fish out a entertainer

Chapter 110 Life hits me hard

Chapter 110 Life hits me hard
"Brother Yi, is sister Mu Qiong at home?"

Li Yi was typing, when suddenly a Fetion message came.Li Yi looked down and saw that it was from Qin Ying, and the image of a shrinking ball unconsciously appeared in his head.

The image of Li Muqiong is a big devil in the hearts of all the children who are as old as Li Yi in this community, and they are very afraid.


"Then I'll go find you."

Li Yi smiled, put down the phone, and continued to code.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, and Li Yi got up to open the door.


As soon as the door opened, a chubby little fat man came in, looked up and looked inside the room, as if Li Muqiong was lying in ambush in that corner.

Li Yi, who was watching, was happy for a while, and patted the little fat man on the head.

"If you're not at home, don't look at it." After speaking, Li Yi turned his head and walked towards the bedroom.

"Hehe." The little fat man covered his head and laughed innocently.

Wait for the two to come to the bedroom.

"Fuck! The latest fruit notebook! It costs more than 1." As soon as the little fat man entered the room, he saw the futuristic streamlined fruit notebook that was a bit out of place with the simple bedroom.

The whole person rushed to the notebook like a hungry tiger, and gently stroked Li Yi's notebook with those hands like pork knuckles, with an expression of enjoyment, as if he was stroking his lover's skin.Li Yi couldn't bear to watch this disgusting force, and kicked Qin Ying's fat ass.

One minute later, Qin Ying was sitting on Li Yi's bed with his hands on his buttocks, staring at the fruit notebook on the table, like a little bitch.

"When did you take the vacation?" Li Yi didn't look at him, and talked to her while typing.

"I've been on vacation for several days, but I just came back yesterday." Qin Ying also knew that Li Yi had the habit of writing novels since high school.

Then I saw Qin Ying moving a small bench up to Li Yi. That fat butt really didn't fit in with the smaller bench.

"Brother Yi, have you really become an animation director? You have also won a national award? You have also been on the news network?" Qin Ying's squinting eyes almost twinkled like stars.

Li Yi stopped, turned to look at Qin Ying who was like a fan, and asked: "How do you know?"

Although "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" became popular with the Dongfeng of the Golden Dragon Award, it even went on the news broadcast for about ten seconds.But Li Yi's name didn't appear on the news broadcast at once, only a few seconds of holding the cup.

In the Guoman circle, Li Yi has a great reputation.

But outside the Guoman circle, Li Yi's popularity is not as high as that of an Internet celebrity.And with the 'elementary aura of concealment', most people would skip Li Yi on their own.Whether it's on the Internet or in life, except for the people from the animation design department, Li Yi usually walks on the road and no one comes forward to strike up a conversation.

This is also the result Li Yi wants to pursue.

However, Li Yi didn't expect the little fat man to see this animation.Li Yi knew it, but the little fat man was only obsessed with games, and he didn't read novels or anime.

"My mom told me that. Brother Yi, I watched your anime. Fuck you, it's so handsome! After watching it, I want to change my major to learn animation design." The little fat man got excited when he talked, and added some movements to his hands , adding some onomatopoeia of 'biubiu' in his mouth.

Li Yi was a little surprised, and interrupted the fat man's 'biubiubiu', "How did your mother know?"

"The whole community knows, isn't it all hung up at the entrance of the community?" The little fat man scratched his head.

The whole district? ?

At the gate of the community?

Li Yi was a little confused.

How does the whole community know?

Li Yi had infinite doubts in his heart.

At this moment, Li Muqiong sent a picture to Li Yi. When Li Yi saw it, he almost didn't memorize it.

I saw that the picture was the entrance of the community where I lived, but there was a banner hanging on the ordinary gate, which added a bit of brilliance.

[Warm congratulations, director 'Li Yi' of this community won the 2019 Golden Dragon Award. 】

Then a voice came over, Li Yi clicked on it, and Li Muqiong's suppressed laughter came through the phone immediately.

"Great director, congratulations." Then Li Muqiong couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, "Hahahahahaha"

Following Li Muqiong's laughter, Li Yi could vaguely hear Li's mother's scolding, and the girl was not a bit reserved.

But it didn't matter. Li Yi felt a little out of body when he looked at the banner.

Judging from the dull color of this banner, I am afraid it has been up for who knows how long.When I couldn't get the prize, I hung up this banner.

Li Yi covered his face and sighed sadly.

Life always hits you hard without knowing it.

"Don't spread this matter to the outside world." Li Yi said helplessly.

"Ah?" Qin Ying was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Li Yi raised his head and asked, he sensed something was wrong from Fatty Qin's reaction.

"I just promoted it for Brother Yi in the class group, you don't have to thank me, Brother Yi." After speaking, Fatty Qin smiled honestly and scratched the back of his head.

Li Yi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Picking up the phone, sure enough, many Aites from his high school class group appeared on the screen of the phone.Li Yi went in and took a look. The first one was posted by the little fat man. The time was 10 minutes ago. It must have been sent by the little fat man on his way back.

"Congratulations to Brother Yi for winning the National Grand Prize Dragon Award@李易"

Then Qin Ying also posted a few pictures of Li Yi winning the award on the spot, as well as a clip of Li Yi's appearance on the news broadcast!
"Fuck! Brother Yi is awesome! (Broken sound)"

"Everyone is a college student, why is Brother Yi so outstanding?"

"On the news broadcast? Be good!"

"Call @李易"

"Call @李易"

Li Yi's usually empty group suddenly boiled over, causing him a headache.

Then look at the instigator of all this in front of you, who is smiling at himself as honestly as Maitreya Buddha.

Li Yi felt his heat rising, and a slight change occurred in his rational brain.

Huh?Why did my hands uncontrollably gather dark energy?
"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty."

Li Yi recited the Heart Sutra silently several times in his heart before he felt the dark energy in his hands gradually recede.

The brain that had just been overwhelmed by impulse regained some sanity.

"Brother Yi, are you alright?" Qin Ying couldn't help asking, looking at Li Yi who seemed a little weird.

Li Yi showed a smile on his face, and reached out to pat Qin Ying's generous shoulder, "It's okay, I'm fine."

The two talked about many interesting things in the past.

"Brother Yi, that's right. I recently discovered a game called "Huaxia Style Parents". This game is very popular recently, but it is very fun. Come back and buy one to try." When mentioning the game, Qin Ying's interest immediately increased Several times.

Li Yi turned his head and glanced at the 'Cloud Creator Background' and 'Steam Game Creator Background' on his laptop desktop, and agreed with a smile.

Finally, when it was dark, Qin Ying reluctantly got up and went home.

"By the way! Brother Yi, our high school classmates will have a reunion the day after tomorrow. I will call you then." Qin Ying said.

Li Yi didn't want to think about it, but after thinking about it, many high school classmates hadn't seen each other for half a year, and the friendship between classmates hadn't worn away with time, so he nodded and agreed.

At this time, Li Muqiong and Li's mother happened to go home with big bags and small bags. Qin Ying immediately straightened up when he saw Li Muqiong.

"Hello Auntie."

"Hello, Miss Muqiong."

Then he escaped and went out.

When Li's mother saw it, she sighed, "Qin Ying is so fat, how can he run so fast?"

Li Yi shrugged and was about to go back to his room.But seeing Li Muqiong's half-smile expression at a glance, he immediately remembered the banner that was still hanging at the gate of the community.

Just thinking about it, Li Yi wished he could get into the cracks in the ground.So he quickly raised the issue of the banner with Mother Li.

"Oh! What are you talking about? The street director insists on hanging up, and I can't refuse. Hahahaha." Even though Mother Li said this, she could hardly hold back the smile on her face.Li Yi knew Li's mother's character very well, and the truth was definitely not what Li's mother said. I'm afraid this banner could be hung, and Li's mother had a lot of effort in it.

But seeing Mother Li so happy, Li Yi knew that it was hopeless to find a breakthrough from Mother Li.

"Puff." At the right time, Li Muqiong didn't hold back his laughter, and let out a few laughs.

Immediately Li Yi glared at Li Muqiong.

However, Li Muqiong couldn't hold back the smile on Li Yi's face when she saw Li Yi's appearance. Finally, when Li's mother came into the house with the vegetables, Li Muqiong couldn't hold back after all, and burst out laughing.

Li Yi: "."

Laugh, laugh, laugh to death.

Life hit me hard, and I smiled back at life.

I am too southern.

(End of this chapter)

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