The Last Dynasty of League of Legends

Chapter 198 It's over!

Chapter 198 It's over!
"I am coming!"

Kasa yelled in the team voice channel of the Xg team, and then, with several afterimages dragging around his body, one person rushed out of the momentum of thousands of troops, directly passed through the wall next to him, and opened his big move to attack The blue Fangxia road outer tower is coming straight!

"Oops! Centaur!"

"How is he so fast!?"

The voices of Lin Weixiang and World Six reached Mr. Wang's ears at the same time.

Dragging the angle of view, Mr. Wang looked down the road, and his heart sank!
"This wave...they may have to suffer a lot!"

Usually the most important link in a wave of tower jumping operations is how to quickly kill the opponent in a short period of time, and then quickly withdraw from the attack range of the defense tower to ensure your own safety!

Therefore, the most critical thing in this wave of tower crossing operations is whether the opponent has control skills that can delay time!
If after your side has withstood the damage of the defensive tower, this control skill or that control skill on the opposite side delays the time and lets the defensive tower take on most of the output tasks, then it is calculated based on the attack power of the defensive tower. People can withstand the damage of defense towers!

Originally, this wave of four LTG team members, Barrel, Ekko, EZ and Tam, faced the Ice Archer and Braum under the tower. Among them, the Ice Archer's ultimate move has been handed over, and Braum has not yet reached level [-]. No matter how you look at it, it’s a sure-fire situation!

But the crux of the problem lies in this man who broke out halfway!

"I'm terrified!"

"Me too!"

"Holy crap! What can I do!"

For a moment, several members of the LTG team who were afraid of getting off the outer tower on the blue side were dumbfounded!

The effect of Centaur's big move is very direct, very rough, and very simple!
But any enemy character touched by his [Shadow Impact] phantom will directly fall into a state of fear between [-] seconds and [-] seconds!
Centaur's ult is very interesting, its control time is not increased by his level, but calculated according to the distance of his ult charge!
In this wave of battles, the men and horses rushed directly to the bottom of the tower from the wild area above the outer tower of the blue Fangxia Road through the wall, so his charge distance in this wave has completely stretched his control effect!

A simple big move directly stepped on the four members of the LTG team!
What does the fear effect of [-] seconds represent?
The attack speed of the defense tower is [-], that is to say, within [-] seconds when everyone in the LTG team is controlled, the defense tower can fire two shells!
What is the concept of two cannonballs for defense towers?
First of all, when the LTG team started this wave of tower jumping, when the wine barrel that carried the tower first was at level [-], it only had [-] HP!
As we all know, the damage of the defense tower increases gradually. The damage of the first shell is about 300 points, but the damage of the second defense tower will increase to more than 400 points!The third defense tower damage will directly increase to more than [-] points!
That is to say, in addition to the damage from the first defense tower hit by the wine barrel, and within 900 seconds after being controlled by the centaur's ultimate move, he will take more than [-] points of damage from the defense tower in a row!
This is an unbearable burden for a wine barrel with a blood volume of only over 100 points!


Within [-] seconds of the man-horse's ult taking effect, the other three members of the LTG team were also under control, and they couldn't help the barrel to do anything at all!

"Quick! Kill the barrel first!" Kasa's voice sounded.

Uzi didn't need Casado to say that the ice shooter who controlled him had already hit the barrel with damage, and he accurately calculated the damage of the defensive tower, and only output the barrel twice to ensure that the barrel After the barrel was taken away by the last damage from the defense tower, he no longer cared about him. Instead, he turned his attention to the other members of the LTG team!

"Leave EZ and Ike alone! Get rid of Tam first!"

In the case of owning Tam, whether it is the barrel, EZ or even Ike, each of them is equivalent to having two lives at the same time!

Therefore, if you want to resolve this wave of four-person tower jumping initiated by the LTG team, you can only deal with this Tamm who can save any of them at any time!

There is no need for Uz to say more, Kasa's men and Xiao Ming's Bron both chose Tam's head as their attack target in the first place!
"Puppy, catch it!" Kasa was the first to strike.

When his E skill [War Stomp] was about to end, he ran back a few steps while Tam was frightened, and kicked Tam back in front of the ice shooter!

"Hold it!" Braum stuck a W skill [Stand Up] on the face of the ice shooter, and then AQA hit Tamm with a set of simple combos, hitting Tamm three times very quickly. Passive!
"Puppy, it's up to you!"

After both Centaur and Bronn handed over their skills, Uzi was not idle either!

After the mouse clicked on Tahm, the Frost Archer's Q skill [Archer's Concentration] was activated immediately!
"Swish, swish, swish!" With the passive blessing of Q skills stacked up, countless sharp arrows poured out from the ice shooter's bow and arrows, hitting a series of damage figures on Tam's head with almost no intermittent attack intervals!
With a "snap", the Braum hung on Tam's body was passively activated, stunned Tam to the spot!
At this time, the fear effect on the four members of the LTG team was finally lifted!

"Retreat! Quickly pull away! Can't fight anymore!"

Seeing that four people surrounded the opposite two people in a wave of four packs and two packs, because of the halfway of the troops, the wine barrel was killed by the defense tower, and the head was given to the ice shooter, and Tam was also taken away by the ice shooter. , the remaining Leng Shao and Lin Weixiang knew that there was nothing to do, so they quickly scattered and fled!
Leng Shao jumped back to the top lane with a big move [Time and Space Fracture], while Liu Qingsong's EZ's E skill [Arcane Leap] and Flash were handed over at the same time, and the two displacement skills pulled him to a safe position!

After a wave of fighting, not only did the LTG team not be able to expand their own advantages, but on the contrary, the duo that had maintained a balance with the opponent's bottom lane was completely passive!

"It's over! This little dragon is about to be given away!" Looking at his black and white screen, Liu Qingsong's voice was low with a hint of annoyance.

The second dragon in this game is the fire dragon, which was originally a neutral wild monster resource that both sides must compete for, but because of this wave of fighting, the LTG team lost two people, including the jungler's wine barrel, so this little dragon I am completely incapable of continuing to compete with the XG team!
Master Wang in the middle lane didn't speak. The moment he saw the portrait of the centaur appearing on the bottom lane mini-map, he knew that the teammates' ganks in the bottom lane couldn't get anything!
But he didn't expect that the losses on his side would be so heavy in this wave. Two people died and Xiaolong also gave up!

Moreover, looking at the plans of the three players in the bottom lane of the XG team, their bottom lane outer tower will also be pushed away by the opponent!
"In this wave, we have been hit by the opponent with more than 1000 economy!"

"The advantage of Leng Shao in the top lane is still there, but the bottom lane has completely fallen into a disadvantage... In addition, my middle lane is not well developed, and two of the three lanes in the lane have already been passive!"

"Next, I can only follow the rhythm of the opposite side!"

As the dominant side, the XG team has already suppressed the LTG team in terms of equipment. With the equipment advantage, how can the XG team continue to develop peacefully with the LTG team?

You know, the economic gap of 1000 yuan in a professional game is not a small amount!

To understand in the simplest and most basic terms, the items that can be purchased for 1000 yuan include a pair of straw sandals and a short sword!
If you are speaking from a mage level, it is the price of two amplification classics, that is, the Little Yellow Book!

A pair of straw sandals increases the movement speed by 25 points, and a long sword increases the attack power by ten points!

With straw sandals and a long sword, people can chase you by virtue of their advantages in movement speed and attack power when they are on the line of the shooter!

And as long as you stop and fight back, you will definitely suffer!
Because your damage is not as high as others' attack power, and your moving speed is not as fast as others!
You can't fight, you can't run, you can only close your eyes and wait for death!

As for the mid-lane mage, two amplification books can bring forty points of spell power bonus!

It's equivalent to the opponent's skill doing half more damage than you!

The two mage heroes in the middle fight against each other, and the outcome is basically determined within a few seconds!

The burst damage of others is higher than yours, and after the skills are thrown, they will hit you with more than 200 points of damage. There is no way to fight head-on with the opponent!
Therefore, under the equipment gap brought about by this economy, especially in professional competitions, both sides know which side has the advantage in equipment, and both know that in a fight between the opponent's side and the opponent's side, they have no chance of winning!

The opponent can use this to suppress their own side infinitely!

Sometimes there is no need to actually fight with you at all!

Just by moving positions or using neutral map resources to compete, you can gradually use your advantage to snowball invisibly, and you don't need to really fight the disadvantaged side to win the game!
This is the essence of operation!
Of course, the XG team is not a team that likes to operate.

But that's what's so scary about them!
Because once such a team gains the advantage, they will launch wave after wave of attacks on you infinitely until you are completely crippled and crippled!
Just like the match in front of Mr. Wang's experience!
After the XG team got the dragon, all the members of the opponent immediately made a return journey. For a while, in the field of vision of the LTG team, only the soldiers on the blue square line were still rushing out, and the rest of the field of vision was dark , there is no sign of any XG team members!
This also made several people on the LTG team pay [-]% attention, always on guard against possible ganks from the opponent!




A rapid signal lighted up in the upper half of the map. Mr. Wang looked along the marks placed by World Six, only to find that the four members of the XG team, except top laner Dashu, started to form a group at the Dalong Pit!
"What do you mean? Are they trying to force Baron? It's only 15 minutes into the game now?"

"Maybe they are setting up a wave of vision in advance?"

"But the problem is, if they continue to set up this wave of vision, they will disappear before the big dragon refreshes!" Leng Shao said inexplicably.

"But the biggest problem now is that if they start to gain visibility from the Dalong Pit at 15 minutes, and then maintain this vision advantage until 10 minutes...then it will be very difficult for us to handle!" Mr. Wang He said in a deep voice, "Besides, their vision may not be aimed at this big dragon!"

The reason why he said this was because he clearly saw that the bottom lane duo of XG team had been sent to the top lane!

Obviously, the opponent intends to use the liberated duo to suppress the only well-developed hero on the LTG team-Ike!

If the opponent can limit the development of Ike, then the LTG team will completely fall into the disadvantaged situation of the third line!

World Six also understood the current situation, and asked Mr. Wang hesitantly, "What should I do? Fight?"

"Fight? Can you beat it?" Mr. Wang couldn't help but rolled his eyes!

Not to mention that he himself has almost no combat ability now, and he still needs to continue to be the son of the tower to hold back his equipment. Even EZ, who still had some combat effectiveness before, has not received an update on his equipment because of a wave of team battles in the bottom lane. The ice shooter became fat because he took two heads from the bottom lane, and the equipment has already been replaced by Lin Weixiang's EZ!

"Except for the wine barrel, almost no one here can touch this ice, but there is Braum on the opposite side. Even the ultimate move of the wine barrel can hardly reach this ice directly!"

"If we have a frontal team battle with the opponent, then we have to face the passive situation where the opponent's shooter position has its own output, and our damage can only be hammered on their big tree!"

"The big tree is just for sale. Beating him will make the other party happy!"

"What's more, now their vampires are gradually growing, and at the time of 10 minutes..."

Lord Wang has not finished speaking, but the situation described in his words is enough to make everyone on the LTG team feel desperate!


If the archer hero Frost Archer can be killed in the first place, then this hero is a garbage hero!

But the problem is, if she can maintain her firing frequency in the team battle, even if she only needs to output for five seconds in the team battle, it will change the outcome of a game!

"Young Master Leng, what's the matter? If there is a real fight, can you rush in alone and kill this ice shooter?" Liu Qingqing turned to look at Young Master Leng, the fattest player in the LTG team, and asked.

"I don't know! But I can try!"

Leng Shao said eagerly.

For him, this kind of team battle where everyone's eyes are focused on him is the matchup he is after!

(End of this chapter)

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