fish out a entertainer

Chapter 328 Joint Battle [2 in 1]

Chapter 328 Joint Battle [Two in One]

A spear came galloping, roaring through the air, and went straight to Li Yi's face.

Facing such a shot, Li Yi felt like he was being targeted by the spear, but Li Yi was not prepared to dodge.

Facing this shocking shot, Li Yi raised his hand and danced the long sword in his hand.

Then in the astonished eyes of everyone.

The long sword was thrust out at an incredible angle, causing the spear to be thrown aside. The long sword in Li Yi's hand was like entering a deserted place, slicing the face of the old man in gray coat straight.

Seeing this, the old man in the gray coat twisted his body, swung his spear round like a big stick, and swept towards Li Yi. Facing the heavy blow, Li Yi had to retreat.

Both men stood on the stage with weapons in hand, staring at each other.

"As expected of the Huajin Grandmaster."

Li Yi looked at the old man with a bad expression on his face, and his right hand trembled slightly with the sword behind him.The old man's blow was too powerful just now. Although Li Yi drew the long sword away, it felt as if he had been hit by a bullet directly, and he was under great pressure.

The reason why he uses the long sword is because he has the foundation of Gongsun Jianwu.

But although Gongsun Jianwu can also fight against the enemy, and Li Yi also improved the sword dance with Taiji Mianjin and increased its power, it is not the way to kill the enemy after all.

Facing the domineering and unparalleled attacking spear skills of the old man in gray coat, it was difficult for Li Yi to resist.

The old man looked at Li Yi with approval.

"Not bad! Come again!"

After saying that, the old man in gray coat swung his spear and attacked Li Yi again.

The two fought dozens of rounds.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Yi is like a small boat struggling to hold up under the storm, and it may capsize anytime and anywhere.

In the stormy offensive, Li Yi found a gap and quickly escaped, taking a breather.

But the old man in gray coat caught up closely.

I saw a big red-tasseled spear rushing towards Li Yi with unparalleled momentum like a flying dragon.

In a hurry, Li Yi raised his sword to resist.

But as soon as he raised the long sword, he suddenly found that the spear in the old man's hand was [-]% faster. Unprepared, Li Yi had to use the sword to block the blow from the spear.

At this dangerous moment, Chu Qingzhu raised his heels lightly, watched the two fighting closely, and was ready to rush to the stage at any time.

The tip of the spear points against the body of the fine iron sword.

A small beep.

I saw the long sword in Li Yi's hand snapping at the sound, and half of the long sword flew out and plunged straight into the stage made of fine steel. The half of the sword kept buzzing.

Li Yi took advantage of the momentum of the spear and took ten steps back to the edge of the ring.

When the old man in gray coat saw this, his eyes flashed, and he charged forward with a spear, and a big spear went straight to Li Yi's door.

Li Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, he threw the long sword in his hand and turned it into a flying sword and shot it at the old man in the gray coat. The old man was fearless, and he picked up the big gun in his hand, and the long sword flew out immediately and fell to the concrete floor under the stage. The whole body is submerged into the ground, leaving only a sword hilt on the ground, like an ornament.

But because of this, the old man also stopped.

Li Yi took a breath, and then found that Chu Qingzhu had appeared behind him at some point.

Behind the opponent's old man in gray coat, Wei Youye also stood on the ring at some unknown moment.

Only then did Li Yi understand why the old man in the gray coat didn't continue to charge forward.

"Sister Chu, thank you." Li Yi smiled.

"Go on, I'll come next." Chu Qingzhu said coldly.

Li Yi glanced at Chu Qingzhu, then at the old man in the gray coat opposite, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I still have a trump card."

Li Yi smiled mysteriously.

Chu Qingzhu glanced sideways at Li Yi, a little confusion flickered in his eyes.

"Junior, it's better to admit defeat, or the sword will be speechless, and it will be bad if you lose your life." The gray-coated master smiled with a gun.He was deliberately provoking Li Yi. Compared with Chu Qingzhu, the long-established Huajin master, the gray-coated master still felt that this stunned boy was easier to deal with.

"It's okay, come again." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Master Chu, we'd better not disturb them." Wei Youye, who was standing on the edge of the ring on one side, made a 'please' gesture towards Chu Qingzhu.

Chu Qingzhu glanced at Wei Youye, then turned to look at Li Yi who was smiling a bit, and turned to leave the stage, but before leaving the stage he still said softly: "When you see the situation is not right, get off the stage immediately. It's just a fight, don't get hurt. Kill yourself."

"Sister Chu, don't worry, I have my own measure." Li Yi smiled.

When Chu Shichang, who was standing near the stage, heard the words, his face became a little weird, and he looked at Chu Qingzhu with weird eyes.

He remembered that when Chu Qingzhu used Anjin in the past, he fought against 16 Anjin masters in a row. He almost died in battle, but he still won the final victory, but he almost lay on the hospital bed for nearly three months afterwards.

The words of retreat just now came from Chu Qingzhu?
He suddenly remembered that the rule Chu Qingzhu had set for himself was that if he wanted to marry her, he had to win her first.In the past, this seemed like a joke. In the vast China, there is no one of the same age who can defeat Chu Qingzhu.

But now there seems to be one.

And Chu Shichang, who knows Chu Qingzhu's temperament very well, feels that the relationship between the two is very close.

Therefore, Chu Shichang's eyes unconsciously moved back and forth between Li Yi and Chu Qingzhu.

"If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs." Chu Qingzhu looked at the two people on the stage, but said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Chu Shichang curled his lips, but he still looked at Chu Qingzhu very wisely, and turned his eyes to the stage.

"Junior, go get the weapon." The old man in the gray coat said with a smile.

"No, actually I carry all my weapons with me." Li Yi also looked at the old man in gray coat and said with a smile.

As he spoke, a bright silver scalpel appeared in Li Yi's hand.

"Are you joking? Is this a weapon?" The old man in the gray coat looked at the scalpel in Li Yi's hand, and his expression turned ugly. He felt that Li Yi was amusing himself.

"This knife can save people, and it can also kill people. How can it not be considered a weapon?" Li Yi casually pulled out a few beautiful knives from the scalpel in his hand.

Li Yi looked at the cold scalpel in his hand, and nodded involuntarily. As expected, this scalpel was easy to use.

At this time, the crowd watching Li Yi also laughed.

"A scalpel out? Why not a kitchen knife?"

"After all, this is still a teenager's heart, it's fun."

"But the other party is also a master of Huajin who has been famous for many years, this kid is playing off now."

The audience in the stadium laughed at Li Yi's youth and frivolity.

"Okay, the old man wants to see how you use it against the enemy!" The old man in the gray coat sneered, holding a big gun, and rushed towards Li Yi with a little coldness.

Facing this big gun rushed.

The tip of the sharp spear flashed straight past Li Yi's side, but the big spear was like a spirit snake to the old man, and it swept towards Li Yi in an instant.

Li Yihun didn't care, just strolled in the courtyard, picked up the scalpel and stabbed at the tip of the old man's gun, narrowly avoiding the old man's attack.

With the long sword, Li Yi's own swordsmanship is not good, which leads to the incomplete display of Tai Chi's strength.But this scalpel is extremely short, and in Li Yi's hands, it is like an arm, and Tai Chi can be used to the fullest.

So what follows is in the eyes of everyone present.

Li Yi seemed to be walking among the spear points all over the sky.

The snake-like spear looked extremely clumsy under Li Yi's movements, and it couldn't touch Li Yi's figure at all.

The old man in gray coat was furious when he saw this. He couldn't figure out why Li Yi, who was holding a scalpel, was even more difficult to deal with than before.

Every time it is almost able to stab.

The old man in the gray coat felt insulted, and his style of play made him even more violent, and a big gun enveloped Li Yi like a curtain of rain.

And Li Yi, in this rain curtain, is like dancing, showing up all over the leaves, which is pleasing to the eye.


Suddenly, the old man in the gray coat found a flaw in Li Yi, and was ecstatic, a big gun went straight to Li Yi's chest like a dragon out of the sea.

But to his surprise, Li Yi didn't hide at all.

The old man in the gray coat was ecstatic.

Is this kid stupid?

Even Chu Qingzhu can't save him now, this shot will definitely hit!

as predicted.

A large red-tasseled gun stabbed directly into Li Yi, but the imagined scene of Li Yi being shot through the heart by the large gun did not happen.

The old man in the gray coat was stunned for a moment, the joy on his face faded, and when he raised his head, he saw Li Yi who was smiling.

Under the attention of the audience, Li Yi gently dragged away the wooden pole with only red tassels hanging in front of him with his hands, and said with a smile: "A gun without a tip can't kill people. "

Then Li Yi shot a handful of small objects directly into the steel ring under the old man in the gray coat.

Everyone took a closer look.

But it turned out to be a mini fine iron spear, and everyone was shocked.

The old man took a closer look and was even more unbelievable. This was obviously made with the tip of his spear.

But when is this?
Not only the old man, but everyone in the audience was stunned.

However, Chu Qingzhu, who was standing in the audience, and the masters in the south all turned their attention to the scalpel in Li Yi's hand.

Chu Qingzhu looked curious.

Several Southern Grandmasters are ugly.

Father, like son.

They could see clearly that during the confrontation again and again, the scalpel in Li Yi's hand cut the iron like mud, and carved a small gun on the tip of the old man's gun in gray coat.

And looking at the scalpel in Li Yi's hand, which was still glowing coldly, it seemed that it hadn't been damaged in the slightest.

This is already a veritable magic weapon.

Although it's just a scalpel.

Chu Qingzhu in the audience was very curious about the material of Li Yi's scalpel.

In her opinion, it is impossible for all metal materials to achieve such a shocking effect.

But this does not mean that there are no similar materials.

Chu Qingzhu knows a little about materials science. She knows that some nanomaterials currently used by humans can achieve similar effects, but such nanomaterials are generally laboratory products, and most of them are semi-finished products. She wants to achieve the best The effect needs to be achieved in an extremely harsh environment.

However, it cannot be ruled out that new materials have emerged in some laboratories that can be used normally in conventional environments.

After all, Chu Qingzhu does not pay attention to the new material industry.

So Chu Qingzhu looked at the scalpel in Li Yi's hand, guessing that it was a scalpel made of new materials that Li Yi didn't know where he got it.

But no matter what, this scalpel did produce excellent results, cutting iron like mud.

Unless the opponent's master also has a similar weapon, otherwise, the scalpel in Li Yi's hand can only be scrapped little by little.

Looking at the scalpel in Li Yi's hand, the old man in gray coat had an ugly expression.

But Li Yi restrained his boxing skills and his usual weapons. If he continued to fight, he would only be humiliated even worse.

"I admit defeat!" the old man in the gray coat shouted.

"Concession." Li Yi said with a smile.

At this time, the four great masters were rude, and the faces of the remaining five southern masters were not good. They came here to regain face, but this time, they lost even more face.

But things have come to this point, like riding a tiger.

Moreover, these two juniors in front of them are only in their 20s, and now they can defeat their four great masters in a row.

If they had grown up for a few years, I am afraid that the nine great masters in the south would not be able to defeat them.

By that time, the southern martial arts world will exist in name only.

The nine masters looked at each other, and they all saw some determination in each other's eyes.

Next, under the horrified eyes of everyone in the gymnasium, the nine grandmasters under the stage showed their full momentum, and then jumped onto the ring together.

Several people who were injured by Chu Qingzhu before also came to the stage, and they seemed to be all right.

"What are you going to do?!" The old master who was sitting under the stage got up brazenly, pointed at the nine grandmasters and said angrily.

"The old master hopes that he will not interfere this time! In the future, I will visit the old master's house to apologize!" Wei Youye's voice came.

The old master looked at the nine of them immediately, his teeth bared and his eyes cracked.

But finally sat down weakly.

If he could be several dozen years younger, he would definitely jump on stage to ask for an explanation from Wei Youye, even if he was facing the nine great masters.

But now, although he is still the master of Huajin, his blood is weak and his strength is not as good as three or four times what he was when he was young and in his prime.

But the next moment, the old man stood up, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he stepped onto the stage with a single step, his momentum burst out, the strong wind scattered, and his beard and hair flaunted like a killing god.

"Although I'm old, I'm still not a waste, and I can still fight!" After saying that, the old master's momentum was even stronger.

He actually wanted to suppress the other nine masters.

Facing the vigor of the ten grandmasters, everyone in the entire gymnasium felt a feeling of suffocation, even the dark warriors felt a little uncomfortable.

And when they saw that the old master's momentum could rival the nine great masters in the south, everyone was even more horrified.

For a long time, although the old master has been respected by the northern and southern martial arts circles, he actually has no regard for the old master's strength.No matter how powerful the old master used to be, under the erosion of the years, the old master is already 140 years old. Although he is still healthy, no one thinks that the old master can fight against Huajin Grandmaster again up.

However, looking at the scene in front of them, seeing the old master's wild beard, as if he had descended into the world like a killing god, everyone immediately thought of the old master's various legendary deeds.

People say that Chu Qingzhu is the most talented martial artist in the past 100 years of Chinese martial arts.

And when it comes to the most talented martial artist in the last 100 years, it must be the old master.

Especially in the past era of turmoil and frequent wars, the old master had achieved a great reputation in China. Every single thing he could mention would be enough for an ordinary warrior to brag about for a lifetime.

Seeing the strong murderous intention in the old master's aura in front of him, and recalling the deeds of I don't know the years that have been circulated throughout the martial arts world, the nine great masters in the south also hesitated and stopped moving forward.

But Chu Qingzhu looked at the old master in the audience, walked up to the stage, and bowed to the old master.

"Old Dean, this matter is all caused by Qingzhu, please let the old dean let Qingzhu solve it by himself." Chu Qingzhu said slowly.

The old master turned around and looked at Chu Qingzhu. The old man's eyes were stern, and there seemed to be endless murderous intent hidden in his eyes. Just one look would make you fall into an ice cellar. However, Chu Qingzhu was not afraid at all, his eyes were clear, and he faced the old master. See.

"Hahaha, I understand. If that's the case, then you young people can solve your own problems." Lao Tai gradually restrained his fighting spirit, then shook his head helplessly, and then told Chu Qingzhu: "If you lose, , run quickly."

"Qingzhu understands." Chu Qingzhu bowed his hands.

"You don't seem to understand." The old master shook his head, and then said to Chu Qingzhu seriously: "That realm is beyond reach. I have been pursuing it all my life, but I can't even enter the threshold. I want to seek This road is even more difficult, have you realized it?"

"Yes!" Chu Qingzhu said firmly.

"Okay! A martial artist in the northern region should be like this!" The old master smiled boldly, calmed down, and walked off the stage, but before stepping down, the old master glanced at Li Yi, and then said to Chu Qingzhu: "This boy, you still More training is needed in the future.”

Hearing this, Li Yi was at a loss, while Chu Qingzhu blushed.

And all the martial artists in the audience were like Li Yi, and they were all at a loss.

And some dark warriors watched the conversation between the old master and Chu Qingzhu, although they were a little confused, they all had some understanding.

The nine great masters in the south looked at the three of them with an ugly expression on their faces.

Just now, the old master and Chu Qingzhu were discussing the higher state of martial arts above Huajin.

It is said that when one reaches that level of realm, one has various abilities far beyond ordinary people.

But for hundreds of years, that realm has been like a legend.

The old master was once pinned on the person who had the most hope of breaking through this realm, but he could not touch the threshold of that realm throughout his life.

As for the conversation between the two just now, everyone could hear the meaning behind the words.

That is to ask the nine of them to be sharpening stones for Chu Qingzhu and Li Yi.

When they understood, the faces of the nine of them turned black immediately, and they looked at the two with a bit of anger on their faces.

It is not known whether it was cut by the precious sword or broken by the stone.

 Thanks to 'book friend 120909233706810' for the 500 starting coin reward. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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