Treasure Master

Chapter 52 The Shovel Man

Chapter 52 The Shovel Man

That's horrible!
People die when they die, how can they become like this?

Hao Qiang couldn't bear to look any longer, turned his head quickly, pressed his face against the wall of the outer room, suppressed his pounding heart, and held his breath.



The sound of flapping wings of a fly came from outside the door in the distance. This sound that was annoying to countless people in the past was now frightening to hear.

Hao Qiang looked around quickly, and found that the place he was in was a small circular living room, while the room where the woman died was a small bedroom.The small bed in the bedroom still exudes the lingering fragrance of a woman, but it's a pity that the beauty has turned into a pile of dead bones.

What Hao Qiang didn't expect was that these two rooms were not the only ones connected to this place.The woman's bedroom and this living room also have doors leading to other deeper places.

At the same time, the fly spirit seemed to sense Hao Qiang's location. He immediately folded his wings, and then walked slowly towards the house with a bow and arrow in his hand.

Hao Qiang heard the noise and knew that there was no way to hide here, so he rushed towards another wooden door in the house.The wooden door was half-closed, Hao Qiang pushed it hard, and the whole person rushed in.

When I entered the house, I saw an extremely luxurious and spacious circular bedroom.The bedroom is filled with fluorescent lights, fragrant fragrance, gorgeous curtains, a soft central bed, and green silk curtains. It is magnificent and looks like an ancient Western palace.

At this moment, the bedding on the bed was scattered, the clothes on the floor were scattered, and there was even a white bra * among them.There are various indications that this place should be the bedroom of a woman of high status.

Could it be... is that the woman just now?

Then why are there two bedrooms in the inner and outer rooms?

It's a pity to think of that girl with a superb figure, who died so tragically!
This damn fly spirit!Cruel and ruthless, I will kill you bastard with my nine-yin white bone claws later!

Unexpectedly, just as Hao Qiang thought of this, the wall on his right exploded with a bang.Huge shattered rocks burst out, flying in all directions. Although Hao Qiang protected his head in time, his body was still hit by the rocks, and his whole body was blown away.

The violent explosion made Hao Qiang dizzy, but after being blown away, he landed on the big bed.The soft bed relieved the severe impact, coupled with the light armor on the body, this time, Hao Qiang was fine.

It's really a wave of ups and downs, why is the wall still exploding?

He hurriedly turned his head to look, only to be surprised to see: after the wall exploded, another person in black armor emerged from the shattered hole in the wall.

This guy is more than two meters tall, covered with a coconut shell-like black armor, a strange mask on his face, a spherical helmet wrapped around his head, and a short and thick root growing on his arm. It looks like an ugly thing like an excavator bucket, and it makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

I am Nima!
Hao Qiang grinned wildly, what kind of monster is this?


After the bucket monster appeared, it made an unpleasant gurgling sound, which seemed to come from his stomach.

As soon as he walked out of the hole in the wall, he met the fly spirit who was chasing him head-on.When the two met, you immediately muttered to each other.And judging from their expressions, the topics they discussed seemed serious.



The sound sounded more and more like mice having a meeting.

Finally, as the bucket monster waved his special arm angrily, the fly spirit lowered its head, reluctantly spread its wings, and buzzed away from the original place.

After flying away, only Hao Qiang and the bucket monster were left in the room.


The bucket monster looked at Hao Qiang, and made a weird cooing sound, as if asking Hao Qiang what?
The current Hao Qiang finally understood that the wall didn't explode just now, but a big hole was smashed open by this guy.

What kind of monsters are these girls, why are they so energetic?
Hao Qiang has always been good at observing words and expressions. When he saw that the bucket monster didn't rush towards him immediately, it seemed that he wanted to exchange some information with him.

If this is the case, then I might as well use another "Translation Card" and simply communicate with him, maybe I can still get a chance.

Therefore, Hao Qiang hurriedly opened the system store, trying to use the "Translation Card".Unexpectedly, the bucket monster in front of him didn't have much patience at all. Seeing that Hao Qiang didn't answer, he immediately waved his bucket-shaped strange hand as if to fight.

Don't bother!

Hao Qiang shrank back in fright, and imitated the other party and made a "cuckoo" sound, which means, you can still die if you wait for me for a while?
Who knows, it's okay if he doesn't say anything. When the bucket monster heard Hao Qiang imitate him, he was furious.It looked like Hao Qiang just scolded his eight generations of ancestors.

This time, the monster couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately rushed towards Hao Qiang.

My mother, Hao Qiang was shocked, and said in his heart, this monster is too violent, right?
Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, he didn't have time to choose any "Translation Card", so he hurriedly jumped towards the edge of the bed, and the strange bucket-shaped hand slammed on the bed.

Hard stone walls could be smashed open, but the wooden bed was vulnerable to a single blow. When the bucket touched it, it immediately scattered, and a large piece collapsed.

However, a dramatic scene happened. Because the bed collapsed suddenly, the gauze curtain on the bed was wrapped around the bucket monster.

Even though this guy was very energetic, when faced with these soft gauze, he suddenly lost his temper.The bucket-shaped arms couldn't easily pull off these gauze.

Seeing the opportunity, Hao Qiang hurriedly thought about how to escape.However, looking around, he was already blocked in the corner of the room, with no way out.If you want to escape, you have to bypass the bucket monster.

In times of crisis, there is no room for hesitation.

Hao Qiang rushed to the side at once, but who knows, although the monster was still tearing the veil, its reaction ability was still not weak. Seeing Hao Qiang was about to run, he immediately went up to block the way.

At the same time, he slapped Hao Qiang on the head with a bucket.This blow was extremely vicious, Hao Qiang could only dodge it with his head down.

However, Hao Qiang is not a vegetarian either. After several previous battles, his military experience value has skyrocketed, and he picked up a short knife and stabbed that guy's body almost subconsciously.

Although Hao Qiang's dagger was a level 3 treasure, it had no effect at all when stabbed on the monster's hard shell.

goo goo...

The monster seemed to have never been so passive, and immediately roared, raised the bucket and slammed towards Hao Qiang.Hao Qiang stepped back quickly, but the short knife in his hand accidentally touched the bucket.

The dagger immediately collapsed, and Hao Qiang was knocked down to the ground, and the tiger's mouth was shaken as if he lost consciousness.

goo goo...

The monster roared again, and then violently tore back and forth, finally tearing off the veil that wrapped him completely.

Seeing this violent monster lost its restraint, Hao Qiang couldn't help feeling cold.

Depend on!
Now it's a mess!

However, Hao Qiang is not one to sit still and wait for death.Although the other party is extremely capable, how can I let others take advantage of me?

Well, since this is the case, then I will fight with you!
Hao Qiang knew that there was no way to reason with this kind of monster, so he simply skipped the "Translation Card" and directly clicked on the transformed "Bruce Lee Nunchuck Card".

While clicking, he also took out the prepared nunchucks from behind.With a flash of golden light, the card took effect immediately.

"I hit..."

With the sudden sound of familiar shouts, Hao Qiang regained his energy immediately. He only felt strong and healthy, with sharp eyes and ears, and his whole body was full of the strength to beat someone up.

(End of this chapter)

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