Treasure Master

Chapter 140 Dark Nebula

Chapter 140 Dark Nebula
In fact, when the spacecraft just landed, Hao Qiang had already detected many signals from the radar.

However, those signals were very active on the one hand, and low-level on the other. He estimated that they were probably just some low-level scavengers.At a critical moment, Hao Qiang naturally wouldn't try to catch a mouse just for that point.

However, when Qiqi sliced ​​the last berserk's head in half, a lot of signals suddenly appeared on his radar.

But this time, Hao Qiang couldn't ignore it.Because these signals are basically above level 5, and some even have level 8!

In this way, the scene Quill saw happened.

Hao Qiang has been hunting treasures for such a long time, but he has never obtained a really handy long-range weapon.Now that I have obtained so much at once, how can I not be excited?Immediately after touching them one by one, they were all packed into their own storage space.

And his storage space has also been upgraded, and he can store treasures without opening the entrance, so in Quill's eyes, it will be like a magic trick.

After installing so many weapons, Hao Qiang discovered another signal up to level 8.Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the signal came from the Berserker's spaceship. He was afraid that something might change if it was too late, so he ran towards the spaceship desperately.

At first, Hao Qiang happily thought that the spaceship was the level 8 treasure he felt!If this is really the case, then his purpose of rescuing Lang Hui and others from Ten Thousand Demons Island can obviously be achieved by the way.

However, when he touched the spacecraft, he found that the system did not respond.After searching carefully, I finally found the target.It turned out that it was a cannon installed outside the spacecraft!
The cannon looked so powerful, and I realized after touching it with my hands that it was originally called a beam molecular laser cannon, a level 8 sci-fi weapon. After hitting the target, it can explode from the inside of the molecule of the target. The power is naturally quite impressive. have to.

Hao Qiang was excited at the moment, and without thinking too much, he immediately pressed the cannon into a card and put it in place.

Later, he discovered that there were also some lower-level signals coming out of the spacecraft. After finding them, he discovered that they were all technological gadgets such as space suits and respirators.

However, these treasures don't look good in this sci-fi world, but once they are taken to other spaces, they might be of great use!Therefore, Hao Qiang was also reluctant to exchange them, and packed them all up one by one.

After completing the fantasy mission last time, Hao Qiang's radar has been upgraded by one level, and now it can detect up to level 9 treasures.Since there was no system response from the Berserker's aircraft, Hao Qiang believed that the level of this spaceship was probably still above level 9.

From this point of view, in order to really get a spaceship to save Langhui and the others, he still needs to continue to improve the system level!

Hao Qiang had just finished handling the newly acquired items, and the others boarded the spaceship one after another.

After boarding the boat, Peter Quill kept asking Hao Qiang, what happened just now?Hao Qiang made nonsense, saying that this is an ancient cultivation secret technique in the City of Life, and that they need to refine weapons to improve their strength, which made the dignified Peter Quill stunned.

Seeing Hao Qiang and Qiqi's resolute will, everyone couldn't do much persuasion, so they boarded the Berserker's spaceship together.

Rocket Raccoon was indeed a computer expert. After some quick fiddling in the cockpit, he quickly deciphered the passwords and other information used by the Berserkers. At the same time, he also found the exact location of the Berserkers' base camp.

The rocket said that if it moves forward quickly, it can be reached in only half a day.But in order not to attract the attention of the berserkers, the speed should not be too fast, no matter what, it will have to be driven for another day.

Naturally, everyone had no objection. After Rocket Raccoon ignited the spaceship, they drove the Berserker's spaceship and flew towards the Berserker's base camp.

The dark nebula is a huge ion cloud surrounding the planet Celta.This special cloud layer, like a natural cave, well hides the Berserker's base camp in the dark depths.

After Hao Qiang and the others flew in, they saw some other spaceships one after another.Rocket said that the spaceships that dare to fly in the dark nebula are all berserkers.

Since the spaceships of the Berserkers were looted from various planets, their spaceships were also of various kinds.And the only thing these spaceships have in common is that all the hulls look very dilapidated, and there are bloodstains on them, as if revealing their blood debt!
As they got deeper into the nebula, more spaceships of the Berserkers appeared, and everyone's nerves became more and more tense, for fear that they would be discovered by the enemy.

Rocket asked everyone to relax, saying that the signal sent by the spacecraft is exactly the same as the password, and it will definitely not arouse the other party's suspicion.

Sure enough, as he said, along the way, dozens of spaceships flew by, but none of them were interested in them.

After flying deep into the nebula for several hours, in addition to pieces of suspended desolate land appearing in front of us, there also appeared a huge monster that could fly from space.

Many berserkers are driving these monsters, flying around and shuttling among them.

At first glance, this kind of monster looks similar to the flying spirit beasts of the elves, but they have countless tentacles on their bodies, which look like big black centipedes!

The witch Qiqi has seen this kind of thing, and immediately told Hao Qiang and everyone that when the berserkers swept the city of life, they descended from the sky on this kind of thing!

So it is!Hao Qiang has always had a doubt, that is, since Paidaxing has shielded the electromagnetic force, where did these violent people come from?

Only now did he finally know that the Berserkers also had their own space flying beasts.

"Hmph!" Seeing these flying beasts, Gamora snorted coldly, and said, "The guy with the hammer I met last time, if he saw these flying beasts, his nose would be crooked!"

"What... what do you mean?" Hao Qiang hurriedly asked, "Is the one with the hammer you said Thor the God of Thunder?"

Gamora nodded, saying that the last time they had dealt with a person from Earth called the so-and-so alliance, one of the alliance was Thor!

Hao Qiang didn't answer, Qiqi spoke instead, saying that Thor, the god of thunder, is the prince of Asa God Realm, and he almost inherited Odin's mantle and became the main god of their nine kingdoms!
"Yes, I know!" Gamora nodded and said, "I know the relationship between you, that's why I said, Thor's nose will be crooked!"


Hao Qiang seemed to understand something.

"Yes!" Gamora said bluntly: "All together, these space flying beasts are from your God's Domain!" ~Click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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