fish out a entertainer

Chapter 217 Buying the bottom of the science fiction literature market

Chapter 217 Buying the bottom of the science fiction literature market
Gold will always shine.

The world always puts the focus on 'shining'.

Little do they know that the key point should be 'general meeting'.

Gold may 'always' be decades, 100, or even hundreds of years before it will be truly washed away by the long river of history and become a bright light in the long river of history.

And the creator of gold may have turned into a painting and hung it on the wall.
Fortunately, when the Internet became popular, gold became easier to be discovered by others.

However, people and ghosts are all showing off on the Internet today, lest others don't know that they are gold. Unfortunately, there are only a few people who can truly become gold. The vast majority of them are drowned in the ocean without even catching a meteor.

Recently, "The Three-Body Problem" has spread quietly on the Internet.

Of course, being silent is an exaggeration. The truth is that under the recommendation of countless science fiction literature lovers, this book was gradually pushed to the foreground.

When people read him with a sense of giving it a try.

'Fuck! 'This is the psychological activity of [-]% of people after watching "The Three-Body Problem".

Some people have analyzed that the Three-Body Problem is contrary to the laws of today's mainstream literature, but this is where the charm of science fiction literature lies. Magnificent and weird, full of imagination, and unconventional, this is what science fiction literature should be like.

"This book is the strongest book I have read this year!"

"Sci-fi fans have been waiting for 20 years for a long sci-fi masterpiece, and it's finally here!"

"Grandpa, I've burned you the long sci-fi novel you asked for."

"Wait for the unnamed Three-Body Problem 2."

"By the way, don't you feel that Anonymous is so mysterious? I can't even find a Weibo account, and I can't find any real information from the publisher. It's like it came out of nowhere."

"Normal, I was so low-key when I was shorting Wall Street. Otherwise, do you think I can comment here now?"

"Commenting in prison?"


In short, "The Three-Body Problem" has indeed gained some popularity, especially for some fans of science fiction literature. After reading it, they almost spare no effort to promote "The Three-Body Problem" for free.

Soon, a week has passed.

The sales situation of booksellers in various places was sent back to Kyoto Publishing House.

in the conference room.

Qu Zhong sat at the top and looked at the crowd below, with a kind smile on his face.

"Stop complaining, let me tell you some good news first." Qu Zhong said with a smile, while shaking the thick stack of documents in his hand.

"The sales volume of Trinity has been summarized this week, [-] copies online and [-] copies offline.

The total online and offline sales volume is 24521 copies!Although offline sales are relatively small, booksellers from all over the world have already sent over [-] pre-orders. "

While talking, Qu Zhong couldn't hide his smile.

At present, there is no doubt that the three-body model is already a huge hit.

Since their establishment, Kyoto Publishing House has unearthed many bestsellers, but such imaginative books are really rare.

"The production department postponed all the books that could be postponed, and gave priority to ensuring the production of "Three-Body Problem". There is also the Propaganda Department, which continues to increase its investment in publicity. Now is a good time to strike while the iron is hot.

This is the sales volume for this week, I will send it to you, and everyone will have a look. "

Soon there was a document in front of everyone, and everyone looked down.

I saw the three-body one riding Juechen at the top, and his book sales were almost higher than the sum of the other books combined.

On weekdays, I just watched other publishers unearth some blockbuster hits. Now it’s all right. Their Kyoto Publishing House has also unearthed a bestseller. According to the current trend, as long as "Three-Body Problem" doesn’t suddenly become popular, this year’s Definitely going to be a super bestseller.

My own publishing house also has a super bestseller, just thinking about it makes me feel excited!

After the meeting ended, everyone left, and only Qu Zhong and Han Shuang were left in the conference room.

Han Shuang was like a victorious peacock, looking at Qu Zhong with her head held high and a smile on her face. If this arrogant look were seen by the employees of Kyoto Publishing House, their eyes would probably drop. Is this still the iceberg-like 'Bawanghua'?

Seeing Han Shuang's childish appearance, Qu Zhong couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, it's because you have a good eye, okay?" Qu Zhong said helplessly.

"Originally." Han Shuang snorted triumphantly, unable to hide the smile on his face.

"Nizi, how many sales do you predict for the first month?" Qu Zhong asked.

Hearing this, Han Shuang fell into deep thought. Her chin rested on the fingers across her chest, and her head moved little by little, like a dragonfly splashing water.

"One hundred thousand volumes!" Han Shuang finally said firmly, but if you listen carefully, you can also hear some tremors in Han Shuang's voice, as if his body doesn't quite believe what he said.

"One hundred thousand volumes?" Qu Zhong nodded.

At present, if counting the scheduled sales of the book, it has reached [-] copies, but when the booksellers digest the [-] copies, the sales may show a stagnation state, so Qu Zhong’s estimate in his heart is actually staying at [-] There are only more than [-] volumes at most, which is far from Han Shuang's [-] volumes.

A book that sold [-] copies in the first month has never been seen by Kyoto Publishing House.

"I hope!" Qu Zhong said with some regret.

In any case, the current development trend of "Three-Body" has far exceeded Qu Zhong's original estimate.

Although Qu Zhong didn't believe it, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart. What if there were really [-] copies?
Qianzhihe Publishing House.

"What! [-] copies sold in the first week? How is that possible!!" Editor Liu had an expression of disbelief when he heard the news from the other end of the phone.

"I see!" Editor Liu hung up the phone and sat down on a chair.

A little writer who is born with no name.

There is actually a top star like Cai Wenran endorsing it!

The most important thing is that the book is getting worse and worse now. Editor Liu, who is sitting in the chair, seems to smell a little gunpowder smoke.

The most important thing is that this fire burned down his own house.

Since ancient times, colleagues have been enemies, but there are so many Huaxia Publishing Houses, and I and Kyoto Publishing House have different business scopes, so they are not enemies at all.

But coincidentally, both publishing houses have published an unpopular science fiction novel, which is why he noticed the novel by Kyoto Publishing House in the vast sea of ​​books. If it is a popular category, he will not have the energy to pay attention to this kind Unknown little works.

However, the best-selling book that sold more than [-] copies in the first week under its own banner was given away by the little-known work next door, and there was no scum left in seconds!
The sci-fi literature market is so big, and I and Ma Yinhe originally had the idea of ​​going to the sci-fi literature category to grab the bottom of it. After all, no matter how small the fish pond is, there are still fish.

Now that it's all right, I have become a fish in other people's fishing nets.

I have promoted so much for science fiction literature, and now I might have to make wedding dresses for others.

If this were the case, although Qianzhihe Publishing House would not be able to lose all of its assets, it would be difficult to secure my position as the editor-in-chief. You must know that countless people are staring at my position with green eyes.

"Where did this unknown author come from Cheng Yaojin?" Editor Liu muttered to himself, frowning.

No matter where Cheng Yaojin came from, he must not let him step on the game!Editor Liu said harshly.

(End of this chapter)

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