fish out a entertainer

Chapter 349 MOBA Type Mobile Game 【2 in 1】

Chapter 349 MOBA Type Mobile Game 【Two in One】

"Employees who work overtime during the holidays should remember to pay three times their wages."

In the office, Li Yi instructed Zhang Lingyun.

"Understood." Zhang Lingyun said with a smile.

Although Muyi Company has already had its annual vacation, but Muyi Company is not a small workshop anymore. During the Chinese New Year period, there are still a large number of servers that need to be maintained. Therefore, employees are needed to perform maintenance at this time, so many employees are voluntary because of Willing to stay and work overtime for various reasons.

"Assistant Zhang, give me a copy of the current Tengfei company, as well as the details of Internet companies such as Arabian Nights." Li Yi squeezed his chin, then turned his head and said to Zhang Lingyun,
Hearing this, Zhang Lingyun's eyes also showed a few flashes of surprise, but she immediately nodded in agreement.

A few hours later, a document was sent to Li Yi, which was a relatively detailed report including some Internet giants today.Because Tengfei Company and Arabian Nights are both listed companies, the two companies will issue a detailed report to shareholders about their own companies every year, which will disclose the operating conditions of these listed companies, and interested people can read a lot of useful information from it. information.

Li Yi picked up the document and read it carefully.

Unsurprisingly, the two companies continued to grow at a strong pace in 2020. Both companies have occupied dominant positions in their respective fields, and no one can shake them. However, at the same time, the two companies are also relying on each other. Move toward the other person's territory.For example, Ascendas has several e-commerce platforms in its hands, and has also started to do e-commerce business in Fetion, trying to enter the basic market of Arabian Nights.

And the Arabian Nights is not to be outdone, and is attacking the take-off in the game, film and television, animation, and many other entertainment industries.

And in various industries in the future 5g era, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, both sides have started their own layouts.

Every contest is billions, and tens of billions of real money is poured into it, which can be described as extremely exciting.

Seriously studied the information of the two giants, and some other companies that followed the two giants and sat in the top three in their subdivided fields. Li Yi's understanding of the current Internet has been updated again. again.

However, as a company currently sanctioned by Tengfei Group, Li Yi focused on learning about the business of various departments of Tengfei Company.

Among them, I focused on the game business and the entertainment industry.

After all, to some extent, the main conflict between the two companies is in the entertainment industry.

Among them, in terms of game business, Tengfei is undoubtedly the leader in the industry. The entire Tengfei game has already ranked first in the world. The cloud game platform and the cloud game creator platform are also the first choice of independent game creators and small and medium-sized game companies in China. , but has always been in a very conservative attitude towards the take-off of stand-alone games, and more energy is still directed towards the development of mobile games. After all, judging from the financial report, the revenue of the entire game department last year, the income of the mobile game department accounted for the entire Half of the Ascension game.

The stand-alone game market is too small, and the scale of users and the ability to pay have not yet reached the point where Tengfei is attracted to it.Therefore, for the stand-alone game market at present, Ascendas is doing more layout than formal entry.

However, so far, most of Ascendas Games' mobile game products are directly copied from online games, and there are not many self-developed games.

Li Yi paid attention to it for a while, and then found a more important point in it.

Moba mobile games.

China's current client computer online games have been weakening year after year under the impact of mobile games, but there is a genre that has forcibly risen against the trend of the overall market decline, and one game accounts for almost [-]% of the entire game genre The above market, and this game type occupies about one-third of the entire online game market today, which means that this game occupies an important share in the current game market.

And this game is League of Legends, which has been on the market for more than ten years and is still unabated.

Relying on this game, Tengfei succeeded in gaining a firm foothold in the overall moba genre that was not yet clear ten years ago, and has dominated it all the way to this day.

However, among mobile games, the type of moba has not yet been revealed. There are several moba-type games on the market today. Ascendas currently has two moba-type games, but neither of them has successfully occupied the market. For the games of friends, it can only be said that they barely hold the tickets for the moba game type.

No one will underestimate the mobile game category of moba games. The huge market of moba games can be seen from the global influence of League of Legends.

But today's moba mobile games are all lacking in meaning, and there are more or less flaws in various aspects.The fundamental reason is that moba games are not easy to control on mobile phones, nor can they reach the complexity of moba games on computers.

But if it is streamlined, many companies don’t know how to streamline it. After all, if it is streamlined too much, the operation of the moba game will be too simple, and the weaker party will not be able to regain the advantage by personal operation, and it will become A game that relies purely on numerical confrontation.

However, if it is too complicated, it will increase the entry threshold for players, making it impossible to absorb a large group of casual players.

So now all companies are basically divided into two factions, one faction makes complex systems, and the other makes simple systems, and the two factions are at loggerheads.

Small companies can only choose one category to bet on.

Big firms have the freedom to bet on both types of styles at the same time.

Among them, Ascendas Games and Wangyu Games are the ones that have done a better job and have a larger market share. These two are considered to be the leaders of China's games today, while others such as Donghai Games are inferior.

At present, the two companies are making efforts to completely occupy the big cake of mobile game MOBA type. Compared with Tengfei Games' emphasis on moba type mobile games, Muyi Company is just doing it casually in its eyes, not How important it is, it's as if a small flying insect appears in front of your eyes and flies by. With a wave of your hand, it's best if you can kill it, but it's okay if you can't.

Li Yi cast his eyes on the word moba mobile game on the document, lost in thought, and kept tapping the solid wood table with his fingers, as if he was thinking.

Currently facing the Ascendas Group's targeting, although Li Yi is not afraid, he must admit that he has been affected to a certain extent and is disgusted by Ascendas.

But Li Yi is not going to fight any verbal war with the other party, that would be futile. In the Internet industry, the fight is all about technological iteration, as well as to seize the market and seize the opportunity.

Therefore, facing Ascendas Group's target, Li Yi's idea was to find a weakness of Ascendas Company, and Muyi Company's current strength could also poke at Ascenfei Company's weaknesses.

And the moba type in Li Yi's eyes is a weakness.

This market is big enough, and it is a market that Tengfei Games has always wanted to enter, and it just so happens that Muyi Company's accumulation of talents and technology in games is enough to handle a large-scale mobile game.

A slight smile appeared on Li Yi's face.

in the afternoon.

At this time, Zhuge Buliang was packing his luggage in the apartment. He was going to travel for a few days before returning to his hometown for the New Year.

There was a ding-dong sound.

Zhuge Buliang took out the mobile phone in his pocket, opened it and found that it was an email from Li Yi.He didn't know why Li Yi suddenly sent himself an email.

Zhuge Buliang curiously opened the file. At first he was holding the suitcase in his hand. After looking at it for a minute, he threw the suitcase aside, and then sat down on the sofa with his mobile phone in his arms. A few minutes later, Zhuge Buliang picked up the document. When he started, his eyes were full of shock.

The content of this email is not very long.

But Zhuge Buliang looked back and forth several times.

Because Li Yi gave him a task.

That is to ask him to sort out the information of all moba-type mobile games on the market, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each game.

Zhuge Buliang was not angry because Li Yi kept him busy during the holidays. In Zhuge Buliang's eyes, the Lianshan game is no longer just a job, but a career, a career that he can work hard for.

And on the payday that just passed, Zhuge Buliang, as the person in charge of Lianshan Games, received a year-end bonus worth millions.

If it is placed on top talents in the industry, this year-end award is also generous.

But Zhuge Buliang doesn’t think his level is so high now, at least it’s much worse than that of the short video department next door, so when Zhuge Buliang got this year-end award, his first feeling was not a surprise, but rather It is panic, feeling that one's virtue is not worthy.

So although it has been a holiday for the past few days, Mao Sui's daily time spent on Lianshan games has not decreased much.

So what's more, Li Yi's email didn't ask him to do many things. He just searched the data of moba-type mobile games currently on the market, and then made an analysis form. If it is fast, Zhuge can finish it in a day. .

But what Zhuge Buliang liked was the deep meaning of Li Yi's move.

He knew that Li Yi was not someone who asked people to do useless work for no reason, so there must be a deep meaning behind this move.

And the first idea that popped up in Zhuge Buliang's mind was that Li Yi might make a mobile game MOBA type game.

A few days ago, Lingxin Animation produced "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", which shocked China. Although Lianshan Games was not idle, but in those few months, Lianshan Games only updated some old games Although it is also interesting, everyone in Lianshan Games is also a little bit unwilling to watch the animation of Lingxin.

But without Li Yi giving a direction, Lianshan Games didn't know where to develop.

But now Li Yi's email ignited a small flame in Zhuge Buliang's heart.

Does this mean that Mr. Li is going to move towards moba-type mobile games next?
As the department head of Lianshan Games, Zhuge Buliang is very clear about today's game market.And if you want to talk about the most lively category among all game types today, it should be the moba type.

The market prospect of this type is too broad, and with the lessons learned from the League of Legends, everyone knows that this type is definitely a big cake, so all kinds of large game companies are crowded into this category, and some small workshops even No qualifications for admission.

Therefore, the category of moba should be the most intense type of fighting among all mobile game types today.

As for all the games that Lianshan Games has made before, although they are of high quality, you can tell at a glance that they are all unpopular games. Although they are of high quality, they can also be mixed in unpopular categories. It can be seen from the nearly one billion turnover of Lianshan Games every month.

But the senior management of Muyi Company knows that the ambition of Muyi Company is definitely not to become an ordinary Internet company.

So Zhuge Buliang knew that Li Yi would definitely develop towards some popular categories in the future.

But he didn't expect this day to come so soon, and it's still the most popular genre in the mobile game market, the moba genre.

If Lianshan Games can win the moba type mobile game market?
Zhuge Buliang just thought about it, and then felt dizzy. This cake is too big, much bigger than tower defense games.

As for the giant sharks such as Tengfei, Wangyu, and Donghai that are currently fighting in this category, it is impossible to underestimate them, but Zhuge Buliang just thought of the young man with a smile who seemed to be motionless after the sky fell, and he felt inexplicably Even the three giants of Huaxia Games are not so difficult to face.

So Zhuge Buliang embarked on his own journey full of longings.However, the original plan to visit mountains and rivers was cancelled. Zhuge Buliang went straight to an undeveloped mountain land. Although it has not yet been developed, it is a tourist attraction that is widely rumored on the Internet. It is said that the scenery is picturesque. , as beautiful as a fairyland.

After Zhuge Buliang came here, he found that his reputation was well-deserved, so he found a homestay to live in. Except for occasionally picking up his camera and going out to take pictures, go shopping, and relax, the rest of the time was spent on moba-type mobile games. .

So the scheduled return date was coming soon, late at night on the last day.

Zhuge Buliang was sitting in the bedroom of the homestay he rented, and his mood was very high. He pushed the table and leaned back. A sense of relaxation hit Zhuge Buliang, with a little fatigue on his face , but couldn't hide the smile on his face.

After a long time, Zhuge didn't light up and looked at the plan on the screen with a smile all over his face. This is the result he has achieved in the past few days. It has analyzed in detail the advantages and disadvantages of all moba-type mobile games in the current market, and their development prospects He analyzed almost all factors such as forecast, R&D investment, promotion investment, etc., and then Zhuge Buliang put forward some suggestions based on these data.

Zhuge Buliang carefully checked the plan on one side of the screen, and after making sure that it was correct, he sent it to Li Yi's mailbox. After the screen showed that the email was sent successfully, he also let out a sigh of relief.

imperial capital.

Day two.

Li Yi received an email from Zhuge Buliang.

Li Yi opened the email casually, and after a few glances, he was a little stunned. He just asked Zhuge Buliang to collect all the games currently on the market and make a summary for himself.But I didn’t expect Zhuge Buliang to do it in such detail?
Li Yi set his gaze on the lower left of the email document.

39 million words
In addition to some information extracted from the Internet, Zhuge Buliang also wrote a lot by himself. At the same time, there are various densely packed tables, icons, and even dynamic comparison charts.

Li Yi read very quickly, but it took him half an hour to finish reading.

After reading it, the expression on Li Yi's face was very strange.

He looked at the time when he sent the email to Zhuge Buliang - a week ago.

It took a week to sort out such a copywriting that almost grasped the moba mobile game market. Thinking that Zhuge Buliang is not a master of martial arts, he can't achieve the point where he can sleep for two or three hours and still be full of energy.

I'm afraid Zhuge Buliang's workload this week will be even greater than when he was at work.
Do you want to give him some wage subsidies?

Li Yi fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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