fish out a entertainer

Chapter 267 Neon Anime Man

Chapter 267 Neon Anime Man

In the emperor's parking lot.

"Ah! This curve! It's so beautiful! I can't do it, I'm going to get drunk." Sun Hao lay in front of the car obsessively stroking the car body, his movements were as gentle as if he was stroking his lover's skin.

"Don't touch it, let's go quickly." He Chang urged.

"Don't worry, let me say goodbye to her." Sun Hao looked at the car obsessively.

Li Yi, Li Tianxing, and He Chang looked at each other, and they all found the meaning in each other's eyes, so they all turned around and left.

After Sun Hao said goodbye and stood up reluctantly, he found that the figures of the three had become three black dots in his vision.

"Hey, wait for me. Why are you doing this!" Sun Hao hurriedly chased after him.

Soon the three of them, as well as the panting Sun Hao, arrived at the address Su Ke sent - the largest venue in the Animation Department. This venue can accommodate all the students in the Animation Department and is rarely used.

However, none of the four of them found any animation students along the way, as if the animation department had turned into a haunted house.

And Li Yi saw Su Ke's figure from a distance outside the door of the venue. Su Ke stood at the door of the venue and looked around, as if he was in an ordinary place, quite anxious.

"Teacher Su!" Li Yi shouted from afar.

Hearing the sound, Su Ke turned his gaze over, with a look of surprise, he hurriedly greeted Li Yi and the others.

"Teacher Su, why are you here?" Li Yi asked curiously.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you four go in quickly, the speech is about to begin." Su Ke said rather anxiously, and then led the four of them into the venue.

As soon as he entered the venue, Li Yi instantly understood why there were so few animation students today. It turned out that all of them came to this venue. Thousands of people gathered in the venue, and the crowd was full of voices and excitement.

Li Yi approached Su Ke, and asked curiously, "Mr. Su's group of neon experts who came to communicate today is so big? Are all the students from the department here?"

"They are all well-known cartoon authors of Neon and high-level executives of the Neon animation industry. This time, they are coming to China. They didn't come to our school. They came after our many invitations." Su Ke said loudly .It wasn't that Su Ke didn't want to speak in a low voice, but because the hall was too noisy, Su Ke could only speak loudly to be heard.

Li Yi nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, it turned out that he was an invited guest, no wonder he had to use such a big battle.

"Then why did you ask us to come back?" Li Yi asked confused.

"You are the only student of the Imperial University who has won the Golden Dragon Award. You can't lose the chain at a critical moment." Su Ke glanced at Li Yi.

Li Yi suddenly realized that the purpose of the four of them coming back was to help the department stand up and be a tool man. Li Yi gave Su Ke a gesture of understanding.

"Okay, the three of you sit here." Su Ke pointed to Li Tianxing and the three of them and arranged them in the sixth row of seats.

"What about me?" Li Yi said with a puzzled expression.

"Where is your place."

Hearing that Li Yi looked forward along Su Ke's fingers, he saw an empty seat in the second row, and the leaders of the art academy and the animation department sat in the front row.

The location is good.

"You will come on stage and give a speech on behalf of the students in the animation department later," Su Ke said.

"Huh?" Li Yi was a little dumbfounded.

Hearing that he was going to give a speech on stage, Li Yi was a little dazed.

I haven't prepared anything and let me give a speech?

Are you always kidding me?
"Don't be dazed, this is your speech, read it more, and read it according to this when you go on stage." Su Ke stuffed a piece of A4 paper into Li Yi's hand, and urged.

Li Yi looked up, just in time to see the three of Li Tianxing making faces at him.

"The bonuses for these three guys are gone this month." Li Yi sentenced the three of them without saying a single glance.

Then, under Su Ke's urging voice, Li Yi walked towards the second row while looking at the speech script in his hand.

When Li Yi sat down in a seat on the outside of the second row, Li Yi suddenly noticed several looks coming from around him.

Li Yi raised his head and found that the students around him were looking at him with rather hot eyes, and many of them were pointing at him.

Li Yi didn't care, and lowered his head to study the manuscript in his hand.

After a few glances, Li Yi found that this manuscript was just a manuscript full of all kinds of clichés, without much gold content, but Li Yi still read it with gusto, and made some changes so that it could be used in meetings.

Just as Li Yi was seriously studying the manuscript.

I noticed that the noise around me gradually subsided, and the whole hall was silent. I raised my head and saw a young man in a suit standing on the stage with a microphone and a smile on his face.

Li Yi looked at this person and felt familiar. He seemed to be the president of the student union of the art academy.

But soon Li Yi's attention was attracted by the big screen behind him.

On the screen, the figures and names of several people appeared.

Li Yi looked at the names that appeared on the screen one by one, and was a little surprised. As Su Ke said, they are all prominent figures in the neon animation industry, but after watching for a long time, Li Yi found something strange, and his face suddenly became strange stand up.

Then Li Yi took out his mobile phone and searched the name on the mobile phone, and he immediately had a clear look.

No wonder it feels familiar.

These people are the production team of Neon Animation's latest anime movie and the top executives of the production company.

This anime movie has been warming up since two years ago. It was originally supposed to be released in China at the end of last year, but due to some reasons it was not able to be released as scheduled. Recently, it was reported that it will be released on the National Day file in October this year.

It turned out that these people came to China to promote and create momentum.

Li Yi understood immediately and couldn't help smiling.

But looking at the familiar people who appeared on the screen, Li Yi couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed. Neon's animation strength is still strong, and the production team of an animation movie can be so luxurious.

Looking at the resumes of each of these people, they are all inlaid with gold edging, which is enough to blind the eyes of all domestic animation companies.

This production team can simply compare to the entire Chinese animation market.

Li Yi couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"Next, let's invite all the guests to enter the venue." The president of the animation student union on the stage shouted.

And a group of neon cartoon characters walked out on the stage.

With the appearance of these people, the atmosphere in the clubhouse seemed to boil instantly, and the cheers and applause seemed to overturn the roof of the entire venue.

Although Li Yi didn't applaud, affected by this atmosphere, he also felt a bit of blood surging.

Next, the host on the stage introduced all these neon anime characters, and then invited them to sit down, but there was still a person with fluffy hair remaining on the stage.

"Next, let's invite Teacher Mori Shenran to give us a speech."

There was another burst of applause at the scene, and Li Yi also smiled and applauded along with it.

And the group of neon anime people were seated, just sitting in front of Li Yi, when the applause fell slightly, Li Yi heard the voices of several neon anime people in the front row talking, but the words were all in Japanese, The voice was very low, but Li Yi had amazing hearing and could hear clearly.

Li Yi's heart moved, and he remembered that he had caught several Japanese skill books but it was useless.

[Use 'Elementary Japanese Skills Book'*8]

Countless knowledge of Japanese appeared in Li Yi's mind. Although he was not very proficient, he could already understand simple Japanese communication.

At this time, the voices of chatter from the people in the front row came, and Li Yi's originally kind face suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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