fish out a entertainer

Chapter 228 Letter from Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chapter 228 Letter from Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"You're only 19 years old?!" Sun Shangnian was stunned looking at the documents in his hand, which fell to the ground with a clatter.

"It's too young!"

Sun Shangnian finally regained his composure and sighed. He bent down to pick up the information that had fallen to the ground. He put on his own eyes and looked at it carefully for a long time before confirming that he was not presbyopic and had misread it.

It's not that he's overreacting.

It's really shocking at this age.

Think about what you were doing when you were 19 years old?
It seems that you are studying at the Institute of Imperial University, right?
"There are talented people from generation to generation."

Sun Shangnian continued to look down, but after a few glances, when he saw that Li Yi's information was from the Department of Animation of Emperor University, he couldn't help frowning.

"Animation department? Isn't it a waste of talents for such a national pillar to go to animation?"


Sun Shangnian frowned, picked up the materials and went out with a tight frown.


The door was slammed open, and the two students who were at the door were taken aback by Sun Shangnian who suddenly walked out. Looking at Sun Shangnian's ferocious face, they forgot what they were going to report in the blink of an eye.

Then the two watched Sun Shangnian go away from a distance.

After a few minutes.

"This kind of seedling has been reserved by my Institute of Physics, and I will quickly transfer him to the physics major."

"Old Sun, what happened?"

A middle-aged man stared blankly at Sun Shangnian who suddenly barged in, and was a little dazed for a while.

After a long while, the middle-aged man looked away from the information in his hand and understood what Sun Shangnian meant, but a wry smile could not help but appear on his face, "Old Sun, maybe my students like animation? We can't force it. They are not.”

Sun Shangnian suddenly became unhappy, "It's just that I'm used to it. I think at that time, whose major was not assigned by the state? How could anyone choose it by himself? Now that China's scientific research is so short of talents, how can he waste such a talent with such a useless Go professionally?"

The middle-aged man couldn't refute anything after hearing the words. Although the old man's thoughts were a bit narrow-minded, what the old man said was the truth.

"How about this, Mr. Sun. I will send a letter to the Emperor University, and ask the Emperor University to find this student to understand the situation and ask his opinion. After all, it is a new era now, and I will force people to do what they don't want to do. It is an imperialist practice, you are an old party member, don’t make such mistakes.”


Sun Shangnian thought for a while, felt that it made sense, and then nodded.

"Success, then I will send a letter to Di Da."

The middle-aged man stood up with a smile and poured Sun Shangnian a cup of tea.

"No more drinking. I have to go to several research institutes in a while. There is an important topic that has reached a critical stage."

Sun Shangnian walked out directly after speaking.

Imperial Animation Department.

In the office, several animation department leaders gathered to discuss.

"Li Yi is a classmate with a very smart mind. It's just that he doesn't do his job properly. Look at the things he does, such as online novels, poetry writing, and TV shows."

"It's better to be a master than to be a master. If Li Yi can devote all his thoughts to animation creation, his achievements may be even higher. Maybe he can hit the three major international awards during his school days."

"Don't talk about it, he just doesn't do his job properly. You have to educate him later, so that he can calm down and stop doing those messy things."

Several leaders of the animation department were sitting in the office discussing, with a look of hatred on their faces.

"It's fine to write a poem. Online novels are harmful but not beneficial. They are the chief culprits of poisoning young people. The children in our family are now chasing after the god Li Yi wrote? Every day is fascinated Like, hiding under the covers at night to watch secretly."

"Also, what kind of dance did he dance? My neighbor's daughter was fascinated some time ago, and she practiced according to the video every day."

"and after?"

"Later? Then the child fell in love early, and when the parents of the two parties met, they found out that they were close relatives. The girl was also the boy's cousin, and the boy's father broke the boy's leg in a fit of anger. Now Sent to Germany."

The teacher who was listening took a breath when he heard this.

But is it a bit off topic?

At this time, Yang Jiangjun, the dean of the department who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

"Li Yi is a talented kid. It's not bad for young people to have a wider range of interests. They can broaden their horizons."

Everyone thought about it and nodded, and it was the same.

It doesn't matter if you covered a lot when you were young, it's a good thing to be able to return to the right path in the end.

A teacher thought about it for a while, and found that the problem was not right, "However... this kid is not just a problem with a wide range of hobbies. He can make big news for everything. Some time ago, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of History came to rob people. You all forgot ?”

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jiangjun and other leaders were taken aback.

Take a closer look.

It really is so.

Other people's hobbies are hobbies.

It just so happened that this child was so fond of it that he unknowingly developed to the top of his hobby.

Isn't it the best example for the leaders of the Department of Literature and History to come here to poach people?
If one day someone is abducted by a big boss in a certain industry, it will be a lot of fun.

All the animation department leaders thought of this, and cold sweat dripped down their foreheads.

Yang Jiangjun's face was a little stiff, "This question, I will find Li Yi to do more ideological work when I have time in the future."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

The Department of Physics of Imperial University unexpectedly received a letter from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But it's not a big deal.

After all, the Department of Physics of Imperial University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences usually have a cooperative relationship.

But when the teacher who checked the mail saw the content of the letter, he was a little surprised.I hurriedly took the letter to find the dean and department leaders of the physics department.

After all the leaders read the letter from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, their faces were a little strange.

"From one to infinity, it was written by our school's students?"

They all paid attention to the Weibo reposted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences before, and they all read the popular science book "From One to Infinity". .

So almost everyone thought it should be written by an old professor with a lot of books.

But this letter said that the author of "From One to Infinity" was actually in the Imperial University.

Still an ordinary freshman student.

How not to surprise them.


After reading the letter, the head of the physics department said solemnly.

The leaders of several physics departments also nodded.

They know it's going to be there.

The students of the Department of Physics discovered that a group of leaders, which are not common in ordinary times, appeared in a group.

The students who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement speculated why the big bosses in the department came out together.

"Absolutely something big!"

"Looking in the direction, it looks like an art academy?"

(End of this chapter)

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