Treasure Master

Chapter 53 Can You Eat This?

Chapter 53 Can You Eat This?

Although Hao Qiang has already used the nunchuck card, he knows in his heart that according to the comparison of the strength of the two sides, he still cannot fight the opponent head-on.

Therefore, when the huge bucket arm came crashing down, Hao Qiang did not choose to head-on. Instead, he performed a very difficult twirl. On the back of the head.

First there was a "boom", and the stick hit the round helmet hard, making a dull sound.

Then a "crash" was heard. There was nothing wrong with the monster's head, but the mask on his face fell off with a clatter.


The monster jumped into a rage, and hit back with a shovel again.

Although this guy is very powerful, his movements are indeed a little slow. Hao Qiang, who used the "Nunchaku Card", has time to dodge.

After getting out of the way, Hao Qiang swung his stick to the front of the guy's helmet again, and with another "bang", he smashed the huge monster so that his whole body shook.

After smashing it, Hao Qiang also saw the monster's appearance clearly.

My mother, this... this person...

Hao Qiang never expected that this monster with a shovel turned out to be a black-skinned one—a black man!Moreover, the hawk-like eyes, bulging nose and thick lips, no matter how you look at it, you look like James in the NBA!

No way?
And such a coincidence?


The shovel monster was frustrated again and again, and it was going crazy with anger, and its attack on Hao Qiang became more and more fierce.The two shovel arms strike alternately, one at a time and one at a time.

Hao Qiang was jumping up and down in the bedroom, dodging around, trying his best to avoid the attack, while looking for opportunities to fight back from time to time.

However, as time passed, Hao Qiang's disadvantages became apparent.Don't look at him unexpectedly hitting the opponent more than a dozen times, but the opponent is wearing hard armor, no matter where he hits, there is no serious injury at all.

On the other hand, Hao Qiang, as his physical fitness declined, his dodging speed gradually slowed down.Every blow of the shovel monster is fatal, not to mention being hit, just a touch is enough to eat a pot of Hao Qiang!

Faced with such a difficult situation, the panting Hao Qiang began to plan to escape. 36 Straightforward is the best strategy, since you can't beat the opponent, why not hurry up and call me before the card's function disappears!
Thinking of this, Hao Qiang gave a side spin kick, and while kicking the opponent's shoulder, he used his strength to jump to the other side of the big bed, trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, due to the huge consumption of physical strength, his movements were out of shape, he did not stand firmly when he landed, and his body staggered a little.And in such a short blink of an eye, the shovel monster's elbow swept across Hao Qiang's back and shoulder blades. The huge impact immediately knocked Hao Qiang into the air, and then hit the hard wall head-on like a plaster. superior.

This time, Hao Qiang was stunned, he felt his chest was tight, his throat was sweet, and he was about to vomit blood.

But how could the monster miss this golden opportunity, hastily turned around and charged again.

In desperation, Hao Qiang had no choice but to throw a stick at the opponent forcefully.As a result, the nunchaku was caught squarely by the huge shovel.

The monster succeeded, and he quickly pulled back hard, but Hao Qiang couldn't help it, and the nunchuck was snatched away.


The shovel monster was so moralized that he raised his nunchucks in front of his face.

Then, Hao Qiang saw with great horror that the black man suddenly opened his mouth as wide as possible, and a row of teeth like a hacksaw appeared.

Then, he put one end of the nunchuck into his mouth, and actually started chewing.

The nunchaku made of stainless steel was like gnawing on sweet sugar cane, it was chewed up and swallowed by the monster in just three or two strokes, and there was not even a little dregs left!

I am a dear grandma!

Why is this person's teeth and appetite so good?
Hao Qiang shrank back in fright, but the monster's shovel arm turned 180 degrees suddenly, and it clamped Hao Qiang firmly on the shovel from behind.



This shovel actually has a rotating function!
Hao Qiang was shocked and struggled hard, but the shovel was so powerful that he couldn't struggle at all.At this moment, he had no weapon in his hand, and panicked for a moment.

goo goo...

As the monster made a terrifying sound, his hacksaw teeth appeared in front of Hao Qiang again.This time, he obviously wanted to chew Hao Qiang like sweet sugar cane!

I Nima...

Hao Qiang couldn't help struggling. He originally wanted to open his space ring and go inside to find a weapon to deal with it.But thinking that the level 3 short knife is useless, how can there be any weapons that can deal with this guy?

However, at this moment, as Hao Qiang couldn't stop shaking, he suddenly heard a sound of metal rubbing behind him.

He suddenly remembered, on the light armor on his back, there was still the arrow that the fly shot at him!

Thinking of this, he immediately stretched his arm behind his back as quickly as possible and pulled out the short arrow made of unknown material.Then, without thinking, he pierced the shovel monster's face with an arrow!

The shovel monster opened its mouth wide and was about to enjoy the delicious food, but it never expected that the other party could conjure up a weapon like a magic trick. Its reaction was a bit stagnant for a while, and Hao Qiang hit it in the face with an arrow!
This arrow was not biased, and actually hit him right in the eye!
Blood came out with a squeak. Hao Qiang used all his strength. After inserting it, he stuck the short arrow a finger deep and did not stop until it could no longer be inserted.


The shovel monster was in so much pain that it groaned in pain, and the shovel arm that was holding Hao Qiang loosened.

Hao Qiang fell to the ground, and only then did he feel that his belly was about to be crushed. If it wasn't for the light armor protection, he would have been crushed by him.

Cough cough cough...

Hao Qiang clutched his stomach and coughed. After realizing that the opportunity was good, he thought of kicking the short arrow into the monster's brain, and simply killed him.

Unexpectedly, just as he raised his feet, the monster swung his huge shovel arm violently due to the pain.

In a panic, he flicked the shovel upwards, just hitting Hao Qiang's feet, causing Hao Qiang to do a backflip.

It's just that the somersault is a beautiful flip, but it's a pity that it landed on the face first!

With a puff, Hao Qiang couldn't bear it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

After the monster swung wildly, it clamped the short arrow with a shovel and slowly pulled it out from the eye.There was a puffing sound as the arrow was pulled out, which made people feel sick when they heard it.

Blood gushed out from his eye sockets, making him scream in pain.After pulling them all out, he seemed to recognize that the short arrow belonged to the fly spirit, and immediately twisted the short arrow into pieces in anger.

Hao Qiang staggered up from the ground, only feeling his internal organs churning, very uncomfortable.Fortunately, this is still within the validity period of the "Nunchuck Card". If there is no card support, I am afraid that he will faint now if he is not dead.

Gradually, the shovel monster no longer wailed in pain, but gradually calmed down, staring at Hao Qiang with its only remaining eye!

Hao Qiang knew that if he couldn't think of any other way at this time, the shovel monster would definitely kill him with the most brutal methods.

Could it be that I can only use "Nine Yin White Bone Claws"?However, the task has not been completed, so it is too early to use it at this time?Moreover, even if it is used, can the martial arts in the world of martial arts really beat the armored monsters in this sci-fi world?

The monster rotated its shovel-shaped arms back and forth, and its chest heaved violently, as if it was holding back its big move!

Hao Qiang couldn't help but retreat, but within a few steps he was stuck in the corner, with no way out.At that moment, he had already opened the system store and was always ready to use the Nine Yin White Bone Claw to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a super unexpected thing happened again.

Following Hao Qiang's sudden sound of rubbing bricks and stones, the wall behind him suddenly turned backwards.

Hao Qiang was leaning tightly against the wall, and as soon as he turned around, he involuntarily turned to the other side of the wall.My head was still a little dizzy because I turned too fast.

With the rapid rotation of the wall, when it turned a full 180 degrees, it completely blocked the shovel monster from the outside.

Hao Qiang looked up, only to find that there is a hole behind the wall!Just as I was about to take a closer look, a woman suddenly jumped out from the side.

As soon as the woman appeared, she immediately grabbed Hao Qiang and pulled him to the other side of the room.

Almost at the same moment, the wall that could be rotated "bang", and was hit by the shovel monster again - torn apart!
(End of this chapter)

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