their spaceship. Their speed was indeed quite impressive, and it was as if they were flying away.

However, no matter how fast it was, it couldn't compare to Kiki who could really fly. The mantis witch descended from the sky, and with a flash of her sickle, she immediately cut off the head of one of the berserkers.

The other berserker was also chased by Hao Qiang who was wearing the Pixiu God Armor. Hao Qiang held a level 5 sword and slashed on the opponent's back.In the end, to Hao Qiang's surprise, he did not hack him to death with such a fierce knife, but only drew a huge wound on his back.

Although the blood flowed wildly, the violent man seemed to feel no pain and turned around and rushed towards Hao Qiang.

It wasn't until this moment that Hao Qiang finally saw clearly the appearance of this berserker.But he was wearing clothes that didn't fit well, and his exposed skin had many patches like Frankenstein.Looking at his face again, it was completely distorted like an evil ghost from hell, especially at the corner of his mouth, there was still disgusting blood.

Fortunately, during the battle of Wan Yao Island, Hao Qiang had seen something even more disgusting than this. When he saw the enemy rushing towards him, he didn't use a card, and he stabbed the berserker's neck with a knife first!

However, Hao Qiang's knife had pierced through his neck, but the violent man was still alive. He actually glared at Hao Qiang viciously, and then suddenly punched Hao Qiang with his fist.

The violent fist just hit Hao Qiang's chest. Although he had the Pixiu armor on his body, Hao Qiang still felt a tightness in his chest, and he almost vomited blood after being beaten.

He staggered back and pulled out the treasured knife in his hand instantly. Blood splashed from the berserker's neck immediately, and the dead body fell to the ground.

Depend on!
This time, Hao Qiang finally understood why these berserkers could easily wipe out the City of Life!These guys are indeed more powerful than those Kunjia fighters!
What surprised Hao Qiang was that at this moment, the battle in the hut was still not over!But I saw Drax the Destroyer breaking through the wall from the house with a berserker in his arms, his fists crackling, and he was still engaging in a life-and-death fight!

So, Hao Qiang and Qiqi rushed over immediately, and with the scythe and sword flashing, they finally killed all the berserkers.

"How could this happen!?" Peter Quill exclaimed from inside the room, "No one told me that these unkillable guys are not afraid of bullets at all!?"

Hao Qiang entered the room and took a look. Indeed, there was a violent man lying on the ground with his body beaten into pieces, but he was still staring angrily and roaring angrily.

Seeing this, Qiqi cut his head in half with a scythe.Blood and brains splashed out, and Peter Quill hurried to the side, muttering, "This is the dress made for me by the most famous tailor in Star Sakran!"

The door opened, and Drax the Destroyer walked in panting from the outside holding two sharp knives. Everyone saw that his shoulder was bleeding profusely, and he was actually injured by the berserker!

Gamora quickly took out the medicine box to bandage him.

Looking at the rocket, he also weakly dropped the rocket gun to the ground, and sat down dejectedly.

Looking around, I saw that the outpost hut of the berserk was full of corpses, and the stench was so foul that it looked like a cave of some kind of man-eating beast.

I really can't imagine that there are such evil creatures in the world?

"Look!" Peter Quill was obviously talking to Hao Qiang, "It took us so much effort to get 6 Berserkers! There are no fewer than thousands of them in their lair, you go alone, you want to give them fresh meat Would you like some refills for the can?"

Xingjue's words are obviously to persuade Hao Qiang to give up this plan that is neither reliable nor doomed to fail.

But when he looked up, he found that Hao Qiang had disappeared.After looking around, he saw that Hao Qiang had run into another room next door at some point.

"Hey! What is he doing? Looking for something to eat?"

Peter Quill spread his hands and, driven by curiosity, followed Hao Qiang in.Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, Hao Qiang smashed open a huge iron cabinet with his fist.

As a result, a large pile of various weapons fell out of the iron cabinet.There are high-tech bows and arrows, shotguns, electromagnetic guns, and even rocket launchers!

What made Quill even more puzzled was that after the weapons appeared, Hao Qiang stretched out all his hands and caressed them carefully, which looked weird!

And then, something even more incredible happened.After Hao Qiang finished stroking, those weapons suddenly disappeared like a magic trick!

"Hi! You..."

Peter Quill could no longer remain calm, and hurriedly pointed at Hao Qiang, wanting to ask a question!
Unexpectedly, Hao Qiang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he shouted excitedly:
"Damn! Level 8!?"

Then, regardless of Quill's astonishment, he crazily ran towards the Berserker spaceship outside. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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