fish out a entertainer

Chapter 316 Adding a Fire!

Chapter 316 Add a Fire!

The final box office of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" exceeded 50 billion yuan, making it the highest-grossing movie in China.

This is something that Li Yi and the entire spiritual animation did not expect.

And when this scene really happened, although they were horrified, they accepted the result calmly. Although "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" may not be able to compare with the special effects technology of the international animation giant Walt Animation, but this The movie belongs to the Chinese people. To a certain extent, "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" reflects some problems in the current Chinese society, and it has also aroused the resonance of many people. This can become the box office of China. top movie.

At present, many people on the Internet have begun to analyze the reasons for the success of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World".

50 billion at the box office! !
At present, "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" is still being released, but the box office growth is extremely slow. It is expected that any further growth will reach the box office limit of 51 billion. Compared with 50 billion, the [-] million box office is just a fraction. So eye-catching.

No matter how turbulent the outside world is.

After experiencing a short period of carnival and madness in Lingxin Animation and even Muyi Company, everyone returned to their former calm, and then continued to devote themselves to their new work with enthusiasm.

In Muyi Company, in a large conference room, all the department principals and middle management of Muyi Company are here.

Mao Sui, Zhuge Buliang, Li Tianxing, and other middle-level management cadres were all sitting upright in the conference room.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time!" Li Yi walked into the room with a smile.

After Li Yi took his seat, Li Tianxing glanced at the crowd, and picked up a document on the table in front of him.

"The current total box office of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" is 50.68 billion yuan. Excluding 5% of the theaters and paying taxes, our after-tax box office is 22.86 billion yuan."

After Li Tianxing finished speaking, he sat back in his seat.

As for the others, after hearing this number, even though they had already prepared in their hearts, when they really heard this number, they were still terrified in their hearts.

This is just a movie with an investment of [-] million! !

The production period is only three or four months.

But it has reaped nearly ten times the return!

Just hearing this number, everyone present felt as if it was a dream, but they were no longer new employees who had just joined Muyi Company, they were already used to this company being able to create some incredible miracles in the eyes of everyone .

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the young figure at the top of the conference table in a tacit understanding.

This talent is the soul of Muyi Company!

Led Muyi Company to create one miracle after another.

Facing everyone's gaze, Li Yi smiled softly.

"We are very lucky this time. We broke the record of a domestic film. But for our company, this is only the first step in the journey. I hope everyone will not be arrogant or impetuous." Li Yi said with a smile .

When everyone heard this, they all nodded excitedly.They are usually willing to believe in the big cakes drawn by Li Yi, because many times, before you believe them, Li Yi has already made the big cakes and stuffed them into your mouth.

Next, under the gaze of the crowd, Mao Sui got up and reported the data.

"Currently, the number of registered users of Xuanyin Short Video has reached 1.5 million, with 5000 million daily active users and 9000 million monthly active users. Currently, it is very difficult to acquire users and the cost has increased several times. The main reason is that from competition. Competition from Pinsu Shou, but in first- and second-tier cities, we still have a considerable number of user groups to gain access to.

In addition, the third quarter financial report showed expenditures of 1.8 million yuan and revenue of 1.2 million yuan, of which the expenditures were mainly advertising expenditures and expansion server costs.At present, the advertising value of a single advertising space is still doubling. In the first month of the fourth quarter, we have achieved profitability, with a profit of 800 million. "

After saying that, Mao Sui sat down with a smile on his face.

And if the words of Mao Sui just spread out, it will cause another round of uproar on the Internet.

How long does it take for Xuanyin short video to be online?
Only a few months.

In just a few short months, the number of users of Xuanyin's short video broke through the 1 million mark from zero, and the number of monthly active users even approached [-] million. Horrified.

But the most important thing is the income of Xuanyin short video.

Ordinary video software There is no video software in China that is profitable.

For example, Tengfei Video, which currently holds the largest market share, is backed by Fetion and Polar Bear, two social software apps with monthly active users in the billions. Advertising fees are all at internal preferential prices. Even so, it still loses nearly 50 billion yuan every year.

Even small TV networks, which mainly rely on user-made content, still lose more than 20 billion yuan a year.

As for the Xuanyin short video, which has similar data to the small TV network, it has entered a profitable state after a few months of being online. Although it simply made a profit of 800 million, it is not as good as the monthly turnover of a stand-alone game of Lianshan Games, but this The profitability of Xuanyin short video has been shown, and no one doubts the profitability of Xuanyin short video.

At the same time, it also made everyone present look at the smiling man at the top.

In a market that everyone is not optimistic about, relying on big data and artificial intelligence algorithms to create a blue ocean.

Is this the keen sense of genius?
For Muyi Company, Xuanyin Short Video is not only an independent short video software, but also serves as the user portal of Muyi Company. In terms of status, it is equivalent to Tengfei Company's Fetion social software.

Just like Ascendas can be invincible in Huaxia Internet by relying on the two billion monthly active software of Polar Bear and Fetion.

Muyi Company has also achieved a similar effect with the short video of Xuanyin.

According to the background of Lianshan Game, Xuanyin Short Video has indirectly attracted millions of user groups to the Lianshan Game platform.

Moreover, in view of the powerful and precise advertising capabilities of Xuanyin's short video, the products of Lianshan Games or Lingxin Animation can be promoted for free, leaving sky-high publicity costs for the two departments.

You can refer to "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" by Lingxin Animation.

"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" has accounted for nearly 40% of the advertising share of Xuanyin's short video in the past three months. If converted into advertising costs, this is hundreds of millions of advertising costs.

As far as the effect is concerned, the 50 billion box office of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" seems to prove the power of Xuanyin's short video.

Although the 50 billion box office is due to various factors, it is enough for many people to see clearly the advertising value of Xuanyin's short video, because before it was released, the main promotion place of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" was Xuanyin short video.

Now the short video of Xuanyin has become the star product of Muyi Company, and it has the ability to radiate to other departments and products.

President Li really has the foresight!

Everyone looked at Li Yi and sighed in their hearts.

"At this stage, our goal is not to make profits. The whole strategic goal is to seize the share of the short video market." Facing the attention of everyone, Li Yi looked at Mao Sui and said with a smile.

"Understood." Mao Sui nodded.

"However, Xuanyin short video, as the traffic entrance of our company, has now reached the bottleneck of development, and the user growth rate is still a bit slow." Li Yi said.

Of course, if this sentence is heard by other companies, I am afraid that they will have the heart to mention hacking Li Yi.

The user group has grown to hundreds of millions in a few months, is this slow?
In the eyes of outsiders, this is already like riding a rocket.

But in the eyes of Li Yi and Mao Sui, this was indeed too slow.

China is currently laying out a 5G network. When the universal 5G era arrives, new traffic entrances may appear at any time. It would be okay if only the software has changed.

What I am most afraid of is that, just like in the 4G era, the way of surfing the Internet has been transferred from the client to the mobile terminal, and hardware-level traffic portals have appeared.

The Muyi company, which has no foundation in hardware, will miss a round of wind.

Therefore, Xuanyin needs to quickly expand its market size before new traffic entrances appear, and have enough volume to welcome new traffic entrances.

Of course, this was what Mao Sui was worried about.

Li Yi didn't feel it at all.

He just thought that the development speed of Xuanyin's short video was indeed beyond his imagination. If it develops better, it may be of better help to the company.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Li Yi raised his head and looked at Mao Sui.

"Brother Mao, go and see the bidding for the exclusive naming rights of the Spring Festival Gala, win it, and add fire to it!" Li Yi said with a smile to Mao Sui.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including Mao Sui, looked at Li Yi with dumbfounded eyes.

The naming rights of the Spring Festival Gala!

This is the biggest advertisement in China!

No one expected that Li Yi would put his mind on the Spring Festival Gala.

Over the years, the exclusive naming rights of the Spring Festival Gala have basically been won by some Internet giants or large financial backers. Last year, the exclusive naming rights of the Spring Festival Gala were said to have reached 10 billion. Some small companies dare not even think about it. Think, even if you can afford it, many companies have to weigh it.

Although the exclusive title of the Spring Festival Gala can be called the strongest advertisement in China, it is only one night on New Year's Eve, and it will pass after that.

And such a night has to invest hundreds of millions.

Even Internet giants like Tengfei or Arabian Nights have to weigh it carefully, after all, they don't really print their own money.

"Okay!" Mao Sui reacted, and immediately said with surprise on his face.

No one except Li Yi would dare to make this kind of decision to invest more than one billion.

And just now, Lingxin Animation has just obtained more than 20 billion cash flow with the help of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", which should be more than enough to win the exclusive naming rights of such a Spring Festival Gala.

If it were another company, and the boss of the company took away the 20 billion hard-earned funds of a department, then the person in charge of this department and all the employees would be blown up immediately.

But for Muyi Company, this situation will not happen.

After all, Li Yi is the chief director of the production of "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", and as long as Li Yi is still in Muyi Company, anyone who leaves will still turn around.

So everyone has no opinion at all about how Li Yi handles the cash flow of more than 20 billion yuan.

"Okay!" Mao Sui said excitedly after recovering from his shock.

For him, it was like a pie in the sky.

But looking at Li Yiwen's eyes at the same time, Mao Sui felt that the burden on him was even heavier, although everyone knew that helping Xuanyin win the exclusive naming right of the Spring Festival Gala was a decision that was beneficial to the entire company.

But Li Yi threw a billion dollars into the short video department without hesitation, and Mao Sui still felt Li Yi's trust gradually, and he was very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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