I am a hero in online games

Chapter 197 Romance

Chapter 197 Romance
The head of the Huashan faction disagreed, but Ye Qingyun said that to deal with these evil clowns, just leave it to them.Ye Qingyun fought against Mu Jianzhu. At this time, Ye Qingyun's Yitian Dragon Slaying Kungfu has basically achieved great success, and he can fight against Mu Jianzhu

He Ergou and Mu Jianzhu had a battle, Mu Jianzhu only used [-]% of his strength, He Ergou used all the martial arts in turn to no avail, and finally used the nameless swordsmanship, but found that the whole secret book of the nameless swordsmanship only had one sword. He Ergou thought it was because he had a problem with his studies, but he still had so many other martial arts, so he didn't care about it for the time being.Mu Jianzhu left after defeating He Ergou, and taught him some essentials of practicing kung fu, saying that he hoped he could grow up quickly. (After this battle, He Ergou's martial arts have reached the third level except for the nameless swordsmanship)
Everyone is at a disadvantage (Chu Tiankuo is tied) and is about to lose. At this time, a large number of Jinyiwei arrives. The leader is Li Buwen (wearing a mask). Zhuyin teaches everyone to retreat. Seeing that everyone has been injured, the head of Huashan hastily ordered All the disciples met the enemy and ordered the disciples to send away the young heroes of each faction, while he himself and the remaining disciples of the Huashan faction were imprisoned.The crowd left Huashan in this way.
He Ergou, Xu Ying, the daughter of the head of the Huashan School, went on the road together. Xu Ying stumbled and fell, and He Ergou jumped down together, lucky enough to save her. After waking up, the two discussed how to save the head of Xu.
After confirming the countermeasures, He Ergou decided to go to the Beggar Gang first, because they were investigating the general. If the general was innocent, they might be able to use their means to release Master Xu.Xu Ying went to other sects for help.The two said goodbye after leaving the deep valley. Xu Ying gave the sachet she wore to He Ergou. He Ergou first returned to Xiaoyao Valley to report to his master.

After He Ergou arrived at Xiaoyao Valley.He Ergou got up and searched in the valley, but he couldn't find his master. Then he found a letter saying that he was going to hide in the mountains and pass on the headship to He Ergou. I hope that He Ergou can carry out his chivalry, and he will eventually be atone for his guilt.Only then did He Ergou understand why the master was in such a hurry to pass on all the martial arts to himself.He Ergou thought carefully about Master's words. His lifelong regret was killing Mu Jianzhu's family. Now that he said atonement, He Ergou always felt uneasy, so he decided to set off to find Master.

Just after leaving Xiaoyao Valley, I knew that my master was wandering around, and I would definitely find it difficult to find him for a while, and I couldn't beat Mu Jianzhu, and I had to deal with the matter of the head of Xu first. Go to the site of the beggar gang meeting to see if Luo Jingxian needs to be notified in advance.Thinking about this, he set off on the road, and suddenly saw a group of people gathered together on the road, and it turned out that a group of people surrounded a woman and robbed the woman, He Ergou hurried out to stop
After that, those people swarmed up, but they were all mobs. He Ergou beat him to the ground by himself.After saving the woman, I found out that she sold herself here to avenge her. Her father was a famous genius doctor who got a daughter when he was old. , but she didn't know it, she was adopted by her uncle, and his uncle told her the truth before his death. She didn't know martial arts, and she was poor, so she came up with such a bad plan, but she didn't want to sell herself to such a wicked person, so she caused such a disaster.After hearing this, He Ergou decided to help her, and after thinking twice, she followed He Ergou away.

The two continued on the road, and He Ergou decided to find out the truth for her on the way to find the master.Along the way, the woman was very indifferent and said nothing. After dark, the two came to an inn. The woman promised to marry each other without saying a word. He Ergou was shocked, and the two explained: the woman She thought that He Ergou said that she wanted to help her because she wanted to buy her own body to avenge her. She saw that He Ergou didn't seem to be a bad guy and had some martial arts skills, so she decided to believe in He Ergou, but He Ergou didn't mean that, but said that he would help her unconditionally. , the woman burst into tears of gratitude, and secretly fell in love.When the two were about to get up the next day, the rich second generation came to intercept them with thugs from the rivers and lakes. He Ergou didn't want to argue with others, relying on his lightness skills, he swallowed his anger and planned to leave with the woman in his arms, but the rich second generation spoke rudely. Ergou was furious in his heart, gently told the woman to wait, and turned back to teach them all a lesson.

Arriving in Chang'an happened to be the end of the beggar gang meeting. He Ergou only stood outside the crowd and saw the four elders from a distance. He said that because the gang leader had completely lost contact, he decided that if Pan Zhentian could regain the dog-beating stick, he would accept Pan Zhentian as the new beggar gang. The first gang leader, Jun Moxiao stood up to object, and before He Ergou had time to go in and ask Jun Moxiao what happened, he saw that Pan Zhentian ordered Jun Moxiao to be imprisoned temporarily, and went to the frontier general's mansion to investigate by himself.There are quite a few supporters of Pan Zhentian in the beggar gang, let them watch Lord Grim.

Jun Moxiao was guarded by Pan Zhentian's henchmen. He Ergou first settled Ji Xuan in the inn, and then found the only elder Li who did not support Pan Zhentian among the four elders. Lord Grim only had two disciples left, He Ergou knocked him out and rescued Lord Grim.

He Ergou took Lord Grim all the way back to the inn, and after settling down, he realized that Lord Grim had been given a strange poison. He Ergou used his own knowledge of poisons to purify all the toxins in his body for Lord Grim. Cleared, but Jun Moxiao still can’t move freely. He Ergou only knows about poisons, not medicine, so he is helpless. At this time, Ji Xuan said that he can help. Her family is all doctors. Although the uncle is not as good as his father, But he is also quite accomplished. Ji Xuan learned from childhood and can also treat people.

After Ji Xuan's treatment, Lord Grim got better. Both Lord Grim and He Ergou felt that the matter had nothing to do with the General's Mansion. The three of them hurriedly set out on the road to the General's Mansion to stop Pan Zhentian.The three of them met Tang Jun who was besieged by a mysterious man on the road, so they rescued him and took Tang Jun towards the General's Mansion.

The four finally arrived at the General's Mansion, just in time to catch up with Luo Zhao who was away from the border fighting. The three of them settled Ji Xuan. He Ergou was worried about Ji Xuan's safety, so he left a bottle of bone-eroding powder for her.The three of them sneaked into the general's mansion first. He Ergou was worried about Luo Jingxian, so he went to look for it with Lord Grim. Tang Jun was watching in the dark, but when he found Luo Jingxian, he opened the door and said: Brother He , it’s great that you are here, you are the only one who believes in me now. Before my father could finish speaking, more than twenty disciples of the Beggar Clan rushed out and arrested Luo Jingxian.Luo Jingxian thought it was He Ergou who brought the Beggar Clan to arrest her.

These beggar gang disciples withdrew quickly after catching Luo Jingxian. He Ergou and Jun Moxiao were about to chase out when they were stopped by Pan Zhentian and an elder. The two were arrested and locked up together In the dark room, only then did I know that Tang Jun had been arrested, and the location where the three of them were locked up was different from that of Luo Jingxian.The three of them were thinking about how to save themselves when Pan Zhentian entered the room.

Pan Zhentian said that they were disregarding the overall situation and had a narrow vision, that the leader of a faction must have the courage to make a decision, and that they would be executed, and that they had no reinforcements. At this time, He Ergou smelled a strange smell, and kept fighting Pan Zhentian said soft words to delay the time, and when Pan Zhentian finally planned to kill, everyone in the room except He Ergou suddenly collapsed and couldn't move.

He Ergou shouted.OK!Ji Xuan just came in from the outside. It turned out that she saw that the group hadn't come back for a long time, and she was worried that something might happen, so she came to check and saw that they were arrested. It happened that Ji Xuan knew medical skills and knew how to use poison, so she crushed the bone erosion powder Add water and put it by the window, and the smell comes in from the window, except for He Ergou, who is pure-hearted and invulnerable to all poisons, everyone else has been tricked.After Ji Xuan untied He Ergou, He Ergou fed the antidote to the two of them, and the three were out of danger. Jun Mo laughed and said that if Pan Zhentian was killed now, the beggar gang would completely fall apart, but with Pan Zhentian's internal strength, The poison would dissipate in less than half an hour, and time was running out, so the three of them left first.

The four of them searched almost all the houses of the Beggar Gang here, but they couldn't find Luo Jingxian's shadow, so they had to retreat first for fear of being caught.After withdrawing, it happened that Luo Zhao led the army back from a great victory. When he returned to the mansion, he discovered the invasion of the disciples of the beggar gang, and hurriedly ordered the army to tighten the siege.He Ergou and the others went back and got out of Pan Zhentian with difficulty. The army found Luo Jingxian in a secret passage in the general's mansion.

Originally, the imperial court ordered the extermination of the people in the Wulin, but Luo Zhao was unwilling. Now Luo Zhao also confirmed that the people in the Wulin had the intention of rebellion, so he sent his deputy Zhang Heng to the court, expressing that he would fully cooperate with the court.He also sent Luo Yu to lead a group of people to chase him back.During the battle, Luo Yu and his helpers beat He Ergou and Jun Moxiao until they couldn't take care of themselves. Only then did they show mercy and revealed that the general has always said that eliminating people in the martial arts can ensure the long-term stability of the country. China is about to usher in a bloody storm.It was also revealed that the so-called Yellow Gang is a secret organization secretly created by the general to cooperate with foreign countries and will engulf the Central Plains sooner or later.

He Ergou and others stopped pretending after getting out of Luo Yu's information, but took advantage of his unpreparedness to violently kill Luo Yu and then retreated completely.After everyone fled to the hiding place, they discovered that Tang Jun, who was in charge of guarding Pan Zhentian, had been knocked out by Pan Zhentian, and Pan Zhentian had already fled.Afterwards, He Ergou and his team decided to go back to the Beggars' Gang and report the matter to the elders.Along the way, it was found that Pan Zhentian was wanted everywhere, and many cities entered martial law mode.He Ergou and the others ran into Xu Ying again on the road. Xu Ying told everyone that Jin Yiwei was fighting fiercely with the disciples of the Huashan faction that day, and when they were about to break through Huashan, a masked hero appeared. Li Buwen broke one of his right hands, Jin Yiwei hurriedly retreated, and the masked hero disappeared without a word.She came out today mainly to deal with the matter of rescuing Xu Songchen.He Ergou invited her to join the team and deal with it together. After seeing Tang Jun, Xu Ying hesitated and refused the invitation, saying that Wudang promised to help and asked her to return to Huashan to wait for news. (It's very obvious, it was seen by Tang Jun.)
The crowd continued on their way, and they met a prince's (Xin Wang) young daughter's martial arts competition to recruit relatives. The momentum was extremely large, and everyone was exhausted from the journey, so they stayed here for a day to watch the martial arts competition to recruit relatives the next day.The crowd gathered here early the next morning. Among the contestants, one of the contestants saw one using a long spear. He defeated five opponents in a row.Ji Xuan was surprised that this was a ruthless marksmanship, and heard from her uncle that her father was killed by such a marksmanship, but she had never seen anyone use this kind of marksmanship for so many years.

But everyone knew in their hearts that it was her father who prompted her to stay in the village.

His father's name is Liu Guoan, and he is an out-and-out farmer. Unlike Liu Qingren, who has seen the world, he has been rooted in the few acres of land outside this gate all his life, and has almost never left this small village.

The year my daughter went to Beijing to go to university, my wife left.Since then, Liu Guoan, who was originally not good at words, has become even more taciturn.

He didn't talk to many people. In order to pay for his daughter's tuition, he was busy working in the fields all day long, bending down and getting up again every day.His only entertainment was the news on the radio after dinner.

He didn't use a smartphone until his daughter got her salary last year.But the high technology of this new era is nothing more than a more convenient radio in his hands.

Lord Grim heard that, in order to ask this person clearly, if he was recruited into the palace, he would have no chance, so Lord Grim came to the stage to defeat him.Tang Jun meets Jun Moxiao under the ring. , He Ergou and Ji Xuan hurriedly stopped him after he stepped down, and wanted to ask him clearly, but unexpectedly this person was also a son of a rich family, who had lost the opportunity to be a son-in-law, and was in a bad mood, unwilling to speak.After repeated questioning, he ordered the dozen or so thugs he had brought with him to attack He Ergou violently.But since she was a child, she didn't dare to get angry with her father, so she agreed, but secretly turned down her job in Beijing, passed the assessment of the village hospital, and successfully became an intern doctor.

At first, she didn't have the courage to tell her father about it, so she had to live in the dormitory provided by the hospital.Later, because of his excellent professional skills, Liu Qingren quickly ended his internship period, and also received praise from his colleagues and leaders.

Only then did she dare to tell Liu Guoan that she had become a doctor in the village hospital.Liu Guoan knew that her daughter had "strength" since she was a child, and no one can change what she decides.

He Ergou fought against so many people by himself, and had to protect Ji Xuan. He was at a disadvantage at that time. Beat the gang all at once.Only then did the man tell the truth. It turned out that the marksmanship was taught by a martial artist whom he found at home when he was a child. The man is about 70 years old now, and his martial arts are also very strong.It seems to be in the valley of a thousand deaths.But no one knows where the valley is today.

King Xin seemed to be in a good mood. He chatted and laughed with the four people during the dinner. They talked a lot. After the dinner, King Xin seemed to be tipsy. After arranging the servants to send the four people back to their residence, he went back to rest.

It was Ye Weiyang who sent the four of them a few steps, but also went back to rest early.

The four of them were supported by the servants and went back to their respective guest rooms. As expected by Ling Xuzi, these servants seemed to have come with a mission.

After the four of them went back to their rooms and turned off the lights, the servants still did not leave for a long time, Ling Xuzi tapped lightly on the wall a few times, which was the secret signal set by the four before the dinner.

After these sounds, a few silver needles were shot out from Tang Jun's room with a few "shoo-shoo", and they were accurately shot into each servant's front top point. Before they could make a sound, they fell into a coma and collapsed on the ground. land.

After Ling Xuzi listened carefully, there was no sound of breathing from anyone outside the door, so he slowly pushed the door open and walked out of the courtyard.

The four of them had already arrived in the courtyard, and their guest room happened to be at the southernmost part of the palace, as long as they climbed over this wall, they could leave the palace.

After reconfirming that there was no one around, the three of them took Ji Xuan and jumped over the wall with lightness kung fu. At this time, the four of them did not have a horse, and with Ji Xuan who did not know martial arts, they could not use lightness kung fu to hurry.

Sure enough, before the four of them escaped far, they were overtaken by the guards of the palace riding tall horses, more than a dozen guards surrounded the four of them, the leading guard urged the horse to take a few steps forward, and said loudly: "Why did you leave without saying goodbye? "

Ling Xuzi sneered and said: "Your prince has ulterior motives and wants to kill us, why don't we leave?"

The guard slowly drew out his long knife, and said with a sinister smile, "Since you already know, then stop talking nonsense..."

Before he could say a word, the seven-star dart in Tang Jun's hand pierced his throat.

The other guards couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the sudden death of their leader. Taking advantage of their stunned moment, Ling Xuzi and Lord Grim suddenly used Qing Kung Fu and rushed away from the left and right, knocking out five guards in the blink of an eye. .

Ordinary bodyguards were not enough to fight these three people. At this time, before all the bodyguards could make a move, one person died and five were injured. The rest of the bodyguards were all frightened. Dare to move forward.

Ling Xuzi said loudly: "You have no grievances or enmities with us. You are also on duty. I don't want to hurt your lives. Why don't you go back now."

The rest of the guards looked at me, I looked at you, and couldn't make up their minds for a while. In fact, the order they got before riding out was not to kill these four people, but...

Suddenly, a very sinister voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Four distinguished guests, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Weiyang stepped out and stood in front of everyone.

Ling Xuzi and the others were shocked. They originally thought that King Xin's intention was to prevent Ye Youyuan from marrying Lord Grim, and he sent only ordinary guards. Even if the four of them could not be killed, at least they would never be killed. Dare to approach the palace again.

But at this moment, it seems that the order given by these guards is just to delay them, and the one who really wants to kill them is Ye Weiyang in front of him.

Ye Weiyang changed her previous calm appearance in the palace, but smiled wildly and said, "Didn't expect me to come, did you? Let me tell you a secret..."

Ye Weiyang's voice suddenly became erratic: "Actually, my father just wants to drive you away, and it is my own decision to kill you."

When this sentence was finished, Ye Weiyang had already passed by and put a hand on Tang Jun's shoulder.

Ling Xuzi couldn't help being shocked, even Mu Jianzhu couldn't be so fast that he couldn't detect it, why did the man in front of him move behind them all without him knowing it.

Tang Jun also didn't notice Ye Weiyang's movement, when he suddenly put his hand on Tang Jun's shoulder, Tang Jun was startled and threw a dart at Ye Weiyang's face.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for Ye Weiyang to turn his head to dodge the dart, Tang Jun had already dodged away, used Qinggong to jump up high, and suddenly waved the black cloak on his body. Hidden weapons like raindrops fell from the sky, covering Ye Weiyang.

Ever since Tang Jun joined the team, whenever he passed through towns, he had to buy some hidden weapons as supplies, but so far he has never used this trick.

Although this move is amazingly powerful, it will lose a lot of hidden weapons every time it is used, and it will often be inconvenient when it is used next time.

But this time Tang Jun used his final killing move right after the fight, both Ling Xuzi and Lord Grim were shocked.

The two used their internal strength separately, if Ye Weiyang could escape from the sky full of stars, the two would attack at the same time, catching him by surprise.

But seeing such a dense metal storm pouring away, Ye Weiyang did not dodge, but just smiled sinisterly and said: "You are also an upright disciple of a famous family, why do you hang out with such a villain who uses hidden weapons?"

Lord Grim suddenly raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The swift wind of the palm cut off a big tree behind him in an instant, but it didn't hit anyone.One of the sergeants said loudly: "General! There are assassins here!"

Just when someone in the courtyard next to him responded, a person had already entered the courtyard.

Ling Xuzi only took one look, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment: the visitor was about forty years old, with a strong body and a strong body, his brows were full of heroism, his face was weather-beaten, his expression was calm but not angry.

This man is wearing fire cloud armor and a red cloak, as majestic as a god descending to earth.

It must be General Luo Zhao.

Ling Xuzi stared blankly for a long time before he came back to his senses, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, he is the great general of the dynasty, and he has such a majesty. This kind of temperament is indeed not comparable to ordinary people in the martial arts. It is no wonder that Miss Luo has such a heroic spirit." ..."

Luo Zhao walked through the guards, stood in front of Ling Xuzi and Pan Zhentian, and asked, "Who are you?"

Ling Xuzi thought to himself: "Now that the misunderstanding has arisen, we can no longer reveal our identity. It will be troublesome if the general thinks that the martial arts world is full of evil people..."

Ling Xuzi was taken aback by Lord Grim's sudden attack. When he looked back, he saw Lord Grim staring at his back very vigilantly, but he couldn't see any enemies.

When Ling Xuzi was about to open his mouth to ask, he felt a gust of wind behind him, and hurriedly slashed out with a sword. This sword was taken from a disciple of the Huashan School before. The simplest move is the nameless swordsmanship.

Slashed with a sword, but found that there was nothing behind him, there was no shadow of Ye Weiyang, turned around to look at Tang Jun, hundreds of hidden weapons were all stuck on the ground, it seemed that not even a single person was hit.

Ling Xuzi felt cold sweat on his back in an instant, he seemed to understand why Lord Grim suddenly slapped backwards, in the current situation, if Ye Weiyang's martial arts were not so strong that they could beat them without them noticing. If they move, they are hallucinating.

Ling Xuzi used lightness kung fu to protect Ji Xuan who was hiding on the side. Originally, the three of them let Ji Xuan hide here. If Ye Weiyang made a move on her, all three of them could return to defense in time. . . .

But now it seems that with Ye Weiyang's ability, even if he suddenly kills Ji Xuan, they may not be able to detect it in time.

Ling Xuzi held his sword across his chest and looked around as if facing a formidable enemy. The internal energy in his body was already in chaos.

At this time, Ji Xuan suddenly said quietly: "Brother He, Ye Weiyang..."

(End of this chapter)

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