I am a hero in online games

Chapter 198 Strengthening

Chapter 198 Strengthening
What I want to talk about today is just some of my own writing thoughts, and I hope it will be helpful to some newcomers to writing.

Let's talk about how to prevent Calvin:
One, adequate preparation.

(1) For newcomers, there is no rush to write, but a front-end preparation.

From the name, introduction to the conception of the full text, you must be aware of whether the text is time-travel, fictional, fantasy, novice, or sad and sad.

(2) The full text must have a main line and cannot be scattered.

Some articles are very good in the early stage, but become more scattered later on. The further you go, the less you know what to write. Then the article becomes very stuck and there is no clue at all.

So before writing, you can give an outline. For novices, the outline is very important. The main line, sub-line, protagonist, supporting role, and interspersed plots.

(3) Don’t write more articles. In fact, these things have been used badly by people, and they are just a skeleton, but they should be melted into your own flesh and blood to form your own style of article.

For example, the Xinlongmen Inn in the martial arts novels personally opposes more writing (of course, it doesn't matter when the newcomers become god-level characters).

It has been set like this in the book, but it is still very popular. I am his admirer, and every time I read it, my blood boils, so the heroine in my book can do martial arts, and she has entered the rivers and lakes.
Novices are best not to write too many articles, just concentrate on writing an article, and if you have nothing to do, you can choose a few good books to enrich yourself and expand your thinking.

(4) If you choose Xiaobaiwen, you can choose a few excellent Xiaobaiwen to read to see what are the characteristics of those articles that attract readers, such as Xia Guanghan's "Child Concubine" and Yingluo's "Evil Witch".

There are many specific things in Xiaobaiwen, such as drugging, framing, jumping off a cliff, and swinging. These plots that can be used in the first place, how wonderfully they are in your hands, constitute your own style, and some people are afraid of the same .

For example, in martial arts novels, obtaining peerless magical skills, falling into caves, and adventures are all specific plots of martial arts, and the experience of Jin Yong's old-timer.

If, as a novice, you understand and understand these subtleties, then you are considered successful.

(5) If you choose to abuse the text, I suggest you to read Hu Li's "Leng Jun Ye Concubine", Anxiang's "Abused Concubine", purple "Endless", and "Leng Gong De Concubine" by Dancing with the Clouds are all very beautiful text.

Abuse articles are read by people with strong tastes, just like people who like spicy food. There are four basic points of abuse in abuse articles.

([-]), nurturing, concubine, plaything, lover, destroys the protagonist's heart, deprives her of self-esteem, the protagonist fights against her, and is unyielding. At this time, the heroine is quite sympathetic. It worked.

([-]) In the performance, the male lead performs the intimacy with the female lead in front of the female lead, tender and affectionate, affectionate, kissing me, this time not only provokes the anger of the female lead, but also provokes the reader's anger Angry, the more angry they are, the more successful the abuse of literature is.

([-]) Slap, this is the most common trick, and you will never get tired of it. When the male protagonist in the abuse novel is angry, he will definitely slap the female protagonist’s mouth. If the female protagonist can still look down on the male protagonist after being slapped Lord, don't be afraid that if the corners of the mouth bleed a little more, and if the eyes are a little more hateful, some readers will want to smash the computer.

([-]) Abortion, this is the most unacceptable to readers. The hero actually forced the heroine to have an abortion. He even boiled the medicine himself, squeezed the heroine's chin, poured the medicine into it, and then watched the child bleed a little bit. At this time, some people will call the hero a beast, and most people will ask to change the hero, and there will be a lot of quarrels in the text. At this time, the author should not worry, just make a noise, the more the noise, the more the flames, the texts are all quarrels, some people Do you see the unremarkable simmer below?
Abuse literature is a kind of literature with a relatively high number of subscriptions, because most of the people who read it are college students and housewives. These people are basically members. If you can create success, you are not afraid that no one will subscribe.

(6) If you choose NP texts, the lazy divorced "Fengyu Jiulong", and the fragrant and famous "Dancer Ten Husbands", these NP texts, even the names can see the characteristics of NP, the click rate is very high, everyone You can take a serious look.

The NP text is a female and N male. In the NP text, the heroine must be very strong. The male protagonist must have a distinctive personality, and the most taboo is ambiguous. It just looks like a few men. This place is a failure. If you want the male protagonist to have a distinctive personality, Possibly strengthening his character by contrasting the two traits.

For example, cold and gentle, the hero is cruel to other people, but gentle to the heroine alone.

Black-bellied and shy, the male protagonist is dark-bellied and powerful, but because of some unintentional small actions of the female protagonist, he shows a little shyness, then this character becomes distinct.

In NP texts, females are stronger, but males are stronger, increasing in order, black-bellied, cruel, gentle, and violent. NP texts highlight emotional entanglements, which must be entangled. Some texts are very flat and not entangled. , Emotion itself is entanglement, how can a non-entangled article hold readers back.

(7), strong female characters, female strong characters have one thing in common with NP. The female protagonist is very strong. Many people have created strong female protagonists, but the male protagonist is not strong. As a result, some readers say that no man is worthy of the female protagonist, so In other words, no matter which kind of novel, the male protagonist must be strong, but in the female strong novel, the female protagonist is not a submissive type, and will fight back and fight against the male protagonist.

The heroine of the female strong novel should be arrogant, cold, and powerful. Basically, they are all strong in martial arts, good in poison, good in medicine, close to omnipotent, and rarely wronged. What is attractive about this type of novel is The female protagonist often covers up the light of the male protagonist, so you must control it when writing.

I recommend everyone to watch Apple's <Mini Goddess Doctor>, as well as the heroine of Xia Guanghan's <Wildness>, whose character is quite brilliant, as well as the currently serialized <Underworld Queen>, the heroine's character is also attractive of.

Strong female essay is a kind of essay with relatively high impact. This kind of essay has a contrast, that is, there are often intense scenes. When it is written in a gentle place, some readers will think it is too flat and monotonous, so the next chapter will You can put a popular male supporting role out, and it will increase Wen's popularity.

(8) Red Mansions, Xiaoxiang currently has another type of literature, Red Mansions. If someone likes Red Mansions, you can also start preparing here. Red Mansions can be said to be a relatively safe type of literature, and the possibility of entering V is quite high. Because Red Mansion has a relatively stable group of readers who enjoy it endlessly, it is best to choose fictional stories about Red Mansion, which makes it easier to start writing.

Jun Huanfeng is the master of the classics in Red Mansions. The number of Red Mansions she wrote is both beautiful and eye-catching, and she has a deep reputation among Red Mansion readers. "The Legend of Daiyu" and "Water Pity Daiyu's Delicate Melting Heart" by Canghai Mingzhu is being serialized. These Red Chamber essays can be called classics.

At present, there are several major categories in Xiaoxiang, Xiaobaiwen, sadistic writing, NP writing, strong female writing, as well as the grand debut of Yan Huanwen and Red Mansion Writing. Novices can start from these aspects.

These are the preliminary preparations, which are very important. A good name can increase click-through rate, a good profile can increase favorites, and a good content can increase subscriptions. As for how to choose a good name and profile, the first lesson God Xia Guanghan has already said it, the author who hasn't read it can go to the circle to read it, there is a transcript.

Second, the plot of the card.

(1) Sometimes when I sit in front of the computer, I can’t think of how to write the next plot. At this time, don’t sit in front of the computer all the time to make yourself distressed.

If this goes on for a long time, you will lose confidence in the text. You can make a pot of tea, listen to songs, or go for a walk outside, thinking about the plot while walking.

(2) Have the habit of bringing a small notebook, and you must write down what you think of at ordinary times. Sometimes inspiration comes, and the plot is particularly good, so write it down immediately.

Some people are careless, so it can only be said that these people are just for fun, so there is no need to be so serious, because some unexpected ideas can increase the popularity of your article, and maybe your article will become a hit.

(3) Before writing a chapter, if you can’t remember what to write next, you can look back at the previous two chapters to ensure the coherence of the full text.

For some articles, readers will respond incoherently, which means that the connection of the article is not good. If you find a suggestion from the reader, you can adjust it immediately. spread out.

(4) If the direction of the full text is a little vague, because they are all novices and the text is too long, many people will encounter this problem. At this time, you can reorganize the outline to ensure that it is fresh and fresh.

(5) Watch TV more if you have nothing to do, and get inspiration from TV. There are wonderful and good shots on TV that can be used in the article. We can make good use of it and give full play to it to achieve the effect we want.

(6) Transform yourself into the protagonist in the article. In meditation, you are the person in the article, and the person in the article is you. What will you do next? The advantage of doing this is that the article is very realistic and full.

Three, card words.

(1) There are few words, some people will think about the plot, and the preliminary preparation is also good.

But I just don’t know how to use words to describe the scene better and attract readers. This phenomenon belongs to the problem of poor words.

(2) People who are stuck with words need to be optimistic about good writing, and they can also read more books of prose nature. Here I recommend everyone to read Song Ci. The sentences of Song Ci are quite beautiful, giving people a gorgeous feeling, which can be improved Application, especially suitable for authors who write ancient Chinese.

(3) For example, in the first sentence of "Qing Ping Le", the golden wind is gentle, and the leaves and phoenix trees fall.

When we think of this sentence, we will describe that in autumn, the cool breeze blows and the leaves of the sycamore trees fall one after another.

(4) You should also read the idiom dictionary appropriately, because many beautiful words come from the dictionary, such as, the beauty of the country, the beauty of the eyebrows, the ice skin, the flawless white walls, etc. Of course, the more you see these, the better. .

(5) Good words can achieve a foiling effect, sometimes even if the person is not written, it can be described through words.

Then you will know how a person is in a good or bad mood, or what is going to happen?

For example, the setting sun was slanting, the green grass was luxuriant, the light wind pierced through the window and blew out the oil lamp, and the night rain hit her ears on the empty steps. She lay on the bed and could not sleep.

Seeing this paragraph, although it is all described in words, it very well highlights the psychology of a woman who cannot sleep.

Look at this paragraph again, the night is quiet, the clouds are calmly rolling in the sky, the moon is shining like water, the sparse flowers are wearing the wind and moon, holding the mist, blooming alone, he stands in the hazy moonlight, holding a jade in his hand. Xiao played a moving note.

This paragraph is also a description of words, vaguely mentioning that someone is sleeping, but the artistic conception is wonderful, mysterious and thought-provoking. At this time, many people will think that the person who died must be a peerless immortal. Man, so sometimes words still have some use.

(6) Words can be continuously accumulated, so we can study while writing and learn what we need from different books. Only by reading more and learning will we continue to make progress and not be eliminated by online articles. .

(7) If you want to have good words, you must become the protagonist and understand through your senses, what kind of words you use at this time to feel the state of mind of the protagonist, when, where, and what kind of scene around you.

For example, if the protagonist is in a busy city and he is standing on the street at this time, it is easy to think of words such as shops, vendors, and people coming and going on the street.

The above is how to prevent stuck text. Although it is not enough, I hope it will be of some use to novices. Let’s talk about how to quickly code text.

In fact, as long as there is no text jam, basically everyone can quickly code text. The reason why it is not fast is precisely because of the text jam.

Two: How to quickly code text?

(1) There are two reasons for the speed of the code text, one is that the mind cannot calm down, and the other is that the speed is too slow.

Let me first talk about people who can't calm down.

Regarding the inability to settle down, in fact, this is due to the nature of women. Women’s concentration is not as strong as that of men. This is a characteristic of women. Sitting in front of the computer and looking around, there is not a word.

We can slowly develop a habit of recognition. The beauty of women is that once a habit of recognition is formed, it is difficult to change.

So at the beginning, we can set a code time for ourselves, one hour, or even half an hour, and concentrate on the code text. If you often limit it, there will be a pattern, and you will get used to it slowly, and you will settle down. .

Sometimes I can’t make up my mind because I always have to chat with people, so I quit QQ and concentrate on writing.

Or find someone to spell, this is a good way, it can stimulate endurance, but you must find someone with a similar speed to spell, don't look for someone who spells [-] words an hour, and yourself [-] words an hour, this will be a disaster. When hit, it becomes even more negative.

(2) People who code words slowly.

For those who are slow to code, if they have prepared well in the early stage, their concentration is fine, but if the speed cannot be improved, then they need to practice more.

But if you want to be popular or good, then you have to practice hard. One of the great advantages for novices is that code words can quickly accumulate popularity.

If you are a novice, and you have [-] yards per day, many people are impatient. When the article is about to end, you don’t know how many people are reading it.People have lost confidence long ago, so strike while the iron is hot.

Isn't there a good saying?If there is no credit and hard work, at least some readers can be kept.

Of course, some authors want to say, my article is [-] yards, and people are willing to wait, so I want to say, if you add more yards, then you will become popular, isn’t it good to be popular?

People who are slow to code can also record the plot they want to write first, or write down the general plot, and then type it slowly. This kind of gradual and gradual cycle will make practice perfect. After typing a lot, it will be natural Soon.

The above are some of Xiaoxiao's writing experience, which may be helpful for novices. If it is a god-level character, thank you for your support.

The second part of question interaction
1 Will fast codewords affect the quality of the text?

No, think about the plot, set it up first, and then code
2. If your writing gets stuck for a while, and then recovers gradually, but finds that it deviates from the original direction, what should you do?

Then re-adjust the outline, everyone's writing will not be the same
3 What should I do if I can't grasp the character and plot transition under the pursuit of speed?
Isn't there any preliminary preparation?Set up the character's personality, complete the plot, and then quickly code the text.

4 How can I keep my passion for writing and my initial motivation to write?

Don't stay in front of the computer all day. When you are thinking about the plot, you can take a walk, listen to music, and then write down the plot in a small book. This can ensure excitement without getting bored.

5 Is Cavin easier to overcome for a writer with good writing skills?
It depends on whether the writing is stuck or the plot is stuck. People with good writing skills may also be stuck with the plot. Plot and writing are two different things

6Will the fast code text be of great help to the improvement of the writing style, or will the quality decrease?How to quickly code text while maintaining quality.

Quick coding and writing improvement are two different things, and it does not affect the quality of the text. To ensure the quality of the text, first set the plot, and then code the text.

7 About writing some novels based on the background and characters of existing ancient novels, how can I quickly code the novels?
As long as you practice your writing, you can quickly code.
8 How to determine the main line of the article, how to expand an idea into a novel with flesh and blood.

The main line is what kind of storyline you want to write, and then fill in the details, which is a flesh and blood article.

9 It is inevitable that there are some omissions after the quick code text, and you will make up after you find it?

This is what you usually pay attention to. Prepare a small notebook at any time, write down the key points, and check at any time. If there is anything left, don’t look back.

10 Do you really need any pens to write online articles?Just plot?I feel that I pursue the delicacy of the text, but I am criticized for whitewashing it with rhetoric, and I am very confused.

Not too gorgeous, but appropriate. Just like when we dress, we don’t seek to be gorgeous, but appropriate.
11 Will listening to music affect my writing?Or is it better to eliminate all interference?

This varies from person to person. Some people like to listen to music, while others like to be quiet. It depends on which one you like. You must choose a path that suits you.

12 Master, may I ask, as a newcomer, how many words per day is the most appropriate?Thanks
The more the better, but there is no such possibility, at least [-] words
13 Many external things will affect the quality and speed of writing. Is there any good way to concentrate?
Eliminate external factors, this is your own business, right?
14 How to enrich my writing, sometimes I feel as if I don’t know what to write, and I will explain the matter in a few words

First of all, there must be enough plot, and then the writing style should be modified, so that it is complete. Because there is no plot, it is thin and can only be explained in a few sentences.

15 speed, is it related to typing speed

16 How to write an outline?Sometimes the plot is always well thought out, and I don’t know how to write the outline. If possible, Xiaoxiao can provide us with the format for our reference?

When writing an outline, you can write down a story completely. Currently Xiaoxiao does not have a format, but I can show it to you.

17 Excuse me, how to practice the speed of code words?Kingsoft Typing is really boring, is there any good way?
Typing is boring, don’t rush it for a while, typing is a basic skill, there is no quick way, but as long as the writing time is long, it will be fast
18 Can you give me an example of a strong woman and a strong man, and how to act opposite her?

The woman looked at the man coldly, and the man smiled arrogantly: "Don't you want to escape from my palm?
19 Can you recommend a few books for Kayan Ci? I don’t know what book to read?

Read Tang poetry, Song Ci, and prose, which can improve the modification of words
20 How to control the trend of the text to deviate from the documentary
The main line cannot move, and if it moves, it will lose control of its direction

21 If you know how to write later, but you are always stuck on the details.what to do?
Put yourself in the shoes and think, if you are the person in the text, how to deal with this small detail, now the person in the text is you, and you become the protagonist, then you know how to do it.

22 How to deal with mood

If it’s a V article, it’s normal. Don’t be in a bad mood. If it’s a new article, you must find the reason. If you can’t code it, you can go out and relax. Don’t always think about the article.
23 May I ask how to write the plot of two people getting along, besides dialogue, character description and psychological description?How to express the protagonist's mood in words?

Words and deeds can reveal the mood of the protagonist, even the surrounding scenes can be displayed, hazy and beautiful.

24 Every time I get stuck in the dialogue between the hero and the heroine, I don’t know why but I think the dialogue is super difficult to write. Is there any way to solve it?

You need to read more good books about this, and how would you say these words if you were the hero and heroine, but it is recommended to read more good books.

25 When writing an essay, I suddenly found that the words used are almost the same, how to solve it
This shows that you belong to the category with relatively few words. Reading more Song Ci can help you improve.

26 When writing a novel, it is easy for us to shape the protagonist into our ideal character. But at the beginning, it is okay, but later on, the protagonist will be somewhat similar to the author himself (I think so, at least I am). How to control this situation? What happened?
It doesn’t matter, every article will incorporate the author’s personality, but you have to write out your own cute side, let’s hide those bloody and bloody sides, okay?

27 How to control the primary and secondary characters so that readers don’t seem confused

This is the reason why the characters have distinct personalities. It is necessary to set the protagonist with two mixed personalities, so that the protagonist can be highlighted. For example, the male protagonist is black-bellied and gentle, so that the primary and secondary are separated, and the supporting role does not need to be so Pay attention.

28. How to overcome the plain writing without climax and ups and downs, and how to make it detailed and appropriate?

Then you have to set the climax, you have to understand what kind of text you are writing, abuse text, abuse is the climax, female strong text, a strong heroine fighting against a defeated female supporting role is high strength, so that the details can be properly detailed Now, we must understand what the climax of a text is.

29 How wonderfully written the rivalry between the hero and heroine is, it is interesting.How to make the love between the hero and heroine not feel too fake.

Whether it is in the book or in reality, it must be sincere, and sincere feelings will be attractive. For example, two people have experienced life and death.
30 How to introduce the scene is similar to a monologue

Don’t have too many scenes, as too much will be a burden, just be appropriate and just describe the surroundings accordingly.
31 Xiaoxiao how to find inspiration for himself?Is there a time for Calvin?
I wrote down the plot early, so I won’t get stuck. As for inspiration, as long as you are in a good mood, you will have it, so you have to keep a happy mood, but if you have inspiration, you have to write it down, and you can’t let it go
32How to avoid the phenomenon of unfamiliar characters in the writing process?

That means the characters are thin. You can write more fully from the characters’ demeanor, words and deeds, to appearance, and you will be familiar with it.

33. How to divide a small chapter into several parts? How to prepare the scene to become a whole chapter? How to distribute the dialogue scenes described in this chapter.

scene, description, final dialogue

How to control the process and highs and lows of 34 essays
Where there are highs, there are lows. If you divide the highs into equal parts, for example, what happens in one place, there are highs and lows, and then when you go to the same place, you can't use all the highs in one place. Then How do you write the following?
35 How to describe the male protagonists, because they are all excellent, sometimes they are described too well, and it feels difficult to choose.But what I insist on writing is one-on-one.

Then strengthen one, magnify his advantages, and use some flaws to highlight the unwanted male supporting role in the later stage, that's all.

36 How to make the male protagonist appear overbearing and perverted without making the readers disgusted, let alone make the readers replace the second male lead with the first male lead.

In fact, you can write the male lead as domineering and abnormal in the early stage, and write him miserable in the later stage. Women are soft-hearted, so they will not ask to change the male lead.

How to pave the way for the gentle climax in the article 37 How many words should be controlled in the chapters of the climax?

The gentle chapters should be more compact, and the climax should be longer. The gentle and the climax have the same starting point, so it will be close. You can’t make the climax and the gentle part two storylines, and then you won’t be able to connect
38 Also, if you have an overall writing direction for a topic but don’t know how many words you can write, how can you calculate the word count?

Why do you need to calculate the word count? In fact, the word count is as much as you want to write. Many people determine how many words to write based on subscription. The number of words is more, and the same is true if you want to write less

There are more than 396 million words, and I haven't grown up yet. I'm only 12 years old. Is this considered slow?

The important thing is to see if the writing in the front is very exciting. If it is wonderful, it is not written after being too slow, because some people like to read it. If the writing is not good, then grow up quickly.
(End of this chapter)

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