fish out a entertainer

Chapter 290 Andersen Children's Chapter on Sale

Chapter 290: Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tale

"Andersen's Fairy Tales" was first printed in [-] volumes, and was distributed to bookstores all over the world under the strong channel differentiation ability of Kyoto Publishing House.

As a result, the old children's literature in many bookstores has finally ushered in new members.

In a huge Huaxia bookstore.

A pair of parents walked into the library holding their child's hand.

When the couple bought their favorite books, they took their children to the children's zone.

They believe that cultivating the love of reading should start with dolls, so every time they visit a bookstore, they will buy a few children's literature books for their children.

But over time, they have already bought many classic children's literature, and they will not buy some books that are not nutritious for their children, so they have not bought books for their children for a long time.

When the two led their children to the children's zone, they found that the brightest part of the familiar children's zone had been replaced with new books.

"Andersen's Fairytales?"

The wife picked up the new book on the shelf and couldn't help reading the name on it.

"fairy tale?"

The husband also brought his head closer and looked at it curiously.

"Is it a new book?"

"Looks like it is."

"See if it looks good."

Curiously, the wife opened the book with the cover removed, opened the book and read it, and a few minutes later, the wife kept flipping the pages of the book, with no intention of stopping at all, so the husband also I'm a little anxious.

"How about this book?"

The husband asked curiously and anxiously.

"A very good book." The wife raised her head and said with a rather happy face.

"Good-looking?" The husband was a little puzzled. Isn't it enough to read children's literature?Where is the word 'good-looking' worthy?
So curious, he also picked up a copy of "Andersen's Fairy Tales" on the shelf and opened the pages.

After 10 minutes, the husband began to talk reluctantly, looking at the eyes of his wife, he organized the words in his belly for a long time, and couldn't help nodding.


Then the two took a few books and Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, paid and left.

This situation happened all over China at the same time.

Even the children's zone, which was usually deserted and deserted, still has a lively atmosphere.

And these are caused by the book "Andersen's Fairy Tales".

"Print [-] more copies immediately!"

Kyoto Press.

Qu Zhong patted the table, his tone and expression changed a little under excitement.

But he is really happy. Not halfway through 2020, there are two books that need to be printed in the publishing house. One book, Three Body, is now very popular. The total sales volume has reached 80 copies, and the trend is not declining. , it seems that it is about to run towards the 100 million mark.

And now there is another "Andersen's Fairy Tales", although the trend seems to be not as good as "The Three-Body Problem", but the trend is also very good, and it is estimated to be another bestseller.

Getting two best-selling books a year is not too comfortable.

Han Shuang nodded with a smile and walked out of the door.

What I noticed was that on the chest of Han Shuang's pure white work suit, the original deputy editor's sign had become 'editor-in-chief'.

Kyoto Publishing House is running at full capacity and producing.

Soon [-] copies of "Andersen's Fairy Tales" were freshly released and spread all over the country, but the popularity remained high, and the [-] copies were sold out quickly, so
Reprinted twice
overprint three times
It was not until five additional printings that the speed of sales gradually slowed down.

Even so, Qu Zhong still smiled from ear to ear.

"2020 is really a lucky year." Qu Zhong laughed.

Han Shuang sat aside and looked at Qu Zhong who was proud of the spring breeze and shook her head helplessly. She was not prepared to tell Qu Zhong that she guessed that Li Yi was Andersen.

"Damn it!!" Xin Lan looked at Li Muqiong who was surrounded by people in the Imperial Capital Relief Foundation, her eyes were sinister, and a sense of jealousy emerged out of thin air.

After watching for a while, Xin Lan felt that she couldn't stand it any more, so she hurriedly walked away.

Not far away, Li Muqiong glanced at Xin Lan's leaving figure.

"Sister Qiong, you are so amazing. The book you found has become a hit. The amount of donations we received has increased a lot." Someone said with a smile.

Li Muqiong answered one by one with a smile.

In fact, she was a little surprised in her heart. "Andersen's Fairy Tales" is a good book. As a person with a Ph.D. degree, she naturally knows how to appreciate and comment on a literary book.

Therefore, in Li Muqiong's view, the literary value of "Andersen's Fairy Tales" is relatively high.

But she never thought that "Andersen's Fairy Tales" would be a hit.

After all, the relationship between high literary quality and unsold popularity is not particularly great.

But now that "Andersen's Fairy Tales" is on fire, Li Muqiong is also watching with pleasure. After all, the copyright of this book is still Li Yi's, or Li Muqiong's.When the sales increase, the more money will naturally be obtained, so that although Li Muqiong is not a writer, Li Yi finds it quite funny to search for matters related to manuscript fees every day.

And with the big sale of "Andersen's Fairy Tales", people in the company also congratulated Li Muqiong.

But there are always exceptions to everything.

Xin Lan knocked on the door of the general manager's office with a gloomy expression. Following the sound from inside, Xin Lan immediately put on a cute and pitiful look and walked in.

And the boss with a big belly was sitting on his office chair and was stroking his few remaining hairs. When he saw Xin Lan coming in, his face was filled with joy, but then a little bit of fear flickered.

"Didn't you say, don't have any close contact with me in the company." The boss said worriedly,
"Didn't I miss you?" Xin Lan said coquettishly and coquettishly twisting her exquisite body, watching the fat boss's body surge up with heat.

The boss stood up with a smirk all over his face. With a smile on his face, his eyes were almost blind.He quietly came behind Xin Lan, approached Xin Lan and whispered: "Tonight, we will see you at the old place."

"You're so bad." Xin Lan pretended to be coquettish, and then knocked off his thick fingers running down from his shoulders.

Although she acted coquettishly, when Xin Lan saw the boss staring at her body closely, a bit of disdain and disgust faintly flickered in her pitiful eyes.

But there was still an unhappy look on his face.

"Who bullied you? Tell me."

Sure enough, the boss Lian hurriedly asked carefully.

"It's Li Muqiong." Xin Lan said aggrievedly.

After listening, the boss's concerned expression stopped abruptly, and was replaced by an embarrassed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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