fish out a entertainer

Chapter 259 The work of the Golden Dragon Award winner?

Chapter 259 The work of the Golden Dragon Award winner?

"When did this animation appear?" Han Feizi felt excited about picking up money on the road.

As the UP master of Guoman, he would come to the Guoman zone whenever he had nothing to do, and it was only two days since he came to the new zone of Guoman last time, and at that time he hadn’t discovered the existence of this anime, so this It should be an anime that has just been launched in the past two days.

Han Feizi followed the cover and entered the playback interface of "Assassin Wu Liuqi". After entering, Han Feizi found that the animation had not been officially released, and there was only a simple PV promotional video in the interface.

This made Han Feizi feel somewhat shattered.

However, Han Feizi was not discouraged, so he clicked on the PV and watched it. After all, the quality of an animation can be seen from the promotional PV.

But after watching the PV silently, Han Feizi didn't say a word.

He found that the quality could not be seen from this PV.Because this PV is not the usual mixed clips, but a song. It seems to be either the opening song or the ending song. The things that appear in the PV are stick figures that seem to have nothing to do with the plot.

Han Feizi is not particularly interested in things like songs.

Han Feizi was a little disappointed, but the sense of anticipation in his heart was even stronger. At the same time, he was a little fortunate that at least he could retain a sense of anticipation.

Then, out of his professional habits, Han Feizi couldn't help but began to inquire about the background of "Assassin Wu Liuqi".

The quality of a work can be inferred from information such as its production team, director, and producer.

"Spirit animation? I've never heard of it." Han Feizi shook his head, then returned to the playback interface, dragged it to the end of the progress bar, and patiently observed the list of the final production team of pv.

Looking at the list of the production team, Han Feizi gradually frowned, and he found that things seemed not as simple as he imagined.

Because Han Feizi discovered several unusual names from the long list of production teams.

To be more precise, four!
Producer Li Yi.

Chief director Li Tianxing.

Storyboards Li Yi and Sun Hao.

Art Director Sun Hao.

Character designs Li Yi, Sun Hao, He Chang.

Art designer He Chang.

Original paintings by Sun Hao and He Chang.

The names of Li Yi, Sun Hao, Li Tianxing, and He Chang frequently appeared in the long list of producers, and they were all important positions.

Who are these people?

Han Feizi explained the final awards ceremony of the Golden Dragon Awards last year. What impressed Han Feizi the most was "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon", which won the Golden Dragon Award. The four-member production team made Han Feizi deeply remember them name.

Han Feizi still clearly remembers how he felt at that time. After "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" won the Golden Dragon Award, he once felt like the rise of Chinese animation. But after entering 2020, the entire Chinese animation market ruthlessly crushed him This feeling.China Animation is still the same, and nothing has changed just because four young people won the Golden Dragon Award.

Even so, Han Feizi still deeply remembered the four excited young people at the Golden Dragon Awards, and after the Golden Dragon Awards, Han Feizi also cared about the four young people, but except for Li Yi who appeared on the Internet from time to time Apart from showing their faces, the other three seemed to have disappeared.And the way Li Yi showed his face was not because of anime, but poetry, online novels, and even dancing, which made Han Feizi gradually lose his sense of expectation for these four people.

But now it seems these four are back!
It came so fast and so suddenly that Han Feizi was also a little surprised.

What will the work of the four Golden Dragon winners' animators look like?
Thinking of this, Han Feizi became inexplicably excited!
What bothers Han Feizi right now is whether the four people on the producer list of "Assassin Wu Liuqi" are the four people who made "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon"?
In order to clarify this problem, Han Feizi went to Qiandu and began to search for various news in this regard, including Fang Lingxin animation, the producer of "Assassin Wu Liuqi".

However, there is very little news about this on Qiandu. Han Feizi is not surprised. After all, if it is the work of those four people, it may only be the first full-length work, and even this spiritual animation has just been created.

So Han Feizi went to the official website of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, hoping to find information about spiritual animation in the industrial and commercial registration information.

It is a pity that the official website of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau does not have the registration information of Lingxin Animation Company.

It's as if this spiritual animation just popped out of nowhere.

Han Feizi was a little disappointed, but looking back at the four familiar names, Han Feizi still felt that such a coincidence was impossible. It was possible for one or two names to overlap, but the chance of repeating all four names was very small.

Han Feizi glanced at the official release date of the animation.

June NO.20 at twelve o'clock in the morning.

It's tomorrow morning!

Time is not long.

Han Feizi put this animation in the fan-chasing area, and at the same time began to view the comment area on the pull-down page of the playback interface.

There are not many people following this show, more than 1000 people have just passed, and naturally there are not many comments in the comment area, only a few dozen.

"The songs in this pv are really nice."

"It's not easy to be a new fan, just order a follow-up fan. Small TV doesn't know how to recommend Guoman. I'm angry~"

"It will be released tomorrow, and I look forward to a wave."

"It turns out to be a 2D anime! I'm chasing it!"


After reading the comments for a long time, Han Feizi found no useful comments, and no employees from Lingxin Animation appeared in the comment area.

So Han Feizi looked at the page for a while, then copied the link and sent it to his fan group.

"Recommend a Chinese comic. It has not been officially launched yet. There is only a PV. You can watch it at your own discretion. The link is here."

The fan group was still chatting, but when Han Feizi appeared, the situation exploded.

"Catch Lao Han alive, hurry up and update!"

"I seem to have seen this one in the Xin Fan District yesterday, but I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Let's go for a chase."

"Hey, this seems to be a 2D animation, which is interesting."

"Report, I also found this animation on Tengfei Video."

"Dual platform online? I don't know how the quality is."

"It will be online at noon tomorrow, let's have a look."

Han Feizi watched the heated discussion in the group and also jumped in to chat for a while.As for the possibility that this drama was produced by the four winners of the Golden Dragon Award last year, Han Feizi did not say it, after all, he has not confirmed it yet.

However, Han Feizi believes that everything will be known when he sees the first episode of "Assassin Wu Liuqi" tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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