The Last Dynasty of League of Legends

Chapter 199 Young Master Leng's Stage!

Chapter 199 Young Master Leng's Stage!
All eyes.

The darling in the spotlight!
Why did Leng Shao choose the position of mid laner when he entered the profession? Isn't it just to enjoy the feeling of being in a team with Kerry alone?

Previously, when he was in the OMG team, he only appeared as a substitute for COOL. Naturally, there were not many opportunities for him to challenge the team leader - of course, this was also related to his lack of experience at the time.

Now, as a second-year student in the LPL division, Leng Shao finally got such an opportunity in the LTG team. It was like a dream come true today, and he was extremely excited!
"Coming, coming! They have entered our wild area!"

After a group of people from the XG team huddled together in the wild area to clear the field of vision near the Dalong Pit, they immediately pressed forward again and invaded the upper half of the LTG team's wild area.

"This is it?" Lord Wang hurriedly looked towards the wild area, only to see that one of his visions had just been cleared by the opponent, and the entire upper half of the wild area was plunged into darkness.

World Six has already stood on the wall of two stone men at this time, and is ready to use the E skill [Meat Egg Onion Chicken] to cross the wall to start a group. At this time, I want the whole team to make a final question: "Will you take it?"

As the fattest point in the team, Leng Shao took over the command without hesitation: "Look at their positions!"

Liu Qingqing's voice came: "Han Bing is clearing the line on the road!"

"Where are the others?"

"I saw Braum and the centaurs!"

World Six finally confirmed: "Hit?"

"Hit!" Young Master Leng said decisively.


What the hell? !
Master Wang was stunned!
Am I still eating the line in the middle?

Why are you doing it?

I rely on!

At least take a look at my position!
"Hey! Ham sausage! Hurry up! This horse is about to open!"


Hey Hey hey!
It's obvious that you are the ones who are so distracted that you don't look at the position of your own people?

How did I not join the group?
After suppressing the ten thousand complaints in his heart, Mr. Wang could only respond: "It's coming, it's coming! I'll use my ultimate move to get over!"

He said so, but Lord Wang's eyes were still on the line of soldiers in front of him.

"Anyway, the wave of soldiers in front of me will be eaten first!"

"As for the support on the frontal battlefield... Well! Make a big move and send two small soldiers over there!"

Thinking in this way, Master Wang activated his own team buff, and after all four members of the team were equipped with the increase buff, he activated his own big move [Curved Realm Warp] on the pawn line, and a large number of people in the line After being surrounded by a bunch of soldiers, he decisively withdrew from the range of his ultimate move.

"Come on! The ham sausage is passed on! Don't sell him!"

A silver-white halo lit up under the feet of Braum and Centaur, and several white dots dotted it.

"Ryze is getting bigger!"

"Damn it! He dares to pass it on?!"

"What? The other side dares to initiate a group with us?!"

On the bench of the XG team, there was a burst of astonished voices one after another!
"Puppy! How to say?!"

Uzi, who was still reeling up the thread on the road, heard the movement of his teammates, and hurriedly dropped his needlework, and rushed from the river to the battlefield: "Don't panic! Pull! Wait for me!"


Kasa's team activated the E skill [Destroy Charge] and began to run up, intending to escape the range of Ryze's ultimate move.

I have to say that Master Wang’s ultimate move is quite bluffing!
In the field of vision of the entire XG team, no one from the LTG team stood in their field of vision at all, and above the big move that Lord Wang Ruiz made, there were no more, no less, just five spots of light!
Players who are familiar with Ryze should be very clear that after Ryze activates his ultimate move, he can judge in advance how much Ryze's car is on based on the light spots above the ultimate move. personal!
Now, when the car is driven, there are five neat spots on it...

Nima? !
Is the LTG team all dispatched?

Is it really just a family of young and old catching junglers?
"Stick me!"

Team Xg's top laner Laitemi leaned his big tree against the top corner of the dragon pit. Braum took the opportunity to use his W skill [Stand Up] to jump onto the big tree and escaped like a group of five. Ryze's wheelbarrow.

"If one escapes, you can stay!"

At this moment, World Six, who had been ambushing at the stone man, couldn't bear it any longer. The E skill [Meat Egg and Onion Chicken] passed through the wall, and then the big move [Explosive Wine Barrel] slammed forward!

The purple wine exploded into flowers, blasting the men and horses directly back to the bottom from the top corner above the dragon pit!

"Where is the control?!"

Ekko's W skill [Time Interlace] lit up where the centaur and horse landed, and then an E skill [Phase Dive] rolled forward, and the second basic attack hit the centaur and horse!

A hemispherical transparent protective cover suddenly took shape, fixing the people and horses in Ike's W skill range directly in place!


Lin Weixiang's EZ ultimate move was pulled, and a huge energy curved blade rushed towards the horse!
"Sell me!" Kasa shouted anxiously.

The broiler closest to Casa shook his head severely: "I can't sell it!"

Xiao Ming's Braum ult aimed at the horse and smashed it up, intending to use his ult to help the horse to breathe life: "Hit!"

"Don't! I've been fired and you retreat! Don't go!" Seeing that the vampire and Dashu didn't have any intention of turning back, they were still fiercely rushing towards the LTG lineup, and couldn't help but panic !
This wave of team battles was opened by the opponent's jungler because of his misplacement in the jungle. If this wave of team battles was taken by the LTG team because of his wave of operational errors, the XG team will have the advantage If everyone was ruined, he wouldn't know how to continue to stay in the team!

Letemi controlled his big tree and charged directly at Ike's W skill [Old Tree Roots], shouting and asking, "Is the puppy here?!"

The answer to him was indeed Uzi's loud roar: "Knock, beat, beat!!!!"


Kasa, who was caught in the center of the whirlpool of the entire battle, was unable to speak a complete sentence at this time.

"What? Are you going to cry, Haoxuan?" Xiao Ming's words reached Casa with a smile, "Don't be disgusting there! If this group loses, you have to treat me tonight!"

Hearing this, Kasa's expression gradually softened from seriousness, and then he laughed as if relieved: "Don't worry! Even if I win, I will treat you!"

"Rush rush!"

The fierce team battle that determines the outcome of the entire game is about to start!

"Wow! Are Team XG planning to take over even if they are attacked first?"

On the commentary stage, the baby's surprised voice came over.

"The centaur has only a trace of health left! EZ jumped over, and an E skill [Arcane Leap] took away the centaur's head!"

"Entered the arena! The vampire has entered the arena! The rocket belt shifted, and then the ultimate move was directly sprinkled in the center of the LTG team formation! EZ and Ektam were all overwhelmed by the vampire's ultimate move!"

"What does the LTG team say? Fight or withdraw? Fight!"

"The Ice Archer has entered the arena! A big move [Magic Crystal Arrow] is coming straight to EZ!"

On the battlefield, colorful skills were scattered all over the place. It was already quite strenuous for Wawa and Miller to figure out who used which skill. There was no room left to think about the outcome of this team battle!

But they didn't have time to think about the outcome of the team battle, so someone was watching!

In the backstage of the LPL competition venue, in the lounge of the XG team, both Shenchao and Ning Wang no longer had the leisurely posture they had before, and they all straightened up and looked nervously at the big screen in front of them.

"EZ! Kill EZ!"

"Where's Xiao Ming's shield?! Raise the shield!"

"Middle! Middle! Middle!"

Accompanied by supernatural prayer-like babblings, Ice Archer's ultimate move penetrated the mountains and flowing water of the Summoner Canyon, and from a tricky angle, it hit EZ who had just taken away the heads of the centaurs!



The vampire's E skill [Blood Tides] was fully pressed, and then exploded violently!

"Slap him again! Slap him!"

King Ning, who was watching the battle in the lounge, had already shouted!

"[Blood Transformation]!"

The Q skill of the vampire Hong Fu exploded directly on EZ's head, and a huge purple number jumped on EZ's head!

From everyone's perspective, EZ, which was full of health, seemed to have its health bar turn white out of thin air at that moment, and then disappear!



"How did I die?!"

Just as there was a burst of exclamation in the voice of the LTG team on the field, in the lounge of the LTG team backstage, Coach Jin looked annoyed and slapped himself on the forehead!

"Why did Lin Weixiang fly up to deliver it again!"

"How can his E skill jump on someone's face?!"

"This wave hasn't started yet, but our shooter position is already dead. How can we fight?!"

Okamoto comforted on the side: "At any rate, the jungler on the opposite side was replaced by us..."

When Coach Jin heard this, he glared at Okamoto fiercely, making the latter shrink his neck in fear: "Assi! How can the role of the jungler in a team battle be compared with that of the shooter! What are you talking about! "

After scolding Okamoto, Coach Jin ignored him and continued to focus on the game.

In just one or two seconds, the battle situation on the big screen has taken a turn for the worse!

Because of the addition of the XG team's ice shooter, the output of the XG team's players has been raised to a higher level. The LTG team's wild wine barrel and top laner Ike can only be passive because they have already handed over their skills. In the state of being beaten, under the output of the ice shooter and the vampire, he retreated again and again, and there was no room for fighting back!

Lord Wang's Ruiz also rushed to the vicinity of the battlefield at this time, but he was also helpless against the situation in front of him!
The hero Ryze does have the ability to create miracles. To put it bluntly, under certain conditions, it is not impossible for Ryze to go up to one against five!
But now Lord Wang’s Ryze equipment can’t keep up at all!
Even if he rushed up to pull a wave of output with his life, the final result was nothing more than beating the opposite ice shooter and vampire to blood, and then he was killed by the opponent!

The most important thing is that the Ice Archer has the Blade of the Ruined King and the Vampire has the skill of sucking blood. The blood lines of these two people are not worth anything at all!

Unless the two of them are directly killed in a wave, they will turn around and hit two wild monsters and eat two minions, and turn around and change to full health again!
It doesn't make any sense!
"La la la! I can't fight!"

Master Wang's voice sounded in the team voice of the LTG team.

"Master Leng! You go first!"

World Six, who had already been stuck by the Ice Archer, roughly glanced at the situation. With the blessing of the system team buff, he quickly judged that he had no hope of escape. He immediately changed his mind and turned to meet the Ice Archer and the vampire. He tried to use his own life to hold back the opponent's two output, and created conditions for the two of Leng Shao's Ike and Liu Qing's Tam to escape.

Similarly, Leng Shao and Liu Qingqing also carried Lord Wang's team buff aura, and their judgment of the game situation was more than one level stronger than when they were muddle-headed and fighting bad battles before!
Of course, the two of them can also find the most correct and rational way to stop losses at this time-that is, sell the wine barrel themselves, and the two of them run away directly!

"Sausage! Go! Don't be detained!" Lin Weixiang, who had already died in battle, became the commander of the spring, "You can't die now! If you die, we won't have any ability to resist!"


On the premise that EZ and Wine Barrel were killed in battle, now only Master Wang's Ryze has the ability to clear the line of troops on the LTG team. If he dies again, then the XG team will be able to rely on the line alone Can directly push down the LTG team all the way without bloodshed!
You know, the current game time has not even reached 10 minutes!
At this point in time, if the LTG team loses its high ground all the way, then there is no need to fight later in this game!
"Don't worry! I know the severity!"

Mr. Wang has the [Super Brain Push] assistance brought by the system, and his ability to read the game is far higher than that of Lin Weixiang, an EZ shooter. Naturally, he will not make the mistakes that Lin Weixiang himself would make!

His Ryze has been walking on the small road between F4 and the river in the upper half of the red square. If he keeps two steps forward, he can throw his skills on the vampire's head, but if he takes two steps backward, he can immediately retreat to the outside of the middle lane The subtle distance under the tower!

Master Wang used this distance to control the situation and suppressed the XG team's thoughts of continuing to pursue to a minimum!
"Stop chasing! If you chase me again, you may get caught by Ryze!"

"This bald man! It turns out he drove a fake car at the beginning! He really fooled us!"

"If it wasn't for his fake car, Casa might not have died!"

"Hey! Of course I won't die! If I knew that Ryze's big move was a few minions, I would have turned around and kicked back at their faces to start a group!"

As the victor in this wave of team battles, there was a burst of laughter in the XG team’s voice channel.

at this time!

"Death to me!"

A white light flashed by the side of the ice shooter, and Ike activated the ultimate move [Time and Space Break], jumping directly to the shadow beside the ice shooter a few seconds ago!

At the same time, his second W skill [Time Stagger] also fell at this time!
"Damn it!" Uzi was taken aback, and blurted out a swear word!

"Young Master Leng!" Liu Qingyi was dumbfounded!

"It's over!" Mr. Wang slapped his head, his face full of despair!

(End of this chapter)

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